
Defines functions selectVariableGenes geneselect geneselectInput

Documented in geneselect geneselectInput selectVariableGenes

#' The UI input function of the geneselect module
#' This module provides controls for selecting genes (matrix rows) by various
#' criteria such as variance and gene set.
#' This will generally not be called directly, but by other modules such as the
#' heatmap module.
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param select_genes Disable gene (row) - wise selection if set to FALSE
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' geneselectInput("myid")
geneselectInput <- function(id, select_genes = TRUE) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  if (select_genes) {
  } else {
    hiddenInput(ns("geneSelect"), "all")

#' The server function of the geneselect module
#' This module provides controls for selecting genes (matrix rows) by various
#' criteria such as variance and gene set.
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @param getExperiment Reactive expression which returns a
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment object with assay and experimental data
#' @param var_n The number of rows to select when doing so by variance. Default
#'   = 50
#' @param var_max The maximum umber of rows to select when doing so by variance.
#'   Default = 500
#' @param selectSamples A reactive expression that provides a vector of samples
#'   to use, e.g. in row-wise variance calculation
#' @param getAssay A reactive expression providing the current assay selection.
#' @param provide_all Allow the 'all rows' selection in the UI? Means we don't
#'   have to calculate variance so the display is quicker, but it's a bad idea
#'   for e.g. heatmaps where the visual scales by the number of rows.
#' @param provide_none Allow the 'none' selection in the UI to make row
#'   selection optional.
#' @param default Default gene selection method
#' @return output A list of reactive functions for interrogating the selected
#'   rows.
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' geneselect_functions <- callModule(geneselect, "heatmap", getExperiments)
geneselect <- function(input, output, session, eselist, getExperiment, var_n = 50, var_max = 500, selectSamples = reactive({
                       }), getAssay, provide_all = TRUE, provide_none = FALSE, default = NULL) {
  # Check if we have the nessary component for gene sets

  useGenesets <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()

    # length(eselist@gene_sets) > 0 & all(unlist(lapply(c("gene_set_id_type", "labelfield"), function(x) length(slot(ese, x)) > 0)))
    length(eselist@gene_set_id_type) > 0 && eselist@gene_set_id_type %in% colnames(mcols(ese))

  # Grab the gene set functionality from it's module if we need it. We must also have gene sets and a way of mapping them to our results

  unpack.list(callModule(genesetselect, "geneset", eselist = eselist, getExperiment = getExperiment))

  # Get rows by metadata: pick from available values

  lsf_picked_methods <- callModule(labelselectfield, "gene_label_pick", eselist = eselist, getExperiment = getExperiment, field_selection = TRUE, list_input = FALSE)

  # Get rows by metadata: paste in a list

  lsf_listed_methods <- callModule(labelselectfield, "gene_label_list", eselist = eselist, getExperiment = getExperiment, field_selection = TRUE, list_input = TRUE)

  # Add the gene sets to the drop-down if required

  observeEvent(input$geneSelect, {
    if (input$geneSelect == "gene set") {
    } else if (input$geneSelect == "metadata_pick") {

  # Render the geneSelect UI element

  output$geneSelect <- renderUI({
    withProgress(message = "Rendering row selection", value = 0, {
      ns <- session$ns

      gene_select_methods <- c()
      if (provide_none) {
        gene_select_methods <- c(none = "none")
      if (provide_all) {
        gene_select_methods <- c(gene_select_methods, c(all = "all"))

      gene_select_methods <- c(gene_select_methods, c(variance = "variance", `pick from valid metadata` = "metadata_pick", `supply list of metadata values` = "metadata_list"))

      if (useGenesets()) {
        gene_select_methods <- c(gene_select_methods, "gene set")

      if (is.null(default)) {
        selected <- gene_select_methods[1]
      } else {
        selected <- default

      gene_select <- list(h5("Select genes/ rows"), selectInput(ns("geneSelect"), "Select genes by", gene_select_methods, selected = selected), conditionalPanel(condition = paste0(
        ns("geneSelect"), "'] == 'variance' "
      ), sliderInput(ns("obs"), "Show top N most variant rows:", min = 10, max = var_max, value = var_n)), conditionalPanel(condition = paste0(
        ns("geneSelect"), "'] == 'metadata_pick' "
      ), labelselectfieldInput(ns("gene_label_pick"))), conditionalPanel(condition = paste0(
        ns("geneSelect"), "'] == 'metadata_list' "
      ), labelselectfieldInput(ns("gene_label_list"))))

