Man pages for rcastelo/GSVA
Gene Set Variation Analysis for Microarray and RNA-Seq Data

computeGeneSetsOverlapCompute gene-sets overlap
deduplicateGeneSetsHandling of Duplicated Gene Set Names
filterGeneSetsFilter gene sets
geneIdsToGeneSetCollectionConstruct a GeneSetCollection object from a list of character...
geneSetsRetrieve or Determine Gene Sets
gsvaGene Set Variation Analysis
gsvaAnnotationStore and Retrieve Annotation Metadata
gsva-defunctGene Set Variation Analysis
gsvaEnrichmentGSVA enrichment data and visualization
GsvaExprData-class'GsvaExprData' class
GsvaGeneSets-class'GsvaGeneSets' class
GsvaMethodParam-class'GsvaMethodParam' class
gsvaParam-class'gsvaParam' class
GSVA-pkg-defunctDefunct functions in package 'GSVA'.
GSVA-pkg-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'GSVA'.
gsvaRanksGSVA ranks and scores
guessGeneIdTypeGuess the gene identifier type from a list of character...
igsvaGene Set Variation Analysis
plageParam-class'plageParam' class
readGMTImport Gene Sets from a GMT File
spatCorCompute Spatial Autocorrelation for SpatialExperiment objects
ssgseaParam-class'ssgseaParam' class
zscoreParam-class'zscoreParam' class
rcastelo/GSVA documentation built on March 5, 2025, 4:37 p.m.