#' A class for accessing the test reference entries.
#' The test reference entries are stored as JSON files inside
#' `inst/testref` folder of each extension package.
#' @examples
#' # Creates an instance
#' refEntries <- TestRefEntries$new('comp.sqlite', pkgName='biodb')
#' # Gets identifiers of all reference entries
#' refEntries$getAllIds()
#' # Gets a data frame with the content of the reference entries
#' refEntries$getAllRefEntriesDf()
#' @import R6
#' @import plyr
#' @export
TestRefEntries <- R6::R6Class('TestRefEntries',
#' @description
#' New instance initializer.
#' @param db.class Identifier of the database.
#' @param pkgName Name of the package in which are stored the reference
#' entry files.
#' @param folder The folder where to find test reference files for the package.
#' Usually it is "inst/testref".
#' @param bdb A valid BiodbMain instance or NULL.
#' @return Nothing.
initialize=function(db.class, pkgName, folder=NULL, bdb=NULL) {
chk::chk_null_or(bdb, vld=chk::vld_is, class='BiodbMain')
chk::chk_null_or(folder, vld=chk::vld_dir)
private$db.class <- db.class
private$pkgName <- pkgName
private$bdb <- bdb
private$folder <- folder
#' @description
#' Retrieve all identifiers.
#' @param limit The maximum number of identifiers to return.
#' @return A character vector containing the IDs.
,getAllIds=function(limit=0) {
chk::chk_gte(limit, 0)
# List JSON files
files <- private$getRefEntryJsonFiles()
# Remove content files
files <- grep('-content.json$', files, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
# Limit number of files
if (limit > 0 && length(files) > limit)
files <- files[seq_len(limit)]
# Extract ids
ids <- sub(paste('^.*/entry', private$db.class, '(.+)\\.json$', sep='-'),
'\\1', files, perl=TRUE)
# Replace encoded special characters
ids = vapply(ids, utils::URLdecode, FUN.VALUE='')
#' @description
#' Get the reference contents for the specfied IDs.
#' @param ids The reference IDs for which to get the contents.
#' @return A character vector.
,getContents=function(ids) {
# Get file names
testRef <- private$getFolder()
getFilename <- function(id) {
pattern <- file.path(testRef, paste0('entry-', private$db.class, '-',
utils::URLencode(id, reserved=TRUE), '-content.*'))
files <- Sys.glob(pattern)
if (length(files) == 0) {
# Entry content file is missing in test ref dir.
warn(paste("Content file is missing for test ref entry %s.",
"A content will now be retrieved from the connector",
"and saved into test ref folder %s"), id, testRef)
files <- private$downloadEntryContent(id)
} else if (length(files) > 1)
error("Found more than one file for pattern %s: %s.", pattern,
paste(files, collapse=', '))
return(files) # Got one single file
filenames <- vapply(ids, getFilename, FUN.VALUE='')
# Load contents
contents <- loadFileContents(filenames, outVect=TRUE)
#' @description
#' Retrieve all real entries from database corresponding to the reference
#' entris.
#' @param ids A character vector of entry identifiers.
#' @return A list containing BiodbEntry instances.
,getRealEntries=function(ids=NULL) {
chk::chk_null_or(ids, vld=chk::vld_character)
if (is.null(private$bdb))
error(paste("A valid BiodbMain instance is needed inside the",
"TestRefEntries instance to retrieve real entries."))
ref.ids <- self$getAllIds()
if (is.null(ids))
ids <- ref.ids
chk::chk_subset(ids, ref.ids)
# Create entries
entries <- private$bdb$getFactory()$getEntry(private$db.class, id=ids,
testthat::expect_equal(length(entries), length(ids),
info=paste0("Error while retrieving entries. ", length(entries),
" entrie(s) obtained instead of ", length(ids),
testthat::expect_false(any(vapply(entries, is.null, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)))
# Compute fields
# Save downloaded entries as JSON
self$saveEntriesAsJson(ids, entries)
#' @description
#' Saves a list of entries into separate JSON files, inside the test output
#' folder.
#' @param ids The IDs of the entries.
#' @param entries A list of entries. It can contain NULL values.
#' @return Nothing.
,saveEntriesAsJson=function(ids, entries) {
filenames <- paste('entry-', private$db.class, '-', ids, '.json',
filenames <- vapply(filenames, utils::URLencode, FUN.VALUE='',
json.files <- file.path(getTestOutputDir(), filenames)
private$bdb$saveEntriesAsJson(entries, json.files)
#' @description
#' Retrieves one real entry from database corresponding to one reference
#' entry.
#' @param id The identifier of the entry.
#' @return A BiodbEntry instance.
,getRealEntry=function(id) {
#' @description
#' Retrieves the content of a single reference entry.
#' @param id The identifier of the reference entry to retrieve.
#' @return The content of the reference entry as a list.
,getRefEntry=function(id) {
# Replace forbidden characters
id = utils::URLencode(id, reserved=TRUE)
# Entry file
file <- file.path(private$getFolder(),
paste('entry-', private$db.class, '-', id, '.json', sep=''))
info=paste0('Cannot find file "', file, '" for ', private$db.class,
' reference entry', id, '.'))
# Load JSON
json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(file)
# Set NA values
for (n in names(json))
if (length(json[[n]]) == 1) {
if (json[[n]] == 'NA_character_')
json[[n]] <- NA_character_
#' @description
#' Load all reference entries.
#' @return A data frame containing all the reference entries with their values.
,getAllRefEntriesDf=function() {
entries.desc <- NULL
# List JSON files
entry.json.files <- private$getRefEntryJsonFiles()
# Loop on all JSON files
for (f in entry.json.files) {
# Load entry from JSON
entry <- jsonlite::read_json(f)
# Replace NULL values by NA
entry <- lapply(entry, function(x) if (is.null(x)) NA else x)
# Convert to data frame
entry.df <- as.data.frame(entry, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Append entry to main data frame
entries.desc <- plyr::rbind.fill(entries.desc, entry.df)
,getFolder=function() {
if (is.null(private$folder)) {
private$folder <- system.file('testref', package=private$pkgName)
if ( ! dir.exists(private$folder))
error('No folder "%s" has been defined for package "%s".',
private$folder, private$pkgName)
,getRefEntryJsonFiles=function() {
# List JSON files
files <- Sys.glob(file.path(private$getFolder(),
paste('entry', private$db.class, '*.json', sep='-')))
# Remove content files
files <- grep('-content.json$', files, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
,downloadEntryContent=function(id) {
testRef <- private$getFolder()
if (is.null(private$bdb))
error(paste("A valid BiodbMain instance is needed inside the",
"TestRefEntries instance to retrieve the content of entry %s and",
"save it inside the test ref folder %s."), id, testRef)
# Get content
conn <- private$bdb$getFactory()$getConn(private$db.class)
content <- conn$getEntryContent(id)
if (is.null(content))
error("Unable to retrieve content of entry %s from connector %s.", id,
# Save content to file
ext <- conn$getEntryFileExt()
f <- paste0('entry-', private$db.class, '-', id, '-content.', ext)
f <- utils::URLencode(f, reserved=TRUE)
f <- file.path(testRef, f)
saveContentsToFiles(f, content, prepareContents=TRUE)
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