# For deploy, set F to T, replace inst/app/data/config.yml, clist.rds and eset.rds. Follow https://github.com/qinzhu/VisCello to deploy.
viscello_DEPLOY = T
lapply(list.files("src/", pattern = "\\.(r|R)$", recursive = F, full.names = TRUE), function(x){source(file = x)})
if(viscello_DEPLOY) {
.GlobalEnv$global_config <- config::get(file = "data/config.yml", use_parent = F)
.GlobalEnv$mainTitle = paste0("VisCello - ",global_config$study_name)
.GlobalEnv$organism = global_config$organism
.GlobalEnv$study_info <- global_config$study_description
.GlobalEnv$name_col = global_config$feature_name_column
.GlobalEnv$id_col = global_config$feature_id_column
# .GlobalEnv$eset <- readRDS("data/eset_combine.rds")
# .GlobalEnv$clist <-readRDS("data/clist_combine.rds")
.GlobalEnv$eset <- readRDS("data/eset.rds")
.GlobalEnv$clist <-readRDS("data/clist.rds")
}, error = function(x){
stop("Cannot find eset or clist file, please check if the path in config.yml is correct.")
# Global.R
if(Sys.getenv('SHINY_PORT') == "") options(shiny.maxRequestSize=10000*1024^2)
meta_order <- c(colnames(pData(eset)), colnames(clist[[1]]@pmeta))
names(meta_order) <- meta_order
# Don't show factors that's not useful to the user
meta_order <- meta_order[!meta_order %in% c("barcode")]
# Do not edit below
meta_order["Gene Expression"] = "gene.expr"
pmeta_attr <- data.frame(meta_id = meta_order, meta_name = names(meta_order), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
pData(eset) <- pData(eset)[,which(colnames(pData(eset)) %in% pmeta_attr$meta_id)]
pmeta_attr$is_numeric <- sapply(as.character(pmeta_attr$meta_id), function(x) {
if(x %in% colnames(pData(eset))) {
} else if(x %in% colnames(clist[[1]]@pmeta)) {
} else if(x == "gene.expr") {
} else {
# Edit if necessary, Which meta to show
pmeta_attr$dpal <- ifelse(pmeta_attr$is_numeric, "viridis", "Set1")
pmeta_attr$dscale <- ifelse(pmeta_attr$is_numeric, "log10", NA)
pmeta_attr$dscale[which(pmeta_attr$meta_id %in% c("Size_Factor"))] <- "identity"
### Which meta data to show, and in what order ###
showcols_meta <- pmeta_attr$meta_id
names(showcols_meta) <- pmeta_attr$meta_name
bp_colorBy_choices <- showcols_meta[!pmeta_attr$is_numeric]
de_meta_options <- showcols_meta[!pmeta_attr$is_numeric]
numeric_palettes <- numeric_color_opt()
names(numeric_palettes) <- numeric_palettes
heatmap_palettes <- numeric_palettes[numeric_palettes %in% c("RdYlBu", "RdBu", "viridis", "magma", "plasma", "inferno")]
gene_symbol_choices <- rownames(fData(eset))
names(gene_symbol_choices) <- fData(eset)[[name_col]]
feature_options <- data.table(features = names(gene_symbol_choices))
max_pc_show <- 10
HMD_HumanPhenotype <- read.delim("data/HMD_HumanPhenotype.rpt", header=FALSE)
# Specifically modified for EHT
"E9.5 Endo 1"="#B2DF8A",
"E9.5 Endo 2"= "#99D8C9",
"E9.5 HE 1"="#1b7837",
"E9.5 HE 2" ="#33A02C",
"E9.5 Entire Endothelium" = "#74c476",
"E10.5 Endo 1"="#A6CEE3",
"E10.5 Endo 2"="#67A9CF",
"E10.5 HE 1"="#1F78B4",
"E10.5 HE 2"="#1c9099",
"E10.5 HE 3" = "#1d91c0",
"E10.5 Entire Endothelium" = "#41b6c4",
"E10.5 Cluster 1"="#B15928",
"E10.5 Cluster 2" = "#d8b365",
"E10.5 Cluster 3" = "#cab2d6",
"E10.5 Cluster CD45+"="#6A3D9A",
"E10.5 Cluster CD45-"="#cc4c02",
"E11.5 Cluster 1"="#fa9fb5",
"E11.5 Cluster 2"="#e7298a",
"E11.5 Cluster CD45+CD27+"="#E31A1C",
"E11.5 Cluster CD45+CD27-"="#FDBF6F",
"E11.5 FL-LMPP" = "#91003f",
"E14.5 FL-HSC"="#FF7F00",
"E9.5 YS-EMP" = "#003366",
"E10.5 YS-Endo" = "#f1b6da",
"E10.5 YS-HE" = "#9e9ac8",
"E10.5 Runx1 +/+" = "#66c2a5",
"E10.5 Runx1 +/-" = "#e6f598",
"E10.5 Umbilical & Viteline Endo" = "#fee08b",
"E10.5 Runx1 +/+ 2" = "#efedf5",
"E10.5 Runx1 +/- 2" = "#bcbddc",
"E10.5 AGM Endo" = "#990000",
"E10.5 ATAC Paired Endothelium" = "#7fcdbb",
"E10.5 ATAC Paired Endothelium 2" = "#8c96c6",
"E10.5 Runx1-Cre+" = "#88419d"
"E9.5 E"="#B2DF8A",
"E9.5 HE"="#1b7837",
"E9.5 E+HE+IAC" = "#74c476",
"E10.5 E"="#A6CEE3",
"E10.5 HE"="#1F78B4",
"E10.5 E+HE+IAC" = "#41b6c4",
"E10.5 IAC" = "#cab2d6",
"E10.5 CD45+ IAC"="#6A3D9A",
"E10.5 CD45- IAC"="#cc4c02",
"E11.5 IAC"="#fa9fb5",
"E11.5 CD45+CD27+ IAC"="#E31A1C",
"E11.5 CD45+CD27- IAC"="#FDBF6F",
"E11.5 FL-LMPP" = "#91003f",
"E14.5 FL-HSC"="#FF7F00",
"E9.5 YS-EMP" = "#003366",
"E10.5 YS-Endo" = "#f1b6da",
"E10.5 YS-HE" = "#9e9ac8",
"E10.5 Runx1+/+" = "#c51b8a",
"E10.5 Runx1+/-" = "#35978f",
"E10.5 U+V E+HE+HC" = "#8c96c6",
"E10.5 AGM E+HE+HC" = "#990000",
"E10.5 Cre-Runx1" = "#88419d",
#"E10.5 E+HE+IAC (scATAC paired)" = "#8c96c6",
"E10.5 E+HE+IAC (scATAC paired)" = "#41b6c4"
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.