#' Establish connection to biomaRt database
#' This function establishes a connection to a biomart database.
#' @param species The species of the protein identifiers in the term used by
#' biomaRt (e.g. "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", "mmusculus_gene_ensembl",
#' "drerio_gene_ensembl", etc.)
#' @param ensembl.path Ensembl host to connect to. Default: www.ensembl.org
#' @param mart The type of mart (e.g. "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", etc.)
#' @param verbose print a summary of the ensembl connection.
#' @return Connection for performing biomart queries.
#' @author Peter Blattmann
#' @examples{
#' data_table <- data.frame(Protein = c("Q01581", "P49327", "2/P63261/P60709"),
#' Abundance = c(100, 3390, 43423))
#' mart <- convert_protein_ids(data_table)
#' }
#' @importFrom biomaRt useMart listDatasets listMarts
#' @export
load_mart <- function(species,
ensembl.path = "www.ensembl.org",
verbose = FALSE) {
dataset.mart <- species
ensembl.mart <- useMart(mart, dataset = dataset.mart, host = ensembl.path)
list.datasets <- listDatasets(ensembl.mart)
list.datasets[which(list.datasets == dataset.mart), "version"]
list.marts <- listMarts(ensembl.mart, host = ensembl.path)
list.marts[which(list.marts == mart), "version"]
if (verbose) {
sink(file = paste(Sys.Date(), species, "Ensembl_Version.txt", sep = "_"))
writeLines(c(paste("Species:", species),
paste("Host:", ensembl.path),
paste("Date:", Sys.Date()),
paste("Dataset:", list.datasets[which(list.datasets == dataset.mart), "version"]),
paste("Version:", list.marts[which(list.marts == mart), "version"])))
sink(type = "message")
#' Adds gene symbols to a table
#' Gather gene symbols from biomart and add them to a data frame.
#' @note Protein identifiers from shared peptides should be separated by a forward
#' slash. The host of archived ensembl databases can be introduced as well
#' (e.g. "dec2017.archive.ensembl.org")
#' @param data_table A data frame or file name.
#' @param gene_ID_table A table to match gene identifiers against
#' @param column_name The column name where the original protein identifiers
#' are present.
#' @param ID1 The type of the original protein identifiers
#' (e.g. "uniprotswissprot", "ensembl_peptide_id").
#' @param ID2 The type of the converted protein identifiers
#' (e.g. "hgnc_symbol", "mgi_symbol", "external_gene_name").
#' @param id.separator Separator between protein identifiers of shared
#' peptides.
#' @param copy_nonconverted Option defining if the identifiers that cannot be
#' converted should be copied.
#' @return Returns the data frame with an added column of the converted protein identifiers.
#' @author Peter Blattmann
#' @examples {
#' gene_ID_table <- data.frame(uniprotswissprot = c("Q01581", "P49327", "P60709"),
#' hgnc_symbol = c("HMGCS1", "FASN", "ACTB"))
#' data_table <- data.frame(Protein = c("Q01581", "P49327", "2/P63261/P60709"),
#' Abundance = c(100, 3390, 43423))
#' add_genesymbol(data_table, gene_ID_table)
#' }
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom biomaRt getBM
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export
add_genesymbol <- function(data_table,
column_name = "Protein",
ID1 = "uniprotswissprot",
ID2 = "hgnc_symbol",
id.separator = "/",
copy_nonconverted = TRUE) {
# remove column if it already exists
if (ID2 %in% colnames(data_table)) {
data_table[, ID2] <- NULL
gene_ID_table[, ID2] <- as.character(gene_ID_table[, ID2])
data_table <- merge(data_table, gene_ID_table, by.x = column_name,
by.y = ID1,all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
# annotate the shared peptides
.ids <- which(is.na(data_table[, ID2]))
.ids <- intersect(.ids, grep(id.separator, data_table[, column_name]))
for (i in .ids) {
.Protein <- as.character(data_table[i, column_name])
.Protein.single <- unlist(strsplit(.Protein, id.separator))
# remove number in front of shared peptides
if (!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(.Protein.single[1]))) &
nchar(.Protein.single[1]) <= 3) {
.Protein.single <- .Protein.single[-1]
.Protein.new <- .Protein
for (k in .Protein.single[.Protein.single %in% gene_ID_table[, ID1]]) {
.Protein.new <- gsub(k, gene_ID_table[gene_ID_table[, ID1] == k, ID2],
data_table[data_table[, column_name] == .Protein, ID2] <- .Protein.new
if (!copy_nonconverted) {
for (k in .Protein.single[!(.Protein.single %in% gene_ID_table[, ID1])]) {
.Protein.new <- gsub(paste(id.separator, k, sep = ""), "", .Protein.new)
.Protein.new <- gsub(paste(k, id.separator, sep = ""), "", .Protein.new)
data_table[data_table[, column_name] == .Protein, ID2] <- .Protein.new
# add non converted IDs
non_converted <- (is.na(data_table[,ID2]) | data_table[,ID2] =="")
if (sum(non_converted)) {
non_converted_ids <- unique(data_table[non_converted,column_name])
if (sum(non_converted) > 20) {
message("The following ", sum(non_converted),
" identifiers were not converted and will be copied (the first 20 are shown): ",
paste(non_converted_ids[seq_len(20)], collapse = ", "))
} else {
message("The following identifiers were not converted and will be copied: ",
paste(non_converted_ids, collapse = ", "))
if (copy_nonconverted) {
for (i in which(non_converted)) {
data_table[i, ID2] <- data_table[i, column_name]
# bring gene_symbol column in front
data_table <- data_table[, c(ID2, colnames(data_table)[seq(length(colnames(data_table)) - 1)])]
#' Convert protein ids
#' This function renames protein ids in a data frame or file
#' @param data_table A data frame or file name.
