.CACHE_ID_PATTERN <- '^.+-[0-9a-f]{16,}$'
#' The abstract class for handling file caching.
#' This abstract class is the mother class of concrete classes that manage
#' cache systems for saving downloaded files and request results.
#' It is designed for internal use, but you can still access some of
#' the read-only methods if you wish.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BiodbMain}}, \code{\link{BiodbBiocPersistentCache}},
#' \code{\link{BiodbBiocPersistentCache}}.
#' @examples
#' # Create an instance with default settings:
#' mybiodb <- biodb::newInst()
#' # Get a compound CSV file database
#' chebi.tsv <- system.file("extdata", "chebi_extract.tsv", package='biodb')
#' # Get a connector instance:
#' conn <- mybiodb$getFactory()$createConn('comp.csv.file', url=chebi.tsv)
#' # Get all entries
#' entries <- conn$getEntry(conn$getEntryIds())
#' # Get the cache instance:
#' cache <- mybiodb$getPersistentCache()
#' # Get list of files inside the cache:
#' files <- cache$listFiles(conn$getCacheId())
#' # Delete files inside the cache:
#' cache$deleteAllFiles(conn$getCacheId())
#' # Terminate instance.
#' mybiodb$terminate()
#' @export
BiodbPersistentCache <- R6::R6Class("BiodbPersistentCache",
#' @description
#' New instance initializer. Persistent cache objects must not be created
#' directly.
#' Instead, access the cache instance through the BiodbMain instance using the
#' getPersistentCache() method.
#' @param cfg An instance of the BiodbConfig class.
#' @param bdb An instance of the BiodbMain class.
#' @return Nothing.
initialize=function(cfg, bdb=NULL) {
chk::chk_is(cfg, 'BiodbConfig')
private$bdb <- bdb
private$cfg <- cfg
private$cacheDir <- NULL
#' @description
#' Checks if the cache system is readable.
#' @param conn If not \\code{NULL}, checks if the cache system is readable for
#' this particular connector.
#' @return \\code{TRUE} if the cache system is readable,
#' \\code{FALSE} otherwise.
isReadable=function(conn=NULL) {
enabled <- private$cfg$isEnabled('cache.system')
enabled <- enabled && ! is.na(self$getDir())
if ( ! is.null(conn) && ! conn$isRemotedb())
enabled <- enabled && private$cfg$isEnabled('use.cache.for.local.db')
#' @description
#' Checks if the cache system is writable.
#' @param conn If not \\code{NULL}, checks if the cache system is writable for
#' this particular connector.
#' @return \\code{TRUE} if the cache system is writable,
#' \\code{FALSE} otherwise.
isWritable=function(conn=NULL) {
enabled <- private$cfg$isEnabled('cache.system')
enabled <- enabled && ! is.na(self$getDir())
enabled <- enabled && ! private$cfg$get('cache.read.only')
if ( ! is.null(conn) && ! conn$isRemotedb())
enabled <- enabled && private$cfg$isEnabled('use.cache.for.local.db')
#' @description
#' Gets the path to the persistent cache folder.
#' @return The path to the cache folder as a character value.
getDir=function() {
if (is.null(private$cacheDir)) {
# Get configured cache
private$cacheDir <- private$cfg$get('cache.directory')
# Check old default folders
# Use default cache if unset
if (is.null(private$cacheDir) || is.na(private$cacheDir)
|| ! is.character(private$cacheDir))
private$cacheDir <- getDefaultCacheDir()
# Create cache dir if needed
if ( ! dir.exists(private$cacheDir))
dir.create(private$cacheDir, recursive=TRUE)
#' @description
#' Gets path to the cache system sub-folder dedicated to this cache ID.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param create If set to TRUE and the folder does not exist, creates it.
#' @param fail If set to TRUE, throws a warning if the folder does not exist.
#' @return A string containing the path to the folder.
getFolderPath=function(cache.id, create=TRUE, fail=FALSE) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
path <- file.path(self$getDir(), cache.id)
if ( ! dir.exists(path)) {
if (fail) {
warn('No cache folder "%s" exists for "%s".', path, cache.id)
if ( ! create)
path <- NULL
if (create) {
logInfo('Create cache folder "%s" for "%s".', path, cache.id)
dir.create(path, recursive=TRUE)
#' @description
#' Tests if a cache folder exists for this cache ID.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @return TRUE if a cache folder exists.
folderExists=function(cache.id) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
return(dir.exists(self$getFolderPath(cache.id, create=FALSE)))
#' @description
#' Gets path of file in cache system.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing file names.
