#' CSV File connector class.
#' This is the abstract connector class for all CSV file databases.
#' @seealso Super classes \code{\link{BiodbConn}},
#' and sub-classes \code{\link{CompCsvFileConn}},
#' \code{\link{MassCsvFileConn}}.
#' @examples
#' # Create an instance with default settings:
#' mybiodb <- biodb::newInst()
#' # Get a connector that inherits from CsvFileConn:
#' chebi_file <- system.file("extdata", "chebi_extract.tsv", package="biodb")
#' conn <- mybiodb$getFactory()$createConn('comp.csv.file', url=chebi_file)
#' # Get an entry
#' e <- conn$getEntry('1018')
#' # Terminate instance.
#' mybiodb$terminate()
#' @include BiodbConn.R
#' @export
CsvFileConn <- R6::R6Class("CsvFileConn",
#' @description
#' New instance initializer. Connector classes must not be instantiated
#' directly. Instead, you must use the createConn() method of the factory class.
#' @param ... All parameters are passed to the super class initializer.
#' @return Nothing.
initialize=function(...) {
# Set fields
private$db <- NULL
private$db.orig.colnames <- NA_character_
private$file.sep <- "\t"
private$file.quote <- "\""
private$fields <- character()
private$field2cols <- list()
private$autoSetFieldsHasBeenRun <- FALSE
private$ignoreUnassignedColumns <- FALSE
#' @description
#' Gets the characters used to delimit quotes in the CSV database file.
#' @return The characters used to delimit quotes as a single
#' character value.
getCsvQuote=function() {
#' @description
#' Sets the characters used to delimit quotes in the CSV database file.
#' @param quote The characters used to delimit quotes as a single character
#' value.
#' @param You may specify several characters. Example \"\\\"'\".
#' @return Nothing.
setCsvQuote=function(quote) {
if ( ! is.null(private$db))
error0("The CSV file has already been loaded. Modification of",
" the quote parameter is not allowed.")
private$file.quote <- quote
#' @description
#' Gets the current CSV separator used for the database file.
#' @return The CSV separator as a character value.
getCsvSep=function() {
#' @description
#' Sets the CSV separator to be used for the database file. If this method is
#' called after the loading of the database, it will throw an error.
#' @param sep The CSV separator as a character value.
#' @return Nothing.
setCsvSep=function(sep) {
if ( ! is.null(private$db))
error0("The CSV file has already been loaded. Modification of",
" the separator character parameter is not allowed.")
private$file.sep <- sep
#' @description
#' Get the list of all biodb fields handled by this database.
#' @return A character vector of the biodb field names.
getFieldNames=function() {
fields <- names(private$fields)
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
fct <- function(f) {
fields <- vapply(fields, fct, FUN.VALUE='')
#' @description
#' Tests if a field is defined for this database instance.
#' @param field A valid Biodb entry field name.
#' @return TRUE of the field is defined, FALSE otherwise.
hasField=function(field) {
if (is.null(field) || is.na(field))
error0("No field specified.")
#' @description
#' Adds a new field to the database. The field must not already exist. The
#' same single value will be set to all entries for this field. A new column
#' will be written in the memory data frame, containing the value given.
#' @param field A valid Biodb entry field name.
#' @param value The value to set for this field.
#' @return Nothing.
addField=function(field, value) {
if (is.null(field) || is.na(field))
error0("No field specified.")
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
field <- ef$getRealName(field, fail=FALSE)
# Load database file
# Field already defined?
if (field %in% self$getFieldNames())
error0("Database field \"", field, "\" is already defined.")
if (field %in% names(private$db))
error0("Database column \"", field, "\" is already defined.")
# Add new field
logDebug0('Adding new field ', field, ' with value ',
paste(value, collapse=', '), '.')
private$db[[field]] <- value
self$setField(field, field)
#' @description
#' Get the column name corresponding to a Biodb field.
#' @param field A valid Biodb entry field name. This field must be defined for
#' this database instance.
