
Defines functions genesetanalysistable genesetanalysistableOutput genesetanalysistableInput

Documented in genesetanalysistable genesetanalysistableInput genesetanalysistableOutput

#' The UI input function of the genesetanalysistable module
#' This module displays gene set analysis tables stored as a list in the
#' \code{gene_set_analyses} slot of an \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}.
#' The \code{gene_set_analyses} slot must be keyed first by the name of the
#' assay to which it pertains, and second by the gene set type (e.g. 'KEGG').
#' The containing \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} must have a populated
#' \code{gene_sets} slot, keyed first by metadata column used to define the
#' gene sets and secondly by the gene set type.
#' The module is based on the output of roast() from \code{limma}, but it's
#' fairly generic, and assumes only the presence of a 'p value' and 'FDR'
#' column, so the output of other methods should be easily adapted to suit.
#' Leverages the \code{simpletable} module
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#'   as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' # Example of structures using provided example data
#' data(zhangneurons)
#' names(assays(zhangneurons$gene))
#' # The normalised matrix was used to perform gene set analysis, using 6 types
#' # of gene set
#' names(zhangneurons$gene@gene_set_analyses$`normalised-filtered`)
#' # Gene set can be related back to individual genes via information in the
#' # containing object's 'gene_sets' slot. These are keyed first to indicate
#' # which metadata field gene set members pertain to, and secondly by gene
#' # set type.
#' names(zhangneurons@gene_sets)
#' # Module input produced like:
#' genesetanalysistableInput("experiment", eselist)
genesetanalysistableInput <- function(id, eselist) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  # Only use experiments with gene set analyses available

  eselist <- eselist[unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) length(ese@gene_set_analyses) > 0))]

  # For each experiment with gene set analysis, only keep assays associated with gene set results, so that the assay select doesn't have invalid options.

  for (exp in names(eselist)) {
    assays(eselist[[exp]]) <- assays(eselist[[exp]])[names(eselist[[exp]]@gene_set_analyses)]

  expression_filters <- selectmatrixInput(ns("expression"), eselist)

  field_sets <- list(gene_set_types = list(uiOutput(ns("geneSets"))), differential_gene_sets = list(
    numericInput(ns("pval"), "Maximum p value", value = 0.05),
    numericInput(ns("fdr"), "Maximum FDR", value = 0.1)
  ), differential_genes = list(
    helpText("How should significant genes be selected for each set? Note: genes will be restricted to the direction of change assigned to the set."),

  # Things we don't want to wrap in a field set - probably hidden stuff

  naked_fields <- list()

  if (length(eselist) > 1 || length(assays(eselist[[1]])) > 1) {
    field_sets$select_assay_data <- expression_filters
  } else {
    naked_fields <- pushToList(naked_fields, expression_filters)

  field_sets <- c(field_sets, list(export = simpletableInput(ns("genesetanalysistable"), "Gene set analysis")))

  list(naked_fields, fieldSets(ns("fieldset"), field_sets))

#' The output function of the genesetanalysistable module
#' This module displays gene set analysis tables stored as a list in the
#' \code{gene_set_analyses} slot of an \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}.
#' The \code{gene_set_analyses} slot must be keyed first by the name of the
#' assay to which it pertains, and second by the gene set type (e.g. 'KEGG').
#' The containing \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} must have a populated
#' \code{gene_sets} slot, keyed first by metadata column used to define the
#' gene sets and secondly by the gene set type.
#' The module is based on the output of roast() from \code{limma}, but it's
#' fairly generic, and assumes only the presence of a 'p value' and 'FDR'
#' column, so the output of other methods should be easily adapted to suit.
#' Leverages the \code{simpletable} module
#' @param id Module namespace
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' # Example of structures using provided example data
#' data(zhangneurons)
#' names(assays(zhangneurons$gene))
#' # The normalised matrix was used to perform gene set analysis, using 6 types
#' # of gene set
#' names(zhangneurons$gene@gene_set_analyses$`normalised-filtered`)
#' # Gene set can be related back to individual genes via information in the
#' # containing object's 'gene_sets' slot. These are keyed first to indicate
#' # which metadata field gene set members pertain to, and secondly by gene
#' # set type.
#' names(zhangneurons@gene_sets)
#' # Module output function called like:
#' genesetanalysistableOutput("experiment")
genesetanalysistableOutput <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  list(modalInput(ns("genesetanalysistable"), "help", "help"), modalOutput(ns("genesetanalysistable"), "Gene set analysis", includeMarkdown(system.file("inlinehelp",
    package = packageName()
  ))), simpletableOutput(ns("genesetanalysistable"), tabletitle = "Gene set analysis"))

