

Many R packages need external software to be present on the machine, otherwise they do not work, or not even load. For example the RPostgres R package uses the PostgreSQL client library, and by default dynamically links to it on Linux systems. This means that you (or the administrators of your system) need to install this library, typically in the form of a system package: libpq-dev on Ubuntu and Debian systems, or postgresql-server-devel or postgresql-devel on RedHat, Fedora, etc. systems.

The good news is that pak helps you with this: - it looks up the required system packages when installing R packages, - it checks if the required system packages are installed, and - it installs them automatically, if you are a superuser, or you can use password-less sudo to start a superuser shell.

In addition, pak also has some functions to query system requirements and system packages.

Requirements, supported platforms

Call pak::sysreqs_platforms() to list all platforms that support system requirements:

## # A data frame: 10 × 7
##    name        os    distribution version update_command install_command
##    <chr>       <chr> <chr>        <chr>   <chr>          <chr>
##  1 Ubuntu Lin… linux ubuntu       *       apt-get -y up… apt-get -y ins…
##  2 Debian Lin… linux debian       *       apt-get -y up… apt-get -y ins…
##  3 CentOS Lin… linux centos       *       NA             yum install -y
##  4 Rocky Linux linux rockylinux   *       NA             dnf install -y
##  5 Red Hat En… linux redhat       6       NA             yum install -y
##  6 Red Hat En… linux redhat       7       NA             yum install -y
##  7 Red Hat En… linux redhat       *       NA             dnf install -y
##  8 Fedora Lin… linux fedora       *       NA             dnf install -y
##  9 openSUSE L… linux opensuse     *       NA             zypper --non-i…
## 10 SUSE Linux… linux sle          *       NA             zypper --non-i…
## # ℹ 1 more variable: query_command <chr>

Call pak::sysreqs_is_supported() to see if your system is supported:

## [1] TRUE

This vignette was built on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, which is a platform pak does support. So in the following you will see the output of the code.

R package installation

If you are using pak as a superuser, on a supported platform, then pak will look up system requirements, and install the missing ones. Here is an example:

##  Loading metadata database ... done
## → Will install 17 packages.
## → All 17 packages (0 B) are cached.
## + DBI          1.1.3
## + RPostgres    1.4.5   +  libpq-dev
## + Rcpp         1.0.10
## + bit          4.0.5
## + bit64        4.0.5
## + blob         1.2.4
## + cli          3.6.1
## + generics     0.1.3
## + glue         1.6.2
## + hms          1.1.3
## + lifecycle    1.0.3
## + lubridate    1.9.2
## + pkgconfig    2.0.3
## + rlang        1.1.1
## + timechange   0.2.0
## + vctrs        0.6.2
## + withr        2.5.0
## → Will install 1 system package:
## + libpq-dev  - RPostgres
##  No downloads are needed, 17 pkgs are cached
##  Installing system requirements
##  Executing `sh -c apt-get -y update`
##  Executing `sh -c apt-get -y install libpq-dev`
##  Installed DBI 1.1.3  (1.1s)
##  Installed RPostgres 1.4.5  (1.2s)
##  Installed Rcpp 1.0.10  (1.2s)
##  Installed bit 4.0.5  (1.2s)
##  Installed bit64 4.0.5  (148ms)
##  Installed blob 1.2.4  (63ms)
##  Installed cli 3.6.1  (88ms)
##  Installed generics 0.1.3  (61ms)
##  Installed glue 1.6.2  (63ms)
##  Installed hms 1.1.3  (62ms)
##  Installed lifecycle 1.0.3  (61ms)
##  Installed lubridate 1.9.2  (87ms)
##  Installed pkgconfig 2.0.3  (62ms)
##  Installed rlang 1.1.1  (1.1s)
##  Installed timechange 0.2.0  (1.1s)
##  Installed vctrs 0.6.2  (1.1s)
##  Installed withr 2.5.0  (1.1s)
##  1 pkg + 16 deps: added 17 [17.5s]

Running R as a regular user

If you don’t want to use R as the superuser, but you can set up sudo without a password, that works as well. pak will automatically detect the password-less sudo capability, and use it to install system packages, as needed.

