#' @title Applies aov() on a vector of protein abundances using the design derived from the sample names (simple aov wrapper)
#' @author Thomas Burger
#' @param current_protein a real vector
#' @param conditions the list of groups the protein belongs to
#' @return see aov()
#' @examples
#' protein_abundance <- rep(rnorm(3, mean= 18, sd=2), each=3) + rnorm(9)
#' groups <- c(rep("group1",3),rep("group2",3),rep("group3",3))
#' OWAnova(protein_abundance,groups)
#' @export
OWAnova <- function(current_protein, conditions){
intensities <- unname(unlist(current_protein))
aov_model <- aov(formula = intensities ~ conditions, data = NULL)
#' @title iteratively applies OWAnova() on the features of an MSnSet object
#' @author Thomas Burger
#' @param obj an MSnSet object
#' '
#' @return a list of linear models
#' @examples
#' data(Exp1_R25_prot, package='DAPARdata')
#' exdata <- Exp1_R25_prot[1:5,]
#' applyAnovasOnProteins(exdata)
#' @export
applyAnovasOnProteins <- function(obj){
qData <- Biobase::exprs(obj)
sTab <- Biobase::pData(obj)
anova_models <- t(apply(qData,1, OWAnova, conditions=as.factor(sTab$Condition)))
names(anova_models) <- rownames(qData)
#' @title Applies a statistical test on each element of a list of linear models
#' @author Thomas Burger
#' @param aov_fits a list of linear models, such as those outputted by applyAnovasOnProteins
#' @param test a character string among "Omnibus", "TukeyHSD", "TukeySinglestep",
#' "TukeyStepwise", "TukeyNoMTC", "DunnettSinglestep", "DunnettStepwise" and "DunnettNoMTC".
#' "Omnibus" tests the all-mean equality, the Tukey tests compares all pairs of means and
#' the Dunnet tests compare all the means to the first one. For multiple tests (Dunnet's or Tukey's)
#' it is possible to correct for multiplicity (either with single-step or step-wise FWER) or not.
#' All the Tukey's and Dunnet's tests use the multcomp package expect for "TukeyHSD" which
#' relies on the stats package. "TukeyHSD" and "TukeyStepwise" gives similar results.
#' @return a list of 2 tables (p-values and fold-changes, respecively)
#' @examples
#' data(Exp1_R25_prot, package='DAPARdata')
#' exdata <- Exp1_R25_prot[1:5,]
#' testAnovaModels(applyAnovasOnProteins(exdata))
#' @export
testAnovaModels <- function(aov_fits, test = "Omnibus"){
omnibus_tests_summaries <- t(sapply(aov_fits,
function(x) unlist(summary(x))
res <- list("logFC" = data.frame("anova_1way_logFC" = matrix(NA, nrow = length(aov_fits)), row.names = names(aov_fits)),
"P_Value" = data.frame("anova_1way_pval" = omnibus_tests_summaries[,9], row.names = names(aov_fits)))
}, TukeyHSD={
tukeyHSD_tests_summaries <- lapply(aov_fits,
function(x) TukeyHSD(x, which = "conditions")$conditions)
res <- formatHSDResults(tukeyHSD_tests_summaries)
}, TukeySinglestep={
tukeySS_tests_summaries <- lapply(aov_fits,
function(x) summary(multcomp::glht(x, linfct = multcomp::mcp(conditions = "Tukey")),
test = multcomp::adjusted("single-step"))
res <- formatPHTResults(tukeySS_tests_summaries)
}, TukeyStepwise={
tukeySW_tests_summaries <- lapply(aov_fits,
function(x) summary(multcomp::glht(x, linfct = multcomp::mcp(conditions = "Tukey")),
test = multcomp::adjusted("Westfall"))
res <- formatPHTResults(tukeySW_tests_summaries)
}, TukeyNoMTC={
dunnettSW_tests_summaries <- lapply(aov_fits,
function(x) summary(multcomp::glht(x, linfct = multcomp::mcp(conditions = "Tukey")),
test = multcomp::adjusted("none"))
res <- formatPHTResults(dunnettSW_tests_summaries)
}, DunnettSinglestep={
dunnettSS_tests_summaries <- lapply(aov_fits,
