# Project: repotools
# Author: renaud
# Created: Jul 18, 2014
#' Parsing netrc files
#' Parses an netrc file in different ways and return the credential specifications it contains.
#' Entries in the netrc file can be associated to R repositories, which are looked up
#' by \code{install.pkgs} via \code{\link{repos_url}}, by adding a comment line
#' to a standard entry the following format:
#' \preformatted{
#' # standard host credential entry
#' machine www.somehost.org
#' login tata
#' password toto
#' #repos @@myRepo/a/b/c
#' machine www.myrepo.org
#' login user
#' password 1234
#' }
#' The first entry is standard and provide credentials for a named host.
#' The second entry starts with \code{'#repos '}, which indicates it is an entry for an R repository
#' with shortcut key (\code{'@@myRepo'}) and an -- optional -- path
#' to the actual repository on the host machine \code{'www.myrepo.org'}.
#' Note that it is not mandatory to start the repository entry key with a \code{'@@'}, but it makes it clearer
#' that the first part of the path is a key to be substituted rather than being part of the path.
#' @param x path or connection to an netrc file.
#' Default is to look for file \code{'.netrc'} into the user's home directory.
#' @param std indicates if the file should be parsed as a standard netrc file (\code{TRUE}),
#' searched for R repository specifications (see \emph{Details}) (\code{FALSE}),
#' or if entries associated with R repositories should be skipped (\code{NA}).
#' @param line.number logical that indicates if the starting and ending line number of each
#' credential definition should also be returned.
#' @param quiet logical that indicates if the function should return \code{NULL} if the file is not found,
#' or throw an error.
#' @return a character matrix with one row per credential and columns \code{'machine'}, \code{'login'}
#' and \code{'password'} if \code{std} is \code{TRUE} or \code{NA}, and additional columns
#' \code{'repos'} and \code{'path'} if \code{std = FALSE}.
#' @family auth
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' try( read_netrc() )
#' read_netrc(quiet = TRUE)
#' }
#' # using toy example
#' f <- system.file('netrc', package = 'repotools')
#' if( interactive() ) file.show(f) else cat(readLines(f), sep = "\n")
#' # standard parsing
#' read_netrc(f)
#' read_netrc(f, line.number = TRUE)
#' # parse repo information
#' read_netrc(f, std = FALSE)
#' # skip repo entries
#' read_netrc(f, std = NA)
read_netrc <- function(x = netrc_path(), std = TRUE, line.number = FALSE, quiet = FALSE){
x <- x %||% netrc_path()
if( is.character(x) ){
if( !file.exists(x) ){
if( !quiet ) stop("netrc file '", x, "' does not exist.")
netrc_file <- normalizePath(x)
}else netrc_file <- x
l <- readLines(netrc_file, warn = FALSE)
if( !length(l) ) return()
chunk <- grep("^\\s*$", l)
if( !length(chunk) || tail(chunk, 1L) != length(l) ){
chunk <- c(chunk, length(l)+1)
chunk <- c(0L, chunk)
chunk <- chunk[!chunk %in% (chunk+1)]
if( identical(chunk, 0L) ) return()
fields <- std_fields <- c('machine', 'login', 'password')
comment_pattern <- ''
if( !isTRUE(std) ){
fields <- c(std_fields, 'repos')
comment_pattern <- '#?\\s*'
pattern <- sprintf("^\\s*%s([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)", comment_pattern)
res <- lapply(seq_along(chunk)[-1L], function(i){
# parse each line in the definition
def <- l[seq(chunk[i-1L]+1L, chunk[i]-1L)]
m <- str_match(def, pattern)
def <- setNames(setNames(m[, 3L], m[, 2L])[fields], fields)
# skip entry if associated with a repos
if( is_NA(std) && !is_NA(def['repos']) ) return()
# add trailing path if not standard parsing
if( isFALSE(std) ){
if( is_NA(def['repos']) ){
def['repos'] <- NA #def['machine']
def['path'] <- ''
p <- str_match(unname(def['repos']), '^@?([^ /]+)(/[^ ]+)?')
# def['repos'] <- paste0('@', p[, 2L])
def['repos'] <- p[, 2L]
def['path'] <- p[, 3L]
}else def <- def[std_fields]
# add start/end index
if( line.number ) def[c('start', 'end')] <- c(chunk[i-1L]+1L, chunk[i]-1L)
res <- Filter(length, res)
res <- do.call(rbind, res)
rownames(res) <- res[, 'machine']
# attach file name
attr(res, '.netrc') <- netrc_file
#' @describeIn read_netrc returns the default location of the `.netrc` file.
#' This is by decreasing preference:
#' * defined by global option `netrc_path`
#' * file in current directory
#' * file in the user home directory.
