# #' Congruify nodes of a tree topology to nodes from a source chronogram, and find the mrca nodes
# #' @inheritParams phylo_check
# #' @return An object of class data frame.
# #' @export
# congruify_and_mrca <- function(phy) {
# UseMethod("congruify_and_mrca", phy)
# }
#' Congruify nodes of a tree topology to nodes from a source chronogram, and find the mrca nodes
#' @description \code{congruify_and_mrca} congruifies a target tree against a single
#' source chronogram, and gets nodes of target tree that correspond to the most
#' recent common ancestor (mrca) of taxon pairs from the congruified calibrations.
#' It uses [phytools::findMRCA()] to get mrca nodes.
#' @inheritParams phylo_check
# #' or a vector of taxon names (see details).
#' @param source_chronogram A `phylo` object, output of [datelife_search()].
#' @param reference A character string indicating the study reference that the `source_chronogram` comes from.
#' @return a `data.frame` of node ages from `source_chronograms` and corresponding
#' mrca nodes in target tree `phy`.
#' @export
congruify_and_mrca_phylo <- function(phy,
reference) {
if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")) {
if (!inherits(source_chronogram, "phylo")) {
if (missing(reference)) {
reference <- "source_chronogram"
# homogenize tip labels:
phy$tip.label <- sub(" ", "_", phy$tip.label)
source_chronogram$tip.label <- sub(" ", "_", source_chronogram$tip.label)
class(source_chronogram) <- "phylo"
# congruify source chronogram to target topology:
congruified <- suppressWarnings(geiger::congruify.phylo(
reference = source_chronogram,
target = phy,
scale = NA,
ncores = 1))
if (!inherits(congruified, "list")) {
warning("Congruification failed for study: ", reference)
# get mrca nodes for available ages:
mrcas <- mrca_calibrations(phy = congruified$target,
calibrations = congruified$calibrations)
calibs_matched <- mrcas$matched_calibrations
# add column of study reference:
calibs_matched$reference <- rep(reference, nrow(calibs_matched))
# reorder columns:
# colnames are "MRCA" "MaxAge" "MinAge" "taxonA" "taxonB" "mrca_node_number"
# "mrca_node_name" "reference"
calibs_matched <- calibs_matched[ , c("mrca_node_name",
# order rows:
row_order <- order(calibs_matched$mrca_node_number,
calibs_matched <- calibs_matched[row_order,]
# add topology as attribute
attributes(calibs_matched)$phy <- mrcas$matched_phy
class = c("congruifiedCalibrations", "data.frame")))
#' Congruify nodes of a tree topology to nodes from a source chronogram, and find the mrca nodes
#' @description \code{congruify_and_mrca_multiPhylo} congruifies a target tree against all
#' source chronograms in a `multiPhylo` object, and gets nodes of target tree
#' that correspond to the most recent common ancestor (mrca) of taxon pairs
#' in the congruified calibrations.
#' It calls [congruify_and_mrca_phylo()], and [phytools::findMRCA()] to get mrca nodes.
#' @inheritParams phylo_check
# #' or a vector of taxon names (see details).
#' @param source_chronograms A `multiPhylo` object, output of [datelife_search()].
#' @return a `data.frame` of node ages from `source_chronograms` and corresponding
#' mrca nodes in target tree `phy`. `attributes(return)$phy` stores the congruified and mrca matched phylogeny.
#' @export
congruify_and_mrca_multiPhylo <- function(phy,
source_chronograms) {
# congruify and mrca each source chronogram:
res <- lapply(seq(length(source_chronograms)),
function(i) {
xx <- congruify_and_mrca_phylo(phy = phy,
source_chronogram = source_chronograms[[i]],
reference = names(source_chronograms)[i])
# get congruified and matched phylogenies, and remove null ones:
matched_multiPhylo <- lapply(res, function(x) attributes(x)$phy)
is_null <- sapply(matched_multiPhylo, is.null)
matched_multiPhylo <- matched_multiPhylo[!is_null]
# get one congruified and matched phy to assign as attribute later:
phy <- matched_multiPhylo[[1]]
# identify elements of res that are not tables:
is_data_frame <- sapply(res, inherits, "data.frame")
# merge the list of tables and return a single table (data.table object):
res <- data.table::rbindlist(res[is_data_frame])
# Convert to simple data.frame object:
res <- as.data.frame.data.frame(res)
# reorder columns:
# colnames are "MRCA" "MaxAge" "MinAge" "taxonA" "taxonB" "mrca_node_number"
# "mrca_node_name" "reference"
res <- res[ , c("mrca_node_name",
# order rows:
row_order <- order(res$mrca_node_number,
res <- res[row_order,]
# add topology as attribute
attributes(res)$phy <- phy
class = c("congruifiedCalibrations", "data.frame")))
#' Get summary statistics of ages in a `congruifiedCalibrations` object.