function(x) summary(multcomp::glht(x, linfct = multcomp::mcp(conditions = "Dunnett")),
test = multcomp::adjusted("single-step"))
res <- formatPHTResults(dunnettSS_tests_summaries)
}, DunnettStepwise={
dunnettSW_tests_summaries <- lapply(aov_fits,
function(x) summary(multcomp::glht(x, linfct = multcomp::mcp(conditions = "Dunnett")),
test = multcomp::adjusted("free"))
res <- formatPHTResults(dunnettSW_tests_summaries)
}, DunnettNoMTC={
dunnettSW_tests_summaries <- lapply(aov_fits,
function(x) summary(multcomp::glht(x, linfct = multcomp::mcp(conditions = "Dunnett")),
test = multcomp::adjusted("none"))
res <- formatPHTResults(dunnettSW_tests_summaries)
#' @title xxx
#' @author Thomas Burger
#' @param post_hoc_models_summaries xxx
#' @return xxx
#' @examples
formatHSDResults <- function(post_hoc_models_summaries){
pkgs.require(c('purrr', 'stringr'))
# get the fold-changes
res_coeffs <- lapply(post_hoc_models_summaries, function(x) x[,1])
logFC <- data.frame(purrr::map_dfr(res_coeffs, cbind),
row.names = names(post_hoc_models_summaries[[1]][,1]))
logFC <- as.data.frame(t(logFC))
# extract the FWER ajusted p-values
res_pvals <- lapply(post_hoc_models_summaries, function(x) x[,4])
pvals <- data.frame(purrr::map_dfr(res_pvals, cbind),
row.names = names(post_hoc_models_summaries[[1]][,4]))
pvals <- as.data.frame(t(pvals))
res <- list("logFC" = logFC,
"P_Value" = pvals)
# formatting of column names for consistency with the limma and t-test code
colnames(res$logFC) <- stringr::str_replace(colnames(res$logFC), "-", "_vs_")
colnames(res$P_Value) <- stringr::str_replace(colnames(res$P_Value), "-", "_vs_")
colnames(res$logFC) <- stringr::str_c(colnames(res$logFC), "_logFC")
colnames(res$P_Value) <- stringr::str_c(colnames(res$P_Value), "_pval")
#' @title xxx
#' @author Thomas Burger
#' @param post_hoc_models_summaries xxx
#' @return xxx
#' @examples
formatPHTResults <- function(post_hoc_models_summaries){
pkgs.require(c('purrr', 'stringr'))
# récupérer les différences entre les moyennes
res_coeffs <- lapply(post_hoc_models_summaries, function(x) x$test$coefficients)
logFC <- data.frame(purrr::map_dfr(res_coeffs, cbind),
row.names = names(post_hoc_models_summaries[[1]]$test$coefficients))
logFC <- as.data.frame(t(logFC))
# extract raw p-values (non-adjusted)
res_pvals <- lapply(post_hoc_models_summaries, function(x) x$test$pvalues)
pvals <- data.frame(purrr::map_dfr(res_pvals, cbind),
row.names = names(post_hoc_models_summaries[[1]]$test$coefficients))
pvals <- as.data.frame(t(pvals))
res <- list("logFC" = logFC,
"P_Value" = pvals)
# formatting of column names for consistency with the limma and t-test code
colnames(res$logFC) <- stringr::str_replace(colnames(res$logFC), " - ", "_vs_")
colnames(res$P_Value) <- stringr::str_replace(colnames(res$P_Value), " - ", "_vs_")
colnames(res$logFC) <- stringr::str_c(colnames(res$logFC), "_logFC")
colnames(res$P_Value) <- stringr::str_c(colnames(res$P_Value), "_pval")
#' @title xxx
#' @author Thomas Burger
#' @param x xxx
#' @param pval.T xxx
#' @param M xxx
#' @return xxx
#' @examples
thresholdpval4fdr <- function(x, pval.T, M){
index <- which(x< pval.T)
R <- length(index)/length(x)
res <- rep(1, length(x))
res[index] <- cp4p::adjust.p(x[index], pi0.method = M)$adjp$adjusted.p
#' @title Computes the adjusted p-values separately on contrast using CP4P
#' @author Thomas Burger
#' @param x a proteins x contrasts dataframe of (raw) p-values
#' @param pval.threshold all the p-values above the threshold are not considered.
