
#' The download progress bar
#' This is a short summary of the design of the download progress bar.
#' ## Package sizes
#' One difficulty here is that we don't always know the sizes of the files
#' we are downloading. We basically have three cases for downloads:
#' * For some, we know the sizes from the extra CRAN metadata. This is
#'   usually correct, unless CRAN has changed the file on the web server.
#'   If we get a size from the web server, then we'll use that.
#' * For some, we do not know the size beforehand, but the web server
#'   sends us the correct size, together with the first chunk of data.
#'   This is typically for CRAN packages that we don't have metadata
#'   about, Bioconductor packages, or GitHub packages for which GitHub
#'   already knows the size.
#' * For some, we do not know the size, and the web server does not tell
#'   us the size, either. This is typically for GH packages that GH is
#'   creating on the fly.
#' So ideally we would have a different progress bar when the total
#' size if known.
#' ## Possible information to show:
#' * Visual progress bar
#' * Number of packages: done / in-progress / total
#' * Number of bytes: done / total (if known)
#' * ETA
#' * Download rate, i.e. x kB/s
#' * Elapsed time
#' * Percent of packages done
#' * Percent of bytes done
#' * Spinner to show that we are still working, although updating ETA is
#'   good as well...
#' * Events, e.g. got a package, downloading, or starting...
#' ## All package sizes are known
#' ```
#' 230 kB/s (#####      ) 45% | 14/56 pkgs | ETA ~34s | Getting dplyr
#' ```
#' * Rate is informative, serves as an "alive" indicator as well.
#' * Bar is visual.
#' * Percent is the best quantitative measure.
#' * Done/total packages is informative, not so much for the download
#'   but the whole installation.
#' * ETA is informative.
#' * Event is nice, and it fills the space...
#' * We don't show current/total bytes, shoulwd we? Quite wide...
#' ## Some package sizes are unknown
#' ```
#' 230 kB/s (#####      ) 45% | 14/56 pkgs | Getting dplyr
#' ```
#' * Percent is for the packages, not bytes.
#' * We can't really show ETA.
#' ## Events
#' This is quite simple currently, we just print the packages we are
#' "getting" currently, i.e. the packages we received data for in the
#' last time slot.
#' ## Rate (download "speed")
#' To calculate the rate we need to record when the various data chunks
#' have arrived. We only do this with a resolution of 1s. We create an
#' environment called chunks, and for every second since the downloads have
#' started we record the number of bytes that arrived in that second.
#' When calculating the rate, we take the data for the last 4 seconds,
#' and normalize it to per second, while taking into account that the
#' data for the last (current) second is incomplete.
#' In the first 3 seconds we use all the available data.
#' @name pkgdepends-download-progress-bar
#' @noRd

pkgplan__create_progress_bar <- function(what) {
  bar <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

  bar$what <- what[, c("type", "filesize", "package", "cache_status")]
  bar$what$idx <- seq_len(nrow(what))
  bar$what$current <- 0L         # We got this many bytes
  bar$what$need <- bar$what$filesize
  bar$what$status <- "todo"      # "todo", "data", "got", "had", "error"
  bar$what$skip <-
    what$type %in% c("installed", "deps") |
    what$cache_status != "miss"
  bar$what$status[bar$what$skip] <- "skip"
  bar$what$cache_status[what$type %in% c("installed", "deps")] <- NA_character_


  bar$chars <- progress_chars()
  bar$chunks <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  bar$start_at <- Sys.time()
  bar$events <- list()
  bar$lastmsg <- "Connecting..."
  bar$show_time <- tolower(Sys.getenv("PKG_OMIT_TIMES")) != "true"
  bar$show_size <- tolower(Sys.getenv("PKG_OMIT_SIZES")) != "true"


pkgplan__init_progress_bar <- function(bar) {
  bar$timer <- new_async_timer(
    function() pkgplan__show_progress_bar(bar)
  bar$timer$listen_on("error", function(e) { stop(e) })


pkgplan__initial_pb_message <- function(bar) {
  # number of packages to _download_
  num <- sum(bar$what$status == "todo")
  # number of packages to download, with unknown size
  unk <- sum($what$filesize[bar$what$status == "todo"]))
  # number of bytes to download
  bts <- sum(bar$what$filesize[bar$what$status == "todo"], na.rm = TRUE)
  # number of packages that are (surely) cached
  # for installed and deps refs this should be NA
  nch <- sum(bar$what$cache_status %in% "hit")
  # the number of bytes cached (for known file sizes)
  cbt <- sum(bar$what$filesize[bar$what$cache_status %in% "hit"], na.rm = TRUE)