#' @return The column name from the CSV file.
getFieldColName=function(field) {
if (is.null(field) || is.na(field))
error0("No field specified.")
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
field <- ef$getRealName(field)
# Load database file
# Check that this field is defined in the fields list
if ( ! field %in% self$getFieldNames())
error0("Database field \"", field, "\" is not defined.")
#' @description
#' Sets a field by making a correspondence between a Biodb field and one or
#' more columns of the loaded data frame.
#' @param field A valid Biodb entry field name. This field must not be already
#' defined for this database instance.
#' @param colname A character vector containing one or more column names from
#' the CSV file.
#' @param ignore.if.missing Deprecated parameter.
#' @return Nothing.
setField=function(field, colname, ignore.if.missing=FALSE) {
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
field <- ef$getRealName(field, fail=FALSE)
# Load database file
# Check that this is a correct field name
if ( ! ef$isDefined(field))
error0("Database field \"", field, "\" is not valid.")
# Fail if column names are not found in file
if ( ! all(colname %in% names(private$db))) {
undefined.cols <- colname[ ! colname %in% names(private$db)]
error0("Column(s) ", paste(undefined.cols, collapse=", "), "
is/are not defined in database file.")
# Fail if already defined
if (field %in% names(private$fields))
error0('Field "', field, '" is already set to "',
private$fields[[field]], '".')
logDebug0('Set field ', field, ' to column(s) ',
paste(colname, collapse=', '), '.')
# One column used, only
if (length(colname) == 1) {
# Check values
if (self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()$isDefined(field)) {
entry.field <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()$get(field)
# Check values of enumerate type
if (entry.field$isEnumerate()) {
v <- private$db[[colname]]
private$db[[colname]] <- entry.field$correctValue(v)
# Set field
private$fields[[field]] <- colname
self$setPropValSlot('parsing.expr', field, colname, hook=FALSE)
# Use several column to join together
else {
fct <- function(i) { paste(private$db[i, colname], collapse='.') }
# Create new column in memory data frame
private$db[[field]] <- vapply(seq(nrow(private$db)), fct, FUN.VALUE='')
private$fields[[field]] <- field
# Store column(s)/field association
private$field2cols[[field]] <- colname
#' @description
#' Gets the association between biodb field names and CSV file column names.
#' @return A list with names being the biodb field names and values being a
#' character vector of column names from the CSV file.
getFieldsAndColumnsAssociation=function() {
#' @description
#' Gets the list of unassociated column names from the CSV file.
#' @return A character vector containing column names.
getUnassociatedColumns=function() {
cols <- colnames(private$db)
used_cols <- unlist(private$field2cols)
unused_cols <- cols[ ! cols %in% used_cols]
#' @description
#' Prints a description of this connector.
#' @return Nothing.
print=function() {
# Overrides super class' method.
# Display defined fields
fields <- names(private$fields)
if (length(fields) > 0)
cat("The following fields have been defined: ",
paste(fields, collapse=", "), ".\n", sep='')
# Display unassociated columns
cols <- self$getUnassociatedColumns()
if (length(cols) > 0)
cat("Unassociated columns: ", paste(cols, collapse=", "), ".\n", sep='')
#' @description
#' Sets the database directly from a data frame. You must not have set
#' the database previously with the URL parameter.
#' @param db A data frame containing your database.
#' @return Nothing.
setDb=function(db) {
# URL point to an existing file?
url <- self$getPropValSlot('urls', 'base.url')
if ( ! is.null(url) && ! is.na(url) && file.exists(url))
error0('Cannot set this data frame as database. A URL that',
' points to an existing file has already been set for the',
' connector.')
#' @description
#' Tells the connector to ignore or not the columns found in the CSV file for
#' which no assignment were found.
#' @param ignore Set to TRUE to ignore the unassigned columns, and to FALSE
#' otherwise.
