#' Remove effects from covariates of interest
#' This function removes the effect from covariates of interest (such as GC content) from experimental counts
#' @param object an epigraHMMDataSet
#' @param effectNames a character vector with the names of assays for which the effect will be removed from the experimental counts.
#' Names in `effectNames` must be assays stored in the epigraHMMDataSet `object`.
#' @param byNames a character vector with the name of an assay containing stratification variables which will be used to define stratum-specific effects.
#' Examples of byNames assays include the 'peaks' assay from `initializer()`. In this case, models will be fit separately for peaks and non-peaks regions.
#' This can be useful for effects such as GC content, which are known to have a differential effect between peaks and non-peak regions.
#' Default is NULL, i.e., effects will be removed without stratification.
#' @param log a logical indicating if the effect from `effectNames` should be log-transformed in the regression model (default is TRUE)
#' @return An epigraHMMDataSet with an 'offset' assay filled in.
#' @author Pedro L. Baldoni, \email{pedrobaldoni@gmail.com}
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom MASS glm.nb
#' @examples
#' # Creating dummy object
#' gc <- rbeta(3e3,50,50)
#' countData <- list('counts' = rbind(matrix(rnbinom(2e3,mu = 7.5,size = 10),ncol = 1),
#' matrix(rnbinom(3e3,mu = exp(0.5 + 8*gc),size = 5),ncol = 1),
#' matrix(rnbinom(2e3,mu = 7.5,size = 10),ncol = 1)),
#' 'gc' = matrix(c(rbeta(2e3,50,50),gc,rbeta(2e3,50,50)),ncol = 1))
#' colData <- data.frame(condition = 'A', replicate = 1)
#' object <- epigraHMMDataSetFromMatrix(countData,colData)
#' # Initializing
#' object <- initializer(object = object,controlEM())
#' # Cleaning counts
#' object <- cleanCounts(object = object,effectNames = 'gc',byNames = 'peaks')
#' # Plotting the cleaned data
#' #par(mfrow = c(2,1))
#' #smoothScatter(log1p(assay(object))~assay(object,'gc'),xlab = 'gc',ylab = 'log counts')
#' #smoothScatter(as.numeric(log(assay(object)+1) - assay(object,'offsets'))~assay(object,'gc'),
#' # xlab = 'gc',ylab = 'log cleaned counts')
#' @references
#' \url{https://github.com/plbaldoni/epigraHMM}
#' @export
cleanCounts <- function(object,effectNames,byNames = NULL,log = TRUE){
# Checking input
if (!((methods::is(object)[1]%in%c('SummarizedExperiment','RangedSummarizedExperiment')) &
all(effectNames %in% assayNames(object)))){
if(!(byNames %in% assayNames(object))){
stop('Check arguments')
# Looping through samples
offsets <- do.call(cbind,lapply(seq_len(ncol(SummarizedExperiment::assay(object,'counts'))),function(x){
offset <- rep(0,nrow(object))
## Putting counts and covariates in a data.frame
mat <- data.frame(y = SummarizedExperiment::assay(object,'counts')[,x],
X = do.call(cbind,lapply(seq_len(length(effectNames)),function(w){SummarizedExperiment::assay(object,effectNames[w])[,x]})),
by = if (is.null(byNames)) rep(TRUE,nrow(object)) else SummarizedExperiment::assay(object,byNames)[,x],
offsets = if ('offsets' %in% assayNames(object)) SummarizedExperiment::assay(object,'offsets')[,x] else rep(0,nrow(object)))
## Log-transform
if (log == TRUE){
mat$X <- log1p(mat$X)
## Writing model formula
form <- stats::as.formula(paste('y ~',paste0('splines::ns(',colnames(mat)[grep('^X.*',colnames(mat))],', df = 2)',collapse = ' + ')))
## Looping by
for(index in unique(mat$by)){
fit <- MASS::glm.nb(form,data = mat[mat$by == index,])
pred <- stats::predict(fit,type = "terms")
offset[mat$by == index] <- rowSums(pred[,grep('s\\(',colnames(pred)),drop = FALSE])
## Returning offsets
# Adding offsets
object <- addOffsets(object,offsets)
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