  if (num == 0) {
      "No downloads are needed",
      if (nch > 0) ", {nch} pkg{?s} ",
      if (cbt > 0) "{.size ({format_bytes$pretty_bytes(cbt)})} ",
      if (nch > 0) "{cli::qty(nch)}{?is/are} cached"
  } else {
      if (bts > 0) " {num-unk} pkg{?s} {.size ({format_bytes$pretty_bytes(bts)})}",
      if (bts > 0 && unk > 0) " and",
      if (unk > 0) " {unk} pkg{?s} with unknown size{?s}",
      if (nch > 0) ", {nch} ",
      if (cbt > 0) "{.size ({format_bytes$pretty_bytes(cbt)})} ",
      if (nch > 0) "cached"
  if (should_show_progress_bar()) {
    bar$status <-cli::cli_status("", .auto_close = FALSE)

#' Update the progress bar data
#' This is triggered by libcurl.
#' @param bar The progress bar.
#' @param idx The row index in the download data table.
#' @param data Data about this row, a list with entries `current` and
#'   `total`, measured in the number of bytes. If `total` is unknown,
#'   then it is set to zero. At the end of the download we also get
#'   `"done"`, and on error `"error"`.
#' @noRd

pkgplan__update_progress_bar <- function(bar, idx, event, data) {
  # Record the time here, and use it in this function, so that this
  # function runs in a single point of time
  time <- Sys.time()

  # Work out which second we are in. We record the received data per second
  sec <- as.character(floor(as.double(time - bar$start_at, units = "secs")))

  # If it is "done", then we are done. We don't make assumptions about
  # libcurl/async signalling the end of every file via file sizes in the
  # progress bar callback, so we assume that when we get "done", then we
  # are indeed "done" and set the status and sizes accordingly.
  if (event == "done") {
    if (data$download_status == "Got") {
      bar$what$status[idx] <- "got"
      sz <- na.omit(file.size(c(data$fulltarget, data$fulltarget_tree)))[1]
      if (! bar$what$filesize[idx] <- sz
        "Got {.pkg {data$package}} ",
        "{.version {data$version}} ({data$platform})",
        if (! && bar$show_size) " {.size ({format_bytes$pretty_bytes(sz)})}"
      if (!$what$filesize[idx])) {
        bar$chunks[[sec]] <- (bar$chunks[[sec]] %||% 0) -
          bar$what$current[idx] + bar$what$filesize[idx]
        bar$what$current[idx] <- bar$what$filesize[idx]
    } else if (grepl("^(Had|Current)", data$download_status)) {
      bar$what$status[idx] <- "had"
      bar$what$current[idx] <- 0L
      bar$what$need[idx] <- 0L
      if (identical(data$cache_status, "miss") && data$type != "deps") {
          "Cached copy of {.pkg {data$package}} ",
          "{.version {data$version}} ({data$platform}) is the latest build"
    } else if (data$download_status == "Failed") {
        "Failed to download {.pkg {data$package}} ",
        "{.version {data$version}} ({data$platform})"
      bar$what$status[idx] <- "error"
      bar$what$need[idx] <- bar$what$current[idx]

    } else {
      stop("Unknown download status, internal pkgdepends error :(")


  if (event == "error") {
      "Failed to download {.pkg {data$package}} ",
      "{.version {data$version}} ({data$platform})"
    bar$what$status[idx] <- "error"
    bar$what$need[idx] <- bar$what$current[idx]


  # Otherwise we got a chunk of data
  bar$what$status[idx] <- "data"
  bar$events$data <- unique(c(bar$events$data, idx))

  # Update data chunks
  bar$chunks[[sec]] <- (bar$chunks[[sec]] %||% 0) -
    bar$what$current[idx] + data$current

  # Update current and total
  bar$what$current[idx] <- data$current
  if (data$total > 0) bar$what$filesize[idx] <- bar$what$need[idx] <- data$total


#' Show / update the progress bar
#' @param bar The progress bar object.
#' @noRd

pkgplan__show_progress_bar <- function(bar) {
  if (is.null(bar$status)) return()

