
Defines functions trade

Documented in trade

#' @title trade
#' @description Calculates MAgPIE trade or self-sufficiencies out of a gdx file
#' @importFrom magclass where
#' @export
#' @param gdx GDX file
#' @param file a file name the output should be written to using write.magpie
#' @param level Level of regional aggregation ("reg", "glo", "regglo")
#' @param products Selection of products (either by naming products, e.g. "tece", or naming a set,e.g."kcr")
#' @param product_aggr aggregate over products or not (boolean)
#' @param attributes dry matter: Mt ("dm"), gross energy: PJ ("ge"), reactive nitrogen: Mt ("nr"), phosphor: Mt ("p"), potash: Mt ("k"), wet matter: Mt ("wm"). Can also be a vector.
#' @param weight in case relative=T also the weighting for the self sufficiencies is provided as it is an intensive parameter
#' @param relative if relative=TRUE, self sufficiencies are reported, so the amount of production divided by domestic demand
#' @param type exports-imports ("net-exports"), gross imports ("imports") or gross exports ("exports"); only valid if relative=FALSE
#' @details Trade definitions are equivalent to FAO CBS categories
#' @return trade (production-demand) as MAgPIE object; unit depends on attributes
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Florian Humpenoeder, Mishko Stevanovic
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'     x <- trade(gdx="fulldata.gdx", level="regglo", products="kcr")
#'   }

trade <- function(gdx, file = NULL, level = "reg", products = "k_trade",
                  product_aggr = FALSE, attributes = "dm", weight = FALSE,
                  relative = FALSE, type = "net-exports") {

  productAggr <- product_aggr # nolint

  if (!all(products%in%readGDX(gdx,"kall"))) {

    products <- try(readGDX(gdx, products))

    if (is.null(products)){
      products <- readGDX(gdx, "kall")
      warning("The specified commodity set in products argument does not exit.
              Instead the full kall set is given to products argument.")

  production <- production(gdx, level = level, products = products,
                           product_aggr = FALSE, attributes = attributes)

  demand <- dimSums(demand(gdx, level = level, products = products,
                           product_aggr = FALSE, attributes = attributes),
                    dim = 3.1)

  ## The messages below seem to get triggered by extremely low values in diff.
  ## Could be a rounding issue. Rounding to 7 digits should be safe because we deal in 10e6 values mostly.
  diff <- round(production(gdx, level = "glo") - dimSums(demand(gdx, level = "glo"),
                                                         dim = 3.1),
                digits = 7)
  balanceflow <- readGDX(gdx, "f21_trade_balanceflow", react = "silent")

  if(is.null(balanceflow)) {
    balanceflow <- readGDX(gdx, "fm_trade_balanceflow", react = "silent")
    ## Needs to be converted to interface for timber module WIP

  balanceflow <- balanceflow[,getYears(diff),]
  diff <- diff[,,getNames(balanceflow)] - balanceflow

  if(any(round(diff,2)>0)) {
    message("\nFor the following categories, overproduction is noticed (on top of balanceflow): \n",
            paste(unique(as.vector(where(round(diff, 2) > 0)$true$individual[, 3])), collapse = ", "), "\n")
  if(any(round(diff,2)<0)) {
    warning("For the following categories, underproduction (on top of balanceflow): \n",
            paste(unique(as.vector(where(round(diff, 2) < 0)$true$individual[, 3])), collapse = ", "), "\n")
  proddem <- mbind(
    add_dimension(production, dim = 3.1, add = "type", nm = "production"),
    add_dimension(demand, dim = 3.1, add = "type", nm = "demand")
  if (relative) {
    if (productAggr){
      proddem <- dimSums(proddem, dim = "kall")
    if (weight) {
      out <- list(x = dimSums(proddem[, , "production"],
                              dim = 3.1) / dimSums(proddem[, , "demand"],
                                                   dim = 3.1),
                  weight = dimSums(proddem[, , "demand"],
                                   dim = 3.1))
    } else {
      out <- dimSums(proddem[,,"production"], dim = 3.1) / dimSums(proddem[, , "demand"],
                                                                   dim = 3.1)
  } else {
    out <- dimSums(proddem[, , "production"],
                   dim = 3.1) - dimSums(proddem[,,"demand"], dim = 3.1)

    if (type == "net-exports"){
      if (productAggr){
        out <- dimSums(out, dim="kall")
    } else if (type == "exports") {
      out[out < 0] <- 0
      #replace global which is prod-dem which will always be ~0 with sum of imports
      if (level %in% c("glo", "regglo")){
        out["GLO",,] <- dimSums(out["GLO", , invert = TRUE], dim = 1)
      if (productAggr){
        out <- dimSums(out, dim = "kall")
    } else if (type == "imports") {
      out[out > 0] <- 0
      out <- -1 * out
      if (level %in% c("glo", "regglo")){
        out["GLO",,] <- dimSums(out["GLO", , invert = TRUE], dim = 1)
      if (productAggr){
    } else {stop("unknown type")}
    if (weight) {
      out <- list(x = out, weight = NULL)
    } else {
      out <- out

  if (is.list(out)) {
  } else {
    out(out, file)
pik-piam/magpie4 documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:34 p.m.