simpleAdjMat <- function() {
## Here's a simple graph for testing
## a b
## |\ /|
## | \___c___/ |
## | | |
## \ | /
## \____d____/
mat <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)
rownames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
colnames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
simpleDirectedGraph <- function() {
## Here's a simple graph for testing
## a b
## |\ /^
## | \__>c<__/ |
## | ^ |
## \ | /
## \___>d____/
mat <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 0),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)
rownames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
colnames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed")
testConstructorFunction <- function() {
## no-argument constructor
adjMat <- matrix(integer(), 0, 0)
target <- new("graphAM", adjMat=adjMat)
checkIdentical(target, graphAM())
## adjMat constructor
adjMat <- simpleAdjMat()
target <- new("graphAM", adjMat=adjMat, edgemode="directed")
checkIdentical(target, graphAM(adjMat, "directed"))
target <- new("graphAM", adjMat=adjMat, edgemode="undirected")
checkIdentical(target, graphAM(adjMat, "undirected"))
checkIdentical(target, graphAM(adjMat))
## values: adjacency matrix non-zero (and necessarily positive) values
## will be used as edge weights, an edge attribute. the -1 is ignored
## in all cases, but retrievable via edgeDataDefaults
## values is to contain exactly one name, and one value
## the name indicates the edge attribute, whose values come from the
## elements of the adjacency matrix: often, but not necessarily, set to 1
values <- list(weight=-1)
target <- new("graphAM", adjMat=adjMat, edgemode="directed",
checkEquals (edgeData(target, 'a', 'c', attr='weight')[[1]], 1)
checkEquals (edgeDataDefaults(target, 'weight'), -1)
checkIdentical(target, graphAM(adjMat, "directed", values))
testInvalidNonSquare <- function() {
mat <- cbind(c(0, 0, 1), c(1, 1, 1))
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat), silent=TRUE)
testInvalidNegativeValues <- function() {
mat <- matrix(c(0, 1, -4, -1), ncol=2)
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat), silent=TRUE)
testInvalidNonSymmetric <- function() {
mat <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1,
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(mat) <- letters[1:3]
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat), silent=TRUE)
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="undirected"), silent=TRUE)
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed")
testInvalidBadNodeNames <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
n <- paste(letters[1:4], 1:4, sep=graph:::EDGE_KEY_SEP)
colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- n
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat), silent=TRUE)
colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- c("a", "b", NA, "c")
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat), silent=TRUE)
colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- c("a", "f", "", "d")
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat), silent=TRUE)
test_empty_graph <- function() {
mat <- matrix(integer(0), nrow=0, ncol=0)
g <- graphAM (adjMat = mat)
checkEquals(0L, numNodes(g))
checkEquals(0L, numEdges(g))
checkEquals(character(0), nodes(g))
checkEquals(list(), edges(g))
m <- as(g, "matrix")
checkEquals(c(0L, 0L), dim(m))
checkEquals(0L, length(m))
g <- graphAM (adjMat = mat, values = list(weight = 1L))
checkEquals(0L, numNodes(g))
checkEquals(0L, numEdges(g))
checkEquals(character(0), nodes(g))
checkEquals(list(), edges(g))
m <- as(g, "matrix")
checkEquals(c(0L, 0L), dim(m))
checkEquals(0L, length(m))
test_no_edge_graph <- function() {
mat <- matrix(0L, nrow=3, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(letters[1:3], letters[1:3]))
g <- graphAM (adjMat = mat)
checkEquals(letters[1:3], nodes(g))
checkEquals(0L, numEdges(g))
want <- list(a = character(0), b = character(0), c = character(0))
checkEquals(want, edges(g))
m <- as(g, "matrix")
checkEquals(c(3L, 3L), dim(m))
checkTrue(all(m == 0L))
g <- graphAM (adjMat = mat, values = list(weight = 1L))