#' @export
netrc_path <- function(){
prefix <- if( .Platform$OS.type == 'windows' ) '_' else '.'
base_file <- paste0(prefix, 'netrc')
in_home <- file.path(Sys.getenv('HOME'), base_file)
in_current <- if( file.exists(base_file) ) base_file
# use option if present
getOption("netrc_path", in_current %||% in_home)
url_credential_split <- function(x){
p <- "^(((https?)|(file))://)?(([^:/]*):([^@:/]*))?((@)?([^/]*))(.*)"
url <- str_match(x, p)
res <- cbind(machine = url[, 11L], login = url[, 7L], password = url[, 8L]
, repos = ifelse(!grepl(".", url[, 11L], fixed = TRUE), url[, 11L], NA)
, path = url[, 12L])
rownames(res) <- names(x)
#' Repository URLs
#' Builds full repository URLs based on shortcut repository keys and host names, adding credentials if necessary.
#' @param repos character vector of repository specifications, either a full URLs,
#' e.g., \code{'http://repo.host.org'} or \code{'file:///path/to/local/repo'}, or
#' using repository shortcut keys, e.g., \code{'@@myRepo/path/to/repo/root'}, which is
#' substituted based on the entries in \code{netrc} file.
#' @param ... other repository specification appended to \code{repos}.
#' @param .netrc path or connection to a \emph{netrc} file, which is looked up for
#' matching repository/host entries.
#' Default is to look for file \code{'.netrc'} in the user's home directory.
#' Repository and host credential entries are defined in an \emph{netrc} file format (see \code{\link{read_netrc}} for more details).
#' Repository shortcut keys start a \code{'@@'}, e.g., \code{'@@myRepo/path/to/repo'} and are substituted by the URL
#' \code{'http://<login>:<password>@@<machine><path>/path/to/repo'}, where \emph{<machine>}, \emph{<path>},
#' \emph{<login>} and \code{<password>} are taken from the matched \emph{netrc} specification.
#' Regular hosts are also matched against the \emph{netrc} specification to add credentials if necessary.
#' @family auth
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # appending to default repos
#' repos_url('+')
#' repos_url('+http://another.repo.org')
#' # using toy example
#' f <- system.file('netrc', package = 'repotools')
#' if( interactive() ) file.show(f) else cat(readLines(f), sep = "\n")
#' # test different substitutions
#' spec <- c('@@myRepo', '@@myRepo/extra/path', 'http://www.public.org'
#' , 'http://www.privatehost.org/repo/dir', '@@CRAN@@')
#' cbind(Specification = spec, URL = repos_url(spec, .netrc = f))
repos_url <- function(repos = getOption('repos'), ..., .netrc = NULL){
x <- c(repos, unlist(list(...), use.names = FALSE))
# check if appending repos to default repos
if( length(grep("^\\+", x)) ){
x <- gsub("^\\+", '', x)
x <- Filter(nzchar, x)
x <- c(getOption('repos'), x)
if( length(i <- which(toupper(x) == '@CRAN@')) ){
if( !interactive() ) x[i] <- 'http://cran.rstudio.com'
else if( !is.na(cran_url <- getOption('repos')['CRAN']) ) x[i] <- cran_url
# Bioconductor
if( length(i <- which(toupper(x) == '@BIOC')) ){
x <- x[-i]
x <- .biocinstallRepos(x)
# Omegahat
if( length(i <- which(toupper(x) == '@OMEGAHAT')) ){
x[i] <- 'http://www.omegahat.org/R'
# load credentials and repo keys from netrc file
if( !is.null(net <- read_netrc(x = .netrc, std = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)) ){
# complete repo or add credentials
#url <- str_match(x, "^(((http)|(file))://)?((@)?([^/]+))(.*)")
url <- url_credential_split(x)
j <- rep(0L, nrow(url))
rkeys <- !is.na(url[, 'repos'])
j[rkeys] <- match(url[rkeys, 'repos'], net[, 'repos'], nomatch = 0L)
j[!rkeys] <- match(url[!rkeys, 'machine'], net[, 'machine'], nomatch = 0L)
url <- url[j>0, , drop = FALSE]
net <- net[j, , drop = FALSE]
x[j>0] <- sprintf("http://%s:%s@%s%s%s", net[, 'login'], net[, 'password'], net[, 'machine'], net[, 'path'], url[, 'path'])
if( length(i <- setdiff(grep("^@", x), which(x == '@CRAN@'))) ){
warning("Some repositories could not be resolved (check .netrc file): ", str_out(x[i], Inf))
x <- x[-i]
override_matrix <- function(x, y){
if( !length(x) ) y
im <- match(rownames(y), rownames(x), nomatch = 0L)
x[im[im>0], ] <- y[im>0, , drop = FALSE]
rbind(x, y[im==0L, , drop = FALSE])
#' CRAN-style Repository Authentication Credentials
#' Gets/sets authentication credentials for CRAN-style.