#' @param column_name The column name where the original protein identifiers are present.
#' @param species The species of the protein identifiers in the term used by
#' biomaRt (e.g. "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", "mmusculus_gene_ensembl",
#' "drerio_gene_ensembl", etc.)
#' @param host Path of the biomaRt database (e.g. "www.ensembl.org",
#' "dec2017.archive.ensembl.org").
#' @param mart The type of mart (e.g. "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", etc.)
#' @param ID1 The type of the original protein identifiers
#' (e.g. "uniprotswissprot", "ensembl_peptide_id").
#' @param ID2 The type of the converted protein identifiers
#' (e.g. "hgnc_symbol", "mgi_symbol", "external_gene_name").
#' @param id.separator Separator between protein identifiers of shared
#' peptides.
#' @param copy_nonconverted Option defining if the identifiers that cannot be
#' converted should be copied.
#' @param verbose Option to write a file containing the version of the
#' database used.
#' @return The data frame with an added column of the converted protein
#' identifiers.
#' @note Protein identifiers from shared peptides should be separated by a
#' forward slash. The host of archived ensembl databases can be introduced as
#' well (e.g. "dec2017.archive.ensembl.org")
#' @author Peter Blattmann
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data_table <- data.frame(
#' "Protein" = c("Q01581", "P49327", "2/P63261/P60709"),
#' "Abundance" = c(100, 3390, 43423))
#' convert_protein_ids(data_table)
#' }
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
convert_protein_ids <- function(data_table,
column_name = "Protein",
species = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
host = "www.ensembl.org",
ID1 = "uniprotswissprot",
ID2 = "hgnc_symbol",
id.separator = "/",
copy_nonconverted = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE) {
if (is(data_table, "data.frame")) {
type <- "data.frame"
} else {
type <- "file"
data_table <- data.frame(fread(file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE))
if (!(column_name %in% colnames(data_table))) {
stop("Column name does not exist in data. ", paste(colnames(data_table),
collapse = ", "))
# obtain Identifiers to map
IDs <- unique(as.character(data_table[, column_name]))
# separate non-proteotypic peptides
IDs.np <- IDs[grep(id.separator, IDs)]
IDs.np <- gsub("^[[:digit:]]+/", "", IDs.np)
IDs.np <- unlist(strsplit(IDs.np, id.separator))
# remove contaminant peptides
IDs <- IDs[grep("^CONT_", IDs, invert = TRUE)]
IDs.np <- IDs.np[grep("^CONT_", IDs.np, invert = TRUE)]
IDs <- unique(c(IDs, IDs.np))
organism.mart <- load_mart(species, host, mart)
gene_ID_table <- getBM(attributes = c(ID2, ID1), filters = c(ID1),
values = IDs, mart = organism.mart)
n.ids <- table(gene_ID_table[, ID1])
n.ids.multiple <- names(n.ids[n.ids > 1])
for (i in n.ids.multiple) {
new.id <- paste(gene_ID_table[gene_ID_table[, ID1] == i, ID2],
collapse = id.separator)
gene_ID_table <- gene_ID_table[gene_ID_table[, ID1] != i, ]
new.id.df <- data.frame(uniprotswissprot = i, hgnc_symbol = new.id)
colnames(new.id.df) <- c(ID1, ID2)
gene_ID_table <- rbind(gene_ID_table, new.id.df)
data_table_output <- add_genesymbol(data_table, gene_ID_table,
column_name, ID1, ID2,
id.separator, copy_nonconverted)
if (type == "file") {
file.name <- gsub("\\..*", "", file)
file.ext <- gsub(".*\\.", "", file)
paste(file.name, "_annotated.", file.ext, sep = ""),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
if (type == "data.frame") {
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