#' @param ext The extension of the files.
#' @return A character vector, the same size as \\code{names},
#' containing the paths to the files.
getFilePath=function(cache.id, name, ext) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
filepath <- name
is.valid.name <- ( ! is.na(name)) & (name != '')
filepath[is.valid.name] <- private$doGetFilePath(cache.id,
name[is.valid.name], ext)
#' @description
#' Tests if at least one cache file exist for the specified cache ID.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @return A single boolean value.
filesExist=function(cache.id) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED. Use fileExists().
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing file names.
#' @param ext The extension of the files, without the dot (\"html\", \"xml\",
#' etc).
#' @return A logical vector, the same size as \\code{name}, with \\code{TRUE}
#' value if the file exists in the cache, or \\code{FALSE} otherwise.
fileExist=function(cache.id, name, ext) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.1.0', 'fileExist()', "fileExists()")
return(self$fileExists(cache.id, name, ext))
#' @description
#' Tests if a particular file exist in the cache.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing file names.
#' @param ext The extension of the files, without the dot (\"html\", \"xml\",
#' etc).
#' @return A logical vector, the same size as \\code{name}, with \\code{TRUE}
#' value if the file exists in the cache, or \\code{FALSE} otherwise.
fileExists=function(cache.id, name, ext) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
return(private$doFileExists(cache.id, name, ext))
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED. Use markerExists().
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing marker names.
#' @return A logical vector, the same size as \\code{name}, with
#' \\code{TRUE} value if the marker file exists in the cache, or \\code{FALSE}
#' otherwise.
markerExist=function(cache.id, name) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.1.0', 'markerExist()', "markerExists()")
return(self$markerExists(cache.id=cache.id, name=name))
#' @description
#' Tests if markers exist in the cache. Markers are used, for instance,
#' by biodb to remember that a downloaded zip file from a database has been
#' extracted correctly.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing marker names.
#' @return A logical vector, the same size as \\code{name}, with
#' \\code{TRUE} value if the marker file exists in the cache, or \\code{FALSE}
#' otherwise.
markerExists=function(cache.id, name) {
return(self$fileExists(cache.id=cache.id, name=name, ext='marker'))
#' @description
#' Sets a marker.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing marker names.
#' @return Nothing.
setMarker=function(cache.id, name) {
if ( ! self$markerExists(cache.id=cache.id, name=name)) {
ext <- 'marker'
tmpDir <- self$getTmpFolderPath()
emptyFile <- tempfile("marker", tmpdir=tmpDir, fileext=ext)
writeChar('', emptyFile)
self$addFilesToCache(emptyFile, cache.id=cache.id, name=name, ext=ext,
#' @description
#' Gets path to the cache system temporary folder.
#' @return A string containing the path to the folder.
getTmpFolderPath=function() {
# This temporary folder located inside the cache folder is needed in order
# to be able to move/rename files into the right cache location.
# When creating files in the system temporary folder, which may reside on a
# different partition, moving a file could fail as in the following error:
# cannot rename file '/tmp/Rtmpld18y7/10182e3a086e7b8a7.tsv' to
# '/home/pr228844/dev/biodb/cache/comp.csv.file-58e...c4/2e3...a7.tsv',
# reason 'Invalid cross-device link'
tmp_dir <- file.path(self$getDir(), 'tmp')
if ( ! dir.exists(tmp_dir))
#' @description
#' Returns a list of cache IDs actually used to store cache files.
#' @return A character vector containing all the cache IDs actually
#' used inside the cache system.
getUsedCacheIds=function() {
ids <- character()
folders <- Sys.glob(file.path(self$getDir(), '*-*'))
ids <- basename(folders)
#' @description
#' Loads content of files from the cache.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing file names.
#' @param ext The extension of the files.
#' @param output.vector If set to \\code{TRUE}, force output to be a
#' \\code{vector} instead of a \\code{list}. Where the list contains a
#' \\code{NULL}, the \\code{vector} will contain an \\code{NA} value.