#' @return Nothing.
setIgnoreUnassignedColumns=function(ignore) {
private$ignoreUnassignedColumns <- ignore
,doHasField=function(field) {
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
field <- ef$getRealName(field, fail=FALSE)
# Load database file
return(field %in% self$getFieldNames())
,doDefineParsingExpressions=function() {
if ( ! private$parsingExprDefined) {
# Define a parsing expression for each column inside the database
for (field in self$getFieldNames())
self$setPropValSlot('parsing.expr', field, private$fields[[field]],
private$parsingExprDefined <- TRUE
,doWrite=function() {
logInfo0('Write all entries into "',
self$getPropValSlot('urls', 'base.url'), '".')
# Make sure all entries are loaded into cache.
entry.ids <- self$getEntryIds()
entries <- self$getBiodb()$getFactory()$getEntry(self$getId(), entry.ids)
# Get all entries: the ones loaded from the database file and the ones
# created in memory (and not saved).
entries <- self$getAllVolatileCacheEntries()
# Get data frame of all entries
df <- self$getBiodb()$entriesToDataframe(entries, only.atomic=FALSE)
# Write data frame
write.table(df, file=self$getPropValSlot('urls', 'base.url'),
row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
initDb=function(setFields=TRUE) {
if (is.null(private$db)) {
# Check file
file <- self$getPropValSlot('urls', 'base.url')
if ( ! is.null(file) && ! is.na(file) && ! file.exists(file)
&& ! self$writingIsAllowed())
error0("Cannot locate the file database \"", file, "\".")
# No file to load, create empty database
if (is.null(file) || is.na(file) || ! file.exists(file)) {
logInfo("Creating empty database.")
db <- data.frame(accession=character(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Load database
else {
logInfo('Loading file database "%s".', file)
db <- read.table(file, sep=private$file.sep,
quote=private$file.quote, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
row.names=NULL, comment.char='', check.names=FALSE, fill=FALSE)
# Set database
# Auto set fields
if (setFields && ! private$autoSetFieldsHasBeenRun)
checkFields=function(fields, fail=TRUE) {
if (length(fields) == 0 || (length(fields) == 1 && is.na(fields)))
# Check if fields are known
fct <- function(f) self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()$isDefined(f)
unknown.fields <- fields[ ! vapply(fields, fct, FUN.VALUE=FALSE)]
if (length(unknown.fields) > 0)
error0("Field(s) ", paste(fields, collapse=", "),
" is/are unknown.")
# Init db
# Check if fields are defined in file database
undefined.fields <- fields[ ! fields %in% self$getFieldNames()]
if (length(undefined.fields) > 0) {
msg <- sprintf("Field(s) %s is/are undefined in file database.",
paste(undefined.fields, collapse=", "))
if (fail) error(msg) else logDebug(fail)
selectByIds=function(db, ids) {
db <- db[db[[private$fields[['accession']]]] %in% ids, , drop=FALSE]
select=function(db=NULL, ids=NULL, cols=NULL, drop=FALSE, uniq=FALSE,
sort=FALSE, max.rows=0, ...) {
chk::chk_gte(max.rows, 0)
# Get database
if (is.null(db)) {
db <- private$db
# Filtering
if ( ! is.null(ids))
db <- private$selectByIds(db, ids)
db <- private$doSelect(db, ...)
# Get subset of columns
if ( ! is.null(cols)) {
db <- db[, private$fields[cols], drop=FALSE]
# Remove duplicates
if (uniq)
db <- db[ ! duplicated(db), , drop=FALSE]
# Sort on first column
if (sort && ncol(db) >= 1)
db <- db[order(db[[1]]), , drop=FALSE]
# Cut
if (max.rows > 0 && nrow(db) > max.rows)
db <- db[seq_len(max.rows), , drop=FALSE]
# Drop
if (drop && ncol(db) == 1)
db <- db[[1]]
selectByRange=function(db, field, minValue, maxValue) {
# Get database
if (is.null(db)) {
db <- private$db
# Check range
if (is.null(minValue) || is.null(maxValue))
error0('You must set both min and max values.')
if (length(minValue) != length(maxValue))
error0("'minValue' and 'maxValue' must have equal lengths.",
" 'minValue' has ", length(minValue), " element(s),",
" and 'maxValue' has ", length(maxValue), "element(s).")
logDebug0('Filtering on field "', field, '", with range: ',
paste0('[', minValue, ', ', maxValue, ']', collapse=', '), '.')
