## This file explains the steps to download and freeze the phyloP
## conservation scores for mouse genome version mm10, calculated on
## 60 vertebrate species. If you use these data on your own research
## please cite the following publication:
## Pollard KS, Hubisz MJ, Rosenbloom KR, Siepel A. Detection of nonneutral
## substitution rates on mammalian phylogenies. Genome Res. 2010 Oct;20(1):110-21.
## DOI: 10.1101/gr.097857.109
## The data were downloaded from the UCSC genome browser with the Unix 'rsync'
## command as follows
## $ rsync -avz --progress \
## rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm10/phyloP60way/mm10.60way.phyloP60way/ \
## ./mm10.60way.phyloP
## The following R script processes the downloaded data to
## store the phyloP scores in raw-Rle objects
downloadURL <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm10/phyloP60way/mm10.60way.phyloP60way"
citationdata <- bibentry(bibtype="article",
author=c(person("Katherine S. Pollard"), person("Melissa J. Hubisz"),
person("Kate R. Rosenbloom"), person("Adam Siepel")),
title="Detection of nonneutral substitution rates on mammalian phylogenies",
journal="Genome Research",
registerDoParallel(cores=4) ## each process may need up to 20Gb of RAM
## transform WIG to BIGWIG format
si <- Seqinfo(seqnames=seqnames(Mmusculus), seqlengths=seqlengths(Mmusculus))
foreach (chr=seqnames(Mmusculus)) %dopar% {
cat(chr, "\n")
wigToBigWig(file.path("mm10.60way.phyloP", sprintf("%s.phyloP60way.wigFix.gz", chr)), seqinfo=si)
## freeze the GenomeDescription data for Mmusculus
refgenomeGD <- GenomeDescription(organism=organism(Mmusculus),
saveRDS(refgenomeGD, file=file.path("mm10.60way.phyloP", "refgenomeGD.rds"))
## transform BIGWIG into Rle objects coercing phyloP scores into
## 1-decimal digit raw-encoded values to reduce memory requirements
## in principle deciles of phyloP probabilities should give the
## necessary resolution for the purpose of filtering genetic variants
## on conservation
## quantizer function. it maps input real-valued [-Inf, Inf]
## phyloP scores to non-negative integers [0, 255] so that
## each of them can be later coerced into a single byte (raw type).
## according to http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?hgsid=652129995_dqrcEjjmKYIKOWyUPl4WNzQRnxjy&g=cons60way
## phyloP scores were calculated using a likelihood ratio test (LRT) and
## according to Pollard et al. (2010), pg. 118, phyloP scores are derived from
## LRT p-values by transforming them as -log10(P) where P is a two-sided P-value
## and setting this score as positive or negative depending on whether the site
## was predicted to be conserved or fast-evolving (accelerated), respectively.
## quantization is done by taking the absolute value of the phyloP score,
## rounding to closest 0.5 those between 0 and 2, rounding to the
## closest integer those between 2 and 10, and setting to 10 those larger than 10.
## this quantization maps phyloP scores to 29 different positive integers, which
## take values [1-29], to keep the 0 value to code for missingness, and will code
## for zero and positive phyloP scores. negative phyloP scores will be mapped to integer
## values [30-57].
.quantizer <- function(x) {
mask <- abs(x) < 2
x[mask] <- round_any(x[mask], 0.5, round)
q <- as.integer(sprintf("%.0f", 10*x))
mask <- abs(q) > 100L
q[mask] <- as.integer(sign(q[mask]))*100L
mask <- abs(q) > 20L
q[mask] <- as.integer(sprintf("%.0f", q[mask]/10)) + sign(q[mask])*18
q[q < 0] <- abs(q[q < 0]) + 28L
q <- q + 1L
attr(.quantizer, "description") <- "abs(x) < 2 round to 0.5, abs(x) >= 2 round to closest integer, set to 10 or -10 values exceeding 10 or -10, respectively, add up one"
## dequantizer function. it maps input non-negative integers [0, 255]
## to real-valued phyloP scores, where 0 codes for NA
.dequantizer <- function(q) {
x <- as.numeric(q)
x[x == 0] <- NA
x <- x - 1
maskNAs <- is.na(x)
mask <- !maskNAs & x > 28
x[mask] <- -1*(x[mask]-28)
mask <- !maskNAs & abs(x) <= 20
x[mask] <- x[mask] / 10
mask <- !maskNAs & abs(x) > 20
x[mask] <- x[mask] - sign(x[mask])*18
attr(.dequantizer, "description") <- "subtract one integer unit, set sign, abs(x) < 20 divide by 10, abs(x) > 20 subtract 18"
foreach (chr=seqnames(Mmusculus)) %dopar% {
cat(chr, "\n")
rawscores <- import.bw(BigWigFile(file.path("mm10.60way.phyloP", sprintf("%s.phyloP60way.bw", chr))))
qscores <- .quantizer(rawscores$score)
## calculate maximum absolute error for absolute phyloP scores <= 10
## b/c those larger than 10 have been set to 10
f <- cut(abs(rawscores$score), breaks=c(0, 2, max(abs(rawscores$score))), include.lowest=TRUE)
err <- abs(rawscores$score - .dequantizer(qscores))
mask10 <- abs(rawscores$score) <= 10
max.abs.error <- tapply(err[mask10], f[mask10], max, na.rm=TRUE)
assign(sprintf("phyloP60way_%s", chr), coverage(rawscores, weight=qscores)[[chr]])
assign(sprintf("phyloP60way_%s", chr),
do.call("runValue<-", list(get(sprintf("phyloP60way_%s", chr)),
as.raw(runValue(get(sprintf("phyloP60way_%s", chr)))))))
obj <- get(sprintf("phyloP60way_%s", chr))
n <- length(unique(rawscores$score[!is.na(rawscores$score)]))
Fn <- function(x) 0
if (n > 10) {
if (n <= 10000) {
Fn <- ecdf(rawscores$score)
} else { ## to save space with more than 10,000 different values use sampling
Fn <- ecdf(sample(rawscores$score[!is.na(rawscores$score)], size=10000, replace=TRUE))
metadata(obj) <- list(seqname=chr,
provider_version="18Apr2014", ## it'd better to grab the date from downloaded file
download_date=format(Sys.Date(), "%b %d, %Y"),
saveRDS(obj, file=file.path("mm10.60way.phyloP", sprintf("phyloP60way.UCSC.mm10.%s.rds", chr)))
rm(rawscores, obj)
rm(list=sprintf("phyloP60way_%s", chr))
}, error=function(err) {
message(chr, " ", conditionMessage(err), call.=TRUE)
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