## alias subsetEdgeSets; remove once it is exported
make_directed_MultiGraph <- function(use.factors = TRUE)
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b"),
to=c("b", "c", "d", "a", "d"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4, 1, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "x", "x", "c"),
to=c("b", "c", "x", "y", "c", "a"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6, 1, 1, 1, 7.9),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g <- MultiGraph(esets)
list(esets=esets, g=g)
make_mixed_MultiGraph <- function(use.factors = TRUE)
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b"),
to=c("b", "c", "d", "a", "d"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4, 1, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "x", "x", "c"),
to=c("b", "c", "x", "y", "c", "a"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6, 1, 1, 1, 7.9),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft3 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "x", "x", "x"),
to =c("b", "c", "a", "y", "c"),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2, e3=ft3, e4=ft2[FALSE, ],
e5=ft3[FALSE, ])
g <- MultiGraph(esets, directed = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
list(esets=esets, g=g)
randMultiGraph <- function(numNodes, numEdges)
ftlist <- lapply(numEdges, function(ne) {
graph:::randFromTo(numNodes, ne)
nn <- ftlist[[1L]]$nodes
edgeSets <- lapply(ftlist, function(x) x[["ft"]])
names(edgeSets) <- paste("e", seq_len(length(edgeSets)), sep="")
MultiGraph(edgeSets, nodes = nn)
randFromTo2 <- function(numNodes, numEdges,
weightFun = function(N) rep(1L, N),
directed = TRUE)
if (numNodes > 2^15) stop("too many nodes: ", numNodes)
maxEdges <- numNodes * numNodes
nodeNames <- sprintf("%010d", seq_len(numNodes))
x <- c(rep(1L, numEdges), rep(0L, maxEdges - numEdges))
idx <- which(sample(x) == 1L)
to_i <- ((idx - 1L) %/% numNodes) + 1L
from_i <- ((idx - 1L) %% numNodes) + 1L
from <- nodeNames[from_i]
to <- nodeNames[to_i]
w <- weightFun(length(from))
if (!directed) {
tmp <- graph:::.mg_undirectEdges(from, to, w)
from <- tmp$from
to <- tmp$to
w <- tmp$weight
df <- data.frame(from = from, to = to, weight = w,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- df[!duplicated(df), ]
} else {
df <- data.frame(from = from, to = to, weight = w,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
list(nodes = nodeNames, ft = df)
sort_esets <- function(esets)
## sorting is based on column major ordering
lapply(esets, function(ft) {
ft <- ft[order(ft$to, ft$from), ]
make_unique_ft <- function(ftdata)
## ftdata is a list with components $nodes and $ft
## $ft is a data.frame with columns 'from', 'to', and 'weight'
ft <- ftdata[["ft"]]
el <- paste(ft[["from"]], ft[["to"]], sep = "\t")
dups <- duplicated(el)
ftdata[["ft"]] <- ft[!dups, ]
test_basic_accessors <- function()
basic <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()
esets <- basic$esets
g <- basic$g
checkEquals(6L, numNodes(g))
checkEquals(c("a", "b", "c", "d", "x", "y"), nodes(g))
checkEquals(c(e1=5L, e2=6L, e3=5L, e4=0L, e5=0L), numEdges(g))
checkEquals(structure(c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE),
.Names = paste("e", 1:5, sep="")),
test_no_edge_sets <- function()
g1 <- MultiGraph(list(), nodes = letters)
g2 <- MultiGraph(list(), nodes = letters, directed = FALSE)
for (g in list(g1, g2)) {
checkEquals(26L, numNodes(g))
checkEquals(letters, nodes(g))
checkEquals(list(), numEdges(g))
checkEquals(list(), eweights(g))
checkEquals(list(), eweights(g, "="))
checkEquals(list(), isDirected(g))
tcon = textConnection(NULL, "w")
checkEquals("MultiGraph with 26 nodes and 0 edge sets",
test_create_empty_edgeSets <- function()
df1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "b"),
to=c("b", "c"), weight=c(1, 1))
esets <- list(e1 = df1, empty1 = df1[FALSE, ])
g <- MultiGraph(esets)
checkEquals(c(e1=2L, empty1=0L), numEdges(g))
dg <- MultiGraph(esets, directed = FALSE)
checkEquals(c(e1=2L, empty1=0L), numEdges(dg))
test_edgeSets_arg_checking <- function()
## data.frame's in edgeSets list must have names:
## from, to, weights
df0 <- data.frame(fr=c("a", "b"),
to=c("b", "c"), weights=c(1, 1))
## edgeSets must be named list or empty list
checkException(MultiGraph(list(data.frame(from=c("a", "b"),
to=c("b", "c"),
weights=c(1, 1)))))
test_no_nodes <- function()
mg <- MultiGraph(list())
checkEquals(0L, length(nodes(mg)))
checkEquals(list(), numEdges(mg))
test_create_infer_nodes <- function()
basic <- make_directed_MultiGraph()
esets <- basic$esets
g <- basic$g
checkEquals(6L, numNodes(g))
checkEquals(c(e1=5L, e2=6L), numEdges(g))
## test constructor with nodes arg given (singleton case)
test_bad_nodes_in_create <- function()
basic <- make_directed_MultiGraph()
esets <- basic$esets
esets[[1]]$to <- as.character(esets[[1]]$to)
bad_values <- c(NA, "a\n", "", "z|a", "a\t")
for (v in bad_values) {
tmp <- esets
tmp[[1]]$to[3] <- v
test_dup_edges_is_an_error <- function()
## directed case
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a"),
to=c("b", "c", "b"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4))
## undirected case
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "b"),
to=c("b", "c", "a"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4))
## ok if directed
junk <- MultiGraph(list(e1=ft2))
checkException(MultiGraph(list(e1=ft2), directed = FALSE))
test_edgeWeights_create <- function()
basic <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()
esets <- basic$esets
g <- basic$g
esets <- sort_esets(esets)
got <- eweights(g)
checkIdentical(list(e1 = esets[[1L]][, "weight"]), got[1])
checkIdentical(list(e2 = esets[[2L]][, "weight"]), got[2])
