#' Classify the pseudo and true ORF candidates derived from RNA molecules
#' @description Clussify the pseudo and true ORF candidates.
#' @param ORFLncRNAs the oject of the class list of non-coding pseudo ORFs.
#' @param ORFmRNAs the oject of the class list of coding true ORFs.
#' @param pLearn probability threshold for the "traing" class of ORFs.
#' Default value is 0.75.
#' @param nTrees nuber of the decision trees in randomForest.
#' Default value is 500.
#' @param modelRF character string giving the name of RDS-file to store
#' the classification model. NULL by default.
#' @param workDir character string giving the path to and name of work
#' directory. NULL by default that mean the current working directory.
#' @param showAccuracy logic TRUE or FALSE. Use TRUE for print accuracy metrics.
#' Default value is FALSE
#' @return The classificator object of the class randomForest.
#' @author Mikalai M. Yatskou
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' clt <- classifyORFsCandidates(ORFLncRNAs, ORFmRNAs)
#' }
#' @export
#' @import Biostrings BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 Peptides
#' @import data.table stringr randomForest rtracklayer
#' @import xfun parallel
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats aggregate predict
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @useDynLib ORFhunteR
classifyORFsCandidates <- function(ORFLncRNAs,
pLearn = 0.75,
nTrees = 500,
modelRF = NULL,
workDir = NULL,
showAccuracy = FALSE){
### Vectorizing ORFs.
ORFLncRNAs <- DNAStringSet(x = do.call(what=rbind, args=ORFLncRNAs))
ORFLncRNAsVctd <- vectorizeORFs(ORFLncRNAs)
ORFmRNAs <- DNAStringSet(do.call(rbind, ORFmRNAs))
ORFmRNAsVctd <- vectorizeORFs(x = ORFmRNAs)
### Making the ORF dataset for classification.
NL <- dim(x=ORFLncRNAsVctd)[1]
Nm <- dim(x=ORFmRNAsVctd)[1]
dataset <- rbind(ORFLncRNAsVctd, ORFmRNAsVctd)
Labels <- c(rep(x=2, times=NL), rep(x=3, times=Nm))
dataset <- cbind(dataset, Labels)
### Calssification of ORFs by randomForest.
D <- dim(x=dataset)
NRNAs <- D[1]
NFtrs <- D[2]
## Forming the learning and testing datasets.
LearnSize <- pLearn * D[1]
# set.seed(1)
IndexesLearn <- sample(x=1:D[1], size=LearnSize)
dataLearn <- dataset[IndexesLearn, ]
dataTestCls <- dataset[-IndexesLearn, ]
dataTest <- dataTestCls[, -NFtrs]
dataTemp <- dataLearn
dataTemp$Labels <- NULL
clt <- randomForest(dataTemp, factor(dataLearn$Labels))
## Learning dataset.
e <- clt$confusion
TP <- e[1, 1] #True positive
FN <- e[2, 1] #False negative
FP <- e[1, 2] #False positive
TN <- e[2, 2] #True negative
A <- (TP + TN)/(TP + TN + FP + FN)
P <- TP/(TP + FP)
R <- TP/(TP + FN)
F1 <- (2 * TP)/(2 * TP + FP + FN)
message("Training dataset\n")
message("Accuracy:", A, "\nPrecision rate:", P,
"\nRecall:", R, "\nThe score F1:", F1, "\n")
## Test dataset.
e <- table(predict(object = clt, newdata = dataTest),
factor(x = dataTestCls$Labels))
TP <- e[1, 1]
FN <- e[2, 1]
FP <- e[1, 2]
TN <- e[2, 2]
A <- (TP + TN)/(TP+ TP + FP + FN)
P <- TP/(TP + FP)
R <- TP/(TP + FN)
F1 <- (2 * TP)/(2 * TP + FP + FN)
message("Test dataset\n")
message("Accuracy:", A, "\nPrecision rate:", P,
"\nRecall:", R, "\nThe score F1:", F1, "\n")
### Saving the classification model into the RDS-file.
## Full path to the file.
if (!is.null(x = modelRF)){
if (!is.null(x=workDir)){
saveRDS(object=clt, file=paste(workDir, modelRF, sep="/"))
} else{
saveRDS(object=clt, file=modelRF)
### Returning a final object of class randomForest.
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