
Defines functions Emissions

Documented in Emissions

#' @title Emissions
#' @description reads GHG emissions out of a MAgPIE gdx file
#' @export
#' @param gdx GDX file
#' @param file a file name the output should be written to using write.magpie
#' @param level Level of regional aggregation; "reg" (regional), "glo" (global), "regglo" (regional and global) or any other aggregation level defined in superAggregate
#' @param type emission type(s): "co2_c", "n2o_n" or "ch4"
#' @param unit "element", "gas", "GWP100AR5", "GWP100AR6", "GWP*AR5", or "GWP*AR6"
#'    "element": co2_c in Mt C/yr, n2o_n in Mt N/yr, ch4 in Mt CH4/yr
#'    "gas":     co2_c in Mt CO2/yr, n2o_n in Mt NO2/yr, ch4 in Mt CH4/yr
#'    "GWP":     co2_c in Mt CO2/yr, n2o_n in Mt CO2eq/yr, ch4 in Mt CO2eq/yr
#' @param subcategories FALSE (default) or TRUE
#' @param cumulative Logical; Determines if emissions are reported annually (FALSE) or cumulative (TRUE). The starting point for cumulative emissions is y1995.
#' @param lowpass number of lowpass filter iterations
#' @param inorg_fert_split if TRUE then inorganic fertilizer emissions are further disaggregated into pasture- and cropland-related emissions. Both the aggregated ("inorg_fert") and disaggregated values ("inorg_fert_crop", "inorg_fert_past)" are reported
#' @return emissions as MAgPIE object (unit depends on \code{unit})
#' @author Florian Humpenoeder, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'     x <- Emissions(gdx)
#'   }

Emissions <- function(
  gdx, file = NULL, level = "reg", type = "co2_c", unit = "element",
  subcategories = TRUE, cumulative = FALSE, lowpass = NULL, inorg_fert_split = TRUE
) {

  #read in emissions
  a <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_emissions_reg", react = "silent", format = "first_found", select = list(type = "level"))
  a <- add_columns(a, dim = 3.2, addnm = "n2o_n")
  a[, , "n2o_n"] <- dimSums(a[, , c("n2o_n_direct", "n2o_n_indirect")], dim = 3.2)

  if (inorg_fert_split) {
    fertSplit <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_nr_inorg_fert_reg")[, , "level"]
    fertSplit <- collapseNames(fertSplit[, , "crop"] / dimSums(fertSplit, dim = 3))
    fertSplit[is.nan(fertSplit)] <- 1
    croppart <- a[, , "inorg_fert"] * fertSplit
    pastpart <- a[, , "inorg_fert"] * (1 - fertSplit)
    getNames(croppart, dim = 1) <- "inorg_fert_crop"
    getNames(pastpart, dim = 1) <- "inorg_fert_past"
    a <- mbind(a, croppart, pastpart)

  #set co2_c emissions in 1995 to NA (they are not meaningful)
  a[, 1, "co2_c"] <- NA

  #unit conversion
  if (unit == "gas") {
    unitConversion <- a
    unitConversion[, , ] <- 1
    unitConversion[, , "n2o_n"] <- 44 / 28 #from Mt N/yr to Mt N2O/yr
    unitConversion[, , "n2o_n_direct"] <- 44 / 28 #from Mt N/yr to Mt N2O/yr
    unitConversion[, , "n2o_n_indirect"] <- 44 / 28 #from Mt N/yr to Mt N2O/yr
    unitConversion[, , "ch4"] <- 1 #no conversion needed
    unitConversion[, , "co2_c"] <- 44 / 12 #from Mt C/yr to Mt CO2/yr
    unitConversion[, , "no3_n"] <- 62 / 14 #from Mt N/yr to Mt NO3/yr
    unitConversion[, , "nh3_n"] <- 17 / 14 #from Mt N/yr to Mt NH3/yr
    unitConversion[, , "no2_n"] <- 46 / 14 #from Mt N/yr to Mt NO2/yr
    a <- a * unitConversion
    #Caution. Don't change these reporting names without need. GHG emissions are exchanged with REMIND in the coupling.
    ### changing typename from n2o_n to n2O and from co2_c to co2
    getNames(a, dim = "pollutants") <- sub(getNames(a, dim = "pollutants"), pattern = "_c", replacement = "")
    getNames(a, dim = "pollutants") <- sub(getNames(a, dim = "pollutants"), pattern = "_n", replacement = "")
    type <- sub(type, pattern = c("_c"), replacement = "")
    type <- sub(type, pattern = c("_n"), replacement = "")

