cexor <- function( bam, chrN, chrL, p=1e-9, dpeaks=c(0,150), dpairs=100, idr=0.01, N=5e6, bedfile=TRUE, mu=2.6, sigma=1.3, rho=0.8, prop=0.7 )
# Number of treatment samples
NT <- length(bam)
# Check chr length and chr names
LL <- length(chrL)
#LN <- length(chrN)
# Read treatment M samples in BAM format (M biological replicates)
listLen <- 0
SampleCovPlus <- list()
SampleCovMinus <- list()
sumCovPlusMinus <- c()
totalSum <- c()
# Read BAM files
for (j in seq(from=1, to=NT, by=1) ){
for (i in 1:LL){
listLen <- listLen + 1
which <- GRanges(seqnames = chrN[i], ranges = IRanges(c(1), c(chrL[i])))
what <- c("rname", "strand", "pos", "qwidth","seq")
param <- ScanBamParam(which = which, what = what)
SampleBam <- scanBam(file=bam[j], param=param)
sapply(SampleBam[[1]], class);
# + strand
SamplelstPlus <- lapply(names(SampleBam[[1]]), function(elt) { do.call(c, unname(lapply(SampleBam, "[[", elt)))})
names(SamplelstPlus) <- names(SampleBam[[1]])
SampledfPlus <- do.call("DataFrame", SamplelstPlus)
# correction for reverse strands
SampledfPlus$pos[which(SampledfPlus$strand=='+')] <- SampledfPlus$pos[which(SampledfPlus$strand=='+')] - 1
# Modify read length (exonuclease stop sites, 1bp)
SampledfPlus$qwidth <- 1
# strand selection
SampledfPlus <- SampledfPlus[which(SampledfPlus$strand=='+'),]
SampleCovPlus[[listLen]] <- coverage(IRanges(SampledfPlus[["pos"]], width = SampledfPlus[["qwidth"]]))
if (length(SampleCovPlus[[listLen]]) < chrL[i] ) { SampleCovPlus[[listLen]] <- c(SampleCovPlus[[listLen]],rep(0,chrL[i] - length(SampleCovPlus[[listLen]]) ) ) }
if (length(SampleCovPlus[[listLen]]) > chrL[i] ) { SampleCovPlus[[listLen]] <- SampleCovPlus[[listLen]][1:chrL[i]] }
# - strand
SamplelstMinus <- lapply(names(SampleBam[[1]]), function(elt) { do.call(c, unname(lapply(SampleBam, "[[", elt)))})
names(SamplelstMinus) <- names(SampleBam[[1]])
SampledfMinus <- do.call("DataFrame", SamplelstMinus )
# correction for reverse strands
SampledfMinus$pos[which(SampledfMinus$strand=='-')] <- SampledfMinus$pos[which(SampledfMinus$strand=='-')] -1 + SampledfMinus$qwidth[which(SampledfMinus$strand=='-')]
# Modify read length (exonuclease stop sites, 1bp)
SampledfMinus$qwidth <- 1
# strand selection
SampledfMinus <- SampledfMinus[which(SampledfMinus$strand=='-'),]
SampleCovMinus[[listLen]] <- coverage(IRanges(SampledfMinus[["pos"]], width = SampledfMinus[["qwidth"]]))
if (length(SampleCovMinus[[listLen]]) < chrL[i] ) { SampleCovMinus[[listLen]] <- c(SampleCovMinus[[listLen]],rep(0,chrL[i] - length(SampleCovMinus[[listLen]]) ) ) }
if (length(SampleCovMinus[[listLen]]) > chrL[i] ) { SampleCovMinus[[listLen]] <- SampleCovMinus[[listLen]][1:chrL[i]] }
# All reads are considered (information from both strands is taken into account)
sumCovPlusMinus[listLen] <- sum(SampleCovPlus[[listLen]]) + sum(SampleCovMinus[[listLen]])
# get total lambda exonuclease cuts at each sample
totalSum[j] <- sum(sumCovPlusMinus[(((j-1)*LL) + 1):(j*LL)])
# Normalization
# To the smallest sample - to make the samples 'comparable'
# and estimation of Skellam Lambda1 and Lambda2 for each sample
listLen <- 0
meanCovPlus <- c()
meanCovMinus <- c()
lambda1 <- c()
lambda2 <- c()
factorNorm <- min(totalSum) / totalSum
for (j in 1:NT){
for (i in 1:LL){
listLen <- listLen + 1
SampleCovPlus[[listLen]] <- round( factorNorm[j] * SampleCovPlus[[listLen]] ) # it is an approximation
SampleCovMinus[[listLen]] <- round( factorNorm[j] * SampleCovMinus[[listLen]] ) # it is an approximation
meanCovPlus[listLen] <- mean(SampleCovPlus[[listLen]])
