
Defines functions singleValidMatrix convertIds idToLabel linkMatrix labelMatrix selectmatrix selectmatrixInput

Documented in convertIds idToLabel labelMatrix linkMatrix selectmatrix selectmatrixInput singleValidMatrix

#' The UI input function of the selectmarix module
#' This module forms the core of many operations in \code{shinyngs}. To use the
#' matrix data stored in an \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList} object,
#' selection must be made on the basis of experiment (which
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}) to use), the specific assay of the
#' experiment, and the rows and columns of the selected assay matrix. This
#' module provides customisable controls for selection at each of these levels,
#' and parses those inputs to produce matrices used in the various plots.
#' The \code{\link{geneselect}} and \code{\link{sampleselect}} modules provide
#' row- and column- selection, respectively.

#' This will generally not be called directly, but by other modules such as the
#' heatmap module.
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @param require_contrast_stats Only use elements of \code{eselist} that have a
#'   populated \code{contrast_stats} slot. For plots using p value data etc, this is
#'   used to hide experiments that don't have the necessary data.
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#'   as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' selectmatrixInput(ns("heatmap"), eselist)
selectmatrixInput <- function(id, eselist, require_contrast_stats = FALSE) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  # Restrict to valid experiments

  if (require_contrast_stats) {
    eselist <- eselist[which(unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) {
      length(ese@contrast_stats) > 0
  inputs <- list(selectInput(ns("experiment"), "Experiment", names(eselist)), uiOutput(ns("assay")), uiOutput(ns("samples")), uiOutput(ns("rows")), uiOutput(ns("meta")))

  # Replace experiment with a hidden input if we've got just the one

  if (length(eselist) == 1) {
    inputs[[1]] <- hiddenInput(ns("experiment"), names(eselist)[1])


#' The server function of the selectmatrix module
#' This module forms the core of many operations in \code{shinyngs}. To use the
#' matrix data stored in an \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList} object,
#' selection must be made on the basis of experiment (which
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}) to use), the specific assay of the
#' experiment, and the rows and columns of the selected assay matrix. This
#' module provides customisable controls for selection at each of these levels,
#' and parses those inputs to produce matrices used in the various plots.
#' The \code{\link{geneselect}} and \code{\link{sampleselect}} modules provide
#' row- and column- selection, respectively.

#' This will generally not be called directly, but by other modules such as the
#' heatmap module.
#' This function is not called directly, but rather via callModule() (see
#' example).
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @param var_n The number of rows to select when doing so by variance. Default
#'   = 50
#' @param var_max The maximum umber of rows to select when doing so by variance.
#'   Default = 500
#' @param select_assays Provide UI and functions for assay selection?
#' @param select_samples Provide UI and functions for sample selection?
#'   (Default: TRUE)
#' @param select_genes Provide UI and functions for gene (row) selection?
#'   (Default: TRUE)
#' @param provide_all_genes Allow the 'all rows' selection in the UI? Means we
#'   don't have to calculate variance so the display is quicker, but it's a bad
#'   idea for e.g. heatmaps where the visual scales by the numbre of rows.
#' @param default_gene_select The default method to use for selecting genes
#' @param require_contrast_stats Only use elements of \code{eselist} that have a
#'   populated \code{contrast_stats} slot. For plots using p value data etc, this is
#'   used to hide experiments that don't have the necessary data.
#' @param rounding Number of decimal places to show in results (Default 2)
#' @param select_meta Boolean- add metadata controls?
#' @param allow_summarise Boolean, show controls for matrix summarisation?
#' @return output A list of reactive functions for fetching the derived matrix
#'   and making a title based on its properties.
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' selectSamples <- callModule(sampleselect, "selectmatrix", eselist)
selectmatrix <- function(input, output, session, eselist, var_n = 50, var_max = NULL, select_assays = TRUE, select_samples = TRUE, select_genes = TRUE, provide_all_genes = FALSE,
                         default_gene_select = NULL, require_contrast_stats = FALSE, rounding = 2, select_meta = TRUE, allow_summarise = TRUE) {
  # Use the sampleselect and geneselect modules to generate reactive expressions that can be used to derive an expression matrix

  unpack.list(callModule(sampleselect, "selectmatrix", eselist = eselist, getExperiment, allow_summarise = allow_summarise))
  unpack.list(callModule(geneselect, "selectmatrix",
    eselist = eselist, getExperiment, var_n = var_n, var_max = varMax(), selectSamples = selectSamples,
    getAssay = getAssay, provide_all = provide_all_genes, default = default_gene_select