If you run R as a regular (not root) user, and password-less sudo is not available, then pak will print the system requirements, but it will not try to install or update them. If you are installing source packages that need to link to system libraries, then their installation will probably fail, until you install these system packages. If you are installing binary R packages, then the installation typically succeeds, but you won’t be able to load these packages into R, until you install the required system packages. Here is an example, on a system that does not have the required system package installed for RPostgres. If you are installing a source R package, the installation already fails:

## + plogr       0.2.0
##  Missing 1 system package. You'll probably need to install it
## manually:
## + libpq-dev  - RPostgres
##  No downloads are needed, 2 pkgs (1.47 MB) are cached
##  Installed plogr 0.2.0  (1.1s)
##  Building RPostgres 1.4.5
##  Failed to build RPostgres 1.4.5
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'callr':
##   method                    from
##   format.callr_status_error
##   print.callr_status_error
## Error:
## ! error in pak subprocess
## Caused by error in `stop_task_build(state, worker)`:
## ! Failed to build source package 'RPostgres'
## Full installation output:
## * installing *source* package ‘RPostgres’ ...
## ** package ‘RPostgres’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
## staged installation is only possible with locking
## ** using non-staged installation
## Using PKG_CFLAGS=
## Using PKG_LIBS=-lpq
## Using PKG_PLOGR=
## ------------------------- ANTICONF ERROR ---------------------------
## Configuration failed because libpq was not found. Try installing:
##  * deb: libpq-dev libssl-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
##  * rpm: postgresql-devel (Fedora, EPEL)
##  * rpm: postgreql8-devel, psstgresql92-devel, postgresql93-devel, or pos
## tgresql94-devel (Amazon Linux)
##  * csw: postgresql_dev (Solaris)
##  * brew: libpq (OSX)
## If libpq is already installed, check that either:
## (i)  'pkg-config' is in your PATH AND PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains
##      a libpq.pc file; or
## (ii) 'pg_config' is in your PATH.
## If neither can detect , you can set INCLUDE_DIR
## and LIB_DIR manually via:
## R CMD INSTALL --configure-vars='INCLUDE_DIR=... LIB_DIR=...'
## --------------------------[ ERROR MESSAGE ]----------------------------
## <stdin>:1:10: fatal error: libpq-fe.h: No such file or directory
## compilation terminated.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘RPostgres’
## * removing ‘/tmp/RtmpsOXbPZ/pkg-lib4a492949a49e/RPostgres’
## ---
## Backtrace:
## 1. pak::pkg_install("RPostgres?source")
## 2. pak:::remote(function(...) get("pkg_install_do_plan", asNamespace("pa
## k")… at package.R:84:3
## 3. err$throw(res$error) at subprocess.R:115:5
## ---
## Subprocess backtrace:
##  1. base::withCallingHandlers(cli_message = function(msg) { …
##  2. get("pkg_install_do_plan", asNamespace("pak"))(...)
##  3. proposal$install()
##  4. pkgdepends::install_package_plan(plan, lib = private$library, num_wo
## rkers = nw…
##  5. base::withCallingHandlers({ …
##  6. pkgdepends:::handle_events(state, events)
##  7. pkgdepends:::handle_event(state, i)
##  8. pkgdepends:::stop_task(state, worker)
##  9. pkgdepends:::stop_task_build(state, worker)
## 10. base::throw(new_pkg_build_error("Failed to build source package {pkg
## }", …                                                                   
## 11. | base::signalCondition(cond)                                       
## 12. global (function (e) …                                              
## Execution halted                                                        

On the other hand, if you are installing binary packages, e.g. from the Posit Package Manager, then the installation typically succeeds, but then loading the package fails:

## → Will install 17 packages.
## → All 17 packages (0 B) are cached.
## + DBI          1.1.3
## + RPostgres    1.4.5   +  libpq-dev
## + Rcpp         1.0.10
## + bit          4.0.5
## + bit64        4.0.5
## + blob         1.2.4
## + cli          3.6.1
## + generics     0.1.3
## + glue         1.6.2
## + hms          1.1.3
## + lifecycle    1.0.3
## + lubridate    1.9.2
## + pkgconfig    2.0.3
## + rlang        1.1.1
## + timechange   0.2.0
## + vctrs        0.6.2
## + withr        2.5.0
##  Missing 1 system package. You'll probably need to install it
## manually:
## + libpq-dev  - RPostgres
##  No downloads are needed, 17 pkgs are cached
##  Installed DBI 1.1.3  (1.1s)
##  Installed RPostgres 1.4.5  (1.1s)
##  Installed Rcpp 1.0.10  (1.2s)
##  Installed bit 4.0.5  (1.2s)
##  Installed bit64 4.0.5  (144ms)
##  Installed blob 1.2.4  (1.1s)
##  Installed cli 3.6.1  (1.1s)
##  Installed generics 0.1.3  (90ms)
##  Installed glue 1.6.2  (87ms)
##  Installed hms 1.1.3  (1.1s)
##  Installed lifecycle 1.0.3  (1.1s)
##  Installed lubridate 1.9.2  (1.1s)
##  Installed pkgconfig 2.0.3  (1.1s)
##  Installed rlang 1.1.1  (1.1s)
##  Installed timechange 0.2.0  (1.1s)
##  Installed vctrs 0.6.2  (1.1s)
##  Installed withr 2.5.0  (1.1s)
##  1 pkg + 16 deps: added 17 [11.6s]
## Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘RPostgres’ in dyn.load(file
## , DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
##  unable to load shared object '/tmp/RtmpWqZycA/lib/RPostgres/libs/RPostg
## cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
## Execution halted