checkEquals(letters[1:3], nodes(g))
checkEquals(0L, numEdges(g))
checkEquals(want, edges(g))
m <- as(g, "matrix")
checkEquals(c(3L, 3L), dim(m))
checkTrue(all(m == 0L))
testValuesToAttr <- function() {
mat <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 2,
0, 0, 3, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 4, 5, 0),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)
rownames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
colnames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed",
checkEquals(4, edgeData(g1, "d", "b", attr="weight")[[1]])
checkEquals(3, edgeData(g1, "b", "c", attr="weight")[[1]])
checkEquals(2, edgeData(g1, "a", "d", attr="weight")[[1]])
checkEquals(1, edgeData(g1, "a", "c", attr="weight")[[1]])
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed",
values=list(weight=1, not=2)), silent=TRUE)
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed",
values=list("must", "name")), silent=TRUE)
checkException(graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed",
values="weight"), silent=TRUE)
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed",
checkEquals(4, edgeData(g1, "d", "b", attr="type")[[1]])
checkEquals(3, edgeData(g1, "b", "c", attr="type")[[1]])
checkEquals(2, edgeData(g1, "a", "d", attr="type")[[1]])
checkEquals(1, edgeData(g1, "a", "c", attr="type")[[1]])
testEdges <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
got <- edges(g1)
expect <- list(a=c("c", "d"), b=c("c", "d"), c=c("a", "b", "d"),
d=c("a", "b", "c"))
checkEquals(expect, got)
got <- edges(g1, c("a", "d"))
expect <- expect[c("a", "d")]
checkEquals(expect, got)
testEdgesDirected <- function() {
g1 <- simpleDirectedGraph()
expect <- list(a=c("c", "d"), b="c", c=character(0),
d=c("b", "c"))
checkEquals(expect, edges(g1))
testEdgesSubset <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
got <- edges(g1)
expect <- list(a=c("c", "d"), d=c("a", "b", "c"))
got <- edges(g1, c("a", "d"))
checkEquals(expect, got)
testNodeNames <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
got <- nodes(g1)
expect <- letters[1:4]
checkEquals(expect, got)
testNodeNamesReplace <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
nodes(g1) <- LETTERS[1:4]
expect <- LETTERS[1:4]
checkEquals(expect, nodes(g1))
testNumNodes <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
checkEquals(nrow(mat), numNodes(g1))
testNumEdges <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
checkEquals(5, numEdges(g1))
edgemode(g1) <- "directed"
checkEquals(10, numEdges(g1))
testNumEdgesWithSelfLoop <- function() {
mat <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), ncol=4)
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
checkEquals(4, numEdges(g1))
testIsAdjacent <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
checkEquals(TRUE, isAdjacent(g1, "a", "c"))
checkEquals(TRUE, isAdjacent(g1, "c", "a"))
checkEquals(FALSE, isAdjacent(g1, "a", "b"))
checkEquals(FALSE, isAdjacent(g1, "b", "a"))
checkException(isAdjacent(g1, "z", "a"), silent=TRUE)
checkException(isAdjacent(g1, "a", "z"), silent=TRUE)
testIsAdjacentVectorized <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
fr <- c("a", "c", "a", "b")
to <- c("c", "a", "b", "a")
expect <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
checkEquals(expect, isAdjacent(g1, fr, to))
checkEquals(expect, isAdjacent(g1, to, fr))
## testSubgraph <- function() {
## mat <- simpleAdjMat()
## g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
## g2 <- subgraph(c("a", "b", "c"), ffff)
## }
testSimpleEdgeWeights <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g <- graphAM (mat)
checkEquals(nodes(g), names(edgeWeights(g)))
expect <- c(c=1:1, d=1:1)
checkEquals(expect, edgeWeights(g)$a)
testAddNode <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
newNodes <- c("r", "s", "a", "b")
checkException(addNode(newNodes, g1), silent=TRUE)
newNodes <- c("r", "s")
expect <- c(nodes(g1), newNodes)
g1 <- addNode(newNodes, g1)
checkEquals(expect, nodes(g1))
badNodeName <- paste("foo", graph:::EDGE_KEY_SEP, "bar", sep="")
checkException(addNode(badNodeName, g1), silent=TRUE)