  # Render controls for selecting the experiment (where a user has supplied multiple SummarizedExpression objects in a list) and assay within each

  ns <- session$ns

  output$assay <- renderUI({
    withProgress(message = "Rendering assay drop-down", value = 0, {
      ns <- session$ns

      if (length(validAssays()) > 1 && select_assays) {
        assayselect <- selectInput(ns("assay"), "Matrix", validAssays())
      } else {
        assayselect <- hiddenInput(ns("assay"), validAssays()[1])


  # Alow users to add extra metadata columns to the display

  output$meta <- renderUI({
    ese <- getExperiment()
    if (select_meta) {
      metafields <- colnames(mcols(ese))
      if (length(ese@idfield) > 0) {
        metafields <- setdiff(metafields, ese@idfield)

      checkboxGroupInput(ns("metafields"), "Add meta fields", structure(metafields, names = prettifyVariablename(metafields)),
        selected = ese@labelfield,
        inline = TRUE
    } else if (length(ese@labelfield) > 0) {
      hiddenInput(id = ns("metafields"), values = ese@labelfield)

  getMetafields <- reactive({

  # Render sample selection controls

  output$samples <- renderUI({
    sampleselectInput(ns("selectmatrix"), eselist = eselist, getExperiment = getExperiment, select_samples = select_samples)

  # Render row selection controls

  output$rows <- renderUI({
    geneselectInput(ns("selectmatrix"), select_genes = select_genes)

  # Get list of assays

  validAssays <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()

    if (require_contrast_stats) {
      valid_assays <- names(ese@contrast_stats)
    } else {

  # Reactive for getting the right ExploratorySummarizedExperiment and passing it on to sample and gene selection

  getExperiment <- reactive({
    eid <- getExperimentId()

  # Name of the experment is useful sometimes

  getExperimentId <- reactive({
    validate(need(input$experiment, "Waiting for experiment selection"))

  getExperimentName <- reactive({
    eid <- getExperimentId()

  # Get the row labels where available

  getRowLabels <- reactive({
    withProgress(message = "Deriving row labels", value = 0, {
      ese <- getExperiment()
      # if (!is.null(ese@idfield)) {
      idToLabel(rownames(ese), ese)
      # } else { rownames(ese) }

  # Allow calling modules to retrieve the current assay

  getAssay <- reactive({
    validate(need(!is.null(input$assay), "Waiting for form to provide assay"))

  # Retrieve the assay measure to display with plots etc (where defined by the user)

  getAssayMeasure <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()
    if (length(ese@assay_measures) > 0 && getAssay() %in% names(ese@assay_measures)) {
    } else {

  varMax <- reactive({
    if (is.null(var_max)) {
    } else {

  getAssayMatrix <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()
    assay <- getAssay()


  # Generate an expression matrix given the selected experiment, assay, rows and columns

  selectMatrix <- reactive({
    withProgress(message = "Getting expression data subset", value = 0, {
      rows <- selectRows()
      validate(need(length(rows) > 0, "No matching rows in selected matrix"))
      assay_matrix <- getAssayMatrix()
      samples <- selectSamples()
      rows <- selectRows()

      selected_matrix <- assay_matrix[rows, samples, drop = FALSE]
      if (allow_summarise && getSampleSelect() == "group" && getSummaryType() != "none") {
        selected_matrix <- summarizeMatrix(selected_matrix, selectColData()[[getSampleGroupVar()]], getSummaryType())

      # This just to deal with annoying dimension-dropping beviour of apply() on a single-row matrix

      if (nrow(selected_matrix) == 1) {
        selected_matrix[1, ] <- apply(selected_matrix, 2, round, rounding)
      } else {
        apply(selected_matrix, 2, round, rounding)

