
Defines functions rnaseq rnaseqInput

Documented in rnaseq rnaseqInput

#' The input function of the rnaseq module
#' This provides the form elements to control the RNA-seq display
#' The rnaseq module is a combination of output from many modules (pca, boxplot
#' etc) to form a comprehensive analysis application.
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#'   as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' rnaseqInput("rnaseq", eselist)
rnaseqInput <- function(id, eselist) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  intro_text <- "This is an interface designed to facilitate downstream RNA-seq (and similar) analysis. It is generated using the Shinyngs package, which makes extensive use of <a href='http://shiny.rstudio.com/'>Shiny</a> and related packages. Use the various panels provided to mine data, adjusting the thresholds as required to produce useful insights. Most pages have a 'help' link to help you find your way."

  desc <- HTML(eselist@description)

  # See if static PDF report has been provided

  if (length(eselist@static_pdf) > 0) {
    pdf <- tags$iframe(style = "height:800px; width:100%; scrolling=yes", src = eselist@static_pdf)
    sidebar_pdf_desc <- "The report shown to the right is a static set of results based on fixed thresholds and assumptions."
  } else {
    pdf <- ""
    sidebar_pdf_desc <- ""

  # Build menu structure based on available information

  navbar_menus <- list(id = ns("rnaseq"), title = paste0("RNA-seq explorer: ", eselist@title), windowTitle = eselist@title, tabPanel("Home", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(column(12,
    offset = 0, p(HTML(intro_text)), p(sidebar_pdf_desc),
    p(HTML(paste0(icon("github"), "&nbsp;Please report any bugs you see to <a href='https://github.com/pinin4fjords/shinyngs'>Shinyngs's Github page</a>"))),
    p(HTML(paste0(icon("chrome"), "&nbsp;This app is best viewed with the Chrome browser.")))
  ), width = 3), mainPanel(fluidRow(column(12,
    offset = 0, h2(eselist@title),
    h3(eselist@author), p(desc, pdf)
  )), width = 9)), icon = icon("house")), navbarMenu("Sample data", tabPanel("Experiment", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(experimenttableInput(
  ), width = 3), mainPanel(experimenttableOutput(ns("experimenttable")), width = 9)), icon = icon("table")), tabPanel("Annotation", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(rowmetatableInput(
  ), width = 2), mainPanel(rowmetatableOutput(ns("rowmetatable")), width = 10)), icon = icon("table")), icon = icon("flask")))

  # Add in the QC/ exploratory menu

  exploratory_menu <- list("QC/ exploratory", tabPanel("Distribution plots", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(boxplotInput(ns("boxplot"), eselist), width = 3), mainPanel(boxplotOutput(ns("boxplot")),
    width = 9
  )), icon = icon("chart-column", verify_fa = FALSE)), tabPanel("PCA", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(pcaInput(ns("pca"), eselist), width = 3), mainPanel(pcaOutput(ns("pca")),
    width = 9
  )), icon = icon("cube")), tabPanel("PCA vs Experiment", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(heatmapInput(ns("heatmap-pca"), eselist, type = "pca"),
    width = 3
  ), mainPanel(heatmapOutput(ns("heatmap-pca"), type = "pca"), width = 9)), icon = icon("cubes")), tabPanel("Clustering dendrogram", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(dendroInput(
  ), width = 3), mainPanel(dendroOutput(ns("dendro")), width = 9)), icon = icon("sitemap")), tabPanel("Clustering Heatmap", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(heatmapInput(ns("heatmap-clustering"),
    type = "samples"
  ), width = 3), mainPanel(heatmapOutput(ns("heatmap-clustering"), type = "samples"), width = 9)), icon = icon("th", verify_fa = FALSE)), tabPanel("Feature-wise clustering",
    sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(clusteringInput(ns("feature-clustering"), eselist), width = 3), mainPanel(clusteringOutput(ns("feature-clustering")), width = 9)),
    icon = icon("chart-line")