## undirected case normalizes edges by sorting, always putting the
## node that sorts first as from.
checkIdentical(list(e3 = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 5L, 4L)), got[3])
test_edgeWeights_edge_names <- function()
basic <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()
esets <- basic$esets
g <- basic$g
wv <- eweights(g, names.sep = "=>")
esets <- sort_esets(esets)
want <- paste(esets[[1]]$from, esets[[1]]$to, sep = "=>")
checkEquals(want, names(wv[[1]]))
want <- c("a|b"=1L, "a|c"=2L, "a|x"=3L, "c|x"=5L, "x|y"=4L)
checkIdentical(list(e3 = want), eweights(g, "|")[3])
test_supports_self_loops <- function()
esets <- list(e1 = data.frame(from = c("a", "a"), to = c("a", "b"),
weight = c(1, 2)))
g <- MultiGraph(esets)
checkEquals(c(e1 = 2), numEdges(g))
test_isDirected <- function()
g <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
checkEquals(c(e1=TRUE, e2=TRUE, e3=FALSE, e4=TRUE, e5=FALSE),
test_ugraph_via_isDirected <- function()
g <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
## verify precondition
names(want) <- paste("e", 1:5, sep="")
checkEquals(want, isDirected(g))
ug <- ugraph(g)
want[] <- FALSE
checkEquals(want, isDirected(ug))
test_ugraph_for_undirected_edge_sets <- function()
df1 <- data.frame(from=c("x", "a", "b"),
to=c("a", "b", "x"),
weight=c(1, 2, 3))
g <- MultiGraph(list(e1=df1), directed=FALSE)
ug <- ugraph(g)
checkEquals(nodes(g), nodes(ug))
checkEquals(numEdges(g), numEdges(ug))
checkEquals(isDirected(g), isDirected(ug))
## verify attributes have been dropped
checkEquals(rep(1L, 3), eweights(ug)[[1]])
test_ugraph_for_directed_edge_sets <- function()
df1 <- data.frame(from=c("x", "a", "b", "x", "b", "c"),
to=c("a", "x", "x", "b", "a", "x"),
g <- MultiGraph(list(e1=df1), directed=TRUE)
checkEquals(6, numEdges(g)[[1]])
ug <- ugraph(g)
checkEquals(nodes(g), nodes(ug))
checkEquals(4, numEdges(ug)[[1]])
checkEquals(rep(1L, 4), eweights(ug)[[1]])
checkEquals(c("a=b", "a=x", "b=x", "c=x"),
names(eweights(ug, "=")[[1]]))
mg_equals <- function(g1, g2)
checkEquals(nodes(g1), nodes(g2))
checkEquals(isDirected(g1), isDirected(g2))
checkEquals(numEdges(g1), numEdges(g2))
checkEquals(eweights(g1, "==>"), eweights(g2, "==>"))
test_edgeSetIntersect0_trivial <- function()
## Verify 0 and 1 edge set cases for directed/undirected
df <- data.frame(from="a", to="b", weight=1L)
mgs <- list(
## empty edge sets
MultiGraph(list(), nodes = letters),
MultiGraph(list(), nodes = letters, directed = FALSE),
## single edge set
MultiGraph(list(e1=df), directed = FALSE))
for (g in mgs) {
mg_equals(g, edgeSetIntersect0(g))
## Verify empty intersection for disjoint graphs
df1 <- data.frame(from="a", to="b", weight=1L)
df2 <- data.frame(from="x", to="y", weight=1L)
g <- MultiGraph(list(e1=df1, e2=df2))
gu <- MultiGraph(list(e1=df1, e2=df2), directed = FALSE)
want <- MultiGraph(list(), nodes = c("a", "b", "x", "y"))
mg_equals(want, edgeSetIntersect0(g))
mg_equals(want, edgeSetIntersect0(gu))
test_edgeSetIntersect0_directed_1 <- function()
## non-trivial directed intersect
g <- make_directed_MultiGraph()$g
gi <- edgeSetIntersect0(g)