#' @param ... repository keys or credential specifications
#' @param save indicates if the new credentials are to be saved on disk,
#' by updating in the \code{.netrc} file, or in a cache -- which expires at the end of
#' the \pkg{R} session.
#' It can also be a character string, which then specifies the path where to save the
#' result (cached entries are not written to disk).
#' Use \code{save=""} to print to the console.
#' @param cache specifies how the temporary cached credentials should be
#' loaded:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{NULL} loads both the cache and netrc data, with cache override matching
#' netrc credentials;
#' \item \code{TRUE} loads only the cache data;
#' \item \code{FALSE} loads only the netrc data.
#' }
#' The special value \code{cache = NA} will delete the cache, prior to any other operation.
#' @param exact logical that indicates if the the repository keys should be matched
#' exactly. If \code{FALSE}, then keys are matched independently of possible trailing
#' path specification.
#' @inheritParams repos_url
#' @family auth
#' @export
repos_auth <- local({
.auth_cache <- NULL
function(..., save = FALSE, cache = NULL, exact = FALSE, .netrc = NULL){
x <- list(...)
if( !is.matrix(.netrc) ){
net <- read_netrc(x = .netrc, std = FALSE, line.number = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
}else net <- .netrc
# pre-process netrc data
netrc_file <- attr(net, '.netrc')
if( !is.null(net) ){
net <- net[!is.na(net[, 'repos']), , drop = FALSE]
# extract credential data
auth <- net[, !colnames(net) %in% c('start', 'end'), drop = FALSE]
rownames(auth) <- auth[, 'repos']
# append/override cache
if( is_NA(cache) ){
old <- .auth_cache
.auth_cache <<- NULL
cache <- NULL
# return old cache if nothing else to do
if( !length(x) ) return(invisible(old))
if( isTRUE(cache) ) auth <- .auth_cache
else if( !isFALSE(cache) && !is.null(.auth_cache) && nrow(.auth_cache) ){
auth <- override_matrix(auth, .auth_cache)
# list of auths
if( !length(x) ) return(auth)
if( length(x) == 1L && is.null(names(x)) ) x <- x[[1L]]
# build empty matrix if necessary
if( !length(auth) ){
fields <- c('machine', 'login', 'password', 'repos', 'path')
auth <- matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=length(fields), dimnames = list(NULL, fields))
if( !is.matrix(x) ){
# read access
if( is.null(names(x)) ){
if( exact ) ia <- match(x, auth[, 'machine'])
ix <- pmatch(auth[, 'machine'], x)
ia <- match(seq_along(x), ix)
# force the repos query
irepo <- grep("^((@.+)|([^.]+))$", x)
ia[irepo] <- match(gsub("^@", '', x[irepo]), auth[, 'repos'])
res <- auth[ia, , drop = FALSE]
if( is.matrix(res) ) rownames(res) <- x
# split into a matrix
if( is.list(x) || is.character(x) ){
x[sapply(x, length) == 0L] <- NA
x <- unlist(x)
ok <- !is.na(x)
x <- url_credential_split(x)
# re-format
x[ok, 'machine'] <- paste0(x[ok, 'machine'], x[ok, 'path'])
x[, 'path'] <- gsub("^[^/]+", '', rownames(x))
x[, 'repos'] <- gsub("^([^/]+).*", '\\1', rownames(x))
rownames(x) <- x[, 'repos']
if( !is.matrix(x) )
stop("Unexpected error: invalid processed input [", class(x), "]")
new_auth <- x
old_auth <- repos_auth(unname(rownames(new_auth)), .netrc = net)
# force no credentials
if( length(i_nocred <- which(!nzchar(new_auth[, 'machine']))) ){
new_auth[i_nocred, c('machine', 'path')] <- old_auth[i_nocred, c('machine', 'path')]
# store in cache
if( isFALSE(save) ){
# remove NA flagged rows
if( is.null(.auth_cache) ) .auth_cache <<- new_auth
else .auth_cache <<- override_matrix(.auth_cache, new_auth)
.auth_cache <<- .auth_cache[!is.na(.auth_cache[, 'machine']), , drop = FALSE]
flag_delete <- digest(tempfile())
fields <- c('machine', 'login', 'password')
l <- if( !is.null(netrc_file) ) readLines(netrc_file)
sapply(rownames(new_auth), function(r){
# new entry
new_data <- new_auth[r, ]
to_delete <- is.na(new_data['machine'])
new_entry <- sprintf("#repos @%s%s\n%s", new_data['repos'], new_data['path'], paste0(sprintf("%s %s", fields, new_data[fields]), collapse = "\n"))
if( length(net) && (i <- match(r, net[, 'repos'], nomatch = 0L)) ){