meanCovMinus[listLen] <- mean(SampleCovMinus[[listLen]])
# estimating Poisson means of the distributions
lambda1_ini <- sum((chrL/sum(chrL)) * meanCovPlus[(((j-1)*LL) + 1):(j*LL)])
lambda2_ini <- sum((chrL/sum(chrL)) * meanCovMinus[(((j-1)*LL) + 1):(j*LL)])
# lambda1 > lambda2
lambda1[j] <- max(lambda1_ini,lambda2_ini)
lambda2[j] <- min(lambda1_ini,lambda2_ini)
rm(lambda1_ini, lambda2_ini)
# Get paired peaks at each sample
# using the Skellam cumulative distribution function
pairedPeaks <- list()
listLen <- 0
chrLwithPeaks <- list()
for (w in 1:NT){
chrLwithPeaksCount <- 0
filteredScoreFinalChr <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:LL){
filteredScoreFinal <- data.frame()
listLen <- listLen + 1
mL <- max(length(SampleCovPlus[[listLen]]), length(SampleCovMinus[[listLen]]))
#frames <- floor(mL / N) +1
frames <- floor(mL / N) #+1 ###NEW
for (m in 1:frames){
if (m != frames){
lFrame <- (((m-1)*N)+1):(m*N)
if (m == frames){
lFrame<- (((m-1)*N)+1):mL
sample_forward <- as.integer(SampleCovPlus[[listLen]] [ lFrame ])
sample_reverse <- as.integer(SampleCovMinus[[listLen]][ lFrame ])
# Difference of exonuclease start sites at each strand
k <- as.integer(sample_forward - sample_reverse)
# Skellam cumulative distribution function
# Calculate p-value (two-sided test)
score <- c()
iPlus <- which(k>=0) # '='can be at both
iMinus <- which(k<0)
score[iPlus] <- pskellam(q=k[iPlus], lambda1= lambda1[w], lambda2 = lambda2[w], lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
score[iMinus] <- pskellam(q=k[iMinus]-1, lambda1= lambda1[w], lambda2 = lambda2[w], lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
# p-value threshold
positions <- which(score <= p) # score has peak p-values, F(x)
# which ones are close to each other
maxD <- dpeaks[2] #150 #30
minD <- dpeaks[1] #0 #8
filteredScore <- data.frame()
idx <- 0
if (length(positions)>1){
# keep just Max and Min in a region of length dpeaks[2]+1
W <- dpeaks[2]+1 #151
new_positions <- c()
for (ww in 1:length(positions)){
if ( positions[ww]-W < ceiling( W) ){ vectorAux <- k[1:(positions[ww]+W) ] }
if ( positions[ww]-W >= ceiling( W) & positions[ww]+W <= N-floor(W) ){ vectorAux <- k[(positions[ww]-W):(positions[ww]+W) ] }
if ( positions[ww]+W > N-floor(W) ){ vectorAux <- k[(positions[ww]-W):N ] }
maximo <- max(vectorAux)
minimo <- min(vectorAux)
# print(ww)
# print(maximo)
# print(minimo)
if( k[positions[ww]]==maximo && maximo >0 ){ new_positions <- c( new_positions,positions[ww]) }
if( k[positions[ww]]==minimo && minimo <0 ){ new_positions <- c( new_positions,positions[ww]) }
positions <- new_positions
if (length(positions) >= 2){ #######################NEW
for (j in 2:length(positions)){
A <- positions[j-1]
B <- positions[j]
C <- sign(k[positions[j-1]])
D <- sign(k[positions[j]])
# region for max and min
if (C != 0 && D != 0 ){
if (B< A+maxD && B> A+minD && (C == 1 && D== -1 || C== -1 && D == 1) ){
filteredScore[idx,1] <- chrN[i]
filteredScore[idx,2] <- round((lFrame[positions[j-1]] + lFrame[positions[j]])/2) -dpairs
filteredScore[idx,3] <- round((lFrame[positions[j-1]] + lFrame[positions[j]])/2) +dpairs
filteredScore[idx,4] <- lFrame[positions[j]]-lFrame[positions[j-1]]
filteredScore[idx,5] <- signif(score[positions[j-1]], digits=30)
filteredScore[idx,6] <- signif(score[positions[j]] , digits=30)
pvalVector <- c(score[positions[j-1]] , score[positions[j]])
filteredScore[idx,7] <- sum(pvalVector) #pchisq(-2*sum(log(pvalVector)), df=2*length(pvalVector), lower=FALSE )
filteredScore[idx,8] <- -1*log10(filteredScore[idx,7])