## TODO: do we want the minimal node set or not?
## checkEquals(c("a", "b", "c"), nodes(gi))
checkEquals(nodes(g), nodes(gi)) # original nodes
checkEquals(c(e1_e2=2L), numEdges(gi)[1L])
checkEquals("e1_e2", names(numEdges(gi)))
w <- c(as.numeric(NA), as.numeric(NA))
names(w) <- c("a=>b", "a=>c")
checkEquals(list(e1_e2=w), eweights(gi, "=>"))
test_edgeSetIntersect0_random <- function()
make_data <- function(nsets, nn, ne, ns,
type=c("directed", "undirected")) {
## nsets: number of edge sets
## nn: number of nodes
## ne: number of edges
## ns: number of shared edges
directed <- switch(match.arg(type),
mixed=sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nsets, replace=TRUE))
grouped <- randFromTo2(nn, (ne * nsets) + ns, directed = all(directed))$ft
## for the undirected case, we will end up with fewer edges so
## need to adjust.
ne <- (nrow(grouped) - ns) %/% nsets
shared <- grouped[1:ns, ]
starts <- seq(ns, nrow(grouped) - ne, by = ne) + 1L
esets <- vector("list", nsets)
names(esets) <- paste("e", 1:nsets, sep = "")
for (i in seq_along(esets)) {
z <- grouped[seq(starts[[i]], starts[[i]] + ne - 1L), ]
z <- rbind(shared, z)
esets[[i]] <- z
g=MultiGraph(esets, directed = directed),
esets = esets)
do_test <- function(d)
gi <- edgeSetIntersect0(d$g)
checkEquals(nrow(d$shared), numEdges(gi)[[1]])
all_directed <- all(isDirected(d$g))
checkEquals(all_directed, isDirected(gi)[[1]])
checkEquals(nodes(d$g), nodes(gi))
for (t in c("directed", "undirected")) {
for (i in 1:10) {
do_test(make_data(2, 10, 10, 3, type = t))
do_test(make_data(3, 10, 10, 3, type = t))
do_test(make_data(3, 10, 10, 1, type = t))
do_test(make_data(3, 11, 20, 6, type = t))
test_subSetEdgeSets_single <- function(){
g <- make_directed_MultiGraph()$g
gi <- subsetEdgeSets(g, "e1")
checkEquals(nodes(g), nodes(gi))
checkEquals(c(e1 = 5L), numEdges(gi)[1L])
checkEquals("e1", names(numEdges(gi)))
w <- c(1.0, 1.0, 3.1, 5.4, 2.2)
names(w) <- c("b=>a", "a=>b", "a=>c", "a=>d", "b=>d")
checkEquals(list(e1=w), eweights(gi, "=>"))
test_subSetEdgeSets_multiple <- function() {
g <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
gi <- subsetEdgeSets(g, c("e1","e3"))
checkEquals(nodes(g), nodes(gi))
checkEquals(c(e1 = 5L, e3 = 5L), numEdges(gi))
checkEquals(c("e1", "e3"), names(numEdges(gi)))
w1 <- c( 1.0, 1.0, 3.1, 5.4, 2.2)
w2 <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 4)
names(w1) <- c("b=>a", "a=>b", "a=>c", "a=>d", "b=>d")
names(w2) <- c("a=>b", "a=>c", "a=>x", "c=>x", "x=>y")
checkEquals(list(e1 = w1, e3 = w2), eweights(gi, "=>"))
test_subSetEdgeSets_no_duplicate_edgeSets <- function() {
g <- make_directed_MultiGraph()$g
checkException(subsetEdgeSets(g, c("e1", "e1")))
test_subSetEdgeSets_no_such_edgeSet <- function() {
g <- make_directed_MultiGraph()$g
checkException(subsetEdgeSets(g, "notAnEdgeSet"))
test_subSetEdgeSets_empty_edgeSet <- function() {
g <- make_directed_MultiGraph()$g
gi <- subsetEdgeSets(g, character(0))
checkEquals(nodes(g), nodes(gi))
checkEquals("list", class(numEdges(gi)))
checkEquals(0, length(numEdges(gi)))
checkEquals(character(0), names(numEdges(gi)))
test_extractFromTo_Directed <- function(use.factors=TRUE){
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b"),
to=c("b", "c", "d", "a", "d"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4, 1, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "x", "x", "c"),
to=c("b", "c", "x", "y", "c", "a"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6, 1, 1, 1, 7.9),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g <- MultiGraph(esets)
res <- extractFromTo(g)
ft1 <- ft1[ ,ft1["to"]),]
rownames(ft1) <- 1:5
ft2 <- ft2[ ,ft2["to"]),]
rownames(ft2) <- 1:6
checkEquals(list(e1 = ft1, e2 = ft2), res)
test_extractFromTo_UnDirected <- function(use.factors=TRUE){
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b"),
to=c("b", "c", "d", "c", "d"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4, 1, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "x", "x", "c"),
to=c("b", "a", "x", "y", "c", "a"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6, 1, 1, 1, 7.9),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g <- MultiGraph(esets,directed=c(FALSE,FALSE))
res <- extractFromTo(g)
ft1 <- ft1[ ,ft1["to"]),]
rownames(ft1) <- 1:5
ft2["from"] <- factor(c("a", "a", "a", "a", "c", "x"))
ft2["to"] <- factor(c("a", "b", "c", "x", "x", "y"))
ft2["weight"] <- c(2.6, 3.4, 7.9, 1, 1, 1)
checkEquals(list(e1 = ft1, e2 = ft2), res)
test_degree_Mixed <- function(use.factors=TRUE){
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b"),
to=c("b", "c", "d", "c", "d"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4, 1, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "x", "x", "c"),
to=c("b", "a", "x", "y", "c", "a"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6, 1, 1, 1, 7.9),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g <- MultiGraph(esets,directed=c(FALSE,TRUE))
deg <- degree(g)
e1Degree <- as.numeric(c(3, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0))
attributes(e1Degree) <- list(names=c("a","b","c","d","x","y"))
