
Defines functions barcode_plot genesetbarcodeplot genesetbarcodeplotOutput genesetbarcodeplotInput

Documented in barcode_plot genesetbarcodeplot genesetbarcodeplotInput genesetbarcodeplotOutput

#' The UI input function of the genesetbarcodeplot module
#' This module leverages gene sets stored in the \code{gene_sets} slot of an
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList} object to produce barcode plots
#' using Limma's \code{\link[limma]{barcodeplot}} function. Genes are ranked by
#' fold changes calculated with the \code{contrasts} module, and FDR values
#' from the \code{gene_set_analyses} slot of the selected
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} are displayed where provided.
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#'   as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' data(zhangneurons)
#' genesetbarcodeplotInput("myid", zhangneurons)
#' # Almost certainly used via application creation
#' app <- prepareApp("genesetbarcodeplot", zhangneurons)
#' shiny::shinyApp(ui = app$ui, server = app$server)
genesetbarcodeplotInput <- function(id, eselist) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  # Only use experiments with gene set analyses available

  eselist <- eselist[unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) length(ese@gene_set_analyses) > 0))]

  # For each experiment with gene set analysis, only keep assays associated with gene set results, so that the assay select doesn't have invalid options.

  for (exp in names(eselist)) {
    assays(eselist[[exp]]) <- assays(eselist[[exp]])[names(eselist[[exp]]@gene_set_analyses)]

  expression_filters <- selectmatrixInput(ns("expression"), eselist)

  field_sets <- list(gene_set = genesetselectInput(ns("genesetbarcodeplot"), multiple = FALSE), contrast = contrastsInput(ns("genesetbarcodeplot"), allow_filtering = FALSE))

  # Things we don't want to wrap in a field set - probably hidden stuff

  naked_fields <- list()

  if (length(eselist) > 1 || length(assays(eselist[[1]])) > 1) {
    field_sets$select_assay_data <- expression_filters
  } else {
    naked_fields <- pushToList(naked_fields, expression_filters)

  field_sets <- c(field_sets, list(export = list(p(simpletableInput(ns("genesetbarcodeplot"), "Gene set")), plotdownloadInput(ns("genesetbarcodeplot")))))

  list(naked_fields, fieldSets(ns("fieldset"), field_sets))

#' The output function of the genesetbarcodeplot module
#' This module leverages gene sets stored in the \code{gene_sets} slot of an
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList} object to produce barcode plots
#' using Limma's \code{\link[limma]{barcodeplot}} function. Genes are ranked by
#' fold changes calculated with the \code{contrasts} module, and FDR values
#' from the \code{gene_set_analyses} slot of the selected
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} are displayed where provided.
#' @param id Module namespace
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' genesetbarcodeplotOutput("experiment")
#' # Almost certainly used via application creation
#' app <- prepareApp("genesetbarcodeplot", zhangneurons)
#' shiny::shinyApp(ui = app$ui, server = app$server)
genesetbarcodeplotOutput <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

    modalInput(ns("genesetbarcodeplot"), "help", "help"), modalOutput(ns("genesetbarcodeplot"), "Gene set barcode plot", includeMarkdown(system.file("inlinehelp",
      package = packageName()
    ))), h3("Gene set barcode plot"), plotOutput(ns("genesetbarcodeplot")), h4("Gene set differential expression"),

#' The server function of the genesetbarcodeplot module
#' This module leverages gene sets stored in the \code{gene_sets} slot of an
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList} object to produce barcode plots
#' using Limma's \code{\link[limma]{barcodeplot}} function. Genes are ranked by
#' fold changes calculated with the \code{contrasts} module, and FDR values
#' from the \code{gene_set_analyses} slot of the selected
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} are displayed where provided.
#' This function is not called directly, but rather via callModule() (see
#' example).
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' callModule(genesetbarcodeplot, "genesetbarcodeplot", eselist)
#' # Almost certainly used via application creation
#' app <- prepareApp("genesetbarcodeplot", zhangneurons)
#' shiny::shinyApp(ui = app$ui, server = app$server)
genesetbarcodeplot <- function(input, output, session, eselist) {
  # Only use experiments with gene set analyses available

  eselist <- eselist[unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) length(ese@gene_set_analyses) > 0))]

  # For each experiment with gene set analysis, only keep assays associated with gene set results, so that the assay select doesn't have invalid options.

  for (exp in names(eselist)) {
    assays(eselist[[exp]]) <- assays(eselist[[exp]])[names(eselist[[exp]]@gene_set_analyses)]