      # If gene sets have been provided, then make a gene sets filter

      if (useGenesets()) {
        gene_select[[length(gene_select) + 1]] <- conditionalPanel(condition = paste0("input['", ns("geneSelect"), "'] == 'gene set' "), genesetselectInput(ns("geneset")))


  # Return the matrix so far, selected just on the basis of samples

  matrixFromSamples <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()
    assay <- getAssay()
    samples <- selectSamples()

    SummarizedExperiment::assays(ese)[[assay]][, samples, drop = FALSE]

  # Reactive function to calculate variances only when required

  rowVariances <- reactive({
    nonempty <- getNonEmptyRows()
    withProgress(message = "Calculating row variances", value = 0, {
      mfs <- matrixFromSamples()
      apply(mfs, 1, var)

  # Find which rows have values

  getNonEmptyRows <- reactive({
    mfs <- matrixFromSamples()
    validate(need(!is.null(mfs), "Waiting for sample-selected matrix"))
    complete <- complete.cases(mfs)

  getGeneSelect <- reactive({
      validate(need(!is.null(input$geneSelect), "Waiting for geneSelect"))

  # Make all the reactive expressions that will be needed by calling modules.

  geneselect_functions <- list(getNonEmptyRows = getNonEmptyRows)

  # Main output. Derive the expression matrix according to row-based criteria

  geneselect_functions$selectRows <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()

    withProgress(message = "Selecting rows", value = 0, {

      gene_select <- getGeneSelect()
      nonempty <- getNonEmptyRows()

      if (gene_select == "none") {
      } else if (gene_select == "all") {
      } else if (gene_select == "variance") {
        vars <- rowVariances()
        return(names(vars)[selectVariableGenes(input$obs, row_variances = vars)])
      } else if (gene_select == "metadata_pick") {
        selected_rows <- lsf_picked_methods$getSelectedIds()
        return(intersect(selected_rows, nonempty))
      } else if (gene_select == "metadata_list") {
        selected_rows <- lsf_listed_methods$getSelectedIds()
        return(intersect(selected_rows, nonempty))
      } else {
        if (gene_select == "gene set") {
          selected_genes <- getPathwayGenes()
        } else {
          selected_genes <- unlist(strsplit(input$geneList, "\\n"))

        # Use annotation for gene names if specified, otherwise use matrix rows

        if (length(ese@labelfield) > 0) {
          annotation <- data.frame(mcols(ese))
          selected_rows <- as.character(annotation[which(tolower(annotation[[ese@labelfield]]) %in% tolower(selected_genes)), ese@idfield])
        } else {
          selected_rows <- rownames(ese)[which(tolower(rownames(ese))) %in% tolower(selected_genes)]

        return(intersect(selected_rows, nonempty))

  # Make a title

  geneselect_functions$title <- reactive({
    gene_select <- getGeneSelect()

    title <- ""
    if (gene_select == "all") {
      title <- "All rows"
    } else if (gene_select == "variance") {
      title <- paste(paste("Top", input$obs, "rows"), "by variance")
    } else if (gene_select == "gene set") {
      title <- paste0("Genes in sets:\n", paste(prettifyGeneSetName(getGenesetNames()), collapse = "\n"))
      # } else if (gene_select == 'list') { title <- 'Rows for specifified gene list'
    } else if (gene_select == "metadata_pick") {
      title <- "Rows by picked metadata field value"
    } else if (gene_select == "metadata_list") {
      title <- "Rows by metadata field value list"


#' Generate an integer ordering to select the n most variable genes out of a matrix
#' @param ntop Number of genes to select
#' @param matrix Matrix with genes by row and samples by column
#' @param row_variances Numeric vector of variances, in case a precalculated set
#'   of values should be used
#' @export
#' @return output A vector of integers

selectVariableGenes <- function(ntop, matrix = NULL, row_variances = NULL) {
  if (is.null(row_variances)) {
    if (is.null(matrix)) {
      stop("selctVariableGenes(): a value must be provided for either matrix or row_variances")
    } else {
      row_variances <- apply(matrix, 1, var)

  # select the ntop genes by variance
  order(row_variances, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(min(ntop, length(row_variances)))]
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.