inDegree <- as.numeric(c(2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1))
attributes(inDegree) <- list(names=c("a","b","c","d","x","y"))
outDegree <- as.numeric(c(3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0))
attributes(outDegree) <- list(names=c("a","b","c","d","x","y"))
res <- list(e1 = e1Degree, e2 = list(inDegree = inDegree,
checkEquals(res, deg)
checkSubGraph <- function(g, subG) {
nds <- nodes(g)
subNodes <- nodes(subG)
origFromTo <- extractFromTo(g)
subFromTo <- extractFromTo(subG)
sapply(names(origFromTo), function(x){
indx <- (origFromTo[[x]]$from %in% subNodes) &
(origFromTo[[x]]$to %in% subNodes)
origdf = origFromTo[[x]]
want <- origdf[(origdf$from %in% subNodes) & (origdf$to %in% subNodes),]
subdf <- subFromTo[[x]]
checkEquals(as.character(want$from), as.character(subdf$from))
checkEquals(as.character(want$to), as.character(subdf$to))
checkEquals(g@edge_sets[[x]]@weights[indx], subG@edge_sets[[x]]@weights)
test_basic_subGraph <- function() {
g <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
nds <- nodes(g)[1:3]
sg <- subGraph(nds, g)
test_large_subGraph <- function() {
df1 <- graph:::randFromTo(1000L, 10001L, directed = TRUE,
weightFun = seq_len)
df2 <- graph:::randFromTo(1000L, 10001L, directed = FALSE,
weightFun = seq_len)
g <- MultiGraph(list(e1= df1$ft, e2 = df2$ft))
nds <- sample( graph:::nodes(g), 100)
subG <- subGraph(nds, g)
checkSubGraph(g, subG)
test_basic_mgToGraphAM <- function() {
g <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
res <- extractGraphAM(g)
checkGraphAMObj(res, g)
test_large_mgToGraphAM <- function() {
df1 <- graph:::randFromTo(800L, 90L, directed = TRUE,
weightFun = seq_len)
df2 <- graph:::randFromTo(800L, 60L, directed = FALSE,
weightFun = seq_len)
g <- MultiGraph(list(e1= df1$ft, e2 = df2$ft))
res <- extractGraphAM(g)
checkGraphAMObj <- function(am, mg){
nds <- nodes(mg)
dr <- isDirected(mg)
sapply(names(am), function(x){
mat <- as(am[[x]], "matrix")
checkEquals(colnames(mat), nds)
wtMg <- graph:::edgeSetToMatrix(nds, mg@edge_sets[[x]], dr[[x]])
checkEquals(mat, wtMg)
test_mixed_MultiGraph_Intersect <- function(use.factors=TRUE) {
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b"),
to=c("b", "c", "d", "a", "d"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4, 1, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "x", "x"),
to=c("b", "c", "x", "y", "c"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6, 1, 1, 1),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft3 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "x", "x", "x"),
to =c("b", "c", "a", "y", "c"),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2, e3=ft3, e4=ft2[FALSE, ],
e5=ft3[FALSE, ])
g1 <- MultiGraph(esets, directed = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "b"),
to=c("d", "d"),
weight=c(5.4, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a"),
to=c("b", "c", "x"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6, 1),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g2 <- MultiGraph(esets, directed = c(TRUE, FALSE))
res <- graphIntersect(g1, g2)
checkEquals(nodes(res), c("a", "b", "c", "d", "x"))
structure(c(TRUE, FALSE), names = c("e1", "e2")))
df <- extractFromTo(res)
checkEquals(names(df), c("e1", "e2"))
df1 <- data.frame(from = c("a", "b"), to = c("d", "d"), weight = c(5.4, 2.2))
checkEquals(df$e1, df1)
df2 <- data.frame(from = c("a", "a", "a"), to = c("b", "c", "x"), weight = c(3.4, 2.6, 1))
checkEquals(df$e2, df2)
test_mixed_MultiGraph_Union <- function(use.factors=TRUE) {
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b"),
to =c("b", "c", "d", "a", "d"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4, 1, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a"),
to=c("b", "c"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft3 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a"),
to =c("d", "b"),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2, e3=ft3, e4=ft2[FALSE, ],
e5=ft3[FALSE, ])
g1 <- MultiGraph(esets, directed = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "b"),
to=c("b", "x", "z"),
weight=c(6, 5, 2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a"),
to=c("a", "x", "y"),
weight=c(1, 2, 3),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g2 <- MultiGraph(esets, directed = c(TRUE, FALSE))
res <- graphUnion(g1, g2)
checkEquals(nodes(res), c("a", "b", "c", "d", "x", "y", "z"))
checkEquals(names(res@edge_sets), c("e1", "e2", "e3", "e4", "e5"))
checkEquals(isDirected(res), structure(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
names = c("e1", "e2", "e3", "e4", "e5")))
df <- extractFromTo(res)
checkEquals(names(df), c("e1", "e2", "e3", "e4", "e5"))
df1 <- data.frame(from = c("b", "a", "a", "a", "b", "a", "b"),
to = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "d", "x", "z"),
weight = c(1, NA, 3.1, 5.4, 2.2, 5.0, 2.0))
checkEquals(df$e1, df1)
df2 <- data.frame(from = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a"),
to = c("a", "b", "c", "x", "y"),
weight = c(1, 3.4, 2.6, 2, 3 ))
checkEquals(df$e2, df2)
df3 <- data.frame(from = c("a", "a"),
to = c("b", "d"),
