
Defines functions reportSDG15

Documented in reportSDG15

#' @title reportSDG15
#' @description reports all SDG indicators relevant for SD15 - Life on Land
#' @import magpiesets
#' @export
#' @param gdx GDX file
#' @return MAgPIE object
#' @author Benjamin Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'     x <- reportSDG15(gdx)
#'   }

reportSDG15 <- function(gdx) {
  x <- NULL

  indicatorname="SDG|SDG15|Forest share"
  unit="share of total land"
  out <- land(gdx,level="regglo")
  out<- dimSums(out[,,c("forestry","primforest","secdforest")])/dimSums(out)
  getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")")
  x <- mbind(x,out)

  indicatorname="SDG|SDG15|Primary forest share"
  unit="share of total land"
  out <- land(gdx,level="regglo")
  out<- dimSums(out[,,c("primforest")])/dimSums(out)
  getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")")
  x <- mbind(x,out)

  indicatorname="SDG|SDG15|Biodiversity protection proportion"
  unit="share of total land"
  # #p35_save_primforest / vm_land.l(j,"primforest")
  # out <- land(gdx,level="regglo",types = NULL,subcategories = c("primforest","forestry","secdforest","other"),sum = FALSE)
  # out<- dimSums(out[,,c("prot")])/dimSums(out)
  # getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")")
  # x <- mbind(x,out)

  unit="million ha"
  out <- land(gdx,level="regglo",types = c("forestry_ndc","forestry_aff"),subcategories = c("forestry"),sum = FALSE)
  out <- dimSums(out[,,c("forestry_ndc","forestry_aff")])
  getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")")
  x <- mbind(x,out)

  indicatorname="SDG|SDG15|Other natural land share"
  unit="share of total land"
  out <- land(gdx,level="regglo")
  out<- dimSums(out[,,c("other")])/dimSums(out)
  getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")")
  x <- mbind(x,out)

  indicatorname="SDG|SDG15|Terrestrial biodiversity"
  out <- BII(gdx, level = "regglo")
  if(!is.null(out)) getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")") else cat("No biodiversity reporting possible")
  x <- mbind(x,out)

  indicatorname="SDG|SDG15|Freshwater biodiversity"
  #out <- land(gdx,level="regglo")
  #getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")")
  #x <- mbind(x,out)

  indicatorname="SDG|SDG15|Non-agricultural land share"
  unit="share of total land"
  out <- land(gdx,level="regglo")
  out<- dimSums(out[,,c("forestry","primforest","secdforest","urban","other")])/dimSums(out)
  getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")")
  x <- mbind(x,out)

  budget <- NitrogenBudget(gdx,level="regglo")

  indicatorname="SDG|SDG15|Biological nitrogen fixation on cropland"
  unit="Mt N/yr"
  bio_fix<- c("fixation_crops",  "fixation_freeliving")
  out <- dimSums(budget[,,bio_fix],dim=3)
  getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")")
  x <- mbind(x,out)

  indicatorname="SDG|SDG15|Industrial and intentional biological fixation of N"
  unit="Mt N/yr"
  new_inputs<- c("fertilizer", "fixation_crops")
  out <- dimSums(budget[,,new_inputs],dim=3)
  getNames(out) <- paste0(indicatorname, " (",unit,")")
  x <- mbind(x,out)

  #x <- x[,,sort(getNames(x))]
pik-piam/magpie4 documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:34 p.m.