
Defines functions dexseqtable dexseqtableOutput dexseqtableInputFields dexseqtableInput

Documented in dexseqtable dexseqtableInput dexseqtableInputFields dexseqtableOutput

#' The UI input function of the dexseqtable module
#' This module produces a differential exon usage table based on the output
#' \code{DEXSeqResults} object of the DEXSeq package.
#' For the table to be displayed, the \code{dexseq_results} slot must be filled
#' on at least one of the component \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} objects
#' of the input \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList}.
#' \code{dexseq_results} must be a list of \code{DEXSeqResults} objects corresponding
#' to the contrasts listed in the \code{contrasts} slot of the
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}.
#' Leverages the \code{simpletable} module
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @param allow_filtering Allow user filtering of results (default: TRUE)?
#'   Deactivated by the \code{dexseqplot} module, which uses it for showing
#'   gene-specific results.
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#'   as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' dexseqtableInput("experiment", eselist)
dexseqtableInput <- function(id, eselist, allow_filtering = TRUE) {
  ns <- NS(id)
  fieldSets(ns("fieldset"), dexseqtableInputFields(id, eselist, allow_filtering = allow_filtering))

#' Make input fields for producing a table of differential exon usage.
#' Separated here for re-use by the dexseqplot module
#' @param id Submodule namespace
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @param allow_filtering Allow user filtering of results (default: TRUE)?
#'   Deactivated by the \code{dexseqplot} module, which uses it for showing
#'   gene-specific results.
#' @return output Named list of \code{shiny.tag} objects

dexseqtableInputFields <- function(id, eselist, allow_filtering = TRUE) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  # Only consider experiments with DEXSeq results

  eselist <- eselist[unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) length(ese@dexseq_results) > 0))]

  field_sets <- list(differential_exon_usage = list(selectmatrixInput(ns("expression"), eselist), contrastsInput(ns("deuContrast"),
    allow_filtering = allow_filtering,
    summarise = FALSE
  )), export = simpletableInput(ns("dexseqtable"), tabletitle = "DEU"))

  if (allow_filtering) {
    field_sets$differential_exon_usage <- c(field_sets$differential_exon_usage, list(checkboxInput(ns("deuMostSigExon"), "Show most significant exon only per gene?",
      value = TRUE


#' The output function of the dexseqtable module
#' This module produces a differential exon usage table based on the output
#' \code{DEXSeqResults} object of the DEXSeq package.
#' For the table to be displayed, the \code{dexseq_results} slot must be filled
#' on at least one of the component \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} objects
#' of the input \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList}.
#' \code{dexseq_results} must be a list of \code{DEXSeqResults} objects corresponding
#' to the contrasts listed in the \code{contrasts} slot of the
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}.
#' Leverages the \code{simpletable} module
#' @param id Module namespace
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' dexseqtableOutput("experiment")
dexseqtableOutput <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  list(modalInput(ns("dexseqtable"), "help", "help"), modalOutput(ns("dexseqtable"), "Differential exon usage table", includeMarkdown(system.file("inlinehelp",
    package = packageName()
  ))), simpletableOutput(ns("dexseqtable"), tabletitle = "Differential exon usage"))

#' The server function of the dexseqtable module
#' This module produces a differential exon usage table based on the output
#' \code{DEXSeqResults} object of the DEXSeq package.
#' For the table to be displayed, the \code{dexseq_results} slot must be filled
#' on at least one of the component \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment} objects
#' of the input \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList}.
#' \code{dexseq_results} must be a list of \code{DEXSeqResults} objects corresponding
#' to the contrasts listed in the \code{contrasts} slot of the
#' \code{ExploratorySummarizedExperiment}.
#' This function is not called directly, but rather via callModule() (see
#' example).
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param eselist ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object containing
#'   ExploratorySummarizedExperiment objects
#' @param allow_filtering Allow user filtering of results (default: TRUE)?
#'   Deactivated by the \code{dexseqplot} module, which uses it for showing
#'   gene-specific results.
#' @param getDEUGeneID Reactive expression returning a gene ID.
#' @param show_controls Passed to \code{\link{simpletable}}, spcifies whether
#'   the various \code{datatables} controls are displayed (default: TRUE).
#' @param page_length Passed to \code{\link{simpletable}}, spcifies the number
#'   of rows to display (default: 15).
#' @param link_to_deu_plot Link label fields to the plots produced by
#'   \code{\link{dexseqplot}}? (default: TRUE)
#' @keywords shiny
#' @examples
#' callModule(dexseqtable, "dexseqtable", eselist)
dexseqtable <- function(input, output, session, eselist, allow_filtering = TRUE, getDEUGeneID = NULL, show_controls = TRUE, page_length = 15, link_to_deu_plot = TRUE) {
  # Only use experiments with gene set analyses available

  eselist <- eselist[unlist(lapply(eselist, function(ese) length(ese@dexseq_results) > 0))]

