
Defines functions ExploratorySummarizedExperiment

Documented in ExploratorySummarizedExperiment

#' The ExploratorySummarizedExperiment class
#' Subclass of SummarizedExperiment if present in the SummarizedExperiment
#' package (newer versions of Bioconductor have moved this from GenomicRanges),
#' otherwise of SummarizedExperiment0.
#' @slot idfield character.
#' @slot entrezgenefield character.
#' @slot labelfield character.
#' @slot contrast_stats list.
#' @slot assay_measures list.
#' @slot gene_set_analyses list.
#' @slot dexseq_results list.
#' @slot read_reports list.
#' @export

setClass("ExploratorySummarizedExperiment", contains = ifelse("SummarizedExperiment" %in% getClasses(where = "package:SummarizedExperiment"), "SummarizedExperiment",
), representation = representation(
  idfield = "character", entrezgenefield = "character", labelfield = "character", contrast_stats = "list",
  assay_measures = "list", gene_set_analyses = "list", dexseq_results = "list", read_reports = "list"

setAs("RangedSummarizedExperiment", "ExploratorySummarizedExperiment", function(from) {
    (as(from, ifelse("SummarizedExperiment" %in% getClasses(where = "package:SummarizedExperiment"), "SummarizedExperiment", "SummarizedExperiment0"))),

#' ExploratorySummarizedExperiments
#' This function creates objects of the ExploratorySummarizedExperiment class,
#' an extension of SummarizedExperiment designed to hold additional information
#' about the features present - for example differential expression values
#' and the type of identifiers used in rows.
#' It is intended that one or more ExploratorySummarizedExperiments with the
#' same samples (columns) are contained within an
#' ExploratorySumarizedExperimentList, which will contain information relevant
#' to all experiments such as gene sets and contrasts.
#' It's clear that the structure of this class and that of SummarizedExperimentList
#' will need to be refined in future.
#' @param assays An object of class SimpleList as would be supplied to the
#' SummarizedExperiment constructor
#' @param colData An object of class DataFrame as would be supplied to the
#' SummarizedExperimentConstructor. Row names could correspond to column names
#' in the matrices in \code{assays}
#' @param annotation A data frame with annotation for the features (rows) of
#' the \code{assays} matrices. Rows must correspond to to those matrices.
#' @param idfield To which of the \code{annotation} columns do row names
#' correspond?
#' @param labelfield Which column from \code{annotation} should be used to
#' label features (e.g. a gene name field)?
#' @param entrezgenefield Which column from \code{annotation} is the Entrez
#' gene ID?
#' @param contrast_stats List of matrices containing contrast-related
#' statistics. Only 'pvals', 'qvals' and 'fold_changes' are currently used.
#' Fold changes are calculated on the fly where not supplied. Matrix columns
#' correspond to 'contrasts' set in the containing SummarizedExperimentList.
#' @param assay_measures Optional List of measures to display related to each
#' assay.
#' @param gene_set_analyses List of lists of gene set tables keyed first by
#' gene set
#' type and secondly by contrast
#' @param read_reports A named list of matrices with read counts in columns
#' and sample names in rows. Useful for providing mapped read counts,
#' counts per gene type etc
#' @param dexseq_results An optional list of \code{DEXSeqResults} objects
#' corresponding to the contrasts listed in the \code{contrasts} slot..
#' @return output An ExploratoryRangedSummarizedExperient object
#' @rawNamespace import(SummarizedExperiment, except = 'shift')
#' @export

ExploratorySummarizedExperiment <- function(assays, colData, annotation, idfield, labelfield = character(), entrezgenefield = character(), contrast_stats = list(),
                                            assay_measures = list(), gene_set_analyses = list(), dexseq_results = list(), read_reports = list()) {
  # Reset NULLs to empty

  if (is.null(entrezgenefield)) {
    entrezgenefield <- character()

  # The assays slot of a summarised experiment needs the same dimensions for every matrix

  all_rows <- Reduce(union, lapply(assays, rownames))
  add_missing_rows <- function(x) {
    missing_rows <- all_rows[!all_rows %in% rownames(x)]
    empty_rows <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(missing_rows), ncol = ncol(x)), row.names = missing_rows)
    colnames(empty_rows) <- colnames(x)
    rbind(x, empty_rows)[all_rows, , drop = FALSE]

  # Subset colData to remove any samples not present in the first assay

  colData <- colData[rownames(colData) %in% colnames(assays[[1]]), ]

  assays <- SimpleList(lapply(assays, function(as) {
    round(add_missing_rows(as)[, rownames(colData)], 2)

  # The same fix for contrast_stats

  if (length(contrast_stats) > 0) {
    contrast_stats <- lapply(contrast_stats, function(stats) {
      lapply(stats, function(test) {

  # Annotations need to be strings

  annotation <- data.frame(lapply(annotation, as.character), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE, row.names = rownames(annotation))[all_rows, ]

  # Build the object

  sumexp <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = assays, colData = DataFrame(colData, check.names = FALSE))
  mcols(sumexp) <- annotation

  new("ExploratorySummarizedExperiment", sumexp,
    idfield = idfield, labelfield = labelfield, entrezgenefield = entrezgenefield, assay_measures = assay_measures,
    contrast_stats = contrast_stats, gene_set_analyses = gene_set_analyses, dexseq_results = dexseq_results, read_reports = read_reports
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.