  # Add read reports if provided

  if (any(unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) {
    length(ese@read_reports) > 0
  })))) {
    exploratory_menu <- pushToList(exploratory_menu, tabPanel("Read reports", sidebarLayout(
      sidebarPanel(readreportsInput(ns("readrep"), eselist), width = 3),
      mainPanel(readreportsOutput(ns("readrep")), width = 9)
    ), icon = icon("chart-bar", verify_fa = FALSE)))
  exploratory_menu$icon <- icon("binoculars")

  navbar_menus <- pushToList(navbar_menus, do.call("navbarMenu", exploratory_menu))

#  # Add the assay data menu

  assaydata_menu <- list("Assay data", tabPanel("Tables", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(assaydatatableInput(ns("expression"), eselist), width = 3), mainPanel(assaydatatableOutput(ns("expression")),
    width = 9
  )), icon = icon("table")), tabPanel("Heatmaps", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(heatmapInput(ns("heatmap-expression"), eselist, type = "expression"),
    width = 3
  ), mainPanel(heatmapOutput(ns("heatmap-expression"), type = "expression"), width = 9)), icon = icon("th", verify_fa = FALSE)))

  assaydata_menu$icon <- icon("table")

  navbar_menus <- pushToList(navbar_menus, do.call("navbarMenu", assaydata_menu))

  # If there are contrasts present, add the differential tab

  if (length(eselist@contrasts) > 0) {
    differential_menu <- list("Differential", tabPanel("Tables", sidebarLayout(
      sidebarPanel(differentialtableInput(ns("differential"), eselist), width = 3),
      mainPanel(differentialtableOutput(ns("differential")), width = 9)
    ), icon = icon("table")), tabPanel("Fold change plots", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(foldchangeplotInput(
    ), width = 3), mainPanel(foldchangeplotOutput(ns("foldchange")), width = 9)), icon = icon("chart-line")), tabPanel("MA plots", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(maplotInput(
    ), width = 3), mainPanel(maplotOutput(ns("ma")), width = 9)), icon = icon("chart-line")))

    # If any of the experiments in the list have assays with associated contrast_stats, add a volcano plot

    if (any(unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) {
      length(ese@contrast_stats) > 0
    })))) {
      differential_menu <- pushToList(differential_menu, tabPanel("Volcano plots", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(volcanoplotInput(ns("volcano"), eselist),
        width = 3
      ), mainPanel(volcanoplotOutput(ns("volcano")), width = 9)), icon = icon("chart-line")))

    # If any of the experiments have gene set analyses, add this table to the menu

    if (any(unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) {
      length(ese@gene_set_analyses) > 0
    })))) {
      differential_menu <- pushToList(differential_menu, tabPanel("Gene set analyses", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(genesetanalysistableInput(
      ), width = 3), mainPanel(genesetanalysistableOutput(ns("genesetanalysis")), width = 9)), icon = icon("tasks", verify_fa = FALSE)))

      differential_menu <- pushToList(differential_menu, tabPanel("Gene set barcode plots", value = "genesetbarcode", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(genesetbarcodeplotInput(
      ), width = 3), mainPanel(genesetbarcodeplotOutput(ns("rnaseq")), width = 9)), icon = icon("barcode")))

    # If any of the experiments have differential exon usage results

    if (any(unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) {
      length(ese@dexseq_results) > 0
    })))) {
      differential_menu <- pushToList(differential_menu, tabPanel("Differential exon usage table", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(dexseqtableInput(
      ), width = 3), mainPanel(dexseqtableOutput(ns("deutable")), width = 9))))
      differential_menu <- pushToList(differential_menu, tabPanel("Differential exon usage plot", value = "deugene", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(dexseqplotInput(
      ), width = 3), mainPanel(dexseqplotOutput(ns("deuplot")), width = 9))))