weight = c(2, 1))
checkEquals(df$e3, df3)
df4 <- data.frame(from = factor(), to = factor(), weight = numeric())
checkEquals(df$e4, df4)
checkEquals(df$e5, df4)
test_MultiGraph_To_graphBAM <- function(use.factors=TRUE) {
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b"),
to=c("b", "c", "d", "a", "d"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4, 1, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "x", "x"),
to=c("b", "c", "x", "y", "c"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6, 1, 1, 1),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1 = ft1, e2 = ft2, e3 = ft2[FALSE, ])
g1 <- MultiGraph(esets, directed = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
res <- extractGraphBAM(g1)
checkEquals(names(res), c("e1", "e2", "e3"))
bam1 <- graphBAM(ft1, nodes=nodes(g1), edgemode = "directed")
checkEquals(bam1, res$e1)
bam2 <- graphBAM(ft2, nodes=nodes(g1), edgemode = "undirected")
checkEquals(bam2, res$e2)
bam3 <- graphBAM( ft2[FALSE, ], nodes=nodes(g1), edgemode = "directed")
checkEquals(bam3, res$e3)
res <- extractGraphBAM(g1, "e1")
checkEquals(bam1, res$e1)
res <- extractGraphBAM(g1, c("e2", "e3"))
target <- structure(list(bam2, bam3), names = c("e2", "e3"))
checkEquals(target, res)
test_MultiGraph_nodeAttributes <- function() {
mg <- make_directed_MultiGraph()$g
nds <- nodes(mg)
checkException(nodeData(mg, n = c("a"), attr = "color"))
checkException( nodeData(mg, n = "z", attr = "color") <- "red")
nodeDataDefaults(mg, attr = "color") <- "violet"
nodeDataDefaults(mg, attr = "class") <- "unknown"
nodeData(mg, n = c("a", "x") , attr = "color") <- c("red", "green")
nodeData(mg, attr = "class") <- "high"
current <- nodeData(mg, attr = "color")
target <- structure(list("red", "violet", "violet", "violet", "green",
"violet") , names = nds)
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- nodeData(mg, attr = "class")
target <- structure( as.list(rep("high",6)), names = nds)
checkEquals(target, current)
sg <- subGraph(c("a", "x"), mg)
current <- nodeData(sg, attr = "color")
target <- structure( list("red","green"), names = c("a", "x"))
checkEquals(target, current)
nodeDataDefaults(mg, attr="st") <- "unknown"
nodeData(mg, n = c("b", "d"), attr = "st") <- mg@edge_sets$e1
current <- nodeData(mg, attr = "st")
target <- structure(list("unknown", mg@edge_sets$e1, "unknown",
mg@edge_sets$e1, "unknown", "unknown"),
names = c( "a", "b", "c", "d", "x", "y"))
checkEquals(target, current)
test_MultiGraph_edgeAttributes_directed <- function() {
## Check directed edge
mg <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
mgEdgeDataDefaults(mg, "e1", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", from = c("a"), to = c("b"), attr = "color") <- "red"
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", attr = "color")
nms <- paste( c("b", "a", "a", "a", "b"), c("a","b", "c", "d", "d"),sep ="|")
target <- structure( list( "violet", "red", "violet", "violet", "violet"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", to = "d", attr = "color") <- "green"
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", attr = "color")
target <- structure( list("violet", "red", "violet", "green", "green"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", from = "b", attr = "color") <- c("pink")
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", attr = "color")
target <- structure( list("pink", "red", "violet", "green" ,"pink"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
checkException(mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", attr = "class"))
checkException(mgEdgeData(mg, "e9", attr = "color"))
test_MultiGraph_edgeAttributes_directed_S4 <- function() {
## Check directed edge
mg <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
df <- extractFromTo(mg)$e1
mgEdgeDataDefaults(mg, "e1", attr = "color") <- "unknown"
mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", from = c("a"), to = c("b"), attr = "color") <- df
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", attr = "color")
nms <- paste( c("b", "a", "a", "a", "b"), c("a","b", "c", "d", "d"),sep ="|")
target <- structure( list( "unknown", df, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", to = "d", attr = "color") <- matrix(1)
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", attr = "color")
target <- structure( list("unknown", df, "unknown", matrix(1), matrix(1)), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", from = "b", attr = "color") <- matrix(0)
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", attr = "color")
target <- structure( list(matrix(0), df, "unknown", matrix(1), matrix(0)), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
checkException(mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", attr = "class"))
checkException(mgEdgeData(mg, "e9", attr = "color"))
test_MultiGraph_edgeAttributes_undirected <- function() {
## Check undirected edge
mg <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
mgEdgeDataDefaults(mg, "e3", attr = "color") <- "unknown"
mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", from = c("a"), to = c("b"), attr = "color") <- "red"
