#' The UI input function of the \code{foldchangeplot} module
#' This module is for making scatter plots comparing pairs of groups defined in
#' a 'contrasts' slot of the ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList
#' Leverages the \code{scatterplot} module
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#' ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' data(zhangneurons)
#' foldchangeplotInput("myid", zhangneurons)
#' # Almost certainly used via application creation
#' data(zhangneurons)
#' app <- prepareApp("foldchangeplot", zhangneurons)
#' shiny::shinyApp(ui = app$ui, server = app$server)
foldchangeplotInput <- function(id, eselist) {
ns <- NS(id)
# Only consider experiments that actually have p-values to use in a volcano plot
expression_filters <- selectmatrixInput(ns("expression"), eselist)
# If there's only one experiment, then the expression filters will just be hidden fields, and there's no point in creating an empty fieldset for them
fieldsets <- list(contrasts = list(contrastsInput(ns("differential"))))
if (length(eselist) > 1 || length(assays(eselist[[1]])) > 1) {
fieldsets$expression_matrix <- expression_filters
fieldsets <- c(fieldsets, list(
scatter_plot = scatterplotInput(ns("foldchange")), highlight_points = geneselectInput(ns("foldchange")),
export = simpletableInput(ns("foldchangetable"))
inputs <- list(fieldSets(ns("fieldset"), fieldsets))
if (length(eselist) == 1 && length(assays(eselist[[1]])) == 1) {
inputs <- pushToList(inputs, expression_filters)
#' The output function of the \code{foldchangeplot} module
#' This module is for making scatter plots comparing pairs of groups defined in
#' a 'contrasts' slot of the ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList
#' Leverages the \code{scatterplot} module
#' @param id Module namespace
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' foldchangeplotOutput("myid")
#' data(zhangneurons)
#' app <- prepareApp("foldchangeplot", zhangneurons)
#' shiny::shinyApp(ui = app$ui, server = app$server)
foldchangeplotOutput <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
list(modalInput(ns("foldchangeplot"), "help", "help"), modalOutput(ns("foldchangeplot"), "Fold change plots", includeMarkdown(system.file("inlinehelp",
package = packageName()
))), h3("Fold change plot"), scatterplotOutput(ns("foldchange")), htmlOutput(ns("foldchangetable")))
#' The server function of the \code{foldchangeplot} module
#' This module is for making scatter plots comparing pairs of groups defined in
#' a 'contrasts' slot of the ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList
#' This function is not called directly, but rather via callModule() (see
#' example).
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#' ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' callModule(foldchangeplot, "foldchangeplot", eselist)
#' data(zhangneurons)
#' app <- prepareApp("foldchangeplot", zhangneurons)
#' shiny::shinyApp(ui = app$ui, server = app$server)
foldchangeplot <- function(input, output, session, eselist) {
output$foldchangetable <- renderUI({
ns <- session$ns
simpletableOutput(ns("foldchangetable"), tabletitle = paste("Plot data for contrast", getSelectedContrastNames()[[1]], sep = ": "))
# Call the selectmatrix module and unpack the reactives it sends back
selectmatrix_reactives <- callModule(selectmatrix, "expression", eselist, var_n = 1000, select_samples = FALSE, select_genes = FALSE, provide_all_genes = TRUE)
# Pass the matrix to the contrasts module for processing
unpack.list(callModule(contrasts, "differential", eselist = eselist, multiple = FALSE, selectmatrix_reactives = selectmatrix_reactives))
# Call the geneselect module (indpependently of selectmatrix) to generate sets of genes to highlight
unpack.list(callModule(geneselect, "foldchange", eselist = eselist, getExperiment = getExperiment, getAssay = getAssay, provide_all = FALSE, provide_none = TRUE))
# Pass the matrix to the scatterplot module for display
callModule(scatterplot, "foldchange",
getDatamatrix = foldchangeTable, getTitle = getTitle, allow_3d = FALSE, getLabels = foldchangeLabels, x = 1, y = 2,
colorBy = colorBy, getLines = plotLines
# Make a title by selecting the single contrast name of the single filter set
getTitle <- reactive({
contrast_names <- getSelectedContrastNames()
# Make a set of dashed lines to overlay on the plot representing thresholds
plotLines <- reactive({
fct <- foldchangeTable()
fclim <- getFoldChange()
normal_y <- !is.infinite(fct[, 2])
normal_x <- !is.infinite(fct[, 1])
ymax <- max(fct[normal_y, 2])
ymin <- min(fct[normal_y, 2])
xmax <- max(fct[normal_x, 1])
xmin <- min(fct[normal_x, 1])
min <- min(xmin, ymin)
max <- max(xmax, ymax)
lines <- data.frame(
name = c(rep("No change", 2), rep(paste0(abs(fclim), "-fold down"), 2), rep(paste0(abs(fclim), "-fold up"), 2)), x = c(
min, max,
min, max, min, max
), y = c(c(min, max), (min - log2(abs(fclim))), (max - log2(abs(fclim))), (min + log2(abs(fclim))), (max + log2(abs(fclim)))),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
lines$name <- factor(lines$name, levels = unique(lines$name))
# Use lines dependent on how the fold change filter is applied
fccard <- getFoldChangeCard()
if (fccard %in% c(">= or <= -", "<= and >= -")) {
} else if (fccard == "<=" && sign(fclim) == "-1") {
droplevels(lines[1:4, ])
} else {
droplevels(lines[c(1, 2, 5, 6), ])
# Extract labels from the volcano table
foldchangeLabels <- reactive({
fct <- foldchangeTable()
# Extract a vector use to make colors by group
colorBy <- reactive({
fct <- foldchangeTable()
# Make a table of values to use in the volcano plot. Round the values to save space in the JSON
foldchangeTable <- reactive({
withProgress(message = "Compiling fold change plot data", value = 0, {
sct <- selectedContrastsTables()
ct <- sct[[1]][[1]]
ct <- round(log2(ct[, 1:2]), 3)
cont <- getSelectedContrasts()[[1]][[1]]
colnames(ct) <- c(paste0("log2(", cont[2], ")"), paste0("log2(", cont[3], ")"))
fct <- filteredContrastsTables()[[1]][[1]]
ct$colorby <- "hidden"
ct[rownames(fct), "colorby"] <- "match contrast filters"
ct[selectRows(), "colorby"] <- "in highlighted gene set"
ct$colorby <- factor(ct$colorby, levels = c("hidden", "match contrast filters", "in highlighted gene set"))
ct$label <- idToLabel(rownames(ct), getExperiment())
ct$label[!rownames(ct) %in% c(rownames(fct), selectRows())] <- NA
# Display the data as a table alongside
callModule(simpletable, "foldchangetable",
downloadMatrix = labelledContrastsTable, displayMatrix = linkedLabelledContrastsTable, filename = "foldchange",
rownames = FALSE, pageLength = 10
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.