idx <- seq(as.integer(net[i,'start']), as.integer(net[i,'end']))
if( to_delete ){ # delete
l[idx] <<- flag_delete
if( idx[1L] > 1L && !nzchar(l[idx[1L] - 1L]) ) l[idx[1L] - 1L] <<- flag_delete
}else{ # modify
l[idx] <<- flag_delete
l[idx[1L]] <<- new_entry
}else if( !to_delete ){ # add
if( length(l) && nzchar(tail(l, 1L)) ) new_entry <- c("", new_entry)
l <<- c(l, new_entry)
# remove flagged lines
l <- l[l != flag_delete]
# add last empty line
if( length(l) && nzchar(tail(l, 1L)) ) l <- c(l, "")
# update file
if( is.character(save) ) netrc_file <- save
else if( is.null(netrc_file) || !file.exists(netrc_file) ){
netrc_file <- netrc_file %||% netrc_path()
if( askUser(paste0("Your .netrc file [", netrc_file, "] does not exist. Do you want to create it? "), idefault = 'y') != 'y' ){
stop('Aborted saving repository credentials: user did not allowed creation of file ', netrc_file)
action <- if( file.exists(netrc_file) ) 'Updating' else 'Saving'
message(sprintf("%s %s repos credentials in file %s ... ", action, nrow(new_auth), netrc_file), appendLF = FALSE)
cat(l, file = netrc_file, sep = "\n")
# return old value
# match a url with a machine pattern (from extended .netrc file format)
match_url <- function(url, machine, nomatch = NA_integer_, last = TRUE, ignore.protocol = FALSE){
.local <- function(u, m){
u <- tolower(u)
m <- tolower(m)
if( ignore.protocol ){
u <- sub("^[^/]+://", '', u)
m <- sub("^[^/]+://", '', m)
m0 <- m
# escape dots in non-regular expression
regs <- grepl("[*^\\)\\(+?\\$]", m) | grepl("[", m, fixed = TRUE) | grepl("]", m, fixed = TRUE)
m[!regs] <- gsub(".", "\\.", m[!regs], fixed = TRUE)
# allow for prefix if not prevented by leading '//'
extend_i <- grep('^((//)|(\\^))', m, invert = TRUE)
m[extend_i] <- paste0('^([^/]+\\.)?', m[extend_i])
# force exact end math or trailing /
trail_i <- grep("[/\\$]$", m, invert = TRUE)
m[trail_i] <- paste0(m[trail_i], '((/)|$)')
i <- seq_along(m)[sapply(m, grepl, u) | sapply(m, grepl, paste0(u, '/'))]
i <- sort(i)
# return tail or head according to request
if( !length(i) ) nomatch
else if( last ) tail(i, 1L) else head(i, 1L)
sapply(url, .local, machine)
#' Gets URL Authentication Token
#' @param url character vector of URLs
#' @return a character vector of authentication tokens.
#' URLs for which no token was found get `NA` values.
#' @param default default value to use for URLs for which no authentication token
#' can be found.
#' @param quiet logical that indicates to mute messages showing the matched machine
#' authentication
#' @param ... other parmeters passed to internal function `match_url`.
#' @param full logical that indicates if the function should return the full
#' authentication details (machine, login, password) or only the password (i.e., token)
#' @export
url_auth <- function(url, default = NA_character_, quiet = TRUE, ..., full = FALSE){
# process url
stripped_url <- sub("^[^/]+://", '', url)
# load data form .netrc file
netrc <- read_netrc(quiet = TRUE)[, c('machine', 'login', 'password'), drop = FALSE]
# prepend personal authentication token for Github URLs from environment variable GITHUB_PAT (if defined)
if( !is.na(gpat <- Sys.getenv('GITHUB_PAT', unset = NA_character_)) ){
netrc <- rbind(cbind(machine = '.*\\.github\\.com', login = 'GITHUB_PAT', password = gpat)
, netrc)
.local <- function(url, ...){
res <- default
if( full ){
if( !is.null(default) ) res <- setNames(rep(res, 3L), c('machine', 'login', 'password'))
# override with last suitable token from .netrc file (if different from current value)
if( !is.null(netrc) ){
i <- match_url(url, netrc[, 'machine'], last = TRUE, ...)
if( !is.na(i) ){
netrc_token <- netrc[i, 'password']
if( !netrc_token %in% res ){
res <- netrc_token
if( full ) res <- netrc[i, ]
if( !quiet ) message(sprintf("Using .netrc authentication token [%s@%s]", netrc[i, 'login'], netrc[i, 'machine']))
# return result
res <- sapply(setNames(stripped_url, url), .local, ..., simplify = !is.null(default))
if( full ) res <- t(res)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.