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", to = "a", attr = "color")
nms <- paste( c("b", "c", "x"), rep("a", 3), sep = "|")
target <- structure(list("red", "unknown", "unknown"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", to = "c", attr = "color") <- "green"
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", to = "c", attr = "color")
nms <- paste(c("a", "x"), c("c", "c"), sep = "|")
target <- structure( list("green", "green"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", from = "b", attr = "color") <- c("pink")
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", attr = "color")
nms <- paste(c("a", "a", "a", "c", "x", "b", "c", "x", "x", "y"),
c("b", "c", "x", "x", "y", "a", "a", "a", "c", "x"), sep ="|")
target <- structure( list("pink", "green", "unknown", "green", "unknown",
"pink", "green", "unknown", "green", "unknown"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
test_MultiGraph_edgeAttributes_undirected_S4 <- function() {
## Check undirected edge
mg <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
mgEdgeDataDefaults(mg, "e3", attr = "color") <- "unknown"
mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", from = c("a"), to = c("b"), attr = "color") <- matrix(1)
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", to = "a", attr = "color")
nms <- paste( c("b", "c", "x"), rep("a", 3), sep = "|")
target <- structure(list(matrix(1), "unknown", "unknown"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
df <- data.frame(1:2)
mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", to = "c", attr = "color") <- df
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", to = "c", attr = "color")
nms <- paste(c("a", "x"), c("c", "c"), sep = "|")
target <- structure( list(df, df), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", from = "b", attr = "color") <- matrix(0)
current <- mgEdgeData(mg, "e3", attr = "color")
nms <- paste(c("a", "a", "a", "c", "x", "b", "c", "x", "x", "y"),
c("b", "c", "x", "x", "y", "a", "a", "a", "c", "x"), sep ="|")
target <- structure( list(matrix(0), df, "unknown", df, "unknown", matrix(0),
df, "unknown", df, "unknown"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
test_MultiGraph_edgeAttributes_empty <- function() {
mg <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
checkException(mgEdgeData(mg, "e4", from ="a", attr = "color") <- "green")
checkException(mgEdgeData(mg, "e4", attr = "color"))
test_MultiGraph_edgeAttributes_subGraph <- function() {
mg <- make_mixed_MultiGraph()$g
mgEdgeDataDefaults(mg, "e1", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", attr = "color") <- "red"
mgEdgeData(mg, "e1", from = c("a", "a"), to = c("b", "c"), attr = "color") <- c("yellow", "pink")
current <- mgEdgeData(mg,"e1", attr ="color")
nms <- paste(c("b", "a", "a", "a", "b"), c("a", "b", "c", "d", "d"), sep = "|")
target <- structure(list("red", "yellow", "pink", "red", "red"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
sg <- subGraph(c("a","c", "d"), mg)
current <- mgEdgeData(sg, "e1", attr = "color")
nms <- paste(c("a", "a"), c("c", "d"), sep ="|")
target <- structure( list("pink", "red"), names = nms)
checkEquals(target, current)
test_MultiGraph_Intersection_Attributes <- function(use.factors=TRUE){
setClass("myType", representation = representation(typ ="character"))
myType <- function(typ){ new("myType", typ = typ)}
colorFun <- function(x,y) {
if(x@typ =="low" || y@typ == "med")
typeFun <- function(x,y) {
if(is(x, "myType") && is(y, "myType")){
if(x@typ =="low" || y@typ == "med")
else {return (NA)}
edgeFun <- structure(rep(list(structure( list(colorFun), names = "myType")),2),
names = c("e1", "e2"))
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "b", "b", "f"),
to=c("b", "c", "d", "g"),
weight=c(1, 2, 3, 4),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from =c("e", "f", "a", "b", "f"),
to =c( "a", "a", "b", "c", "c"),
weight =c(2, 3, 4, 5, 9),
stringsAsFactors= use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g1 <- MultiGraph(esets)
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g1, "e1", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(g1, "e1", from = c("b", "b", "f"),
to = c("c", "d", "g"),
attr = "color") <- c ("red", "green", "green")
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g1, "e2", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(g1, "e2", from = c("b", "f"),
to = c("c", "c"),
attr = "color") <- c("red", "green")
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g1, "e1", attr = "myType") <- "missing"
mgEdgeData(g1, "e1", from = c("b", "f"),
to = c("c", "g"),
attr = "myType") <- c(myType("low"), myType("high"))
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g1, "e2", attr = "myType") <- "missing"
mgEdgeData(g1, "e2", from = c("a", "f"),
to = c("b", "c"),
attr = "myType") <- c(myType("high"), myType("low"))
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("b", "f"),
to=c("c", "g"),
weight=c(2, 3),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from =c("a", "f"),
to =c( "b", "c"),
weight =c(4, 6),