#' Default is 1.05 (which is equivalent to have no threshold).
#' Applying a threshold nearby 1 can be instrumental to improve the uniformity under the null, notably
#' in case of upstream mutliple contrat correction (for experienced users only)
#' @param method a method to estimate pi_0, see CP4P
#' @return a proteins x contrasts table of adjusted p-values
#' @examples
#' data(Exp1_R25_prot, package='DAPARdata')
#' exdata <- Exp1_R25_prot[1:5,]
#' separateAdjPval(testAnovaModels(applyAnovasOnProteins(exdata), "TukeyHSD")$P_Value)
#' @export
separateAdjPval <- function(x,
pval.threshold = 1.05,
method = 1){
if(pval.threshold > 1){
res <- apply(x, 2, function(x) cp4p::adjust.p(x, pi0.method = method)$adjp$adjusted.p)
} else{
res <- as.data.frame(apply(x, 2, function(x)thresholdpval4fdr(x, pval.T = pval.threshold, M=method)))
#' @title Computes the adjusted p-values on all the stacked contrasts using CP4P
#' @author Thomas Burger
#' @param x a proteins x contrasts dataframe of (raw) p-values
#' @param pval.threshold all the p-values above the threshold are not considered.
#' Default is 1.05 (which is equivalent to have no threshold).
#' Applying a threshold nearby 1 can be instrumental to improve the uniformity under the null, notably
#' in case of upstream mutliple contrat correction (for experienced users only)
#' @param method method a method to estimate pi_0, see CP4P
#' @param display if T, a calibration plot is diplayed using CP4P
#' @return a proteins x contrasts table of adjusted p-values
#' @examples
#' data(Exp1_R25_prot, package='DAPARdata')
#' exdata <- Exp1_R25_prot[1:5,]
#' globalAdjPval(testAnovaModels(applyAnovasOnProteins(exdata), "TukeyHSD")$P_Value)
#' @export
globalAdjPval <- function(x, pval.threshold=1.05, method=1, display = T){
res <- x
vec <- stack(x)$values
index <- which(vec< pval.threshold)
cp4p::calibration.plot(vec[index], pi0.method="ALL")
vec[index] <- cp4p::adjust.p(vec[index], pi0.method = method)$adjp$adjusted.p
vec[-index] <- 1
res[,] <- vec
#' @title Applies an FDR threshold on a table of adjusted p-values and summarizes the results
#' @author Thomas Burger
#' @param x a table of adjusted p-values
#' @param fdr.threshold an FDR threshold
#' @return a summary of the number of significantly differentially abundant proteins, overall and per contrast
#' @examples
#' data(Exp1_R25_prot, package='DAPARdata')
#' exdata <- Exp1_R25_prot[1:5,]
#' adjpvaltab <- globalAdjPval(testAnovaModels(applyAnovasOnProteins(exdata), "TukeyHSD")$P_Value)
#' seltab <- compute.selection.table(adjpvaltab, 0.2)
#' seltab
#' @export
compute.selection.table <- function(x, fdr.threshold){
selection.table <- 1*(x<fdr.threshold)
tt <- sum(selection.table)
names(tt) <- "Total Ctr"
pc <- sum(as.logical(rowSums(selection.table)))
#names(pc) <- paste("DA_prot/", dim(selection.table)[1], sep="")
names(pc) <- "DA prot"
res <- c(colSums(selection.table), tt, pc)
#' @title Function to perform a One-way Anova statistical test on a MsnBase
#' dataset
#' @author Hélène Borges
#' @param current_line The line currently treated from the quantitative data to
#' perform the ANOVA
#' @param conditions The conditions represent the different classes of the
#' studied factor
#' @return A named vector containing all the different values of the aov model
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{examples/ex_classic1wayAnova.R}
#' @export
classic1wayAnova <- function(current_line, conditions) {
# vector containing the protein/peptide intensities
intensities <- unname(unlist(current_line))
# anova on these two vectors
aov_test <- stats::aov(formula = intensities ~ conditions, data = NULL)
#' @title Wrapper for One-way Anova statistical test
#' @author Hélène Borges
#' @param obj An object of class \code{MSnSet}.
