
## batch control 

#' Reconstruct methylBase or methylBaseDB object based on a new methylation
#'  percentage matrix
#' The function reconstructs a new methylBase object from an input methylBase 
#' object
#' and percent methylation matrix. Basically, it uses the read coverages in the
#'  input
#' methylBase object and deduces new number of methylated Cs and unmethylated 
#' Cs based
#' on the input percent methylation matrix. It is ideally to be used to 
#' reconstruct methylBase objects
#' after batch correction on percent methylation values. The percent methylation 
#' matrix rows must match methylBase object rows in order ,and in addition column 
#' order (the order of samples) in input methylBase must match the order in 
#' percent methylation matrix.
#' @param methMat percent methylation matrix, row order and order of the samples
#'  same as the methylBase object
#' @param mBase \code{\link{methylBase}} or \code{\link{methylBaseDB}} object 
#' to be reconstructed 
#' @param chunk.size Number of rows to be taken as a chunk for processing the 
#' \code{methylBaseDB} objects (default: 1e6)
#' @param save.db A Logical to decide whether the resulting object should be 
#' saved as flat file database or not, default: explained in Details sections  
#' @param ... optional Arguments used when save.db is TRUE
#'            \code{suffix}
#'                  A character string to append to the name of the output 
#'                  flat file database, 
#'                  only used if save.db is true, default actions:
#'                   append \dQuote{_reconstructed} to current filename 
#'                  if database already exists or generate new file with 
#'                  filename \dQuote{methylBase_reconstructed}
#'            \code{dbdir} 
#'                  The directory where flat file database(s) should 
#'                  be stored, defaults
#'                  to getwd(), working directory for newly stored databases
#'                  and to same directory for already existing database
#'              \code{dbtype}
#'                   The type of the flat file database, 
#'                   currently only option is "tabix"
#'                    (only used for newly stored databases)
#' @return new \code{\link{methylBase}} or \code{\link{methylBase}} 
#' object where methylation percentage matches
#'         input \code{methMat} and coverages matches input \code{mBase}
#' @author Altuna Akalin
#' @note Batch effect correction (if any batch effect exists) is a tricky issue. 
#' We provide some simple ways to deal with it 
#' (see \code{\link{assocComp}} and \code{\link{removeComp}} ), 
#' But if you can find other ways to correct for batch effects and want 
#' to create 
#' a methylBase object with the corrected percent methylation values, 
#' you can use this function.
#' @examples 
#' data(methylKit)
#' # get percent methylation
#' mat=percMethylation(methylBase.obj)
#' # do some changes in the matrix
#' # this is just a toy example
#' # ideally you want to correct the matrix
#' # for batch effects
#' mat[mat==100]=80
#' # reconstruct the methylBase from the corrected matrix
#' newobj=reconstruct(mat,methylBase.obj)
#' @section Details:
#' The parameter \code{chunk.size} is only used when working with 
#' \code{methylBaseDB} objects, 
#' as they are read in chunk by chunk to enable processing 
#' large-sized objects which are stored as flat file database.
#' Per default the chunk.size is set to 1M rows, which should work 
#' for most systems. If you encounter memory problems or 
#' have a high amount of memory available feel free to adjust the \code{chunk.size}.
#' The parameter \code{save.db} is per default TRUE for methylDB 
#' objects as \code{methylBaseDB}, 
#' while being per default FALSE for \code{methylBase}. If you wish 
#' to save the result of an 
#' in-memory-calculation as flat file database or if the size of the 
#' database allows the calculation in-memory, 
#' then you might want to change the value of this parameter.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname reconstruct-methods

#' @rdname reconstruct-methods
#' @aliases reconstruct,methylBase-method
  # check if indeed methMat is percent methylation matrix
    warning("\nmake sure 'methMat' is percent methylation " ,
            "matrix (values between 0-100) \n")

  # check if indeed methMat is percent methylation matrix  
  if(nrow(methMat) != nrow(mBase) | ncol(methMat) != length(mBase@numCs.index) ){
    stop("\nmethMat dimensions do not match number of samples\n",
         "and number of bases in methylBase object\n")
  # get new unmethylated and methylated counts
  if(!save.db) {
        destranded=mBase@destranded,resolution=mBase@resolution )
  } else {
    # catch additional args 
    args <- list(...)
    if( !( "dbdir" %in% names(args)) ){
      dbdir <- .check.dbdir(getwd())
    } else { dbdir <- .check.dbdir(args$dbdir) }
    if(!( "suffix" %in% names(args) ) ){
      suffix <- "_reconstructed"
    } else { 
      suffix <- paste0("_",args$suffix)
    # create methylRawDB
                     destranded=mBase@destranded, resolution=mBase@resolution,
                     suffix=suffix )