stringsAsFactors= use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g2 <- MultiGraph(esets)
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g2, "e1", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(g2, "e1", from = c("b", "f"),
to = c("c", "g"),
attr = "color") <- c ("red", "green")
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g2, "e2", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(g2, "e2", from = c("a", "f"),
to = c("b", "c"),
attr = "color") <- c("red", "green")
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g2, "e1", attr="myType") <- "unknown"
mgEdgeData(g2, "e1", from = c("b", "f"),
to = c("c", "g"),
attr = "myType") <- c(myType("med"), myType("high"))
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g2, "e2", attr="myType") <- "unknown"
mgEdgeData(g2, "e2", from = c("a", "f"),
to = c("b", "c"),
attr = "myType") <- c(myType("high"), myType("med"))
nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr = "color") <- "violet"
nodeDataDefaults(g2, attr = "color") <- "violet"
nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr= "type") <- "unknown"
nodeDataDefaults(g2, attr = "type") <- "unknown"
nodeData(g1,n = c("a", "b", "c"), attr ="color") <- c("red", "green", "blue")
nodeData(g1,n = c("b", "c"), attr ="type") <- c(myType("low"), myType("high"))
nodeData(g2,n = c("a", "b", "c"), attr ="color") <- c("red", "green", "red")
nodeData(g2,n = c("b", "c"), attr ="type") <- c(myType("med"), myType("low"))
res <- graphIntersect(g1, g2, nodeFun = list(type =typeFun), edgeFun = edgeFun)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e1", attr = "weight")
target <- structure(list(2, as.numeric(NA)), names = paste(c("b", "f"), c("c", "g"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e1", attr = "color")
target <- structure(list("red", "green"), names = paste(c("b", "f"), c("c", "g"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e2", attr = "weight")
target <- structure(list(4, as.numeric(NA)), names = paste(c("a", "f"), c("b", "c"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e2", attr = "color")
target <- structure(list(as.character(NA), "green"),
names = paste(c("a", "f"), c("b", "c"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e1", attr = "myType")
target <- structure(list("low", "high"),
names = paste(c("b", "f"), c("c", "g"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e2", attr = "myType")
target <- structure(list("high", "low"),
names = paste(c("a", "f"), c("b", "c"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
nodeColor <- nodeData(res, attr = "color")
target <- as.list(structure(c("red", "green", NA, "violet", "violet"),
names = c("a", "b", "c", "f", "g")))
checkEquals(target, nodeColor)
nodeType <- nodeData(res, attr = "type")
target <- as.list(structure(c("unknown", "low", "high", "unknown",
names = c("a", "b", "c", "f", "g")))
checkEquals(target, nodeType)
test_MultiGraph_Union_Attributes <- function(use.factors=TRUE){
setClass("myType", representation = representation(typ ="character"))
myType <- function(typ){ new("myType", typ = typ)}
typeFun <- function(x,y) {
if(is(x, "myType") && is(y, "myType")){
if(x@typ =="low" || y@typ == "med")
else {return (NA)}
funList <- structure(rep(list(structure( list(typeFun), names = "myType")),2),
names = c("e1", "e2"))
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "b", "b", "f"),
to=c("b", "c", "d", "g"),
weight=c(1, 2, 3, 4),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from =c("e", "f", "a", "b", "f"),
to =c( "a", "a", "b", "c", "c"),
weight =c(2, 3, 4, 5, 9),
stringsAsFactors= use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g1 <- MultiGraph(esets)
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g1, "e1", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(g1, "e1", from = c("b", "b", "f"), to = c("c", "d", "g"),
attr = "color") <- c ("red", "green", "green")
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g1, "e2", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(g1, "e2", from = c("b", "f"),
to = c("c", "c"),
attr = "color") <- c("red", "green")
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g1, "e1", attr ="myType") <- "unknown"
mgEdgeData(g1, "e1", from = c("b", "f"),
to = c("c", "g"),
attr = "myType") <- c(myType("low"), myType("high"))
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g1, "e2", attr ="myType") <- "unknown"
mgEdgeData(g1, "e2", from = c("a", "f"),
to = c("b", "c"),
attr = "myType") <- c(myType("high"), myType("low"))
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("b", "f"),
to=c("c", "g"),
weight=c(2, 3),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from =c("a", "f"),
to =c( "b", "c"),
weight =c(4, 6),
stringsAsFactors= use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g2 <- MultiGraph(esets)
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g2, "e1", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(g2, "e1", from = c("b", "f"),
to = c("c", "g"),
attr = "color") <- c ("red", "green")
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g2, "e2", attr = "color") <- "violet"
mgEdgeData(g2, "e2", from = c("a", "f"),