#' @param with_post_hoc a character string with 2 possible values: "Yes" and
#' "No" (default) saying if function must perform a Post-Hoc test or not.
#' @param post_hoc_test character string, possible values are "No" (for no
#' test; default value) or TukeyHSD" or "Dunnett". See details of
#' \code{postHocTest()} function to choose the appropriate one.
#' @details This function allows to perform a 1-way Analysis of Variance. Also
#' computes the post-hoc tests if the \code{with_post_hoc} parameter is set to
#' yes. There are two possible post-hoc tests: the Tukey Honest Significant
#' Differences (specified as "TukeyHSD") and the Dunnett test
#' (specified as "Dunnett").
#' @return A list of two dataframes. First one called "logFC" contains
#' all pairwise comparisons logFC values (one column for one comparison) for
#' each analysed feature (Except in the case without post-hoc testing, for
#' which NAs are returned.); The second one named "P_Value" contains the
#' corresponding p-values.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{examples/ex_wrapperClassic1wayAnova.R}
#' @seealso [postHocTest()]
#' @export
wrapperClassic1wayAnova <- function(obj,
with_post_hoc = "No",
post_hoc_test = "No") {
qData <- Biobase::exprs(obj)
sTab <- Biobase::pData(obj)
if (with_post_hoc == "No") {
anova_tests <- as.data.frame(
qData, 1,
conditions = as.factor(sTab$Condition)
results <- dplyr::select(anova_tests, `Pr(>F)1`)
to_return <- list(
"logFC" = data.frame(
"anova_1way_logFC" = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(results)),
row.names = rownames(results)
"P_Value" = data.frame(
"anova_1way_pval" = results['Pr(>F)1'],
row.names = rownames(results)
} else if (with_post_hoc == "Yes") {
if (post_hoc_test == "No") {
stop("You want to perform a post-hoc test but did not specify
which test. Please choose between Dunnett or TukeyHSD")
} else if (post_hoc_test == "TukeyHSD") {
anova_tests <- t(
apply(qData, 1, classic1wayAnova,
conditions = as.factor(sTab$Condition))
names(anova_tests) <- rownames(qData)
to_return <- postHocTest(
aov_fits = anova_tests,
post_hoc_test = post_hoc_test
} else if (post_hoc_test == "Dunnett") {
anova_tests <- t(
apply(qData, 1, classic1wayAnova,
conditions = as.factor(sTab$Condition))
names(anova_tests) <- rownames(qData)
to_return <- postHocTest(
aov_fits = anova_tests,
post_hoc_test = post_hoc_test
} else {
stop("Wrong with_post_hoc parameter. Please choose between No or Yes.")
#' Extract logFC and raw pvalues from multiple post-hoc models summaries
#' @param post_hoc_models_summaries a list of summaries of post-hoc models.
#' @return a list of 2 dataframes containing the logFC values and pvalues for
#' each comparison.