if ( length(filteredScoreFinal) ==0 && length(filteredScore) > 0) { filteredScoreFinal <- filteredScore }
if ( length(filteredScoreFinal) > 0 && length(filteredScore) > 0) { filteredScoreFinal <- rbind(filteredScoreFinal,filteredScore)}
} #end frame
if ( length(filteredScoreFinal) > 0 ){
if (length(filteredScoreFinalChr) ==0 ) { filteredScoreFinalChr <- filteredScoreFinal }
if (length(filteredScoreFinalChr) > 0 ) { filteredScoreFinalChr <- rbind(filteredScoreFinalChr, filteredScoreFinal ) }
#save the chromosome
chrLwithPeaksCount <- chrLwithPeaksCount + 1
if(chrLwithPeaksCount == 1) { chrLwithPeaks[[w]] <- chrL[i] }
if(chrLwithPeaksCount > 1) { chrLwithPeaks[[w]][chrLwithPeaksCount] <- chrL[i] }
} #end chromosome
colnames(filteredScoreFinalChr) <- c("chr","start","end","length","pval.peak.forward","pval.peak.reverse", "pval.binding.event","log10.pval.binding.event")
pairedPeaks[[w]] <- filteredScoreFinalChr
#create a GRanges structure for each biol. replicate
repl <- list()
for (w in 1:NT){
repl[[w]] <- GRanges(seqnames=pairedPeaks[[w]]$chr,
ranges=IRanges(pairedPeaks[[w]]$start, end=pairedPeaks[[w]]$end),
seqlengths(repl[[w]]) <- chrLwithPeaks[[w]] ##chrL
repl[[w]] <- trim(repl[[w]], use.names=TRUE)
# (intersect) final list of chip-exo peaks
finalset <- repl[[1]]
for (w in 2:NT){
finalsetini <- finalset
finalset <- intersect(repl[[w]],finalsetini )
finalset <- trim(finalset, use.names=TRUE)
# prepare matrix MM for IDR assessment
MM <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(finalset), ncol = NT)
for (w in 1:NT){
for (i in 1: length(finalset) ){
MM[i,w] <- max(score( subsetByOverlaps(repl[[w]],finalset[i]) )) #MIN is very conservative
# send matrix MM to IDR analysis
# mu <- 2.6
# sigma <- 1.3
# rho <- 0.8
# p <- 0.7
# library(idr)
# x = a m by n numeric matrix, where m= num of replicates, n=num of observations. Numerical values representing the significance
# of the observations, where signals are expected to have large values, for example, -log(p-value).
idr.out <- est.IDR(x=MM, mu, sigma, rho, prop, eps=0.00001)
# FINAL sites
# values(finalset) <- idr.out$IDR
passingIDR <- which(idr.out$IDR< idr)
# prepare final GRanges
MM2 <- as.data.frame(MM)
colnames(MM2) <- paste(paste("rep", as.character(1:NT), sep=""), "neg.log10pvalue",sep=".")
# get p-values
Stouffer.test <- function(p, w) { # p is a vector of p-values
if (missing(w)) {
w <- rep(1, length(p))/length(p)
} else {
if (length(w) != length(p))
stop("Length of p and w must equal!")
Zi <- qnorm(1-p)
Z <- sum(w*Zi)/sqrt(sum(w^2))
p.val <- 1-pnorm(Z)
return(c(p.value = p.val))
Fisher.test <- function(p) {
Xsq <- -2*sum(log(p))
p.val <- 1-pchisq(Xsq, df = 2*length(p))
return(c(p.value = p.val))
Stouffer <-c()
Fisher <-c()
for (i in 1:dim(PVALMATRIX)[1]) {
Stouffer[i] <- Stouffer.test(p=PVALMATRIX[i,])[[1]]
Fisher[i] <- Fisher.test(p=PVALMATRIX[i,])[[1]]
# Fisher's
mcols(finalset) <- data.frame(IDR=idr.out$IDR, MM2, Stouffer.pvalue=Stouffer, Fisher.pvalue=Fisher)
finalsetcentres <- finalset
start(finalsetcentres) <- round( (start(finalset) + end(finalset) )/2 )
end(finalsetcentres) <- round( (start(finalset) + end(finalset) )/2 ) + 1
if (bedfile==TRUE){
export.bedGraph(object=finalset[passingIDR], con=paste("cexor_peak_events_IDR_",".bed", sep=as.character(idr)))
export.bedGraph(object=finalsetcentres[passingIDR], con=paste("cexor_peak_centres_IDR_",".bed", sep=as.character(idr)))
return(list( bindingEvents=finalset[passingIDR], bindingCentres =finalsetcentres[passingIDR], pairedPeaksRepl = repl ))
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