#' File template class.
#' @description
#' A class for reading a file template, replacing tags inside, and writing the
#' results in an output file.
#' @import R6
#' @import chk
FileTemplate <- R6::R6Class('FileTemplate',
#' @description
#' Initializer.
#' @param path The path to the template file.
#' @return Nothing.
initialize=function(path) {
private$path <- path
#' @description
#' Replace a tag by its value inside the template file.
#' @param tag The tag to replace.
#' @param value The value to replace the tag with.
#' @return invisible(self) for chaining method calls.
replace=function(tag, value) {
chk::chk_null_or(value, vld=chk::vld_string)
if ( ! is.null(value))
private$txt <- gsub(paste0('{{', tag, '}}'),
value, private$txt, fixed=TRUE)
#' @description
#' Choose one case among a set of cases.
#' @param set The name of the case set.
#' @param case The name of case.
#' @return invisible(self) for chaining method calls.
choose=function(set, case) {
set <- gsub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '_', toupper(set))
case <- gsub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '_', toupper(case))
caseRE <- paste0('^.*\\$\\$\\$ *CASE *', set, ' *.*\\$\\$\\$.*$')
caseChosenRE <- paste0('^.*\\$\\$\\$ *CASE *', set, ' *',
case, ' *\\$\\$\\$.*$')
caseDefaultRE <- paste0('^.*\\$\\$\\$ *CASE *', set,
' *DEFAULT *\\$\\$\\$.*$')
caseEndRE <- paste0('^.*\\$\\$\\$ *END_CASE *', set, ' *\\$\\$\\$.*$')
while (length(starts <- grep(caseRE, private$txt)) > 0) {
i <- starts[[1]]
insideChosenCase <- FALSE
foundCase <- FALSE
while ( ! grepl(caseEndRE, private$txt[[i]])) {
if (grepl(caseChosenRE, private$txt[[i]])) {
private$txt <- private$txt[setdiff(seq_along(private$txt), i)]
insideChosenCase <- TRUE
foundCase <- TRUE
} else if (grepl(caseDefaultRE, private$txt[[i]])) {
private$txt <- private$txt[setdiff(seq_along(private$txt), i)]
insideChosenCase <- ! foundCase
foundCase <- TRUE
} else if (grepl(caseRE, private$txt[[i]])) {
private$txt <- private$txt[setdiff(seq_along(private$txt), i)]
insideChosenCase <- FALSE
} else if (insideChosenCase)
i <- i + 1
else {
private$txt <- private$txt[setdiff(seq_along(private$txt), i)]
# Remove END_CASE line
private$txt <- private$txt[setdiff(seq_along(private$txt), i)]
#' @description
#' Select or remove sections that match a name.
#' @param section The name of the section.
#' @param enable Set to TRUE to select the section (and keep it), and FALSE to
#' remove it.
#' @return invisible(self) for chaining method calls.
select=function(section, enable) {
section <- gsub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '_', toupper(section))
ifRE <- paste0('^.*\\$\\$\\$ *(SECTION|IF) *', section, ' *\\$\\$\\$.*$')
elseRE <- paste0('^.*\\$\\$\\$ *ELSE *', section, ' *\\$\\$\\$.*$')
endRE <- paste0('^.*\\$\\$\\$ *END_(SECTION|IF) *', section,
' *\\$\\$\\$.*$')
# Get all start and section sections
ifs <- grep(ifRE, private$txt)
elses <- grep(elseRE, private$txt)
ends <- grep(endRE, private$txt)
# Match each start with its corresponding end (i.e.: the closest one)
elseEnds <- sort(c(elses, ends))
ifMatchingEnds <- vapply(ifs, function(i) head(elseEnds[elseEnds > i], n=1),
elseMatchingEnds <- vapply(elses, function(i) head(ends[ends > i], n=1),
# Select lines to remove
if (enable) {
linesToRemove <- c(ifs, ifMatchingEnds,
unlist(lapply(seq_along(elses), function(i)
seq(elses[[i]], elseMatchingEnds[[i]]))))
} else {
linesToRemove <- c(elses, elseMatchingEnds,
unlist(lapply(seq_along(ifs), function(i)
seq(ifs[[i]], ifMatchingEnds[[i]]))))
# Remove lines
private$txt <- private$txt[setdiff(seq_along(private$txt), linesToRemove)]
#' @description
#' Write template with replaced values to disk.
#' @param path Path to output file.
#' @param overwrite If set to FALSE and the destination file already exists, a
#' message is thrown. Otherwise writes into the destination.
#' @param checkRemainingTags If set to TRUE, checks first, before writing, if
#' there any remaining tags that have not been processed. A warning is thrown
#' for each found tag.
#' @return Nothing.
,write=function(path, overwrite=FALSE, checkRemainingTags=TRUE) {
if (checkRemainingTags)
if ( ! overwrite && file.exists(path))
stop('Destination file "', path, '" already exists.')
writeLines(private$txt, path)
#' @description
#' Get the lines of the templates.
#' @return A vector containing the lines of the templates.
,getLines=function() {
,loadTemplate=function() {
private$txt <- readLines(private$path)
,checkRemainingTags=function() {
# Search for {{...}} tags
tags <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_match_all(private$txt,
'\\{\\{([^}]+)\\}\\}'), function(x) x[,2]))
# Search for $$$ ... $$$ tags
tagLines <- stringr::str_match(private$txt,
'^.*\\$\\$\\$ *[^ ]+ +([^ ]+).*\\$\\$\\$.*$')
tags <- c(tags, tagLines[,2])
# Sort and remove duplicates
tags <- tags[ ! is.na(tags)]
tags <- unique(sort(tags))
# Print warning
if (length(tags) > 0)
warning('The following tags were not replaced inside "', private$path,
'": ', paste(tags, collapse=', '), '.')
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