  # Don't show if there is nothing to download
  if (sum(!bar$what$skip) == 0) return()
  parts <- calculate_progress_parts(bar)

  # Ready to update. We can't use the package emoji because its
  # width is not calculated properly
  str <- paste0(
    " {parts$rate} {parts$line} {parts$percent} ",
    "| {parts$pkg_done}/{parts$pkg_total} pkg{?s} ",
    if (!$bytes_total)) "| ETA {parts$eta} ",
    "| {parts$msg}"

  bar$events <- list()
  cli::cli_status_update(bar$status, str)

calculate_rate <- function(start, now, chunks) {
  # Rate, see above how this works
  time_at <- as.double(now - start, units = "secs")
  time_at_s <- as.integer(floor(time_at))
  labels <- as.character(seq(time_at_s, time_at_s - 3L, by = -1L))
  data <- unlist(mget(labels, envir = chunks, ifnotfound = 0L))
  fact <- time_at - max(time_at_s - 3, 0)
  rate <- sum(data) / fact
  if (is.nan(rate)) rate <- 0
  if (rate == 0 && time_at < 4) {
    rstr <- strrep(" ", 8)
  } else {
    rstr <- paste0(format_bytes$pretty_bytes(rate, style = "6"), "/s")
  list(rate = rate, rstr = rstr)

calculate_eta <- function(total, current, rate) {
  if (rate == 0) {
    etas <- NA
    estr <- "??s "
  } else {
    todo <- total - current
    etas <- as.difftime(todo / rate, units = "secs")
    if (etas < 1) {
      estr <- "<1s   "
    } else {
      estr <- format(format_time$pretty_dt(etas, compact = TRUE), width = 6)
  list(etas = etas, estr = estr)

calculate_progress_parts <- function(bar) {

  parts <- list()

  # We filter these here, instead at the beginning, because otherwise
  # the indices would not work in the update function
  whatx <- bar$what[! bar$what$skip, ]

  now <- Sys.time()

  # Simple numbers
  pkg_done <- sum(whatx$status %in% c("got", "had", "error"))
  pkg_total <- nrow(whatx)
  parts$pkg_done <- format(c(pkg_done, pkg_total), justify = "right")[1]
  parts$pkg_total <- as.character(pkg_total)
  pkg_percent <- pkg_done / pkg_total
  bytes_done <- sum(whatx$current, na.rm = TRUE)
  bytes_total <- sum(whatx$need)           # could be NA
  parts$bytes_total <- bytes_total
  bytes_percent <- bytes_done / bytes_total # could be NA
  percent <- if (! bytes_percent else pkg_percent
  if (round(percent * 100) == 100 && percent < 1) percent <- 0.99
  parts$percent <- format(
    paste0(round(100 * percent), "%"),
    width = 4,
    justify = "right"

  rate <- calculate_rate(bar$start_at, now, bar$chunks)
  parts$rate <- rate$rstr

  # Message
  parts$msg <- bar$lastmsg
  if (length(bar$events$data) > 0) {
    pkgs <- bar$what$package[bar$what$idx %in% bar$events$data]
    parts$msg <- paste0(
      "Getting ",
      cli::ansi_collapse(pkgs, sep = ", ", last = " and ")
    bar$lastmsg <- parts$msg

  # Line
  parts$line <- make_bar(bar$chars, percent, width = 15)

  # ETA
  if (! {
    parts$eta <- calculate_eta(bytes_total, bytes_done, rate$rate)$estr


pkgplan__done_progress_bar <- function(bar) {
  if (is.null(bar$status)) return()

  end_at <- Sys.time()
  dt <- format_time$pretty_dt(Sys.time() - bar$start_at)

  bar$status <- NULL

  bts <- format_bytes$pretty_bytes(sum(bar$what$current))
  dld <- sum(bar$what$status == "got")
  cch <- sum(bar$what$status == "had")
  err <- sum(bar$what$status == "error")

  if (sum(!bar$what$skip) == 0) {
    # Print nothing, we already printed that no downloads are needed
  } else if (err == 0 && dld == 0) {
    cli::cli_alert_success("No downloads needed, all packages are cached")
  } else if (err == 0) {
        "Downloaded {dld} package{?s} {.size ({bts})}",
        if (bar$show_time) " in {.time {dt}}"
  } else {
      "Failed to download {err} package{?s}. "
r-lib/pak documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 12:39 a.m.