context("Test pred_age, makeplot")
test_that("Test invalid input", {
exprdata1 = 1
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = exprdata1, exprtype = "FPKM"))
exprdata2 = matrix(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), 2, 2)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = exprdata2, exprtype = "FPKM"))
exprdata3 = matrix(c(1:8, -1), 3, 3)
rownames(exprdata3) = c("a", "b", "c")
colnames(exprdata3) = c("sample1", "sample2", "sample3")
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = exprdata3, exprtype = "FPKM"))
exprdata4 = data.frame(sample1 = c(1,2,3), sample2 = c("a", "b", "c"),
sample3 = as.factor(c("ctr", "ctr", "trt")))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = exprdata4, exprtype = "FPKM"))
exprdata5 = data.frame(matrix(c(1:8, -1), 3, 3))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = exprdata5, exprtype = "FPKM"))
exprdata6 = matrix(1:9, 3, 3)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = exprdata6))
rownames(exprdata6) = c("a", "b", "c")
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = exprdata6))
colnames(exprdata6) = c("sample1", "sample2", "sample3")
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = exprdata6, exprtype = "unknown"))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM",
stype = "unknown"))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM",
maxp = "unknown"))
se1 = 1
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, exprtype = "FPKM"))
colData = data.frame(age = c(40, 50))
se2 = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(unknown=fpkm), colData=colData)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se2, exprtype = "FPKM"))
se3 = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(FPKM=fpkm), colData=colData)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se3, exprtype = "counts"))
se4 = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(counts=fpkm), colData=colData)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se4, exprtype = "FPKM"))
# These are some intermediate tests when we are writing the
# predict_age_fromse() function. It no longer holds once we finish writing
# the function. Thus, they are comment.
# rowData = DataFrame(bp_length = runif(nrow(fpkm)))
# se5 = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(counts=fpkm), colData=colData,
# rowData = rowData)
# res = predict_age_fromse(se5, tissue = NULL, exprtype="counts")
# expect_identical(res, rowData[["bp_length"]])
# se5 = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(fpkm=fpkm), colData=colData)
# res = predict_age_fromse(se5, tissue = NULL)
# expect_identical(res, data.frame(sampleid = colnames(fpkm),
# age = c(40, 50)))
se5 = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(fpkm=fpkm), colData=colData)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se5, exprtype = "unknown"))
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se5, exprtype = "FPKM",
stype = "unknown"))
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se5, exprtype = "FPKM",
maxp = "unknown"))
res1 = predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, tissue = "brain", signature = "GTExAge",
chronage = data.frame(sampleid = colnames(fpkm),
age = c(40, 50)))
res2 = predict_age_fromse(se = se5, tissue = "brain",
signature = "GTExAge")
expect_identical(res1, res2)
se6 = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(fpkm=fpkm))
res1 = predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, tissue = "brain",
signature = "GTExAge")
res2 = predict_age_fromse(se = se6, tissue = "brain",
signature = "GTExAge")
expect_identical(res1, res2)
test_that("Test tissue, signature, idtype, and chronage arguments", {
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM"), NA)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, tissue = "breaste",
exprtype = "FPKM"), NA)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM",
idtype = "symbole"))
colData = data.frame(age = c(40, 50))
se1 = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(fpkm=fpkm), colData=colData)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, exprtype = "FPKM"), NA)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, tissue = "breaste",
exprtype = "FPKM"), NA)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, exprtype = "FPKM",
idtype = "symbole"))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "unknown"))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "DESeq2"),NA)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "DESeq"),NA)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "brain"),NA)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "brain", signature = "unknown"))
temp1 = predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "DESeq2")
temp2 = predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "DESeq")
