#' The connector class to KEGG Compound database.
#' This is a concrete connector class. It must never be instantiated directly,
#' but instead be instantiated through the factory \code{BiodbFactory}.
#' Only specific methods are described here. See super classes for the
#' description of inherited methods.
#' @seealso \code{\link{KeggConn}}, \code{\link{KeggPathwayConn}}.
#' @examples
#' # Create an instance with default settings:
#' mybiodb <- biodb::newInst()
#' # Create a connector to KEGG Compound
#' conn <- mybiodb$getFactory()$createConn('kegg.compound')
#' # Search for compounds by exact mass
#' conn$wsFindExactMass(mass=174.05, retfmt='parsed')
#' # Search for compounds by molecular weight
#' conn$wsFindMolecularWeight(mass=300, retfmt='parsed')
#' # Get pathway IDs related to compounds
#' pathway.ids=conn$getPathwayIds(c('C02648', 'C06144'), org='mmu')
#' # Terminate instance.
#' mybiodb$terminate()
#' @include KeggConn.R
#' @importFrom chk chk_is
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecate_soft
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
KeggCompoundConn <- R6::R6Class("KeggCompoundConn",
#' @description
#' New instance initializer. Connector classes must not be instantiated
#' directly. Instead, you must use the createConn() method of the factory class.
#' @param ... All parameters are passed to the super class initializer.
#' @return Nothing.
initialize=function(...) {
super$initialize(db.name='compound', db.abbrev='cpd', accession.prefix='C',
#' @description
#' Searches for entries by mass.
#' You must either provide a single mass through `mass` parameter or provide a
#' range through `mass.min` and `mass.max`.
#' @param See http //www.kegg.jp/kegg/docs/keggapi.html for details.
#' @param mass Single mass.
#' @param mass.min Minimal mass.
#' @param mass.max Maximal mass.
#' @param ... parameters passed to KeggConn::wsFind().
#' @return wsFind().
wsFindExactMass=function(mass=NULL, mass.min=NULL, mass.max=NULL, ...) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', "wsFindExactMass()", "wsFind()")
query <- if ( ! is.null(mass.min) && ! is.null(mass.max))
paste(mass.min, mass.max, sep='-') else as.character(mass)
if (is.null(query))
biodb::error0('You need to specify either mass parameter or both',
' mass.min and mass.max.')
return(self$wsFind(query=query, option='exact_mass', ...))
#' @description
#' Searches for entries by molecular mass.
#' You must either provide a single mass through `mass` parameter or provide a
#' range through `mass.min` and `mass.max`.
#' See http //www.kegg.jp/kegg/docs/keggapi.html for details.
#' @param mass Single mass.
#' @param mass.min Minimal mass.
#' @param mass.max Maximal mass.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to KeggConn::wsFind().
#' @return wsFind().
wsFindMolecularWeight=function(mass=NULL, mass.min=NULL, mass.max=NULL, ...) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', "wsFindMolecularWeight()", "wsFind()")
query <- if ( ! is.null(mass.min) && ! is.null(mass.max))
paste(mass.min, mass.max, sep='-') else as.character(mass)
if (is.null(query))
biodb::error0('You need to specify either mass parameter or both',
' mass.min and mass.max.')
return(self$wsFind(query=query, option='mol_weight', ...))
#' @description
#' Gets organism pathways for each compound. This method retrieves for
#' each compound the KEGG pathways of the organism in which the compound is
#' involved.
#' @param id A character vector of KEGG Compound IDs.
#' @param org The organism in which to search for pathways, as a KEGG organism
#' code (3-4 letters code, like 'hsa', 'mmu', ...). See
#' https //www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html for a complete list of KEGG
#' organism codes.
#' @param limit The maximum number of modules IDs to retrieve for each compound.
#' Set to 0 to disable.
#' @return A named list of KEGG pathway ID vectors, where the names
#' of the list are the compound IDs."
getPathwayIdsPerCompound=function(id, org, limit=3) {
pathways <- list()
fac <- self$getBiodb()$getFactory()
kegg.enz.conn <- fac$getConn('kegg.enzyme')
# Loop on all compound ids
prg <- biodb::Progress$new(biodb=self$getBiodb(),
msg='Retrieving pathways of compounds.', total=length(id))
for (comp.id in id) {
# Send progress message
# Get compound entry
comp <- self$getEntry(comp.id)
if (is.null(comp))
# Get pathway IDs
pws <- private$getCompoundPathwayIds(comp=comp, org=org)
# Record found pathways
if ( ! is.null(pws)) {
if (limit > 0 && length(pws) > limit)
pws <- pws[seq_len(limit)]
pathways[[comp.id]] <- pws
#' @description
#' Gets organism modules for each compound. This method retrieves for
#' each compound the KEGG modules of the organism in which the compound is
#' involved.
#' @param id A character vector of KEGG Compound IDs.
#' @param org The organism in which to search for modules, as a KEGG organism
#' code (3-4 letters code, like 'hsa', 'mmu', ...). See
#' https //www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html for a complete list of KEGG
#' organism codes.
#' @param limit The maximum number of modules IDs to retrieve for each compound.
#' Set to 0 to disable.