Query system requirements without installation

If you only want to query system requirements, without installing any packages, use the pkg_sysreqs() function. This is similar to pkg_deps() but in addition to looking up package dependencies, it also looks up system dependencies, and only reports the latter:

pak::pkg_sysreqs(c("curl", "xml2", "devtools", "CHRONOS"))
##  Loading metadata database ... done
## ── Install scripts ───────────────────────────────────── Ubuntu 22.04 ──
## apt-get -y update
## apt-get -y install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev git make
##   libgit2-dev zlib1g-dev pandoc libfreetype6-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev
##   libtiff-dev libicu-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfribidi-dev
##   libharfbuzz-dev libglpk-dev libgmp3-dev default-jdk
## R CMD javareconf
## R CMD javareconf
## ── Packages and their system dependencies ──────────────────────────────
## CHRONOS     – default-jdk, pandoc
## credentials – git
## curl        – libcurl4-openssl-dev, libssl-dev
## fs          – make
## gert        – libgit2-dev
## gitcreds    – git
## httpuv      – make, zlib1g-dev
## igraph      – libglpk-dev, libgmp3-dev, libxml2-dev
## knitr       – pandoc
## openssl     – libssl-dev
## pkgdown     – pandoc
## png         – libpng-dev
## ragg        – libfreetype6-dev, libjpeg-dev, libpng-dev, libtiff-dev
## RCurl       – libcurl4-openssl-dev, make
## remotes     – git
## rJava       – default-jdk, make
## rmarkdown   – pandoc
## sass        – make
## stringi     – libicu-dev
## systemfonts – libfontconfig1-dev, libfreetype6-dev
## textshaping – libfreetype6-dev, libfribidi-dev, libharfbuzz-dev
## XML         – libxml2-dev
## xml2        – libxml2-dev

See the manual of pkg_sysreqs() to see how to programmatically extract information from its return value.

Other queries

In addition to the automatic system package lookup and installation, pak also has some other functions to help you with system dependencies. The sysreqs_db_list() function lists all system requirements pak knows about.

## # A data frame: 106 × 5
##    name       patterns  packages  pre_install post_install
##    <chr>      <list>    <list>    <list>      <list>
##  1 QuantLib   <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>
##  2 apparmor   <chr [2]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>
##  3 atk        <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>
##  4 automake   <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>
##  5 berkeleydb <chr [2]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>
##  6 blender    <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>
##  7 bowtie2    <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>
##  8 bwidget    <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>
##  9 cairo      <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>
## 10 chrome     <chr [1]> <NULL>    <chr [3]>   <chr [1]>
## # ℹ 96 more rows

sysreqs_db_match() manually matches SystemREquirements fields againts these system requirements:

sq <- pak::sysreqs_db_match("Needs libcurl and also Java.")
## [[1]]
## # A data frame: 2 × 5
##   spec                         sysreq  packages pre_install post_install
##   <chr>                        <chr>   <list>   <list>      <list>
## 1 Needs libcurl and also Java. java    <chr>    <NULL>      <chr [1]>
## 2 Needs libcurl and also Java. libcurl <chr>    <NULL>      <NULL>
## [[1]]
## [1] "default-jdk"
## [[2]]
## [1] "libcurl4-openssl-dev"

You can also use it to query system requirements for other platfosm:

sqrhel9 <- pak::sysreqs_db_match("Needs libcurl and also Java.", "redhat-9")
## [[1]]
## # A data frame: 2 × 5
##   spec                         sysreq  packages pre_install post_install
##   <chr>                        <chr>   <list>   <list>      <list>
## 1 Needs libcurl and also Java. java    <chr>    <NULL>      <chr [1]>
## 2 Needs libcurl and also Java. libcurl <chr>    <NULL>      <NULL>
## [[1]]
## [1] "java-11-openjdk-devel"
## [[2]]
## [1] "libcurl-devel"

sysreqs_list_system_packages() is a cross-platform way of listing all installed system packages and capabilities:

## # A data frame: 433 × 4
##    status package         version         provides
##    <chr>  <chr>           <chr>           <list>
##  1 ii     adduser         3.118ubuntu5    <chr [0]>
##  2 ii     apt             2.4.8           <chr [1]>
##  3 ii     autoconf        2.71-2          <chr [0]>
##  4 ii     automake        1:1.16.5-1.3    <chr [2]>
##  5 ii     autotools-dev   20220109.1      <chr [0]>
##  6 ii     base-files      12ubuntu4.3     <chr [1]>
##  7 ii     base-passwd     3.5.52build1    <chr [0]>
##  8 ii     bash            5.1-6ubuntu1    <chr [0]>
##  9 ii     binutils        2.38-4ubuntu2.1 <chr [2]>
## 10 ii     binutils-common 2.38-4ubuntu2.1 <chr [0]>
## # ℹ 423 more rows

sysreqs_check_installed() is a handy function that checks if all system requirements are installed for some or all R packages that are installed in your library:

## system package       installed required by
## --------------       --        -----------
## git                           gitcreds
## gsfonts                       magick
## imagemagick                   magick
## libarchive-dev                archive
## libcurl4-openssl-dev          curl
## libfontconfig1-dev            systemfonts
## libfreetype6-dev              ragg, systemfonts, textshaping
## libfribidi-dev                textshaping
## libharfbuzz-dev               textshaping
## libicu-dev                    stringi
## libjpeg-dev                   ragg
## libmagick++-dev               magick
## libnode-dev                   V8
## libpng-dev                    ragg
## libpq-dev                     RPostgres
## libssl-dev                    curl, openssl
## libtiff-dev                   ragg
## libxml2-dev                   xml2
## make                          fs, sass
## pandoc                        knitr, rmarkdown
## zlib1g-dev                    data.table

sysreqs_fix_installed() goes one step further and also tries to install the missing system requirements.

Build-time and run-time dependencies

The system requirements database that pak uses does not currently differentiate between build-time and run-time dependencies. A build-time dependency is a system package that you need when installing an R package from source. A run-time dependency is a system package that you need when using an R package. Most Linux distribution create (at least) two packages for each software library: a runtime package and a development package. For an R package that uses such a software library, the runtime package is a run-time dependency and the development package is a build-time dependency. However, pak does not currently know the difference between build-time and run-time dependencies, and it will install both types of dependencies, always. This means that pak usually installs system packages that are not strictly necessary. These are typically development packages of libraries, i.e. header files, and typically do not cause any issues. If you are short on disk space, then you can try removing them.

How it works

pak uses the database of system requirements at It has its own copy of the database embedded into the package, and it also tries to download updated versions of the database from GitHub, if its current copy is older than one day. You can explicitly update the database from GitHub using the sysreqs_db_update() function.

For CRAN packages, it downloads the SystemRequirements fields from, which is a database updated daily. For Bioconductor packages, it downloads then from GitHub. (We are planning on moving CRAN database to GitHub as well.)

For packages sources that require pak to obtain a package DESCRIPTION file (e.g. github::, git::, etc.), pak obtains SystemRequirements directly from the DESCRIPTION file.

Once having the SystemRequirements fields, pak matches them to the database, to obtain the cacnonized list of system requirements.

Then pak queries the local platform, to see the exact system packages needed. It also queries the installed system packages, to avoid trying to install system packages that are already installed.


There are several pak configuration options you can use to adjust how system requirements are handled. We will list some of them here, please see the options with a sysreqs prefix in the ?pak-config manual page for a complete and current list.

About other OSes


While the system requirements database has some information about system dependencies on Windows, pak does not use this information and it does not try to install system software on Windows. CRAN, PPM and Bioconductor have Windows binary packages available for the majority of R packages they serve, and these packages practically always link to system libraries statically, so they don’t need any external software.

If you wish to compile Windows packages from source, then you need to install the appropriate version of Rtools, and possibly extra packages using the pacman tool of Rtools4x.

Rtools42 and newer Rtools versions bundle lots of libraries, so most likely no extra pacman packages are needed. Rtools40 has a leaner default installation, and you’ll probably need to install packages manually:

We are planning on adding better Windows system software support to pak in the future.


pak does not currently have system requirement information for macOS. macOS is similar to Windows, in that most repositories will serve statically linked macOS binary packages that do not need system software.

If you do need to compile packages from source, then you possibly need to install some sytem libraries, either via Homebrew, or by downloading CRAN’s static library builds from

We are planning on adding better macOS system software support to pak in the future.

r-lib/pkg documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 11:41 p.m.