    # If there's more than one contrast we can compare differential sets

    if (length(eselist@contrasts) > 1) {
      differential_menu <- pushToList(differential_menu, tabPanel("Differential set intersection", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(upsetInput(
      ), width = 3), mainPanel(upsetOutput(ns("upset"), eselist), width = 9)), icon = icon("chart-bar", verify_fa = FALSE)))

    differential_menu$icon <- icon("chart-line")

    navbar_menus <- pushToList(navbar_menus, do.call("navbarMenu", differential_menu))

  # Add the gene info plots

  navbar_menus <- pushToList(navbar_menus, tabPanel("Gene info", value = "geneinfo", sidebarLayout(
    sidebarPanel(geneInput(ns("gene"), eselist), width = 3),
    mainPanel(geneOutput(ns("gene"), eselist), width = 9)
  ), icon = icon("chart-bar", verify_fa = FALSE)))

  # Add the final wrappers

  cssfile <- system.file("www", paste0(packageName(), ".css"), package = packageName())
  fluidPage(includeCSS(cssfile), theme = shinythemes::shinytheme("cosmo"), shinyjs::useShinyjs(), do.call(navbarPage, navbar_menus))

#' The server function of the rnaseq module
#' This function is not called directly, but rather via callModule() (see
#' example).
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' callModule(rnaseq, "rnaseq", eselist)
rnaseq <- function(input, output, session, eselist) {
  # Add internal links to the tables with gene labels

  for (esen in names(eselist)) {
    ese <- eselist[[esen]]

    if (length(ese@labelfield) > 0) {
      eselist@url_roots[[ese@labelfield]] <- "?gene="
      eselist@url_roots$significant_genes <- "?gene="
      eselist@url_roots$gene_set_id <- "?geneset="

  # Now a lot of boring calls to all the modules to activate the UI parts

  callModule(experimenttable, "experimenttable", eselist)
  callModule(rowmetatable, "rowmetatable", eselist)
  callModule(heatmap, "heatmap-clustering", eselist, type = "samples")
  callModule(clustering, "feature-clustering", eselist)
  callModule(heatmap, "heatmap-expression", eselist, type = "expression")
  callModule(heatmap, "heatmap-pca", eselist, type = "pca")
  callModule(pca, "pca", eselist)
  callModule(boxplot, "boxplot", eselist)
  callModule(dendro, "dendro", eselist)
  callModule(assaydatatable, "expression", eselist)

  # Calls for the various optional tables

  if (any(unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) {
    length(ese@read_reports) > 0
  })))) {
    callModule(readreports, "readrep", eselist)

  if (length(eselist@contrasts) > 0) {
    callModule(differentialtable, "differential", eselist)
    callModule(volcanoplot, "volcano", eselist)
    callModule(foldchangeplot, "foldchange", eselist)
    callModule(maplot, "ma", eselist)
    callModule(genesetanalysistable, "genesetanalysis", eselist)
    updateBarcodeGeneset <- callModule(genesetbarcodeplot, "rnaseq", eselist)
    if (length(eselist@contrasts) > 1) {
      callModule(upset, "upset", eselist)

  if (any(unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) {
    length(ese@dexseq_results) > 0
  })))) {
    callModule(dexseqtable, "deutable", eselist)
    updateDEUGeneLabel <- callModule(dexseqplot, "deuplot", eselist)

  updateGeneLabel <- callModule(gene, "gene", eselist)

  # Catch the specified gene from the URL, switch to the gene info tab, and and use the reactive supplied by the gene module to update its gene label field
  # accordingly

    query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)

    if (length(intersect(c("gene", "geneset", "deu_gene"), names(query))) == 0) {

    url_observe <- observe({
      if ("deu_gene" %in% names(query)) {
        updateNavbarPage(session, "rnaseq", "deugene")
      } else if ("gene" %in% names(query)) {
        updateNavbarPage(session, "rnaseq", "geneinfo")
      } else if ("geneset" %in% names(query)) {
        updateNavbarPage(session, "rnaseq", "genesetbarcode")
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.