#' @description Function `summarize_congruifiedCalibrations` returns a table of
#' summary statistics for each node in `congruified_calibrations` argument.
#' @param congruified_calibrations A `congruifiedCalibrations` object, output of [congruify_and_mrca_multiPhylo()].
#' @param age_column A character string indicating the name of the column to be summarized.
#' @return A `data.frame` of summarized ages.
#' @export
summarize_congruifiedCalibrations <- function(congruified_calibrations,
age_column) {
if (missing(age_column)) {
age_column = "MaxAge"
age_column <- age_column[1]
if (!age_column %in% colnames(congruified_calibrations)) {
stop("'age_column' provided is not a column of 'congruified_calibrations'.")
message("... Using ", age_column, " column to summarize ages.")
if (all(congruified_calibrations$MinAge == congruified_calibrations$MaxAge)) {
message("... Minimum and maximum ages are equal in 'congruified_calibrations' data.frame.")
# create vectors of summary statistics per node in congruified_calibrations
min_ages <- q1 <- median_ages <- mean_ages <- q3 <- max_ages <- sd_ages <- var_ages <- c()
for (node in unique(congruified_calibrations$mrca_node_name)) {
rowsies <- congruified_calibrations$mrca_node_name %in% node
min_ages <- c(min_ages, min(congruified_calibrations[rowsies, age_column]))
q1 <- c(q1, stats::quantile(congruified_calibrations[rowsies, age_column], 0.25))
median_ages <- c(median_ages, stats::median(congruified_calibrations[rowsies, age_column]))
mean_ages <- c(mean_ages, mean(congruified_calibrations[rowsies, age_column]))
q3 <- c(q3, stats::quantile(congruified_calibrations[rowsies, age_column], 0.75))
max_ages <- c(max_ages, max(congruified_calibrations[rowsies, age_column]))
sd_ages <- c(sd_ages, stats::sd(congruified_calibrations[rowsies, age_column]))
var_ages <- c(var_ages, stats::var(congruified_calibrations[rowsies, age_column]))
# assemble summary table as data.frame
summary_table <- data.frame(unique(congruified_calibrations$mrca_node_name),
# Give meaningful names to columns
colnames(summary_table) <- c("Node Name",
"Min Age",
"Median Age",
"Mean Age",
"Max Age",
# TODO: add calibration_distribution as attribute
# attributes(summary_table)$calibration_distribution <- NA
# #' Congruify nodes of a tree topology to nodes from taxon pair calibrations
# #'
# #' @description \code{congruify_calibrations} get nodes of a tree topology given in
# #' `phy` that correspond to the most recent common ancestor (mrca) of taxon
# #' pairs given in `calibrations`. It uses [phytools::findMRCA()] to get mrca nodes.
# #'
# #' @inheritParams phylo_check
# # #' or a vector of taxon names (see details).
# #' @param chronograms A `phylo` or `multiPhylo` object, output of [datelife_search()].
# #' @param calibrations A `calibrations` object, an output of
# #' [extract_calibrations_phylo()].
# #' @return A list of two elements:
# #' \describe{
# #' \item{matched_phy}{A `phylo` object with nodes renamed to match results of
# #' the mrca search. Nodes are renamed using [tree_add_nodelabels()].}
# #' \item{matched_calibrations}{A `matchedCalibrations` object, which is the input `calibrations`
# #' object with two additional columns storing results from the mrca search with
# #' [phytools::findMRCA()]: `$mrca_node_number` and `$mrca_node_name`.}
# #' }
# #' @details The function takes pairs of taxon names in a calibrations data frame,
# #' and looks for them in the vector of tip labels of the tree. If both are present,
# #' then it gets the node that represents the most recent
# #' common ancestor (mrca) for that pair of taxa in the tree.
# #' Nodes of input `phy` can be named or not. They will be renamed.
# congruify_calibrations <- function(phy, chronograms, calibrations) {
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# # Extract all calibrations as a data.frame if none are provided
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# if (missing(calibrations)) {
# extracted_calibrations <- extract_calibrations_phylo(input = chronograms,
# each = TRUE)
# }
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# # Self congruify tree topology
# # This Matches target tree nodelabels to calibration table
# # so we have all taxon pairs and the corresponding real node labels
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# if (is.null(phy$edge.length)) {