to = c("b", "c"),
attr = "color") <- c("red", "green")
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g2, "e1", attr = "myType") <- "unknown"
mgEdgeData(g2, "e1", from = c("b", "f"),
to = c("c", "g"),
attr = "myType") <- c(myType("med"), myType("high"))
mgEdgeDataDefaults(g2, "e2", attr = "myType") <- "unknown"
mgEdgeData(g2, "e2", from = c("a", "f"),
to = c("b", "c"),
attr = "myType") <- c(myType("high"), myType("med"))
res <- graphUnion(g1, g2, edgeFun = funList)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e1", attr = "weight")
target <- structure(list(1, 2, 3, as.numeric(NA)),
names = paste(c("a", "b", "b", "f"), c( "b", "c", "d", "g"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e1", attr = "color")
target <- structure(list("violet", "red", "green", "green"),
names = paste(c("a", "b", "b", "f"), c("b", "c", "d", "g"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e2", attr = "weight")
target <- structure(list(2, 3, 4, 5, as.numeric(NA)),
names = paste(c("e", "f", "a", "b", "f"), c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e2", attr = "color")
target <- structure(list( "violet", "violet", as.character(NA), "red", "green"),
names = paste(c("e", "f", "a", "b", "f"), c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e1", attr = "myType")
target <- structure(list("unknown", "low", "unknown", "high"),
names = paste(c("a", "b", "b", "f"), c("b", "c", "d", "g"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- mgEdgeData(res,"e2", attr = "myType")
target <- structure(list("unknown", "unknown", "high", "unknown","low"),
names = paste(c("e", "f", "a", "b", "f"), c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c"), sep="|"))
checkEquals(target, current)
test_MultiGraph_nodeUnion_Attributes <- function(use.factors=TRUE){
setClass("myType", representation = representation(typ ="character"))
myType <- function(typ){ new("myType", typ = typ)}
testFun <- function(x,y) {
if(is(x, "myType") && is(y, "myType")){
if(x@typ =="aa" || y@typ == "ac")
funList <- structure(list(testFun), names ="gene")
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b"),
to =c("b", "c", "d", "a", "d"),
weight=c(1, 3.1, 5.4, 1, 2.2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a"),
to=c("b", "c"),
weight=c(3.4, 2.6),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft3 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a"),
to =c("d", "b"),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2, e3=ft3, e4=ft2[FALSE, ],
e5=ft3[FALSE, ])
g1 <- MultiGraph(esets, directed = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr = "color") <- "violet"
nodeData(g1, n = c("a", "b", "c") , attr = "color") <- c("red", "green", "blue")
nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr = "type") <- "unknown"
nodeData(g1, n = c("a", "b"), attr = "type") <- c("low", "high")
nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr = "kp") <- "kpunknown"
nodeData(g1, n = c("a", "b"), attr = "kp") <- c("kplow", "kphigh")
nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr = "gene") <- "XX"
nodeData(g1, n = c("a", "b"), attr = "gene") <- c(myType("aa"), myType("bt"))
ft1 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "b"),
to=c("b", "x", "z"),
weight=c(6, 5, 2),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
ft2 <- data.frame(from=c("a", "a", "a"),
to=c("a", "x", "y"),
weight=c(1, 2, 3),
stringsAsFactors = use.factors)
esets <- list(e1=ft1, e2=ft2)
g2 <- MultiGraph(esets, directed = c(TRUE, FALSE))
nodeDataDefaults(g2, attr ="color") <- "violet"
nodeData(g2, n = c("a", "b", "x", "y", "z") , attr = "color") <- c("red", "red", "green", "pink", "yellow")
nodeDataDefaults(g2, attr ="type") <- "unknown"
nodeData(g2, n = c("a", "b"), attr = "type") <- c("low", "high")
nodeDataDefaults(g2, attr ="gene") <- "XX"
nodeData(g2, n = c("a", "b"), attr = "gene") <- c(myType("at"), myType("kt"))
res <- graphUnion(g1, g2, nodeFun = funList )
current <- nodeData(res, attr = "color")
target <- as.list( structure(c("red", NA, "blue", "violet", "green", "pink", "yellow"),
names = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "x", "y", "z")))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- nodeData(res, attr = "type")
target <- as.list( structure(c("low", "high", "unknown", "unknown",
"unknown", "unknown", "unknown"),
names = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "x", "y", "z")))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- nodeData(res, attr = "kp")
cn <- "kpunknown"
target <- as.list( structure(c("kplow", "kphigh", cn, cn, cn, cn, cn),
names = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "x", "y", "z")))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- nodeData(res, n =c("a", "b"), attr ="gene")
target <- as.list( structure(c("ax", "notype"),
names = c("a", "b")))
checkEquals(target, current)
current <- nodeData(res, n = c("c", "d", "x", "y", "z"), attr ="gene")
target <- as.list( structure(c( "XX", "XX", "XX", "XX", "XX"),
names = c("c", "d", "x", "y", "z")))
checkEquals(target, current)
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