#' The server function of the genesetanalysistable module
#' This module displays gene set analysis tables stored as a list in the
#' \code{gene_set_analyses} slot of an \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}.
#' The \code{gene_set_analyses} slot must be keyed first by the name of the
#' assay to which it pertains, and second by the gene set type (e.g. 'KEGG').
#' The containing \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} must have a populated
#' \code{gene_sets} slot, keyed first by metadata column used to define the
#' gene sets and secondly by the gene set type.
#' The module is based on the output of roast() from \code{limma}, but it's
#' fairly generic, and assumes only the presence of a 'p value' and 'FDR'
#' column, so the output of other methods should be easily adapted to suit.
#' This function is not called directly, but rather via callModule() (see
#' example). Essentially this just passes the results of \code{colData()}
#' applied to the specified SummarizedExperiment object to the
#' \code{simpletable} module
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' # Example of structures using provided example data
#' data(zhangneurons)
#' names(assays(zhangneurons$gene))
#' # The normalised matrix was used to perform gene set analysis, using 6 types
#' # of gene set
#' names(zhangneurons$gene@gene_set_analyses$`normalised-filtered`)
#' # Gene set can be related back to individual genes via information in the
#' # containing object's 'gene_sets' slot. These are keyed first to indicate
#' # which metadata field gene set members pertain to, and secondly by gene
#' # set type.
#' names(zhangneurons@gene_sets)
#' callModule(genesetanalysistable, "genesetanalysistable", eselist)
genesetanalysistable <- function(input, output, session, eselist) {
  # Only use experiments with gene set analyses available

  eselist <- eselist[unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) length(ese@gene_set_analyses) > 0))]

  # For each experiment with gene set analysis, only keep assays associated with gene set results, so that the assay select doesn't have invalid options.

  for (exp in names(eselist)) {
    assays(eselist[[exp]]) <- assays(eselist[[exp]])[names(eselist[[exp]]@gene_set_analyses)]

  # Extract the gene sets that have been analysed for the the user to select from

  ns <- session$ns

  output$geneSets <- renderUI({

  # Call the selectmatrix module and unpack the reactives it sends back

  selectmatrix_reactives <- callModule(selectmatrix, "expression", eselist, select_assays = TRUE, select_samples = FALSE, select_genes = FALSE, select_meta = FALSE)

  # Pass the matrix to the contrasts module for processing

  unpack.list(callModule(contrasts, "genesetanalysistable",
    eselist = eselist, selectmatrix_reactives = selectmatrix_reactives, multiple = FALSE, default_foldchange = 1,
    default_pval = 0.05, default_qval = 1

  # Parse the gene sets for ease of use

  unpack.list(callModule(genesetselect, "genesetanalysistable", eselist, getExperiment, filter_by_type = TRUE, require_select = FALSE))


  getGeneSetAnalysis <- reactive({
    validate(need(input$pval, "Waiting for p value"), need(input$fdr, "Waiting for FDR value"))

    ese <- getExperiment()
    assay <- getAssay()
    gene_set_types <- getGeneSetTypes()
    selected_contrasts <- getSelectedContrastNumbers()[[1]]

    gst <- ese@gene_set_analyses[[assay]][[gene_set_types]][[as.numeric(selected_contrasts)]]

    # Rename p value if we have PValue from mroast etc()

    colnames(gst) <- sub("PValue", "p value", colnames(gst))

    # Select out specific gene sets if they've been provided

    selected_gene_sets <- getGenesetNames()
    if (!is.null(selected_gene_sets)) {
      validate(need(any(selected_gene_sets %in% rownames(gst)), "Selected gene sets not available in test results"))
      gst <- gst[selected_gene_sets, , drop = FALSE]

    # Move the row names to an actual column

    gst <- data.frame(gst, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    gst$gene_set_id <- rownames(gst)
    gst <- gst[, c("gene_set_id", colnames(gst)[colnames(gst) != "gene_set_id"]), drop = FALSE]

    # Apply the user's filters

    gst <- gst[gst[["p value"]] < input$pval & gst[["FDR"]] < input$fdr, , drop = FALSE]

    validate(need(nrow(gst) > 0, "No results matching specified filters"))

    if (nrow(gst) > 0) {
      # Add in the differential genes

      ct <- filteredContrastsTables()[[1]][[1]]
      up <- convertIds(rownames(ct)[ct[["Fold change"]] >= 0], ese, ese@labelfield)
      down <- convertIds(rownames(ct)[ct[["Fold change"]] < 0], ese, ese@labelfield)

      gene_sets <- getGeneSets()

      gst$significant_genes <- apply(gst, 1, function(row) {
        if (row["Direction"] == "Up") {
          siggenes <- intersect(gene_sets[[getGeneSetTypes()]][[row["gene_set_id"]]], up)
        } else {
          siggenes <- intersect(gene_sets[[getGeneSetTypes()]][[row["gene_set_id"]]], down)
        paste(siggenes, collapse = " ")


  # Take the table and add links etc

  getDisplayGeneSetAnalysis <- reactive({
    gst <- getGeneSetAnalysis()

    # Add links, but use a prettiefied version of the gene set name that re-flows to take up less space

    gst <- linkMatrix(gst, eselist@url_roots, data.frame(gene_set_id = prettifyGeneSetName(gst$gene_set_id), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    colnames(gst) <- prettifyVariablename(colnames(gst))


  # Make an explantory file name

  makeFileName <- reactive({
    gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", paste("gsa", getSelectedContrastNames(), getGeneSetTypes()))

  # Pass the matrix to the simpletable module for display

  callModule(simpletable, "genesetanalysistable",
    downloadMatrix = getGeneSetAnalysis, displayMatrix = getDisplayGeneSetAnalysis, filename = makeFileName,
    rownames = FALSE
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.