  if (unit %in% c("GWP*AR5", "GWP*AR6")) {
    #Lynch et al 2020 ERL equation 3
    years <- getYears(a, as.integer = TRUE)
    b <- a
    for (t in years) {
      tBefore <- t - 20
      if (!tBefore %in% years) tBefore <- years[which.min(abs(years - tBefore))]
      a[, t, "ch4"] <- 4 * b[, t, "ch4"] - 3.75 * b[, tBefore, "ch4"]

  #GWP100 * GWP* for AR5
  if (unit %in% c("GWP100AR5", "GWP*AR5")) {
    unitConversion <- a
    unitConversion[, , ] <- 1
    unitConversion[, , "n2o_n"] <- 44 / 28 * 265 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "n2o_n_direct"] <- 44 / 28 * 265 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "n2o_n_indirect"] <- 44 / 28 * 265 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "ch4"] <- 1 * 28 #from Mt CH4 to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "co2_c"] <- 44 / 12 #from Mt C/yr to Mt CO2/yr
    unitConversion[, , "no3_n"] <- 0 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "nh3_n"] <- 0 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "no2_n"] <- 0 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    a <- a * unitConversion
    getNames(a, dim = "pollutants") <- sub(getNames(a, dim = "pollutants"), pattern = "_c", replacement = "")
    getNames(a, dim = "pollutants") <- sub(getNames(a, dim = "pollutants"), pattern = "_n", replacement = "")
    type <- sub(type, pattern = c("_c"), replacement = "")
    type <- sub(type, pattern = c("_n"), replacement = "")

  #GWP100 * GWP* for AR6
  if (unit %in% c("GWP100AR6", "GWP*AR6")) {
    unitConversion <- a
    unitConversion[, , ] <- 1
    unitConversion[, , "n2o_n"] <- 44 / 28 * 273 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "n2o_n_direct"] <- 44 / 28 * 273 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "n2o_n_indirect"] <- 44 / 28 * 273 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "ch4"] <- 1 * 27 #from Mt CH4 to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "co2_c"] <- 44 / 12 #from Mt C/yr to Mt CO2/yr
    unitConversion[, , "no3_n"] <- 0 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "nh3_n"] <- 0 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    unitConversion[, , "no2_n"] <- 0 #from Mt N/yr to Mt CO2eq/yr
    a <- a * unitConversion
    getNames(a, dim = "pollutants") <- sub(getNames(a, dim = "pollutants"), pattern = "_c", replacement = "")
    getNames(a, dim = "pollutants") <- sub(getNames(a, dim = "pollutants"), pattern = "_n", replacement = "")
    type <- sub(type, pattern = c("_c"), replacement = "")
    type <- sub(type, pattern = c("_n"), replacement = "")

  years <- getYears(a, as.integer = TRUE)
  yrHist <- years[years > 1995 & years <= 2020]
  yrFut <- years[years >= 2020]

  #apply lowpass filter (in case of CO2: not applied on 1st time step, applied seperatly on historic and future period)
  if (!is.null(lowpass)) {
    tmp <- a
    a <- NULL
    for (ghg in type) {
      if (ghg %in% c("co2_c", "co2")) {
        a <- mbind(a[, 1995, ], lowpass(a[, yrHist, ], i = lowpass), lowpass(a[, yrFut, ], i = lowpass)[, -1, ])
      } else {
        a <- mbind(a, lowpass(tmp[, , ghg], i = lowpass))

  #return all ghg emissions if type=NULL; subset otherwise
  if (!is.null(type))  a <- a[, , type]
  if (!subcategories) {
    if (inorg_fert_split) a <- a[, , "inorg_fert", invert = TRUE]
    a <- dimSums(a, dim = 3.1)

  #cumulative emissions
  if (cumulative) {
    imYears <- m_yeardiff(gdx)
    a[, "y1995", ] <- 0
    a <- a * imYears[, getYears(a), ]
    a <- as.magpie(apply(a, c(1, 3), cumsum))

  #aggregate over regions
  if (level != "reg") a <- superAggregateX(a, aggr_type = "sum", level = level)

  out(a, file)
pik-piam/magpie4 documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:34 p.m.