#' @author Hélène Borges
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{examples/ex_formatPHResults.R}
#' @export
formatPHResults <- function(post_hoc_models_summaries) {
pkgs.require(c('purrr', 'stringr'))
# récupérer les différences entre les moyennes
res_coeffs <- lapply(post_hoc_models_summaries,
function(x) x$test$coefficients)
logFC <- data.frame(purrr::map_dfr(res_coeffs, cbind),
row.names = names(post_hoc_models_summaries[[1]]$test$coefficients)
logFC <- as.data.frame(t(logFC))
# extract raw p-values (non-adjusted)
res_pvals <- lapply(post_hoc_models_summaries, function(x) x$test$pvalues)
pvals <- data.frame(purrr::map_dfr(res_pvals, cbind),
row.names = names(post_hoc_models_summaries[[1]]$test$coefficients)
pvals <- as.data.frame(t(pvals))
res <- list(
"logFC" = logFC,
"P_Value" = pvals
# formatting of column names for consistency with the limma and t-test code
colnames(res$logFC) <- stringr::str_replace(
colnames(res$logFC), " - ", "_vs_")
colnames(res$P_Value) <- stringr::str_replace(
colnames(res$P_Value), " - ", "_vs_")
colnames(res$logFC) <- stringr::str_c(
colnames(res$logFC), "_logFC")
colnames(res$P_Value) <- stringr::str_c(
colnames(res$P_Value), "_pval")
#' Post-hoc tests for classic 1-way ANOVA
#' @description This function allows to compute a post-hoc test after a 1-way
#' ANOVA analysis. It expects as input an object obtained with the function
#' \code{classic1wayAnova}. The second parameter allows to choose between 2
#' different post-hoc tests: the Tukey Honest Significant Differences
#' (specified as "TukeyHSD") and the Dunnett test (specified as "Dunnett").
#' @param aov_fits a list containing aov fitted model objects
#' @param post_hoc_test a character string indicating which post-hoc test to
#' use. Possible values are "TukeyHSD" or "Dunnett". See details for what to
#' choose according to your experimental design.
#' @details
#' This is a function allowing to realise post-hoc tests for a set of
#' proteins/peptides for which a classic 1-way anova has been performed with
#' the function \code{classic1wayAnova}. Two types of tests are currently
#' available: The Tukey HSD's test and the Dunnett's test. Default is Tukey's
#' test.
#' The Tukey HSD's test compares all possible pairs of means, and is based on a
#' studentized range distribution. Here is used the \code{TukeyHSD()} function,
#' which can be applied to balanced designs (same number of samples in each
#' group), but also to midly unbalanced designs.
#' The Dunnett's test compares a single control group to all other groups.
#' Make sure the factor levels are properly ordered.
#' @return a list of 2 dataframes: first one called "LogFC" contains
#' all pairwise comparisons logFC values (one column for one comparison) for
#' each analysed feature; The second one named "P_Value" contains the
#' corresponding pvalues.
#' @author Hélène Borges
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{examples/ex_postHocTest.R}
#' @export
postHocTest <- function(aov_fits, post_hoc_test = "TukeyHSD") {
.Deprecated("The other functions present in the file anova_analysis.R")
if (post_hoc_test == "TukeyHSD") {
# use of adjusted("none") to obtain raw p-values (and not adjusted ones)
tukey_models_summaries <- lapply(
function(x) {
linfct = multcomp::mcp(conditions = "Tukey")),
test = multcomp::adjusted("none")
res <- formatPHResults(tukey_models_summaries)
} else if (post_hoc_test == "Dunnett") {
dunnett_models_summaries <- lapply(
function(x) {
linfct = multcomp::mcp(conditions = "Dunnett")),
test = multcomp::adjusted("none")
res <- formatPHResults(dunnett_models_summaries)
} else {
stop("Wrong post_hoc_test parameter. Please choose between TukeyHSD or
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