  # Extract experimental variables given selection parameters

  selectColData <- reactive({
    validate(need(length(selectSamples()) > 0, "Waiting for sample selection"))
    withProgress(message = "Extracting experiment metadata", value = 0, {
      droplevels(data.frame(colData(getExperiment())[selectSamples(), , drop = FALSE], check.names = FALSE))

  # Calling modules may need to know if the data are sumamrised. E.g. heatmaps only need to display sample metadata for unsummarised matrices Will only be
  # summarised if grouping variables were supplied!

  isSummarised <- reactive({
    allow_summarise && length(eselist@group_vars) > 0 && getSummaryType() != "none"

  # Extract the annotation from the SummarizedExperiment

  getAnnotation <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()
    validate(need(ncol(mcols(ese)) > 0, "Selected experiment contains no row metadata"))
    withProgress(message = "Deriving annotation", value = 0, {

  # Use selectMatrix() to get the data matrix, then apply the appropriate labels. Useful in cases where the matrix is destined for display

  selectLabelledMatrix <- reactive({
    selected_matrix <- data.frame(selectMatrix(), check.names = FALSE)
    se <- getExperiment()

    labelMatrix(selected_matrix, se, metafields = getMetafields())

  # Use selectLabelledMatrix to get the labelled matrix and add some links.

  selectLabelledLinkedMatrix <- reactive({
    selected_matrix <- selectLabelledMatrix()
    se <- getExperiment()

    if (length(eselist@url_roots) > 0) {
      linkMatrix(selected_matrix, eselist@url_roots)
    } else {

  # Accessors for the id and label fields of the current experiment

  getIdField <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()
    if (length(ese@idfield) > 0) {
    } else {

  getLabelField <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()
    if (length(ese@labelfield) > 0) {
    } else {
      # ese@idfield

  # getAssayIds <- reactive({ assay_matrix <- getAssayMatrix() rownames(assay_matrix[complete.cases(assay_matrix),,drop=F]) })

  # Return the list of reactive expressions we'll need to access the data

    getExperimentId = getExperimentId, getExperiment = getExperiment, getAssayMeasure = getAssayMeasure, selectMatrix = selectMatrix, selectLabelledMatrix = selectLabelledMatrix,
    matrixTitle = title, selectColData = selectColData, isSummarised = isSummarised, getAssay = getAssay, getAssayMatrix = getAssayMatrix, selectLabelledLinkedMatrix = selectLabelledLinkedMatrix,
    getRowLabels = getRowLabels, getAnnotation = getAnnotation, getIdField = getIdField, getLabelField = getLabelField, getExperimentId = getExperimentId,
    getExperimentName = getExperimentName, getNonEmptyRows = getNonEmptyRows, getMetafields = getMetafields

#' Add columns to display ID and label in a table
#' Labels only added if \code{labelfield} is specified in \code{ese}
#' @param matrix The input table
#' @param ese An ExploratorySummarizedExperiment object
#' @param idcol ID column in the matrix, NULL to use row names
#' @param metafields Vector of metadata columns to add (via \code{mcols()})
#' @return output Table with columns added

labelMatrix <- function(matrix, ese, idcol = NULL, metafields = c()) {
  idfield <- "id"
  if (length(ese@idfield) > 0) {
    idfield <- ese@idfield

  # If we're just using the row names as IDs

  if (is.null(idcol)) {
    datacolnames <- colnames(matrix)
    matrix[[idfield]] <- rownames(matrix)
  } else {
    datacolnames <- colnames(matrix)[colnames(matrix) != idcol]
    colnames(matrix)[colnames(matrix) == idcol] <- idfield

  # Add in the meta fields if specified

  for (mf in metafields) {
    matrix[[mf]] <- convertIds(matrix[[idfield]], ese, mf)

  matrix <- matrix[, c(idfield, metafields, datacolnames), drop = FALSE]
  colnames(matrix)[match(metafields, colnames(matrix))] <- prettifyVariablename(metafields)
  colnames(matrix)[colnames(matrix) == idfield] <- prettifyVariablename(idfield)

