# uncertainty generation Functions
#' Generate uncertainty in branch lengths using a lognormal.
#' @inheritParams phylo_check
#' @inheritParams sample_trees
#' @param uncertainty_method A character vector specifying the method to generate uncertainty. mrbayes is default.
#' @inheritParams make_mrbayes_tree
#' @param age_sd The standard deviation around the age to use for generating the uncertainty. If not a numeric value, var will be used to calculate it.
#' @param age_var The variance to calculate age_sd and generate uncertainty.
#' @param age_scale How to scale sd by the depth of the node. If 0, same sd for all. If not, older nodes have more uncertainty
#' @param alpha The significance level on uncertainty to generate. By default 0.025
#' @param rescale Boolean. If true, observed age will be rescaled each round.
#' @inheritParams datelife_search
#' @return A phylo or multiPhylo object with the same topology as phy but different branch lengths
#' @export
#' @details If you want to change the size of sampled trees you do not need to run mrbayes again.
#' Just use sample_trees("mrbayes_trees_file_directory", size = new_size) and you will get a multiPhylo object with a new tree sample.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Generate uncertainty over feline species SDM chronogram.
#' # Load the data:
#' data(felid_sdm)
#' # By default, generates a sample of 100 trees with var = 0.1:
#' unc <- phylo_generate_uncertainty(felid_sdm$phy)
#' length(unc)
#' # Make an LTT plot:
#' max_age <- max(sapply(unc, ape::branching.times))
#' ape::ltt.plot(phy = unc[[1]], xlim = c(-max_age, 0), col = "#cce5ff50")
#' for (i in 2:100) {
#' ape::ltt.lines(phy = unc[[i]], col = "#cce5ff50")
#' }
#' ape::ltt.lines(felid_sdm$phy, col = "red")
#' title(c("fake uncertainty", "in Felidae SDM chronogram"))
#' } # end dontrun
phylo_generate_uncertainty <- function(phy, size = 100, uncertainty_method = "other", age_distribution = "uniform", age_sd = NULL, age_var = 0.1, age_scale = 0, alpha = 0.025, rescale = TRUE) {
size <- round(as.numeric(size), digits = 0)
uncertainty_method <- match.arg(uncertainty_method, c("mrbayes", "other"))
# if(uncertainty_method == "mrbayes"){
# phy_name <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "_", deparse(substitute(phy))) # gets the name of the phy object to name mrbayes files
# mrbayes_file <- paste0(phy_name, "_mrbayes_uncertainty_", age_distribution, ".nexus")
# # print(mrbayes_file)
# phy <- tree_add_outgroup(tree = phy, outgroup = "fake_outgroup")
# phycontre <- make_mrbayes_tree(constraint = phy, ncalibration = phy, age_distribution = age_distribution, mrbayes_output_file = mrbayes_file)
# phycontre <- ape::drop.tip(phycontre, "fake_outgroup")
# phycloud <- sample_trees(trees_file = paste0(mrbayes_file, ".t"), burnin = 0.25, size = size)
# phycloud <- lapply(phycloud, ape::drop.tip, "fake_outgroup") # ape::drop.tip does not have a multiPhylo option, so I used lapply
# if (length(phycloud) == 1){
# phycloud <- phycloud[[1]]
# class(phycloud) <- "phylo"
# } else {
# class(phycloud) <- "multiPhylo"
# }
# return(list(consensus_tree = phycontre, trees = phycloud))
# }
if (uncertainty_method == "other") {
phy.new <- phy <- ape::reorder.phylo(phy, "postorder")
phy_depths <- max(ape::branching.times(phy)) - phytools::nodeHeights(phy)
# phy_depths.new <- phy_depths
if (is.numeric(age_sd[1])) { # n is number of random deviates, age_mu is the observed age