  # Call the selectmatrix module and unpack the reactives it sends back

  selectmatrix_reactives <- callModule(selectmatrix, "expression", eselist, select_samples = FALSE, select_genes = FALSE, select_meta = FALSE)

  # Pass the matrix to the contrasts module for processing

  unpack.list(callModule(contrasts, "genesetbarcodeplot", eselist = eselist, multiple = FALSE, selectmatrix_reactives = selectmatrix_reactives))

  # Parse the gene sets for ease of use

  unpack.list(callModule(genesetselect, "genesetbarcodeplot", eselist, getExperiment, multiple = FALSE))

  # Call to plotdownload module

  callModule(plotdownload, "genesetbarcodeplot", makePlot = plotGenesetBarcodeplot, filename = "genesetbarcodeplot.png", plotHeight = 600, plotWidth = 800)


  # Make a sensible title for the plot

  barcodeplotTitle <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()

    title_components <- c(prettifyGeneSetName(unlist(getGenesetNames())), getSelectedContrastNames()[[1]])

    gene_set_types <- getGenesetTypes()
    assay <- getAssay()
    gene_set_names <- getGenesetNames()
    contrast_numbers <- as.numeric(getSelectedContrastNumbers()[[1]][[1]])

    if (gene_set_types %in% names(ese@gene_set_analyses[[assay]]) && gene_set_names %in% rownames(ese@gene_set_analyses[[assay]][[gene_set_types]][[contrast_numbers]])) {
      fdr <- paste(signif(ese@gene_set_analyses[[assay]][[gene_set_types]][[contrast_numbers]][gene_set_names, "FDR"], 3), collapse = ",")
      direction <- paste(ese@gene_set_analyses[[assay]][[gene_set_types]][[contrast_numbers]][gene_set_names, "Direction"], collapse = ",")
      title_components <- c(title_components, paste(paste("Direction:", direction), paste("FDR:", fdr)))
    } else {
      title_components <- c(title_components, "(no association)")

    plot_title <- paste(title_components, collapse = "\n")


  # Get the list of fold changes by which to rank genes

  getFoldChanges <- reactive({
    ct <- filteredContrastsTables()[[1]][[1]]
    ct$`Fold change`

  # Get gene IDs of the same type as used for gene sets

  getGeneIDs <- reactive({
    convertIds(rownames(filteredContrastsTables()[[1]][[1]]), getExperiment(), eselist@gene_set_id_type)

  # Make the barcode plot using limma for download

  plotGenesetBarcodeplot <- reactive({
    set_genes <- getPathwayGenes()
    fold_changes <- getFoldChanges()
    gene_ids <- getGeneIDs()
    title <- barcodeplotTitle()

    barcode_plot(fold_changes, gene_ids, names(set_genes), title)

  # Render the barcode plot

  output$genesetbarcodeplot <- renderPlot({
    set_genes <- getPathwayGenes()
    fold_changes <- getFoldChanges()
    gene_ids <- getGeneIDs()
    title <- barcodeplotTitle()

    barcode_plot(fold_changes, gene_ids, names(set_genes), title)

  # Make a table of contrast data for the gene set Subset the linked contrasts table for the gene set genes

  gsbpContrastsTable <- reactive({
    lct <- labelledContrastsTable()
    ese <- getExperiment()
    set_genes <- getPathwayGenes()

    lct[which(lct[[prettifyVariablename(ese@labelfield)]] %in% set_genes), ]

  # Add links for display

  gsbpLinkedContrastsTable <- reactive({
    linkMatrix(gsbpContrastsTable(), eselist@url_roots)

  # Provide the gene set genes in a table of contrst data

  callModule(simpletable, "genesetbarcodeplot",
    downloadMatrix = gsbpContrastsTable, displayMatrix = gsbpLinkedContrastsTable, filename = "gene_set_contrast",
    rownames = FALSE, pageLength = 10

  # Catch the gene set from the URL

    query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)

    if (length(intersect(c("geneset"), names(query))) == 0) {

    url_observe <- observe({
      if ("geneset" %in% names(query)) {


#' Make a gene set barcode plot using Limma
#' @param fold_changes A list of fold changes
#' @param gene_ids Gene set IDs for the values in \code{fold_changes}
#' @param set_gene_ids Gene IDs for the gene set
#' @param plot_title A title for the plot
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @export

barcode_plot <- function(fold_changes, gene_ids, set_gene_ids, plot_title) {
  par(cex = 1.5, cex.main = 0.8, mar = c(4, 0, 4, 0))

  limma::barcodeplot(fold_changes, index = gene_ids %in% set_gene_ids, main = plot_title)
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.