# message("... Adding temporary branch lengths to 'phy' for congruification.")
# phy <- ape::compute.brlen(phy)
# }
# phy_calibrations <- suppressWarnings(
# geiger::congruify.phylo(reference = phy,
# target = phy,
# scale = NA,
# ncores = 1)$calibrations)
# phy_matched <- mrca_calibrations(phy = phy,
# calibrations = phy_calibrations)
# #
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# # Congruify source chronograms to phy_matched$matched_phy and themselves
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# # Function
# # Congruify a source chronogram with the target and itself
# # return the calibrations data.frame only
# run_congruification_self <- function(phy,
# chronograms,
# index) {
# self <- chronograms[[index]]
# phy$tip.label <- sub(" ", "_", phy$tip.label)
# self$tip.label <- sub(" ", "_", self$tip.label)
# cc_phy <- suppressWarnings(geiger::congruify.phylo(reference = phy,
# target = self,
# scale = NA,
# ncores = 1))
# cc_self <- suppressWarnings(geiger::congruify.phylo(reference = self,
# target = self,
# scale = NA,
# ncores = 1))
# list(phy = cc_phy, self = cc_self)
# }
# congruified_self <- lapply(seq(chronograms),
# function(i) {
# run_congruification_self(phy = phy_matched$matched_phy,
# chronograms,
# index = i)
# })
# names(congruified_self) <- names(chronograms)
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# # Cross congruify source chronograms and target tree
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# fix_congruification <- function(congruified_self,
# index = 1,
# extracted_calibrations) {
# source_chronogram <- congruified_self[[index]]$self$reference
# target_tree <- congruified_self[[index]]$phy$reference
# xx <- target_tree$node.label
# # if number of congruified nodes in target tree is the same as node number from source chronogram
# if (length(xx[ xx!= ""]) == source_chronogram$Nnode) {
# # take extracted calibrations data frame as is
# calibs <- extracted_calibrations[[index]]
# calibs$congruent <- rep(TRUE, nrow(calibs))
# calibs_matched <- mrca_calibrations(phy = source_chronogram,
# calibrations = calibs)
# # TODO: check that the following works:
# # col_names <- colnames(calibs_matched$matched_calibrations)
# # ii <- col_names %in% c("mrca_node_number", "mrca_node_name")
# # col_names[ii] <- c("source_mrca_node_number", "source_mrca_node_name")
# # colnames(calibs_matched$matched_calibrations) <- col_names
# } else {
# # case for index = 11, 10, 8, 7
# # take congruified calibrations data frame
# # TODO: needs checking, as the number of congruent nodes in target tree is higher than nodes available in output$calibrations, meaning, that some valid node data is being dropped from final results for some reason
# # first, get most complete calibrations data.frame
# # it is usually the one extracted from target tree
# calibs <- congruified_self[[index]]$phy$calibrations
# calibs_matched <- mrca_calibrations(phy = source_chronogram,
# calibrations = calibs)
# # use actual ages from source chronogram
# mrca_node_name <- calibs_matched$matched_calibrations$mrca_node_name
# source_bt <- ape::branching.times(calibs_matched$matched_phy)
# source_ages <- source_bt[mrca_node_name]
# calibs$MaxAge <- calibs$MinAge <- unname(source_ages)
# # add congruent column
# calibs$congruent <- rep(TRUE, nrow(calibs))
# # add source node numbers and names
# calibs$source_mrca_node_name <- mrca_node_name
# calibs$source_mrca_node_number <- as.numeric(sub("n", "", mrca_node_name))
# # add nodes that were not congruent
# nn <- is.na(match(names(source_bt), mrca_node_name))
# nn_ages <- ape::branching.times(calibs_matched$matched_phy)[nn]
# nn_node_name <- names(nn_ages)
# nn_node_number <- as.numeric(sub("n", "", nn_node_name))
# non_congruent <- data.frame(MinAge = unname(nn_ages),
# MaxAge = unname(nn_ages),
# congruent = rep(FALSE, length(nn_ages)),
# source_mrca_node_number = nn_node_number,
# source_mrca_node_name = nn_node_name)
# calibs <- data.table::rbindlist(list(calibs, non_congruent),
# fill = TRUE)
# }
# calibs$reference <- rep(names(congruified_self)[index], nrow(calibs))
# return(calibs)
# }
# # TODO: fix error in cross validation data set when running the following:
# fixed_congruification <- lapply(seq(congruified_self),
# function(i) {
# tryCatch(fix_congruification(congruified_self,
# index = i,
# extracted_calibrations),
# error = function(e) NA) } )
# errored <- is.na(fixed_congruification)
# if (any(errored)) {
# message("fixing congruification errored for:\n",
# paste(which(errored), "--", names(congruified_self)[errored], "\n"))
# }
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# # Merge calibrations data frames into a single one
# # and match to phy nodes
# ##############################################################################
# ##############################################################################
# calibrations <- data.table::rbindlist(fixed_congruification[!errored], fill = TRUE)
# calibrations_results <- mrca_calibrations(phy = phy,
# calibrations = calibrations)
# return(structure(calibrations_results,
# class = "congruifiedCalibrations"))
# }
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