  # if (length(ese@labelfield) > 0) { labelfield <- ese@labelfield matrix[[labelfield]] <- convertIds(matrix[[idfield]], ese, labelfield) matrix <- matrix[,
  # c(idfield, labelfield, datacolnames), drop = FALSE]

  # colnames(matrix)[colnames(matrix) == labelfield] <- prettifyVariablename(labelfield) } else { matrix <- matrix[, c(idfield, datacolnames), drop = FALSE]
  # }


#' Add links to a table
#' Root URLs must be present in the \code{url_roots} slot of \code{se}
#' @param matrix The input table
#' @param url_roots A list with URL roots, with names matching columns of
#' \code{matrix}
#' @param display_values A matrix which may contain values for displaying
#' in the link, differerent from that used in the href.
#' @return output Table with links added

linkMatrix <- function(matrix, url_roots, display_values = data.frame()) {
  withProgress(message = "Adding links", value = 0, {
    # Add prettified version of each field in URL roots in case matrix column names are prettified

    for (fieldname in names(url_roots)) {
      url_roots[[prettifyVariablename(fieldname)]] <- url_roots[[fieldname]]

    for (fieldname in names(url_roots)) {
      if (fieldname %in% colnames(matrix)) {
        notna <- !is.na(matrix[[fieldname]])
        fvs_for_href <- fvs_for_display <- matrix[[fieldname]][notna]
        if (fieldname %in% colnames(display_values)) {
          fvs_for_display <- display_values[[fieldname]][notna]

        # Use a simple column paste for single-value columns. Different aproach for multi-value columns

        if (any(grepl(" ", matrix[[fieldname]])) && !fieldname %in% "gene_set_id") {
          fvs_for_href <- strsplit(fvs_for_href, " ")
          fvs_for_display <- strsplit(fvs_for_display, " ")

          matrix[[fieldname]][notna] <- unlist(lapply(1:length(fvs_for_href), function(x) {
            paste(paste0("<a href='", url_roots[fieldname], fvs_for_href[[x]], "'>", fvs_for_display[[x]], "</a>"), collapse = " ")
        } else {
          matrix[[fieldname]][notna] <- paste0("<a href='", url_roots[fieldname], fvs_for_href, "'>", fvs_for_display, "</a>")

#' Create row labels based on the settings of \code{labelfield} in the
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} object and the annotation data in
#' \code{mcols}.
#' @param ids list of ids
#' @param ese An ExploratorySummarizedExperiment
#' @param sep Separator for ID and label fields
#' @return String vector of same length as \code{ids}
#' @export

idToLabel <- function(ids, ese, sep = " / ") {
  if (length(ese@labelfield) == 0) {
  } else {
    labels <- convertIds(ids, ese, ese@labelfield)
    labels[!is.na(labels)] <- paste(labels[!is.na(labels)], ids[!is.na(labels)], sep = sep)
    labels[is.na(labels)] <- ids[is.na(labels)]

#' Convert row names to metadata identifiers
#' @param ids IDs found as row names in the
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}
#' @param ese The \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}
#' @param to The metadata column (via \code{mcols}) to use
#' @param remove_na Take out NAs? Not done by default to preserve vector length
#' @return output Vector of converted ids
#' @export

convertIds <- function(ids, ese, to, remove_na = FALSE) {
  annotation <- data.frame(mcols(ese))

  multi <- grepl(" ", ids)

  # converted <- annotation[match(ids, annotation[[ese@idfield]]), to]
  converted <- annotation[match(ids, rownames(ese)), to]

  # If some elements contained multiple values try splitting them

  multi_ids <- lapply(ids[multi], function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, " ")))
  # converted[multi] <- unlist(lapply(multi_ids, function(x) paste(annotation[match(x, annotation[[ese@idfield]]), to], collapse = ' ')))
  converted[multi] <- unlist(lapply(multi_ids, function(x) paste(annotation[match(x, rownames(ese)), to], collapse = " ")))

  if (remove_na) {
    converted <- converted[!is.na(converted)]

#' Is there only one matrix to plot from this object?
#' Convenience function for deciding how to construct filters
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @return output Logical value
#' @export

singleValidMatrix <- function(eselist) {
  length(eselist) == 1 && length(assays(eselist[[1]])) == 1
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.