  # Call the selectmatrix module and unpack the reactives it sends back

  selectmatrix_reactives <- callModule(selectmatrix, "expression", eselist, select_assays = FALSE, select_samples = FALSE, select_genes = FALSE)

  # Just use the contrasts module to select a comparison

  contrast_reactives <- callModule(contrasts, "deuContrast", eselist = eselist, multiple = FALSE, selectmatrix_reactives = selectmatrix_reactives)

  makeDEUTables <- reactive({
    ese <- getExperiment()

    withProgress(message = "Making DEU table for each contrast", value = 0, {
      deu_tables <- lapply(1:length(ese@dexseq_results), function(contrast) {
        d <- ese@dexseq_results[[contrast]]

        # Add the mean values for the counts

        counts <- DEXSeq::counts(d, normalized = TRUE)
        contrast_samples <- getContrastSamples()
        selected_contrast_samples <- contrast_samples[[contrast]]

        mean_counts <- lapply(selected_contrast_samples, function(scs) {
          rowMeans(counts[, scs])

        d$mean1 <- round(mean_counts[[1]], 2)
        d$mean2 <- round(mean_counts[[2]], 2)

        # Make fold changes more useful

        fccol <- grep("log2fold", colnames(d), value = TRUE)
        d[, fccol] <- 2^d[, fccol]
        d[d[, fccol] < 1 & !is.na(d[, fccol]), fccol] <- -1 / d[d[, fccol] < 1 & !is.na(d[, fccol]), fccol]

        eu_cols <- colnames(d)[c(8, 9)]

        deucols <- c("groupID", "featureID", "mean1", "mean2", eu_cols, fccol, "pvalue", "padj")
        deu_table <- as.data.frame(d[, deucols])
        deu_table[, c(fccol, eu_cols)] <- round(deu_table[, c(fccol, eu_cols)], 2)
        deu_table[, c("pvalue", "padj")] <- signif(deu_table[, c("pvalue", "padj")], 3)

        # Re-order by p value

        deu_table <- deu_table[order(deu_table$padj), ]

        # Make prettier column labels

        colnames(deu_table) <- c(
          "groupID", "Exon", paste0("Mean normalised count (", eu_cols, ")"), paste0("Exon usage (", eu_cols, ")"), "Relative exon usage fold change",
          "P value", "FDR corrected p value"

        # Add in gene symbols

        deu_table$groupID <- gsub("\\+", " ", deu_table$groupID)


  # Select a DEU table for the contrast of interest and filter based on the controls

  makeDEUTable <- reactive({
    deu_tables <- makeDEUTables()
    selected_contrast_number <- getSelectedContrastNumbers()[[1]][[1]]
    deu_table <- deu_tables[[as.numeric(selected_contrast_number)]]

    if (allow_filtering) {
      if (input$deuMostSigExon) {
        deu_table <- deu_table[match(unique(deu_table[, 1]), deu_table[, 1]), ]

      fclim <- getFoldChange()
      fclim_card <- getFoldChangeCard()
      pvallim <- getPval()
      pvallim_card <- getPvalCard()
      qvallim <- getQval()
      qvallim_card <- getQvalCard()

      # deu_table <- deu_table[which(deu_table[['FDR corrected p value']] < qvallim & abs(deu_table[['Relative exon usage fold change']]) > fclim), ]

      deu_table <- deu_table[evaluateCardinalFilter(deu_table[["FDR corrected p value"]], qvallim_card, qvallim) & evaluateCardinalFilter(
        deu_table[["P value"]],
        pvallim_card, pvallim
      ) & evaluateCardinalFilter(deu_table[["Relative exon usage fold change"]], fclim_card, fclim), ]

    # If provided, filter by gene symbol

    if (!is.null(getDEUGeneID)) {
      gene_id <- getDEUGeneID()
      deu_table <- deu_table[deu_table$groupID == gene_id, , drop = FALSE]
      deu_table <- deu_table[order(deu_table$Exon), ]

    # Add labels

    ese <- getExperiment()
    labelMatrix(deu_table, ese, "groupID", metafields = getMetafields())

  # Make a linked version of the table for display. Override the label links so they point to DEU plots rather than gene pages

  makeDisplayDEUTable <- reactive({
    deu_table <- makeDEUTable()
    url_roots <- eselist@url_roots
    if (link_to_deu_plot) {
      ese <- getExperiment()
      url_roots[[ese@labelfield]] <- "?deu_gene="
    linkMatrix(deu_table, url_roots)

  # Pass the matrix to the simpletable module for display

  callModule(simpletable, "dexseqtable",
    displayMatrix = makeDisplayDEUTable, downloadMatrix = makeDEUTable, filename = "deutable", rownames = FALSE, show_controls = show_controls,
    pageLength = page_length

  # Return reactives for the matrix and controls so the same filters can be used in the 'dexseqplot' module

  c(contrast_reactives, list(getExperiment = getExperiment, getSelectedContrastNumbers = getSelectedContrastNumbers, getSelectedContrasts = getSelectedContrasts))
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.