# Check field
f <- private$fields[[field]]
values <- db[[f]]
logDebug('%d values to filter on field %s.', length(values), field)
# For all couples in vectors minValue and maxValue, verify which values
# are in the range. For each couple of minValue/maxValue we get a vector of
# booleans the same length as `values` vector.
fct <- function(minV, maxV) {
if (is.na(minV) && is.na(maxV))
rep(FALSE, length(values))
((if (is.na(minV)) rep(TRUE, length(values)) else values >= minV)
(if (is.na(maxV)) rep(TRUE, length(values)) else values <= maxV))
s <- mapply(fct, minValue, maxValue)
# Now we select the values that are in at least one of the ranges.
if (is.matrix(s))
s <- apply(s, 1, function(x) Reduce("|", x))
else if (is.list(s))
s <- unlist(s)
# Filter
db <- db[s, , drop=FALSE]
selectBySubstring=function(db, field, value) {
# Get database
if (is.null(db)) {
db <- private$db
# Check field
f <- private$fields[[field]]
values <- db[[f]]
logDebug('%d values to filter on field %s.', length(values), field)
# Filter
db <- db[grep(value, values), , drop=FALSE]
checkSettingOfUrl=function(key, value) {
# Setting of base URL
if (key == 'base.url') {
url <- self$getPropValSlot('urls', 'base.url')
if ( ! is.null(private$db) && ! is.null(url) && ! is.na(url)
&& file.exists(url))
error0('You cannot overwrite base URL. A URL has already',
' been set ("', url, '") that points to a valid file',
' that has already been loaded in memory.')
doSetDb=function(db) {
# Already set?
if ( ! is.null(private$db))
biodb::error('Database has already been set.')
# Not a data frame
if ( ! is.data.frame(db))
biodb::error('The database object must be a data frame.')
# Set data frame as database
private$db <- db
# Save column names
private$db.orig.colnames <- colnames(private$db)
autoSetFields=function() {
# Get fields definitions
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
# Get columns already defined
cols <- unname(private$fields)
# Loop on all columns of database
for (colname in names(private$db)) {
# Is this column already set?
if (colname %in% cols)
# Does this column name match a biodb field?
else if (ef$isDefined(colname))
self$setField(field=colname, colname=colname)
# Column is not matchable
else if ( ! private$ignoreUnassignedColumns)
warn('Column "%s" does not match any biodb field.', colname)
# Mark as run
private$autoSetFieldsHasBeenRun <- TRUE
doGetEntryIds=function(max.results=0) {
ids <- NA_character_
ids <- as.character(private$select(cols='accession', drop=TRUE, uniq=TRUE,
sort=TRUE, max.rows=max.results))
,doGetEntryContentFromDb=function(id) {
# Initialize return values
content <- rep(NA_character_, length(id))
# Get data frame
logDebug("Entry id: %s", paste(id, collapse=", "))
df <- private$select(ids=id, uniq=TRUE, sort=TRUE)
# For each id, take the sub data frame and convert it into string
fct <- function(x) {
if (is.na(x))
else {
x.df <- private$select(ids=x)
if (nrow(x.df) == 0)
else {
str.conn <- textConnection("str", "w", local=TRUE)
write.table(x.df, file=str.conn, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE,
paste(str, collapse="\n")
content <- vapply(id, fct, FUN.VALUE='')
if (length(content) > 0)
logDebug("Content of first entry: %s", content[[1]])
,doGetNbEntries=function(count=FALSE) {
n <- NA_integer_
ids <- self$getEntryIds()
if ( ! is.null(ids))
n <- length(ids)
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