
Defines functions processing

Documented in processing

#' @title processing
#' @description Calculates MAgPIE disaggregated processing out of a gdx file
#' @export
#' @param gdx GDX file
#' @param level Level of regional aggregation ("reg", "glo", "regglo")
#' @param product_aggr aggregate over products or not (boolean)
#' @param attributes dry matter: Mt ("dm"), gross energy: PJ ("ge"), reactive nitrogen: Mt ("nr"), phosphor: Mt ("p"), potash: Mt ("k"), wet matter: Mt ("wm"). Can also be a vector.
#' @param type Demand type(s): "Food", "Feed", "Processing", "Material", "Bioenergy", "Seed", "Supply chain loss", "Domestic Balanceflow"; NULL returns all types
#' @param indicator process or secondary product output
#' @details Demand definitions are equivalent to FAO CBS categories
#' @return processing as MAgPIE object (Unit depends on attributes)
#' @author David Chen, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @importFrom magclass add_dimension dimOrder
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'     x <- processing(gdx = gdx, level="regglo", products="kcr", indicator="primary_to_process")
#'   }
processing<-function(gdx, level="reg", product_aggr = FALSE, attributes="dm",
                     type=NULL, indicator = "secondary_from_primary"){


#primary into process
processdemand <- readGDX(gdx = gdx, "ov20_dem_processing", select = list(type="level"))

out<- dimOrder(processdemand, c(1, 2))
glo <- setItems(dimSums(out, dim=1), dim=1, "GLO")
out <- mbind(out, glo)
#primary to secondary

else if(indicator == "secondary_from_primary"){
processdemand<-readGDX(gdx= gdx, "ov20_dem_processing", select = list(type="level"))

convFactors <- readGDX(gdx = gdx, "f20_processing_conversion_factors")

years = getYears(processdemand)
convFactors <- convFactors[,years,]

out<- processdemand * dimSums(convFactors, dim = 3.1)
out<- dimSums(out, dim = 3.1)
glo <- setItems(dimSums(out, dim=1),dim=1,"GLO")
out <- mbind(out, glo)
else (stop ("unknown indicator"))
pik-piam/magpie4 documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:34 p.m.