
Defines functions CropareaDiversityIndex

Documented in CropareaDiversityIndex

#' @title CropareaDiversityIndex
#' @description calculates an index that measures the croparea diversity
#' @export
#' @param gdx GDX file
#' @param index can be "shannon", "gini" or "invsimpson" for different types of diversitiy indices
#' @param level Level of regional aggregation; "reg" (regional), "glo" (global),
#'              "regglo" (regional and global) or
#'              any other aggregation level defined in superAggregate
#' @param measurelevel level at which diversity is measured. "cell" means diversity
#' @param dir for gridded outputs: magpie output directory which contains a mapping file (rds) for disaggregation
#' is measured at cellular level, even if lateron average diversity is aggregated
#' to regional level.
#' @param groupdiv should crop groups be split up into several individual items or not? Choose either FALSE or different (dis)aggregation methods "agg1", "agg2"
#' @return MAgPIE object (unit depends on attributes)
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @seealso \code{\link{CropareaDiversityIndex}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- CropareaDiversityIndex(gdx)
#' }
CropareaDiversityIndex <- function(gdx, index="shannon", level = "reg", measurelevel="cell", groupdiv="agg1", dir=".") {

  #dir <- getDirectory(dir, spamfiledirectory)

  area = croparea(gdx = gdx, level = measurelevel, product_aggr = FALSE)
  land = land(gdx = gdx, level = measurelevel, types = "crop")
  area = mbind(area, setNames(land - dimSums(area, dim = 3), "fallow"))
  if (any(area < -0.0001)) {warning("something doesnt add up")} else {
    area[area < 0] <- 0

  ### honor to function dineq:::gini.wtd !
  gini = function(x)  {
    weights <- rep(1, length(x))
    weights <- weights/sum(weights)
    order <- order(x)
    x <- x[order]
    weights <- weights[order]
    p <- cumsum(weights)
    nu <- cumsum(weights * x)
    n <- length(nu)
    nu <- nu/nu[n]
    gini <- sum(nu[-1] * p[-n]) - sum(nu[-n] * p[-1])
  ### honor to function vegan:::diversity !
  shannon <- function(x,base = exp(1)){
    x <- x/sum(x)
    x <- -x * log(x, base)
    H <- sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  invsimpson <- function(x){
    x <- x/sum(x)
    x <- x * x
    H <- sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    H <- 1/H

  selection <- function(x,index){
    if (index == "shannon") {
      x <- shannon(x)
    }else if (index == "invsimpson") {
      x <- invsimpson(x)
    }else if (index == "gini") {
      x <- gini(x)
    } else {stop("unknown index")}

  cropdiv <- function(cellvalue,cropnames){
    cellvalue <- as.vector(cellvalue)
    names(cellvalue) <- cropnames
    # weights could be improved
    if (groupdiv == "agg1") {
      single <- c("maiz", "trce", "rice_pro", "soybean", "rapeseed", "groundnut",
               "sunflower", "oilpalm", "potato", "sugr_cane", "sugr_beet",
               "cottn_pro", "begr")
      mix <- c(
          rep(cellvalue["foddr"]/4, 4),
          rep(cellvalue["tece"]/2, 2),
          rep(cellvalue["puls_pro"]/3, 3),
          rep(cellvalue["betr"]/2, 2),
          rep(cellvalue["cassav_sp"]/2, 2),
          rep(cellvalue["fallow"]/4, 4),
          rep(cellvalue["others"]/10, 10)
      } else if (groupdiv == "agg2") {
        mix <- c(
          cellvalue["tece"], #c3
          cellvalue["maiz"] + cellvalue["trce"], #c4
          cellvalue["rice_pro"], #rice
          cellvalue["puls_pro"] + cellvalue["soybean"] + cellvalue["groundnut"], #legumes
          cellvalue["begr"] + cellvalue["sugr_cane"] + cellvalue["betr"] + cellvalue["oilpalm"], #plantations
          cellvalue["potato"] + cellvalue["cassav_sp"] + cellvalue["sugr_beet"], #roots
          cellvalue["rapeseed"] + cellvalue["sunflower"] + cellvalue["cottn_pro"], #non-legume oil crops
          rep(cellvalue["fallow"]/2, 2), #fallow
          rep(cellvalue["foddr"]/2, 2), #foddr
          rep(cellvalue["others"]/5, 5) #fruits vegetables nuts
      } else if (groupdiv == "agg3") {
        mix <- c(
          cellvalue["tece"] + cellvalue["maiz"] + cellvalue["trce"] + cellvalue["rice_pro"], #rice
          cellvalue["puls_pro"] + cellvalue["soybean"] + cellvalue["groundnut"], #legumes
          cellvalue["begr"] + cellvalue["sugr_cane"] + cellvalue["betr"] + cellvalue["oilpalm"], #plantations
          cellvalue["potato"] + cellvalue["cassav_sp"] + cellvalue["sugr_beet"] +
          cellvalue["rapeseed"] + cellvalue["sunflower"] + cellvalue["cottn_pro"] + cellvalue["foddr"], #other
          cellvalue["others"], #fruits vegetables nuts
          cellvalue["fallow"] #fallow
    } else {mix = cellvalue}
    div <- selection(mix,index)


  x = magpply(area, FUN = cropdiv, DIM = 3, cropnames = getNames(area))

  if (index == "gini") {
    x[is.na(x)] <- 1
    x[x == Inf] <- 1
  } else {
    x[is.na(x)] <- 0
    x[x == Inf] <- 0

  out <- gdxAggregate(gdx, x, to = level,
                      weight = "land", type = "crop", absolute = FALSE,
                      dir = dir)
pik-piam/magpie4 documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:34 p.m.