# my_rlnorm <- function(n, age_mu, variance = age_sd^2){
# res <- stats::rlnorm(n = n, meanlog = log(age_mu / sqrt(1 + (variance / age_mu^2))), sdlog = sqrt(log(1 + variance / age_mu^2)))
# return(res)
# }
my_rlnorm <- function(n, age_mu) {
res <- stats::rlnorm(n = n, meanlog = log(age_mu / sqrt(1 + (age_sd^2 / age_mu^2))), sdlog = age_sd)
} else if (is.numeric(age_var[1])) {
my_rlnorm <- function(n, age_mu) {
res <- stats::rlnorm(n = n, meanlog = log(age_mu / sqrt(1 + (age_var / age_mu^2))), sdlog = sqrt(log(1 + age_var / age_mu^2)))
} else {
stop("age_sd or age_var argument must be a numeric vector")
# consider a confidence interval alpha:
# if (is.numeric(alpha[1])){
# age_sd <- ((log(sd_amount[1] * ape::branching.times(phy))) - ape::branching.times(phy)) / (-2*log(sqrt(2*pi) * alpha[1]))
# age_sd <- age_sd + age_sd * sd_depth * ape::branching.times(phy)
# }
nn <- sort(phylo_get_node_numbers(phy))
res <- c()
while (length(res) < size) {
message("Uncertainty sample number ", length(res) + 1)
phy_depths.final <- phy_depths.original <- phy_depths
tot_age <- my_rlnorm(1, age_mu = ape::branching.times(phy)[as.character(nn[1])]) # variance is determined by the function above, depending on sd or var
phy_depths.final[phy$edge == nn[1]] <- tot_age
for (i in nn[-1]) {
max_age <- nn_age <- phy_depths.final[phy$edge[, 2] == i, 1]
tries <- 0 # by chance, sampled age can be older than that of parent node; resample 50 times to try to get a younger age.
while (max_age - nn_age <= 0 & tries < 50) {
if (rescale) {
mu <- ape::branching.times(phy)[as.character(i)] * max_age / phy_depths.original[phy$edge[, 2] == i, 1]
nn_age <- my_rlnorm(1, age_mu = mu)
nn_age <- nn_age * ape::branching.times(phy)[as.character(i)] / mu
} else {
mu <- ape::branching.times(phy)[as.character(i)]
nn_age <- my_rlnorm(1, age_mu = mu)
tries <- tries + 1
phy_depths.final[phy$edge == i] <- nn_age # if sampled age is younger than parent node age, use it
phy.new$edge.length <- phy_depths.final[, 1] - phy_depths.final[, 2]
if (all(phy.new$edge.length > 0)) {
res <- c(res, list(phy.new))
# if (uncertainty_method=="poisson") {
# # internal.variances <- rep(NA,asd)
# }
if (length(res) == 1) {
res <- res[[1]]
class(res) <- "phylo"
} else {
class(res) <- "multiPhylo"
#' Sample trees from a file containing multiple trees. Usually from a bayesian analysis output trees file.
#' @param trees_file A character vector indicating the name and directory of file with trees to sample.
#' @param trees_object An R object containing a list of trees already read into R from a tree file from a bayesian analysis output.
#' @param burnin A numeric vector indicating the burnin fraction. It should be a number between 0 and 1. Default to 0.25
#' @param size A numeric vector indicating the number of samples to be generated.
#' @return A `multiPhylo` object with a random sample of trees.
#' @export
sample_trees <- function(trees_file, trees_object = NULL, burnin = 0.25, size = 100) {
if (!inherits(trees_object, "list")) {
phycloud <- ape::read.nexus(trees_file)
} else {
phycloud <- trees_object
# use ceiling instead of round to make sure 0 is never among the values to sample:
phycloud <- phycloud[sample(ceiling(burnin * length(phycloud)):length(phycloud), size)] # sample size number of trees from the cloud of trees, after discarding 25% as burnin
if (length(phycloud) == 1) {
phycloud <- phycloud[[1]]
class(phycloud) <- "phylo"
} else {
class(phycloud) <- "multiPhylo"
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