
Defines functions production

Documented in production

#' @title production
#' @description reads production out of a MAgPIE gdx file
#' @export
#' @importFrom magclass read.magpie getCells<- setYears getYears<-
#' @param gdx GDX file
#' @param file a file name the output should be written to using write.magpie
#' @param level Level of regional aggregation; "reg" (regional), "glo" (global), "regglo" (regional and global) or any
#' other aggregation level defined in gdxAggregate
#' @param products Selection of products (either by naming products, e.g. "tece", or naming a set,e.g."kcr")
#' @param product_aggr aggregate over products or not (boolean)
#' @param attributes dry matter: Mt ("dm"), gross energy: PJ ("ge"), reactive nitrogen: Mt ("nr"), phosphor: Mt ("p"),
#' potash: Mt ("k"), wet matter: Mt ("wm"). Can also be a vector.
#' @param water_aggr aggregate irrigated and non-irriagted production or not (boolean).
#' @param dir for gridded outputs: magpie output directory which contains a mapping file (rds) for disaggregation
#' @param cumulative Logical; Determines if production is reported annually (FALSE, default) or cumulative (TRUE)
#' @param baseyear Baseyear used for cumulative production (default = 1995)
#' @return production as MAgPIE object (unit depends on attributes and cumulative)
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @seealso \code{\link{reportProduction}}, \code{\link{demand}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- production(gdx)
#' }
production <- function(gdx, file = NULL, level = "reg", products = "kall", product_aggr = FALSE, attributes = "dm",
                       water_aggr = TRUE, dir = ".", cumulative = FALSE, baseyear = 1995) {

  if (!all(products %in% readGDX(gdx, "kall"))) {
    products <- readGDX(gdx, products)
  forestry_products <- readGDX(gdx, "kforestry")

  if (level %in% c("glo", "reg", "regglo")) {
    if (water_aggr) {
      production <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_prod_reg", select = list(type = "level"))
      timestep_length <- readGDX(gdx, "im_years", react = "silent")
      if (is.null(timestep_length)) timestep_length <- timePeriods(gdx)
      production[, , forestry_products] <- production[, , forestry_products]
    } else {
      if (!all(products %in% findset("kcr"))) {
        stop("Irrigation only exists for production of kcr products")
      area <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_area", select = list(type = "level"))[, , products]
      yield <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_yld", select = list(type = "level"))[, , products]
      production <- area * yield
      production <- superAggregate(production, aggr_type = "sum", level = "reg")
  } else if (level %in% c("cell")) {
    if (all(products %in% c(findset("kcr"), findset("kli"), "pasture"))) {
      if (water_aggr) {
        production <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_prod", select = list(type = "level"))[, , products]
      } else {
        if (!all(products %in% findset("kcr"))) {
          stop("Irrigation only exists for production of kcr products")
        area <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_area", select = list(type = "level"))[, , products]
        yield <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_yld", select = list(type = "level"))[, , products]
        production <- area * yield
    } else if (all(products %in% findset("kres")) & all(findset("kres") %in% products)) {
      stop("Benni: I think this is not calculated correctly. Production should be not biomass, but removed biomass.")
      production <- ResidueBiomass(gdx = gdx, level = level, products = "kcr", product_aggr = "kres", attributes = "dm",
                                   water_aggr = water_aggr)
    } else {
      stop("Cellular production does not yet exist for all of these products")

  } else if (level %in% c("grid", "iso")) {

    if (all(products %in% c(findset("kcr"), "pasture"))) {

      ### Loading yield data (model output on cluster level and input data on cellular level)

      # defining if nocc or cc option was switched on
      yields_test <- dimSums(readGDX(gdx, "f14_yields"), dim = c(1, 3))
      if (all(setYears(yields_test[, "y1995", ], NULL) == yields_test[, "y1995", , invert = TRUE])) {
        nocc <- TRUE
      } else {
        nocc <- FALSE

      # load cellular yields

     yields <- read.magpie(file.path(dir, "lpj_yields_0.5.mz"))[, , products]
     if (length(getCells(yields)) == "59199") {
      mapfile <- system.file("extdata", "mapping_grid_iso.rds", package="magpie4")
      map_grid_iso <- readRDS(mapfile)
      yields <- setCells(yields, map_grid_iso$grid)

      if (is.null(getYears(yields))) yields <- setYears(yields, "y1995")

      # adding missing years
      if (length(expand_time <- setdiff(readGDX(gdx, "t"), getYears(yields))) != 0) {
        last   <- paste0("y", max(getYears(yields, as.integer = TRUE)))
        yields <- add_columns(yields, addnm = expand_time, dim = 2.1)
        yields[, expand_time, ] <- setYears(yields[, last, ], NULL)

      # set nocc option
      if (nocc) {
        yields[, getYears(yields)[2:length(getYears(yields))], ] <- setYears(yields[, "y1995", ], NULL)
      } else {
        # OR check if cc results trying to be disaggregated with nocc cellular data
        if (all(setYears(yields[, "y1995", ], NULL) == yields[, "y1995", , invert = TRUE])) {
          stop("Model output with climate change cannot be disaggregated with cellular data without climate change.
                Provide cellular data with climate change (can be found under the corresponding cellular data tgz on:

      # set yields to model output times
      yields <- yields[, readGDX(gdx, "t"), ]

      ### Use croparea to disaggregate
      # in case pasture is missing, add pasture
      if ("pasture" %in% products) {

        excl_pasture <- setdiff(products, "pasture")
        pasturearea <- setNames(land(gdx = gdx, level = "grid", types = "past", dir = dir), "pasture")
        pasturearea <- add_columns(add_dimension(pasturearea, dim = 3.2, add = "w", nm = "rainfed"),
                                   addnm = "irrigated", dim = 3.2)
        pasturearea[, , "irrigated"] <- 0

        if (length(excl_pasture) > 0) {
          area   <- croparea(gdx = gdx, level = "grid", products = excl_pasture, water_aggr = FALSE,
                             product_aggr = FALSE, dir = dir)
          area <- mbind(area, pasturearea)
        } else {
          area   <- pasturearea

      } else {
        area   <- croparea(gdx = gdx, level = "grid", products = products, water_aggr = FALSE,
                           product_aggr = FALSE, dir = dir)

      production <- area * yields
      if (water_aggr) {
        production <- dimSums(production, dim = "w")

      x <- production(gdx = gdx, level = "cell", products = products, product_aggr = FALSE, attributes = "dm",
                      water_aggr = water_aggr, dir = dir)
      production <- gdxAggregate(gdx = gdx, x = x, weight = production, absolute = TRUE, to = level, dir = dir)

    } else if (all(products %in% findset("kres")) & all(findset("kres") %in% products)) {
      # disaggregation for crop residues
      production <- gdxAggregate(
        gdx = gdx,
        x = production(gdx = gdx, level = "cell", products = products, product_aggr = FALSE, attributes = "dm",
                       water_aggr = water_aggr, dir = dir),
        weight = "ResidueBiomass", product_aggr = "kres", attributes = "dm",
        absolute = TRUE, to = "grid",
        dir = dir)
    } else if (all(products %in% findset("kli"))) {
      warning("Disaggregation of livestock to grid level starts from regional level instead of cluster level.")
      x <- production(gdx = gdx, level = "reg", products = "kli", product_aggr = FALSE, attributes = "dm",
                      water_aggr = water_aggr, dir = dir)

      kli_rum    <- c("livst_rum", "livst_milk")
      kli_mon    <- c("livst_pig", "livst_chick", "livst_egg")
      ruminants    <- x[, , kli_rum]
      monogastrics <- x[, , kli_mon]

      warning("Disaggregation of livestock is done based on an method which is currently inconsistent with the method used in madrat")

      feed <- feed(gdx, level = "reg")
      feedshr <- collapseNames(feed[, , "pasture"] / dimSums(feed[, , c("pasture", "foddr")], dim = 3.2))[, , kli_rum]
      feedshr[!is.finite(feedshr)] <- 0

      ruminants_pasture <- ruminants * feedshr
      ruminants_crop <- ruminants * (1 - feedshr)

      ruminants_pasture <- gdxAggregate(
        gdx = gdx,
        x = ruminants_pasture,
        weight = "production", products = "pasture",
        absolute = TRUE, to = "grid",
        dir = dir)

      ruminants_crop <- gdxAggregate(
        gdx = gdx,
        x = ruminants_crop,
        weight = "production", products = "foddr",
        absolute = TRUE, to = "grid",
        dir = dir)

      ruminants <- ruminants_crop + ruminants_pasture

      monogastrics <- gdxAggregate(
        gdx = gdx,
        x = monogastrics,
        weight = "land", types = "urban",
        absolute = TRUE, to = "grid",
        dir = dir)

      production <- mbind(monogastrics, ruminants)

      ## testing
      if (abs((sum(production) - sum(x))) > 10e-10) {
        warning("disaggregation failure: mismatch of sums after disaggregation")

    } else {
      stop("Gridded production so far only exists for production of kcr, kli and kres products")

  } else {
    stop(paste0("Level ", level, " does not exist yet."))

  out <- production[, , products]
  if (any(attributes != "dm")) {
    att <- readGDX(gdx, "fm_attributes")[, , products][, , attributes]
    out <- out * att
  if (product_aggr) {
    out <- dimSums(out, dim = 3.1)

  if (cumulative) {
    years <- getYears(out, as.integer = TRUE)
    im_years <- new.magpie("GLO", years, NULL)
    im_years[, , ] <- c(1, diff(years))
    out[, "y1995", ] <- 0
    out <- out * im_years[, getYears(out), ]
    out <- as.magpie(apply(out, c(1, 3), cumsum))
    out <- out - setYears(out[, baseyear, ], NULL)

  out <- gdxAggregate(gdx = gdx, x = out, weight = NULL, to = level, absolute = TRUE,
                      dir = dir, products = products, product_aggr = product_aggr, water_aggr = water_aggr)
  out(out, file)
pik-piam/magpie4 documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:34 p.m.