testAddEdge <- function() {
## I would like different order of the args in the generic, but not sure it is
## worth it to change... but would seem more consistent.
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
g1 <- addNode("e", g1)
checkEquals(FALSE, isAdjacent(g1, "b", "e"))
g1 <- addEdge(graph=g1, from="b", to="e")
checkEquals(TRUE, isAdjacent(g1, "b", "e"))
testAddEdgeMultiple <- function()
a <- matrix(0L, nrow=8, ncol=8)
dimnames(a) <- list(letters[1:8], letters[1:8])
G <- graphAM (adjMat=a, edgemode = "directed")
GU <- graphAM (adjMat=a)
## make sure we don't warn for this call
H <- addEdge(from=c("a", "b", "c"), to=c("d", "e", "f"), G)
HU <- addEdge(from=c("a", "b", "c"), to=c("d", "e", "f"), GU)
}, warning = function(w)
stop("unwanted warning message: ", conditionMessage(w)))
expect <- a
fr <- c("a", "b", "c")
to <- c("d", "e", "f")
wh <- cbind(match(fr, letters[1:8]), match(to, letters[1:8]))
expect[wh] <- 1L
checkEquals(expect, as(H, "matrix"))
expectU <- expect
expectU[wh[ , c(2L, 1L)]] <- 1L
checkEquals(expectU, as(HU, "matrix"))
testClearNode <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
edgeDataDefaults(g1, attr="weight") <- 1
edgeData(g1, "a", "c", attr="weight") <- 400
checkEquals(TRUE, isAdjacent(g1, "a", "c"))
checkEquals(TRUE, isAdjacent(g1, "a", "d"))
checkEquals(400, edgeData(g1, "a", "c", attr="weight")[[1]])
g1 <- clearNode("a", g1)
checkEquals(FALSE, isAdjacent(g1, "a", "c"))
checkEquals(FALSE, isAdjacent(g1, "a", "d"))
checkException(edgeData(g1, "a", "c", attr="weight"), silent=TRUE)
testRemoveNode <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
origNodes <- nodes(g1)
checkEquals(TRUE, "b" %in% origNodes)
g1 <- removeNode("b", g1)
checkEquals(FALSE, "b" %in% nodes(g1))
testRemoveEdge <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
checkEquals(TRUE, isAdjacent(g1, "a", "c"))
g1 <- removeEdge("a", "c", g1)
checkEquals(FALSE, isAdjacent(g1, "a", "c"))
testRemoveEdgeWithWeights <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
mat[mat != 0] <- runif(length(mat[mat != 0]))
g <- graphAM (adjMat = mat, edgemode = "directed",
values = list(weight = 1.0))
weights <- unlist(edgeData(g, attr = "weight"))
toRemove <- names(weights[weights < 0.5])
expect <- numEdges(g) - length(toRemove)
fromTo <-, strsplit(toRemove, "|", fixed = TRUE))
g2 <- removeEdge(fromTo[, 1], fromTo[, 2], g)
checkEquals(expect, numEdges(g2))
apply(fromTo, 1, function(row) {
checkEquals(FALSE, isAdjacent(g2, row[1], row[2]))
testGraphAMCloning <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
origNodes <- nodes(g1)
g2 <- g1
## modify g1
g1 <- addNode("NEW", g1)
edgeDataDefaults(g1, "weight") <- 2
edgeDataDefaults(g1, "color") <- "green"
## g2 should not have changed
checkEquals(list(), edgeDataDefaults(g2))
checkEquals(origNodes, nodes(g2))
testUndirectedAsGraphNEL <- function() {
mat <- simpleAdjMat()
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat)
gNel <- as(g1, "graphNEL")
checkEquals(edges(g1), edges(gNel))
checkEquals(nodes(g1), nodes(gNel))
checkEquals(edgemode(g1), edgemode(gNel))
checkEquals(edgeDataDefaults(g1), edgeDataDefaults(gNel))
checkEquals(nodeDataDefaults(g1), nodeDataDefaults(gNel))
testDirectedAsGraphNEL <- function() {
g1 <- simpleDirectedGraph()
gNel <- as(g1, "graphNEL")
checkEquals(edges(g1), edges(gNel))
checkEquals(nodes(g1), nodes(gNel))
checkEquals(edgemode(g1), edgemode(gNel))
checkEquals(edgeDataDefaults(g1), edgeDataDefaults(gNel))
checkEquals(nodeDataDefaults(g1), nodeDataDefaults(gNel))
testDirectedAsGraphAM <- function() {
g1 <- simpleDirectedGraph()
gNel <- as(g1, "graphNEL")
g2 <- as(gNel, "graphAM")