#' Associate principal components with sample annotations
#' This function associates principal components with sample annotations
#' such as age, gender, batch_id. Can be used to detect which batch effects
#' are associated with the variation in the methylation values.
#' @param mBase \code{\link{methylBase}} or \code{\link{methylBaseDB}} 
#' object with no NA values in the data part.
#' @param sampleAnnotation a data frame where columns are different 
#' annotations and 
#'                        rows are the samples, in the same order as 
#'                        in the methylBase object.
#' @return a named list of principal component matrix (named 'pcs'),
#' % variation explained
#'         by principal compopents (named 'vars') and a p-value matrix 
#'         showing association
#'         p-values between sample annotations and principal components 
#'         (named 'association').
#' @author Altuna Akalin
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' sampleAnnotation=data.frame(batch_id=c("a","a","b","b"),age=c(19,34,23,40))
#' as=assocComp(mBase=methylBase.obj,sampleAnnotation)
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname assocComp-methods
assocComp <- function(mBase,sampleAnnotation){
  mat=percMethylation(mBase) # get matrix
  pr=prcomp(mat,scale.=scale,center=center) # get PCA
  vars=100*pr$sdev**2/sum(pr$sdev**2) # calc variation explained

  # get association p-values using different tests
  for(i in 1:ncol(sampleAnnotation)){
    # for factors do kruskal.wallis or wilcox test
    if(is.factor(sampleAnnotation[,i]) | is.character(sampleAnnotation[,i]) | 
                                              function(x){ # cat(x)
                                      if(length(unique(annot))>2 ){
                                        kruskal.test(split(x,annot)  )$p.value
                                                    split(x,annot)[[2]]  )$p.value 
    }else{# for factors do cor.test
      annot=  sampleAnnotation[,i]
      res[[names(sampleAnnotation)[i]]]=apply(pr$rotation,2,function(x){ # cat(x)


#' Remove principal components from a methylBase object
#' This function can remove a given principal componet from a given 
#' methylBase object. First, it calculates principal components from
#' percent methylation matrix and removes the given component(s), reconstructs
#' the methylation matrix then reconstructs number of methylated and unmethylated Cs per
#' position based on the reconstructed percent methylation matrix, and finally returns
#' a new \code{\link{methylBase}} object.
#' @param mBase \code{\link{methylBase}} or \code{\link{methylBaseDB}} 
#' object with no NA values, that means
#'               all bases should be covered in all samples.
#' @param comp vector of component numbers to be removed
#' @param chunk.size Number of rows to be taken as a chunk for processing 
#' the \code{methylBaseDB} objects (default: 1e6)
#' @param save.db A Logical to decide whether the resulting object should 
#' be saved as flat file database or not, default: explained in Details sections  
#' @param ... optional Arguments used when save.db is TRUE
#'            \code{suffix}
#'                  A character string to append to the name of the output 
#'                  flat file database, 
#'                  only used if save.db is true, default actions: 
#'                  append \dQuote{_reconstructed} to current filename 
#'                  if database already exists or generate new file with 
#'                  filename \dQuote{methylBase_reconstructed}
#'            \code{dbdir} 
#'                  The directory where flat file database(s) should be 
#'                  stored, defaults
#'                  to getwd(), working directory for newly stored databases
#'                  and to same directory for already existing database
#'           \code{dbtype}
#'                  The type of the flat file database, currently only option 
#'  "tabix"
#                  (only used for newly stored databases)
#' @return new \code{\link{methylBase}} or \code{\link{methylBaseDB}} object
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' # remove 1st principal component
#' newObj=removeComp(methylBase.obj,comp=1)
#' # remove 3rd and 4th  principal components
#' newObj=removeComp(methylBase.obj,comp=c(3,4))
#' @section Details:
#' The parameter \code{chunk.size} is only used when working with 
#' \code{methylBaseDB} objects, 
#' as they are read in chunk by chunk to enable processing large-sized 
#' objects which are stored as flat file database.
#' Per default the chunk.size is set to 1M rows, which should work for 
#' most systems. If you encounter memory problems or 
#' have a high amount of memory available feel free to adjust the 
#' \code{chunk.size}.
#' The parameter \code{save.db} is per default TRUE for methylDB objects as
#' \code{methylBaseDB}, 
#' while being per default FALSE for \code{methylBase}. If you wish to save 
#' the result of an 
#' in-memory-calculation as flat file database or if the size of the 
#' database allows the calculation in-memory, 
#' then you might want to change the value of this parameter.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname removeComp-methods
setGeneric("removeComp", function(mBase,comp,chunk.size=1e6,save.db=FALSE,...) 

#' @rdname removeComp-methods
#' @aliases removeComp,methylBase-method
  if(is.na(comp) || is.null(comp)){
    stop("no component to remove\n")
  if(any(comp > length(mBase@sample.ids) )){
    stop("'comp' elements can only take values between 1 and number of samples\n")
  centers <- attr(mat,'scaled:center') 
  scales <- attr(mat,'scaled:scale') 
  res=pr$x %*% t(pr$rotation)
  reconstruct(res,mBase,save.db = save.db, ...=...)
qizhengyang2017/methylKit_1.8.1 documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:58 p.m.