#' Load data
#' @param experimentDesign a data Frame that contains minimum a column with the files direction (name of the column files) and another with a shorter name to be used inside the function.
#' @param rigidity an integer number specifying the rigidity parameter to be used.
#' @param nstates the number of states to be fitted in the model. A standard setting would use 3 states (Homozygous1, Heterozygous, and Homozygous2).
#' @param seqlengths a named vector with the chromosome lenghts of the organism that the user is working with.
#' @param verbose logical value. Whether to print info messages.
#' @return RTIGER object
#' @usage generateObject(experimentDesign = NULL,nstates = 3, rigidity=NULL,
#' seqlengths = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#' @examples
#' data("ATseqlengths")
#' path = system.file("extdata", package = "RTIGER")
#' files = list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
#' nam = sapply(list.files(path ), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, split = "[.]"))[1])
#' expDesign = data.frame(files = files, name = nam)
#' names(ATseqlengths) = paste0("Chr", 1:5)
#' myres = generateObject(experimentDesign = expDesign,
#' seqlengths = ATseqlengths,
#' rigidity = 10
#' @export generateObject
generateObject = function(experimentDesign = NULL, nstates = 3, rigidity = NULL, seqlengths = NULL, verbose = TRUE){
if( is.null(experimentDesign) ){
stop("No file information found!")
if(is.null(rigidity)) stop("No rigidity information added. Please, select a rigidity value.\n")
if(is.null(seqlengths)) stop("Chromosome lengths are mandatory in order to know the genome length. Please, add chromosome length as a vector.\n")
if(verbose) cat("Using", nstates, "states for fitting.\n")
myCol = experimentDesign[, c("files", "name")]
rawGR = sapply(1:nrow(myCol), function(i){
samp = as.character(myCol$files[i])
print(paste("Loading file: ", myCol$files[i]))
f <- read.delim(file =samp, header = FALSE)
f = checkfileColumns(f, samp)
if(!all( f$V1 %in% names(seqlengths))) stop("Seqlength names do not match with seqnames in file. Change seqlength names to proper naming.\n
Your seqnames look like this: ", unique(f$V1),"\n
Yur seqlengths names are: ", names(seqlengths),"\n
We recommendo to change your seqlengths names to: ", unique(f$V1))
myG = GRanges(seqnames = f$V1,
ranges = IRanges(start = f$V2, end = f$V2),
P1.Allele = f$V3,
P1.Allele.Count = f$V4,
P2.Allele = f$V5,
total = f$V6 + f$V4,
seqlengths = seqlengths
myG = sort(myG)
}) # end sapply rawGR
names(rawGR) = myCol$name
obs = lapply(rawGR, function(samp){
chrs = lapply(seqlevels(samp), function(chr){
myG = samp[seqnames(samp) == chr]
p = as.matrix(mcols(myG[, c("P1.Allele.Count", "total")]))
colnames(p) = c("paternal", "total")
# p[p[,"total"] == 0,] = NA
p = t(p)
colnames(p) = paste(seqnames(myG), start(myG), sep = "_")
names(chrs) = seqlevels(samp)
info = create_info(obs)
params = generate_params(rigidity = rigidity, nstates = nstates)
myObj <- .RTIGER(matobs = obs, params = params, info = info, Viterbi = rawGR, Probabilities = list(), num.iter = 0)
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