checkEquals(edges(g1), edges(g2))
checkEquals(nodes(g1), nodes(g2))
checkEquals(edgemode(g1), edgemode(g2))
checkEquals(edgeDataDefaults(g1), edgeDataDefaults(g2))
checkEquals(nodeDataDefaults(g1), nodeDataDefaults(g2))
testInEdges <- function() {
g1 <- simpleDirectedGraph()
expected <- list(a=character(0), b="d", c=c("a", "b", "d"), d="a")
checkEquals(expected, inEdges(g1), msg="gramAM")
checkEquals(expected, inEdges(object=g1), msg="gramAM")
checkEquals(expected, inEdges(node=g1), msg="gramAM")
testNoEdges <- function() {
m <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=3)
g <- graphAM (m)
checkEquals(0, numEdges(g))
checkEquals(3, length(edges(g)))
checkEquals(nodes(g), names(edges(g)))
checkEquals(0, sum(sapply(edges(g), length)))
testAsMatrix <- function() {
mat <- rbind(c(0, 0, 12, 1),
c(0, 0, 1, 1),
c(12, 1, 0, 1),
c(1, 1, 1, 0))
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
## If no values arg, then matrix just converted to 0/1
g1 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="undirected")
mat1 <- mat
mat1[mat1 != 0] <- 1:1
checkEquals(mat1, as(g1, "matrix"))
## With values arg, matrix values stored as edge attribute
## which gets restored for as(<.>, "matrix")
g2 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="undirected",
checkEquals(mat, as(g2, "matrix"))
test_coerce_matrix_to_graphAM <- function()
mat <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 2,
0, 0, 3, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 4, 5, 0),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=4,
dimnames=list(letters[1:4], letters[1:4]))
g <- as(mat, "graphAM")
checkEquals(mat, as(g, "matrix"))
g2 <- graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed",
checkEquals(as(g, "matrix"), as(g2, "matrix"))
test_edgeMatrix <- function() {
ugam <- graphAM (adjMat=simpleAdjMat(), edgemode="undirected")
gam <- simpleDirectedGraph()
expect <- c("1+3", "1+4", "2+3", "2+4", "3+4")
got <- edgeMatrix(ugam)
checkTrue(setequal(expect, paste(got[1, ], got[2, ], sep="+")))
checkEquals(list(c("from", "to"), NULL), dimnames(got))
expect <- c("1+3", "1+4", "2+3", "4+2", "4+3")
got <- edgeMatrix(gam)
checkTrue(setequal(expect, paste(got[1, ], got[2, ], sep="+")))
## duplicates should have no effect on directed graph
got <- edgeMatrix(gam, duplicates=TRUE)
checkTrue(setequal(expect, paste(got[1, ], got[2, ], sep="+")))
expect <- c("1+3", "1+4", "2+3", "2+4", "3+4",
"3+1", "4+1", "3+2", "4+2", "4+3")
got <- edgeMatrix(ugam, duplicates=TRUE)
checkTrue(setequal(expect, paste(got[1, ], got[2, ], sep="+")))
test_rename_nodes_edgeWeights <- function() {
mat <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 2,
0, 0, 3, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 4, 5, 0),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)
rownames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
colnames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
g <- graphAM (adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed",
ew <- edgeWeights(g)
ew <- lapply(ew, function(x) {
if (length(x))
names(x) <- toupper(names(x))
names(ew) <- toupper(names(ew))
nodes(g) <- LETTERS[1:4]
checkEquals(LETTERS[1:4], nodes(g))
checkEquals(ew, edgeWeights(g))
test_rename_nodes_nodeData <- function() {
g <- simpleDirectedGraph()
nodeDataDefaults(g) <- list(type=NA)
nodeData(g, n="a", attr="type") <- "the first one"
nodeData(g, n="d", attr="type") <- "the last one"
ndDef <- nodeDataDefaults(g)
nd <- nodeData(g, attr="type")
names(nd) <- toupper(names(nd))
nodes(g) <- toupper(nodes(g))
checkEquals(nd, nodeData(g, attr="type"))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.