expect_identical(temp1, temp2)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "unknown"))
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "DESeq2"),NA)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "DESeq"),NA)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "brain"),NA)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "brain", signature = "unknown"))
temp1 = predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "DESeq2")
temp2 = predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
signature = "DESeq")
expect_identical(temp1, temp2)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "unknown", signature = "unknown"))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "unknown", signature = "DESeq2"), NA)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "unknown", signature = "DESeq"), NA)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "unknown", signature = "DESeq2"), NA)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "unknown", signature = "DESeq"), NA)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "breast"),NA)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "unknown"),NA)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "breast"),NA)
expect_error(predict_age_fromse(se = se1, idtype = "SYMBOL",
tissue = "unknown"),NA)
## test the chronage argument
chronage = data.frame(sampleid = colnames(fpkm), age = c(30,50))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM",
chronage = chronage),NA)
res = predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM")
res = predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM", chronage = chronage)
#chronage1 = data.frame(sampleid = c(30,50), age = c(30,50))
#expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM",
# chronage = chronage1))
chronage2 = data.frame(sampleid = colnames(fpkm),
age = c("unknown", "unknown"))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM",
chronage = chronage2))
chronage3 = data.frame(sampleid = c("unknown1","unknown2"), age = c(30,50))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM",
chronage = chronage3))
chronage4 = data.frame(sampleid = colnames(fpkm), age = c(NA,-3))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm,
exprtype = "FPKM", chronage = chronage4))
chronage5 = data.frame(sampleid = colnames(fpkm),
age = c(30,50), age2 = c(30,50))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM",
chronage = chronage5),NA)
fpkm_large = cbind(fpkm, fpkm, fpkm, fpkm)
fpkm_large = cbind(fpkm_large, fpkm_large, fpkm_large, fpkm_large)
colnames(fpkm_large) = paste0("sample",1:32)
chronage6 = data.frame(sampleid = colnames(fpkm_large), age = 1:32)
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm_large, exprtype = "FPKM",
chronage = chronage6),NA)
res = predict_age(exprdata = fpkm_large, exprtype = "FPKM",
chronage = chronage6)
expect_error(makeplot(res), NA)
chronage7 = rbind(chronage6, data.frame(sampleid = "sample2", age = 2))
expect_error(predict_age(exprdata = fpkm_large, exprtype = "FPKM",
chronage = chronage7))
## check for imputation
tissue = "brain"
signature = "DESeq2"
genes_required = names(genelist_all[[tissue]][[signature]])[-1]
fpkm2 = fpkm
fpkm2 = fpkm2[which(!rownames(fpkm2)%in%genes_required[c(1,10,20,30)]),]
fpkm2 = fpkm2[which(rownames(fpkm2)%in%genes_required),]
## fpkm2 contains missing genes
expect_error(predict_age(fpkm2, "brain"),NA)
## partial row NA
fpkm3 = fpkm
fpkm3 = fpkm3[which(rownames(fpkm3)%in%genes_required),]
fpkm3[1,2] = NA
fpkm3[3,1] = NA
expect_error(predict_age(fpkm3, "brain"),NA)
## some other tests:
## These are some tests for our internal data, it has nothing to do
## with the user facing functions. Since some of the code takes too long,
## these tests are commented in order to pass the Bioconductor check
## time limit
## test whether the id type conversion work well
## get GTEx brain data from recount package
#rse = scale_counts(rse_gene)
## get RPKM matrix
#fpkm <- getRPKM(rse)
## this is the gene map used in our paper
#gene_map = read.csv("")
#tempid = which(!duplicated(vapply(strsplit(rownames(fpkm),split="\\."), '[', 1, FUN.VALUE=character(1))))
#fpkm = fpkm[tempid,]
#rownames(fpkm) = vapply(strsplit(rownames(fpkm),split="\\."), '[', 1, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
#fpkm2 = fpkm[sample(nrow(fpkm)),]
#exprdata = fpkm2
#idtype = "ENSEMBL"
#mapid = suppressMessages(select(, rownames(exprdata),
# columns = "SYMBOL", keytype = idtype))
#mapid = mapid[which(!$SYMBOL)),]
#mapid = mapid[!duplicated(mapid[,idtype]),]
#ind1 = which(!mapid$SYMBOL %in% mapid$SYMBOL[duplicated(mapid$SYMBOL)])
#mapid = mapid[ind1,]
#rownames(mapid) = as.character(mapid[,idtype])
#exprdata = exprdata[rownames(exprdata)%in%rownames(mapid),]
#genesymbol = mapid[rownames(exprdata),"SYMBOL"]
#rownames(exprdata) = genesymbol
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