
Defines functions ruralDemandShares

Documented in ruralDemandShares

#' @title ruralDemandShares
#' @description reports rural demand shares based on local consumption
#' @export
#' @param gdx GDX file
#' @param level spatial aggregation to report employment ("reg", "glo" or "regglo")
#' @param file a file name the output should be written to using write.magpie
#' @param type Type of ratio that should be calculated
#' \itemize{
#'        \item \code{all}: How much rural & trad demand as a share of all demand is satisfied locally
#'        \item \code{tradOnly}: How much rural & trad demand as a share of rural & trad demand is satisfied locally
#'        \item \code{potential}: How much total gridded demand is potentially
#'                                satisfied by gridded production
#'        }
#' @param product_aggr sum over products if TRUE
#' @return share of food consumed locally
#' @author David M Chen
#' @importFrom luscale superAggregate
#' @importFrom magpiesets findset
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- localDemandShares(gdx)
#' }

ruralDemandShares <- function(gdx, type = "tradOnly", level = "reg", product_aggr = TRUE, file = NULL) {

  if (type %in% c("all", "tradOnly")) {  #rural food as share of all rural food
   # food demand
   totalDemand <-readGDX(gdx, "i40_dem_food_cell", react = "silent")

   if (!is.null(totalDemand)) { 

   totalDemand <- add_dimension(totalDemand, dim = 3.2, add = "use", nm = c("food"))
   # calculate feed demand based on production of livstck and feed demand
    kli <- findset("kli") 
    fdB <-   readGDX(gdx, "im_feed_baskets")[,,list("kap" = "fish"), invert = TRUE]
    li <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_prod",  
       select = list(type = "level"), react = "silent")[,,kli]
    totalFeedDemand <- dimSums(li * fdB[,getYears(li),], dim = 3.1)
     # split by fvc
   totalFeedDemand <- add_dimension(totalFeedDemand, dim = 3.2, add = "use", nm = c("feed"))

   # add feed demand to rural demand
   totalDemand <- mbind(totalDemand, totalFeedDemand)

   # if we want the trad rural demand, then multiply by the share
   if (type == "tradOnly") {
    fvc <- collapseNames(readGDX(gdx, "i40_proc_demand_shr", react = "silent"))
   totalDemand <-  totalDemand * (1 - fvc[, getYears(totalDemand), ])

  # if zero's add a small value to avoid division by zero, same as in weight later on
   totalDemand[totalDemand == 0] <- 1e-6

 # get actual amount consumed
   localFoodConsumed <- readGDX(gdx, "ov40_local_demand",
                               select = list(type = "level"), react = "silent")

   if (product_aggr) { 
    totalDemand <- dimSums(totalDemand, dim = 3.1)
    localFoodConsumed <- dimSums(localFoodConsumed, dim = 3.1)

    #sum across food and feed for demand
    totalDemand <- dimSums(totalDemand, dim = "use")
    shr <- localFoodConsumed / totalDemand 
    weight <- totalDemand
    shr[is.na(shr)] <- 1

   } else {
      message("Local demand module not on. Look at potential type share instead.")

   } else if (type == "potential") {

  #calc production

  pop <- readGDX(gdx, "im_pop_grid", react = "silent")
  if (!is.null(pop)) {

  prod <- production(gdx, level = "cell", products = "kcr")
  prodli <- production(gdx, level = "cell", products = "kli")
  prpast <- production(gdx, products = "pasture", level = "cell")   
  #fodd <- production(gdx, products = "kres", level = "cell")      
   pr <- mbind(prod, prodli)
   pr <- mbind(pr, prpast)
    # need fodder still

   # recalculate gridded demand 
   kcal <- Kcal(gdx, level = "reg", product_aggr = FALSE, magpie_input = TRUE)
   attr <- collapseNames(readGDX(gdx, "fm_nutrition_attributes")[,getYears(kcal),"kcal"][,,getNames(kcal)])
   pop <- readGDX(gdx, "im_pop_grid")[, getYears(kcal), ]
   urbShr <- (readGDX(gdx, "im_pop_urban_grid")[,getYears(kcal)]/pop)[, getYears(kcal), ]
   getNames(urbShr) <- "urb"
   rur <- 1 - urbShr
   getNames(rur) <- "rural"
   urbShr <- mbind(urbShr, rur)

   grdDem <-  kcal * urbShr * pop * 365 / (attr * 1e6) # in kg, so divide by 1e6 to get Mt
   getSets(grdDem)[which(getSets(grdDem) == "data")] <- "urb"
   grdDem <- add_dimension(grdDem, dim = 3.3, add = "use", nm = c("food"))
   #add missing columns that are in kpr
   missing <- setdiff(findset("k"), getNames(grdDem, dim = 1))
   grdDem <- add_columns(grdDem, addnm = missing, dim = 3.1, fill = 0 ) 

   kli <- findset("kli") 
    fdB <-   readGDX(gdx, "im_feed_baskets")[,,list("kap" = "fish"), invert = TRUE]
    li <- production(gdx, level = "cell", products = "kli")
    totalFeedDemand <- dimSums(li * fdB[,getYears(li),], dim = 3.1)
     # split by fvc and restrict to k 
   totalFeedDemand <- add_dimension(totalFeedDemand, dim = 3.2, add = "urb", nm = c("urb" , "rural"))
   totalFeedDemand <- add_dimension(totalFeedDemand, dim = 3.3, add = "use", nm = c("feed"))
   totalFeedDemand[,,"urb"] <- 0

   totDem <- mbind(grdDem, totalFeedDemand[,,getNames(grdDem, dim = 1)])

   cnames  <- intersect(getNames(pr), getNames(totDem, dim = 1))

   if (product_aggr) { 
    totDem <- dimSums(totDem[,,cnames], dim = 3.1)
    pr <- dimSums(pr[,,cnames], dim = 3.1)
   totDem <-  round(dimSums(totDem, 
                 dim = c("urb", "use"), 4))

   shr <- pr / totDem 
   weight <-  totDem

  } else {
  totDem <- round(dimSums(totDem[, , cnames], 
                 dim = c("urb", "use"), 4)) 
   shr <- pr[, , cnames] / totDem
   weight <-  totDem
  }  else {
      message("Seems like no gridded population in this (older?) magpie version")


 shr[is.na(shr)] <- 1
 shr[is.infinite(shr)] <- 1

 #set values above 1 to 1 
 shr[which(shr > 1 )] <- 1
 if (level!="cell"){
   shr <- superAggregate(shr, aggr_type="weighted_mean",
                             weight = weight + 1e-9,
                             level = level)

  out(shr, file)
pik-piam/magpie4 documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:34 p.m.