
# Note: we can only lookup symbols that are available in the installed version of libcurl
# Therefore you should only update the symbol table using the latest version of libcurl.
# On Mac: 'brew install curl' will install to /usr/local/opt/curl


# Function to read a symbol
getsymbol <- function(name){
  if(name %in% blacklist) return(NA_integer_)
  fun = cfunction(
    includes = '#include <curl/curl.h>',
    body = paste("return ScalarInteger((int)", name, ");")
  val = fun()
  rm(fun); gc();
  cat("Found:", name, "=", val, "\n")

# The symbols-in-versions file is included with libcurl
txt <- scan("tools/symbols-in-versions", character(), sep = "\n", skip = 13)
lines <- strsplit(txt, "[ ]+")
symbols <-, `[`, character(4), 1:4)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(symbols) <- c("name", "introduced", "deprecated", "removed")

# Get current version
avail <-$removed)

# Lookup all symbol values from curl.h (takes a while)
symbols$value <- NA_integer_;
available_symbols <- symbols$name[avail]
symbols$value[avail] <- vapply(available_symbols, getsymbol, integer(1))

# Compute type for options
type_name <- c("integer", "string", "function", "number")
type <- cut(symbols$value, c(-Inf, 0, 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, Inf),
  labels = FALSE, right = FALSE)
type[] <- 1

symbols$type <- c("unknown", "integer", "string", "function", "number", "unknown")[type]

option <- grepl("CURLOPT", symbols$name)
symbols$type[!option] <- NA

# Save as lazy data
curl_symbol_data <- symbols[order(symbols$name), ]
row.names(curl_symbol_data) = NULL
save(curl_symbol_data = curl_symbol_data, file = 'R/sysdata.rda', version = 2)
#usethis::use_data(curl_symbol_data, overwrite = TRUE)
r-lib/pak documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 12:39 a.m.