#' @title Plot gene-weighted 2D kernel density
#' @author Jose Alquicira-Hernandez
#' @param object Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param features Features (e.g. genes) to visualize
#' @param slot Type of data: \code{counts} or\code{data} for Seurat objects and
#' \code{counts},
#' \code{logcounts}, or \code{normcounts} for SingleCellExperiment objects
#' @param joint Return joint density plot? By default \code{FALSE}
#' @param reduction Name of the reduction to visualize. If not provided, last
#' computed reduction is visualized
#' @param dims Vector of length 2 specifying the dimensions to be plotted. By
#' default, the first two dimensions are considered.
#' @param method Kernel density estimation method:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ks}: Computes density using the \code{kda} function from the
#' \code{ks} package.
#' \item \code{wkde}: Computes density using a modified version of the
#' \code{kde2d} function from the \code{MASS}
#' package to allow weights. Bandwidth selection from the \code{ks} package
#' is used instead.
#' }
#' @param adjust Numeric value to adjust to bandwidth. Default: 1. Not available
#' for \code{ks} method
#' @param size Size of the geom to be plotted (e.g. point size)
#' @param shape Shape of the geom to be plotted
#' @param combine Create a single plot? If \code{FALSE}, a list with ggplot
#' objects is returned
#' @param pal String specifying the viridis color palette to use.
#' Options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{viridis}
#' \item \code{magma}
#' \item \code{cividis}
#' \item \code{inferno}
#' \item \code{plasma}
#' }
#' @return A scatterplot from a given reduction showing the gene-weighted
#' density
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- Seurat::pbmc_small
#' plot_density(data, "CD3E")
setGeneric("plot_density", function(object, features, slot = NULL,
joint = FALSE, reduction = NULL,
dims = c(1, 2),
method = c("ks", "wkde"),
adjust = 1, size = 1, shape = 16,
combine = TRUE, pal = "viridis")
#' @importFrom Seurat GetAssayData Reductions Embeddings FetchData
#' @export
#' @describeIn plot_density Plot gene-weighted 2D kernel density
setMethod("plot_density", signature("Seurat"),
features, slot = NULL, joint = FALSE, reduction = NULL,
dims = c(1, 2), method = c("ks", "wkde"), adjust = 1,
size = 1, shape = 16, combine = TRUE, pal = "viridis") {
# Validate dimensions -----
# Validate existence of reduction
if (!is.null(reduction)) {
if (!(reduction %in% names(slot(object, "reductions")))) {
stop("No reduction named '", reduction,
"' found in object")
# Set up default reduction -----
reduction_list <- Reductions(object)
if (!length(reduction_list)){
stop("No reduction has been computed!")
if (is.null(reduction)) {
reduction <- reduction_list[length(reduction_list)]
cell_embeddings <- as.data.frame(Embeddings(
slot(object, "reductions")[[reduction]])
# Search for dimensions -----
cell_embeddings <- .search_dimensions(dims, cell_embeddings,
# Set up default assay -----
if (is.null(slot)) slot <- "data"
# Match kde method
method <- match.arg(method)
# Extract metadata
metadata <- slot(object, "meta.data")
# Determine type of feature and extract
if (all(features %in% colnames(metadata))) {
vars <- metadata[, features, drop = FALSE]
exp_data <- FetchData(object, vars = features, slot = slot)
vars <- .extract_feature_data(exp_data, features)
.plot_final_density(vars, cell_embeddings, features, joint,
method, adjust, shape, size, pal, combine)
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDims reducedDim colData
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames assay
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix t
#' @export
#' @describeIn plot_density Plot gene-weighted 2D kernel density
setMethod("plot_density", signature("SingleCellExperiment"),
features, slot = NULL, joint = FALSE, reduction = NULL,
dims = c(1, 2), method = c("ks", "wkde"), adjust = 1,
size = 1, shape = 16, combine = TRUE, pal = "viridis") {
# Validate dimensions -----
# Validate existence of reduction
if (!is.null(reduction)) {
reductions <- names(reducedDims(object))
if (!(reduction %in% reductions)) {
stop("No reduction named '", reduction,
"' found in object")
# Set up default reduction -----
reduction_list <- names(reducedDims(object))
if (!length(reduction_list)){
stop("No reduction has been computed!")
if (is.null(reduction)) {
reduction <- reduction_list[length(reduction_list)]
cell_embeddings <- reducedDim(object, reduction)
# Search for dimensions -----
cell_embeddings <- .search_dimensions(dims, cell_embeddings,
colnames(cell_embeddings) <- paste(reduction, dims, sep = "_")
# Set up default assay -----
if (is.null(slot)) slot <- "logcounts"
# Match kde method
method <- match.arg(method)
# Extract metadata
metadata <- as.data.frame(colData(object))
# Determine type of feature and extract
if (all(features %in% colnames(metadata))) {
vars <- metadata[, features, drop = FALSE]
if (slot == "data") slot <- "logcounts"
assays <- assayNames(object)
if (!slot %in% assays) stop(slot, " assay not found")
exp_data <- Matrix::t(assay(object, slot))
vars <- .extract_feature_data(exp_data, features)
.plot_final_density(vars, cell_embeddings, features, joint,
method, adjust, shape, size, pal, combine)
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