#' @return A list (or a vector if \\code{output.vector} is set to
#' \\code{TRUE}), the same size as \\code{name}, containing the contents of the
#' files. If some file does not exist, a \\code{NULL} value is inserted inside
#' the list.
loadFileContent=function(cache.id, name, ext, output.vector=FALSE) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
if ( ! self$isReadable())
error0("Attempt to read from non-readable cache \"",
self$getDir(), "\".")
logTrace('Trying to load %d files from cache: %s.', length(name),
content <- rep(list(NULL), length(name))
file.exist <- self$fileExists(cache.id, name, ext)
logTrace('file.exist = %s.', lst2str(file.exist))
content[is.na(name)] <- NA_character_
content[name == ""] <- NA_character_
file.paths <- self$getFilePath(cache.id, name[file.exist], ext)
content[file.exist] <- loadFileContents(file.paths)
# Convert list to vector
if (output.vector) {
content[vapply(content, is.null, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)] <- NA_character_
content <- unlist(content)
#' @description
#' Saves content to files into the cache.
#' @param content A list or a character vector containing the contents of the
#' files. It must have the same length as \\code{name}.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing file names.
#' @param ext The extension of the files.
#' @return Nothing.
saveContentToFile=function(content, cache.id, name, ext) {
chk::chkor_vld(chk::vld_character(content), chk::vld_list(content))
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
# Check that we have the same number of content and names
if (length(name) != length(content))
error0('The number of content to save (', length(content),
') is different from the number of names (', length(name),
# Remove elements with NULL content
nulls <- vapply(content, is.null, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)
content <- content[ ! nulls]
name <- name[ ! nulls]
content <- prepareFileContents(content)
# Save content
private$doSaveContentToFile(cache.id, content=content, name=name, ext=ext)
#' @description
#' Adds exisiting files into the cache.
#' @param src.file.paths The current paths of the source files, as a character
#' vector.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing file names.
#' @param ext The extension of the files.
#' @param action Specifies if files have to be moved or copied into the cache.
#' @return Nothing.
addFilesToCache=function(src.file.paths, cache.id, name, ext,
action=c('copy', 'move')) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
action <- match.arg(action)
# Check that we have the same number of src and file names
if (length(src.file.paths) != length(name))
error0('The number of files to move (', length(src.file.paths),
') is different from the number of file names (',
length(name), ').')
logTrace('Moving files to cache %s.', lst2str(src.file.paths))
private$doAddFilesToCache(cache.id, src=src.file.paths, name=name, ext=ext,
logDebug('Done adding files.')
#' @description
#' Copies exisiting files into the cache.
#' @param src.file.paths The current paths of the source files, as a character
#' vector.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing file names.
#' @param ext The extension of the files.
#' @return Nothing.
copyFilesIntoCache=function(src.file.paths, cache.id, name, ext) {
self$addFilesToCache(src.file.paths, cache.id=cache.id, name=name,
ext=ext, action='copy')
#' @description
#' Moves exisiting files into the cache.
#' @param src.file.paths The current paths of the source files, as a character
#' vector.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing file names.
#' @param ext The extension of the files.
#' @return Nothing.
moveFilesIntoCache=function(src.file.paths, cache.id, name, ext) {
self$addFilesToCache(src.file.paths, cache.id=cache.id, name=name,
ext=ext, action='move')
#' @description
#' Erases the whole cache.
#' @return Nothing.
erase=function() {
# Erase whole cache
logInfo('Erasing cache "%s".', self$getDir())
unlink(self$getDir(), recursive=TRUE)
private$cacheDir <- NULL
#' @description
#' Deletes a list of files inside the cache system.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param name A character vector containing file names.
#' @param ext The extension of the files, without the dot (\"html\", \"xml\",
#' etc).
#' @return Nothing.
deleteFile=function(cache.id, name, ext) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
private$checkWritable(cache.id, create=FALSE)
private$doDeleteFile(cache.id, name=name, ext=ext)
#' @description
#' Deletes, in the cache system, all files associated with this cache ID.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param prefix DEPRECATED If set to TRUE, use cache.id as a prefix, deleting
#' all files whose cache.id starts with this prefix.
#' @param fail If set to TRUE, a warning will be emitted if no cache files
#' exist for this cache ID.