#' @return A named list of KEGG module ID vectors, where the names
#' of the list are the compound IDs."
getModuleIdsPerCompound=function(id, org, limit=3) {
modules <- list()
pw <- self$getBiodb()$getFactory()$getConn('kegg.pathway')
# Get pathway IDs
pwids <- self$getPathwayIdsPerCompound(id=id, org=org)
# Loop on all compounds
for (i in pwids) {
# Retrieve pathway entries for this compound
pw.entries <- pw$getEntry(i, nulls=FALSE, drop=FALSE)
modids <- lapply(pw.entries,
function(e) e$getFieldValue('kegg.module.id'))
modids <- unlist(modids)
modids <- modids[ ! is.na(modids)]
modids <- unique(modids)
if (limit > 0 && length(modids) > limit)
modids <- modids[seq_len(limit)]
modules <- c(modules, list(modids))
# Set names
if (length(modules) > 0)
names(modules) <- names(pwids)
#' @description
#' Gets organism pathways. This method retrieves KEGG pathways of the
#' specified organism in which the compounds are involved.
#' @param id A character vector of KEGG Compound IDs.
#' @param org The organism in which to search for pathways, as a KEGG organism
#' code (3-4 letters code, like 'hsa', 'mmu', ...). See
#' https //www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html for a complete list of KEGG
#' organism codes.
#' @return A vector of KEGG pathway IDs.
getPathwayIds=function(id, org) {
pathways <- self$getPathwayIdsPerCompound(id=id, org=org)
pathways <- unique(unlist(pathways, use.names=FALSE))
#' @description
#' Add informations (as new column appended to the end) to an existing
#' data frame containing a column of KEGG Compound IDs.
#' @param x A data frame containing at least one column with Biodb entry IDs
#' identified by the parameter `id.col`.
#' @param id.col The name of the column containing IDs inside the input data
#' frame.
#' @param org The organism in which to search for pathways, as a KEGG organism
#' code (3-4 letters code, like 'hsa', 'mmu', ...). See
#' https //www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html for a complete list of KEGG
#' organism codes.
#' @param limit This is the maximum number of values obtained for each ID, for
#' every column added, in case multiple values are obtained. Set to 0 to get
#' all values.
#' @param prefix Insert a prefix at the start of name of all new columns.
#' @return A data frame containing `x` and new columns appended with
#' KEGG identifiers and data.
addInfo=function(x, id.col, org, limit=3, prefix='') {
chk::chk_is(x, 'data.frame')
if (ncol(x) > 0) {
chk::chk_character(id.col, 'character')
if ( ! id.col %in% colnames(x))
biodb::error0('Column "', id.col,
'" was not found inside data frame.')
# Get ids
ids <- as.character(x[[id.col]])
# Get entries
entries <- self$getEntry(ids)
# Add enzyme IDs and reaction IDs
ei <- self$getBiodb()$entriesFieldToVctOrLst(entries,
field='kegg.enzyme.id', limit=limit)
fields <- c('kegg.enzyme.id', 'kegg.reaction.id')
y <- self$getBiodb()$entryIdsToDataframe(ei, db='kegg.enzyme',
limit=limit, fields=fields, own.id=TRUE)
# Add pathway info
pwids <- self$getPathwayIdsPerCompound(ids, org=org, limit=limit)
fields <- c('kegg.pathway.id', 'name', 'pathway.class')
df2 <- self$getBiodb()$entryIdsToDataframe(pwids, db='kegg.pathway',
limit=limit, fields=fields, own.id=TRUE, prefix='kegg.pathway.')
y <- cbind(y, df2)
# Add module info
modids <- self$getModuleIdsPerCompound(ids, org=org, limit=limit)
fields <- c('kegg.module.id', 'name')
df3 <- self$getBiodb()$entryIdsToDataframe(modids, db='kegg.module',
limit=limit, fields=fields, own.id=TRUE, prefix='kegg.module.')
y <- cbind(y, df3)
# Rename columns
if ( ! is.na(prefix) && nchar(prefix) > 0 && length(colnames(y)) > 0)
colnames(y) <- paste0(prefix, colnames(y))
# Add info columns
x <- cbind(x, y)
doGetEntryImageUrl=function(id) {
# Overrides super class' method.
fct <- function(x) {
bu <- self$getPropValSlot('urls', 'base.url')
u <- c(bu, 'Fig', 'compound', paste(x, 'gif', sep='.'))
return(vapply(id, fct, FUN.VALUE=''))
,getCompoundPathwayIds=function(comp, org) {
pws <- NULL
fac <- self$getBiodb()$getFactory()
# Does this compound have a list of pathways?
if (comp$hasField('kegg.pathway.id')) {
# Get pathways
pws <- comp$getFieldValue('kegg.pathway.id')
# Convert them to specified organism
kegg.path.conn <- fac$getConn('kegg.pathway')
pws <- kegg.path.conn$convertToOrgPathways(pws, org=org)
# Look for enzymes
else if (comp$hasField('kegg.enzyme.id')) {
# Get pathways
enzid <- comp$getFieldValue('kegg.enzyme.id')
kegg.enz.conn <- fac$getConn('kegg.enzyme')
pws <- kegg.enz.conn$getPathwayIds(enzid, org=org)
# Filter out wrong pathways
kpc <- fac$getConn('kegg.pathway')
pws <- pws[kpc$makesRefToEntry(pws, db='kegg.compound',
oid=comp$getFieldValue('accession'), recurse=TRUE)]
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