
Defines functions labelselectfield labelselectfieldInput

Documented in labelselectfield labelselectfieldInput

#' The input function of the \code{labelselectfield} module
#' This module provides an input which allows filtering on the basis of data in
#' the metadata slot of an \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}. It will only
#' be called by other modules requiring that input.
#' Where metadata is present, the user can select which field to select on, and
#' the value of that field (populated conditionall on field selction). If
#' specified, checkboxes are provided to allow selection of specific row IDs.
#' A \code{\link[shiny]{selectizeInput}} is used for performance reasons,
#' providing an autocomplete field for selecting from a list that could stretch
#' to thousands of entries. This would be difficult to do client-side using a
#' standard select field.
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param max_items Maximum number of items that can be selected
#' @param id_selection Allow users to pick specific ID from those that relate
#'   to the specified label? (default: FALSE)
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#'   as.character()
#' @examples
#' labelselectfieldInput("myid")
labelselectfieldInput <- function(id, max_items = 1, id_selection = FALSE) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  filters <- list(uiOutput(ns("metaFields")), uiOutput(ns("metaValue")))

  if (id_selection) {
    filters <- pushToList(filters, uiOutput(ns("labelIds")))


#' The server function of the \code{labelselectfield} module
#' This module provides an input which allows filtering on the basis of data in
#' the metadata slot of an \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}. It will only
#' be called by other modules requiring that input.
#' Where metadata is present, the user can select which field to select on, and
#' the value of that field (populated conditionall on field selction). If
#' specified, checkboxes are provided to allow selection of specific row IDs.
#' A \code{\link[shiny]{selectizeInput}} is used for performance reasons,
#' providing an autocomplete field for selecting from a list that could stretch
#' to thousands of entries. This would be difficult to do client-side using a
#' standard select field.
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @param getExperiment Reactive supplying
#'   an \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}
#' @param labels_from_all_experiments Derive valid labels from all experiments?
#' @param url_field Parameter to extract from the URL to set the value of the
#'   select field
#' @param max_items Maximum number of metadata values that can be selected
#' @param field_selection Allow selection of the meta field to use (TRUE), or
#'   use labels (or row ids if the label field is not set)?
#' @param id_selection Allow users to pick specific ID from those that relate
#'   to the specified label? (default: FALSE)
#' @param getNonEmptyRows Optional reactive providing non empty matrix rows
#' @param list_input Boolean: will input be a list of values?
#' @examples
#' callModule(labelselectfield, "myid", eselist)
labelselectfield <- function(input, output, session, eselist, getExperiment = NULL, labels_from_all_experiments = FALSE, url_field = "label", max_items = 1,
                             field_selection = FALSE, id_selection = FALSE, getNonEmptyRows = NULL, list_input = FALSE) {
  # This module will normally be initialised with a reactive that returns the currently selected experiment, whose metadata will be used for gene symbols
  # etc.  But if that reactive is not present, we can use values from ALL experiments. In the latter case the field will be more static, in the former it
  # will depend on the value of any experiment-selecting field.

  # A wrapper reactive to determine the experiments to consider when parsing metadata. Use all experiments if a reactie is not supplied.

  getExperiments <- reactive({
    if (is.null(getExperiment)) {
    } else {


  # Create an input for picking which metafield to use. Allow the choice of any non-numeric field

  getMetaFields <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()
    names(mcols(ese))[!unlist(lapply(mcols(ese), is.numeric))]

  output$metaFields <- renderUI({
    ns <- session$ns

    ese <- getExperiment()

    if (field_selection) {
      metaFields <- getMetaFields()
      selectInput(ns("metaField"), label = "Metadata field", choices = structure(metaFields, names = prettifyVariablename(metaFields)), selected = ese@labelfield)
    } else {
      # 'id' means use the row IDs

      mf <- "id"
      if (length(ese@labelfield) == 0) {
        # If the idfield slot has been set, use its value instead of 'id'

        if (length(ese@idfield) > 0) {
          mf <- ese@idfield
      } else {
        mf <- ese@labelfield
      hiddenInput(ns("metaField"), values = mf)

  # Fetch the meta field from the input

  getSelectedMetaField <- reactive({
    validate(need(input$metaField, FALSE))
    mf <- input$metaField


  # Set the meta values filter dependent on field

  output$metaValue <- renderUI({
    ns <- session$ns
    mf <- getSelectedMetaField()

    if (list_input) {
      tags$textarea(id = ns("label"), rows = 3, cols = 20, "Paste list here, one per line")
    } else {
      selectizeInput(ns("label"), prettifyVariablename(mf), choices = NULL, options = list(
        placeholder = "Type a value or scroll", maxItems = max_items,
        addPrecedence = TRUE

  # Server-side function for populating the selectize input. Client-side takes too long with the likely size of the list

  observeEvent(input$metaField, {
    if (!list_input) {
      updateSelectizeInput(session, "label", choices = getValidLabels(), server = TRUE)

  # Get the list of labels. This will be used to populate the autocomplete field

  getValidLabels <- reactive({
    if (labels_from_all_experiments) {
      exps <- eselist
    } else {
      exps <- getExperiments()

    label_lists <- lapply(exps, function(ese) {
      mf <- getSelectedMetaField()
      if (mf == "id" || mf == ese@idfield) {
      } else {

    labels <- unique(Reduce(union, label_lists))

  # Get the value of the label field

  getSelectedLabels <- reactive({
    # mf <- getSelectedMetaField()
    validate(need(!is.null(input$label) && input$label != "", FALSE))

    if (list_input) {
      unlist(strsplit(input$label, "\\n"))
    } else {


  # Allow selection from the ids pertaining to a given label

  output$labelIds <- renderUI({
    ns <- session$ns

    ids <- getAssociatedIds()

    if (length(ids) == 1) {
      hiddenInput(ns("ids"), ids)
    } else {
      checkboxGroupInput(ns("ids"), label = "Associated IDs", choices = getAssociatedIds(), selected = getAssociatedIds())

  # Get the row or rows of the data that correspond to the input metadata

  getSelectedIds <- reactive({
    # If the user has been allowed to select IDs, fetch the value of the input field. Othewise return all IDs associated with the selected label

    if (id_selection) {
      validate(need(length(input$ids) > 0, "Waiting for ID list"))
    } else {

  # Get the IDs for the selected labels

  getAssociatedIds <- reactive({
    labels <- getSelectedLabels()
    exps <- getExperiments()
    mf <- getSelectedMetaField()

    # If we're just selecting based on row ID, then we don't need to consult the metadata

    if (mf == "id") {
    } else {
      id_lists <- lapply(exps, function(ese) {
        if (mf == ese@idfield) {
        } else {
          ids <- rownames(ese)[which(mcols(ese)[[mf]] %in% labels)]

          # If an assay is specified, limit to valid IDs for that assay

          if (!is.null(getNonEmptyRows)) {
            ids <- intersect(ids, getNonEmptyRows())
      all_ids <- sort(Reduce(union, id_lists))

      validate(need(length(all_ids) > 0, "No results for specified features. Check matrix selection"))

  # A reactive for updating the label input field

  updateLabelField <- reactive({
    query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    updateSelectizeInput(session, "label", selected = query[[url_field]], choices = getValidLabels(), server = TRUE)

  list(getSelectedLabels = getSelectedLabels, getValidLabels = getValidLabels, getSelectedIds = getSelectedIds, updateLabelField = updateLabelField)
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.