#' dmrff.meta
#' Identify differentially methylated regions by meta-analysing multiple studies
#' using variance-weighted fixed effects meta-analysis.
#' Warning! Ensure that the order of the CpG sites corresponding to the the rows of `methylation`
#' match the order of the CpG sites corresponding to the other variables,
#' e.g. `estimate` and `chr`.
#' @param objects List of objects generated by \code{\link{dmrff.pre}}
#' for each participating EWAS.
#' @param p.cutoff Unadjusted p-value cutoff for membership in a candidate DMR
#' (Default: 0.05).
#' @param maxgap Maximum distance between consecutive features (Default: 500bp).
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE} (default), then output status messages.
#' @return A data frame listing all candidate regions and their summary statistics.
#' @examples
#' pre1 <- dmrff.pre(est1, se1, meth1, ...)
#' pre2 <- dmrff.pre(est2, se2, meth2, ...)
#' ...
#' pre9 <- dmrff.pre(est9, se9, meth9, ...)
#' meta <- dmrff.meta(list(pre1, pre2, ..., pre9))
#' meta$dmrs[which(meta$dmrs$p.adjust < 0.05 & meta$dmrs$n > 1), ]
#' @export
dmrff.meta <- function(objects, maxgap=500, p.cutoff=0.05, verbose=T) {
stopifnot(length(objects) > 1)
for (i in 1:length(objects)) {
if (!is.list(objects[[i]])
&& all(c("estimate","se","chr","pos","sites","rho") %in% names(objects[[i]])))
stop("object ", i, " was not created by dmrff.pre()")
if (!("sd" %in% names(objects[[i]]))) ## if pre from older version of dmrff
objects[[i]]$sd <- rep(1,length(objects[[i]]$se))
idx <- order(objects[[i]]$chr, objects[[i]]$pos)
sorted <- identical(idx, 1:length(idx))
if (!sorted) { ## support for a previous version of dmrff that did not sort
objects[[i]]$sites <- objects[[i]]$sites[idx]
objects[[i]]$chr <- objects[[i]]$chr[idx]
objects[[i]]$pos <- objects[[i]]$pos[idx]
objects[[i]]$estimate <- as.numeric(objects[[i]]$estimate[idx])
objects[[i]]$se <- as.numeric(objects[[i]]$se[idx])
objects[[i]]$sd <- as.numeric(objects[[i]]$sd[idx])
## scale summary stats as if methylation was standarized
objects[[i]]$estimate <- objects[[i]]$estimate/objects[[i]]$sd
objects[[i]]$se <- objects[[i]]$se/objects[[i]]$sd
## identify a set of CpG sites in every dataset
sites <- objects[[1]]$sites
for (i in 2:length(objects))
sites <- intersect(sites, objects[[i]]$sites)
## extract CpG site summary statistics
estimate <- sapply(objects, function(obj)
obj$estimate[match(sites, obj$sites)])
se <- sapply(objects, function(obj)
obj$se[match(sites, obj$sites)])
site.idx <- sapply(objects, function(obj) match(sites, obj$sites))
## meta-analysis CpG site associations
ma <- ivwfe.ma(estimate, se)
idx <- match(sites, objects[[1]]$sites)
ma$chr <- objects[[1]]$chr[idx]
ma$pos <- objects[[1]]$pos[idx]
## identify candidate regions
candidates <- dmrff.candidates(ma$estimate, ma$p.value, ma$chr, ma$pos,
maxgap=maxgap, p.cutoff=p.cutoff,
if (is.null(candidates)) {
return(list(ewas=ma, dmrs=NULL))
## shrink candidate regions and meta-analyze statistics
compute.dmr.stats <- function(start.idx,end.idx) {
stats <- sapply(1:length(objects), function(i) {
start.idx <- site.idx[start.idx,i]
end.idx <- site.idx[end.idx,i]
idx <- start.idx:end.idx
if (length(idx) > ncol(objects[[i]]$rho))
ivwfe.ma(stats["B",,drop=F], stats["S",,drop=F])
compute.dmr.z <- function(start.idx,end.idx) {
compute.dmr.stats(start.idx, end.idx)$z
stats <- shrink.candidates(candidates$start.idx,
full <- do.call(rbind, parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(stats), function(i) {
compute.dmr.stats(stats$start.idx[i], stats$end.idx[i])
stats$B <- NA
stats$S <- NA
stats$estimate <- full[,"estimate"]
stats$se <- full[,"se"]
dmrs=collate.stats(stats, ma$chr, ma$pos, simple=T))
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