#' @return Nothing.
deleteAllFiles=function(cache.id, fail=FALSE, prefix=FALSE) {
if ( ! missing(prefix))
lifecycle::deprecate_stop("1.1.0", "deleteAllFiles(prefix)")
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
private$checkWritable(cache.id, create=FALSE)
path <- self$getFolderPath(cache.id, fail=fail, create=FALSE)
if (self$folderExists(cache.id)) {
logInfo('Erasing all files in "%s".', path)
unlink(path, recursive=TRUE)
#' @description
#' Deletes all files with the specific extension of the cache ID in the
#' cache system.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param ext The extension of the files, without the dot (\"html\", \"xml\",
#' etc). Only files having this extension will be deleted.
#' @return Nothing.
deleteFiles=function(cache.id, ext) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
private$checkWritable(cache.id, create=FALSE)
files <- paste('*', ext, sep='.')
unlink(file.path(self$getFolderPath(cache.id), files))
#' @description
#' Lists files present in the cache system.
#' @param cache.id The cache ID to use.
#' @param ext The extension of the files, without the dot (\"html\", \"xml\",
#' etc).
#' @param extract.name If set to \\code{TRUE}, instead of returning the file
#' paths, returns the list of names used to construct the file name:
#' \[cache_folder\]/\[cache.id\]/\[name\].\[ext\].
#' @param full.path If set to \\code{TRUE}, returns full path for files.
#' @return The files of found files, or the names of the files if
#' \\code{extract.name} is set to \\code{TRUE}.
listFiles=function(cache.id, ext=NULL, extract.name=FALSE, full.path=FALSE) {
chk::chk_match(cache.id, .CACHE_ID_PATTERN)
chk::chk_null_or(ext, vld=chk::vld_string)
if (full.path)
extract.name <- FALSE
# Pattern
pattern <- paste('^.*', sep='')
if ( ! is.null(ext))
pattern <- paste(pattern, ext, sep='\\.')
pattern <- paste(pattern, '$', sep='')
files <- private$doListFiles(cache.id, pattern=pattern, full.path=full.path)
# Extract only the name part
if (extract.name) {
pattern <- paste('^(.*)', sep='')
if ( ! is.null(ext))
pattern <- paste(pattern, ext, sep='\\.')
pattern <- paste(pattern, '$', sep='')
logDebug0("Extracting accession number from file names associated ",
"with ", cache.id, " using pattern ", pattern)
logDebug("files = %s", paste(head(files), collapse=", "))
files <- sub(pattern, '\\1', files, perl=TRUE)
#' @description
#' Displays information about this object.
print=function() {
cat("Biodb persistent cache system instance.\n")
cat(" The used implementation is: ",
private$cfg$get('persistent.cache.impl'), ".\n",
cat(" The path to the cache system is: ", self$getDir(), ".\n", sep='')
cat(" The cache is ", (if (self$isReadable()) "" else "not "),
"readable.\n", sep='')
cat(" The cache is ", (if (self$isWritable()) "" else "not "),
"writable.\n", sep='')
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED method. Use now
#' \\code{BiodbConfig :isEnabled('cache.system')}.
enabled=function() {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', 'enabled()', "BiodbConfig::isEnabled()")
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED method. Use now
#' \\code{BiodbConfig :enable('cache.system')}.
enable=function() {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', 'enable()', "BiodbConfig::enable()")
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED method. Use now
#' \\code{BiodbConfig :disable('cache.system')}.
disable=function() {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', 'disable()', "BiodbConfig::disable()")
doGetFilePath=function(cache.id, name, ext) {
doFilesExist=function(cache.id) {
doFileExists=function(cache.id, name, ext) {
checkWritable=function(cache.id, create=TRUE) {
if ( ! self$isWritable())
error0('Attempt to write into non-writable cache. "',
self$getDir(), '".')
# Make sure the path exists
if (create)
path <- self$getFolderPath(cache.id)
doAddFilesToCache=function(cache.id, src, name, ext, action) {
doErase=function() {
doDeleteFile=function(cache.id, name, ext) {
doDeleteAllFiles=function(cache.id) {
doListFiles=function(cache.id, pattern, full.path) {
doSaveContentToFile=function(cache.id, content, name, ext) {
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