#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' PEBBA analysis
#' This function executes the PEBBA analysis.
#' @param file_in The file or data.frame to execute the analysis on
#' @param gmt_file The name of the gmt file containing terms and genes
#' @param gene_col A string indicating the column with genes (Default: "Gene.symbol")
#' @param logFC_col A string indicating the column with log fold-change
#' values (Default: "logFC").
#' @param pvalue_col A string indicating the column with p-values (Default: "P.Value")
#' @param min_genes Minimum number of genes (Default: 50)
#' @param max_genes Maximum number of genes (Default: 3000)
#' @param p_cut P-value cutoff (Default: 0.2)
#' @param verbose Logical. If TRUE (default), will display analysis progress messages.
#' @param analysis_name The name to give to analysis results.
#' (If NULL, defaults to parameter \code{file_in} without the extensions and file path;
#' if a data.frame, defaults to 'PEBBA_analysis' when left NULL)
#' @param results_dir The path into which results should be saved (Default: "Results").
#' @param force Whether or not to overrwrite an existing results directory (Default: FALSE).
#' @return Tables and interactive heatmaps with PEBBA results
#' @rdname pebba
#' @examples
#' # Run PEBBA analyses
#' data(example_data)
#' gmt_file <- system.file("extdata", "pathways.gmt", package = "PEBBA")
#' pebba(example_data, gmt_file)
#' @export
pebba <- function(file_in, gmt_file, gene_col="Gene.symbol",
logFC_col="logFC", pvalue_col="P.Value",
min_genes=100, max_genes=1500,
p_cut=0.2, verbose=TRUE,
analysis_name=NULL, results_dir="Results",
# Validating inputs
if(min_genes < 50 | min_genes > 2900){
stop("Variable min_genes must be between 50 and 2900 genes")
if(max_genes < 100 | max_genes > 3000){
stop("Variable max_genes must be between 100 and 3000 genes")
if(p_cut < 0.00001 | p_cut > 1){
stop("Variable p_cut must be between 0.00001 and 1")
# Preparing files and workspace
## Disable scientifc notation
## Create a results directory
stop("Stopping analysis: ", results_dir,
" already exists! Use force=TRUE to overwrite.")
dir.create(file.path(results_dir, "Tables"))
dir.create(file.path(results_dir, "Heatmaps"))
analysis_name <- "PEBBA_analysis"
## Get information from all unique terms
gmt_res <- read_gmt_hier(gmt_file)
term2gene <- gmt_res[[1]]
path_desc <- gmt_res[[2]]
merge_p <- data.frame(unique(term2gene[1]))
deg_list <- read.csv(file_in, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
analysis_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file_in))
}else if(is.data.frame(file_in)){
deg_list <- file_in
## Remove rows that do not have a valid gene symbol
deg_list <- deg_list[which(deg_list[, gene_col]!=""), ]
## Make logFC and p-value columns numeric
deg_list[, logFC_col] <- as.numeric(deg_list[, logFC_col])
deg_list[, pvalue_col] <- as.numeric(deg_list[, pvalue_col])
## Get background genes as a character vector
## Empty values (non-annotated genes) will be removed
all_genes <- as.character(deg_list[, gene_col])
# Get cutoff values -------------------------------------------------------
if(verbose) message("Getting cutoff")
## Get info about p-value and log2fc cutoff used on each top segments
table_cut <- .get_cutoff(deg_list, logFC_col, pvalue_col, min_genes, max_genes)
dirs <- c("up", "down", "any")
cut_path_list <- lapply(dirs, function(direction){
if(verbose) message(direction)
if(verbose) message("Getting pathways")
list_p <- .get_pathway(merge_p, term2gene, all_genes,
deg_list, gene_col, logFC_col,
pvalue_col, direction,
min_genes, max_genes, p_cut)
df <- list_p[[1]]
path <- list_p[[2]]
if(verbose) message("Getting pathway cutoff")
cut_path <- .cutoff_path(path, p_cut, direction)
res <- list(cut_path, df, path)
names(res) <- c("cut_path", "df", "path")
names(cut_path_list) <- dirs
## Save heatmaps
if(verbose) message("Saving heatmaps")
sapply(dirs, function(direction){
heat <- .create_heatmap(cut_path_list, direction, term2gene, path_desc, p_cut)
f_out <- paste(analysis_name, "Pathways", paste0(direction, ".html"), sep="_")
save_iheatmap(heat, filename=f_out)
system(paste("mv", f_out, file.path(results_dir, "Heatmaps", f_out)))
# Results -----------------------------------------------------------------
if(verbose) message("Combining results 1")
df_combined <- .combine_cut(cut_path_up=cut_path_list$up$cut_path,
if(verbose) message("Combining results 2")
df_c <- .combine_df(df_up = cut_path_list$up$df,
df_down = cut_path_list$down$df,
df_any = cut_path_list$any$df)
if(verbose) message("Exporting data")
.export_data(file_in=file_in, df_combined=df_combined, df_c=df_c,
#' Combine cut results
#' This function takes the cut_path_up, cut_path_down and
#' cut_path_any tables and returns the results tables.
#' @param cut_path_up The cut_path_up table
#' @param cut_path_down The cut_path_down table
#' @param cut_path_any The cut_path_any table
#' @param table_cut The table_cut parameter
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.combine_cut <- function(cut_path_up, cut_path_down, cut_path_any, table_cut){
#Combine cut_path_up and cut_path_down
temp_df <- cbind(cut_path_up, cut_path_down, cut_path_any)
temp_df$max <- apply(temp_df, 1, function(x) mean(x[1], x[4]) )
temp_df$sum <- apply(temp_df, 1, function(x) mean(x[2], x[5]) )
temp_df$times <- apply(temp_df, 1, function(x) mean(x[3], x[6]) )
colnames(temp_df)[ncol(temp_df)-2] <- "maximum_MinuslogP_meanUPandDOWN"
colnames(temp_df)[ncol(temp_df)-1] <- "sum_MinuslogP_meanUPandDOWN"
colnames(temp_df)[ncol(temp_df)] <- "times_significant_meanUPandDOWN"
df_combined <- cbind(table_cut, temp_df)
#' Combine df_up and df_down
#' This function combines the results of the df_up and df_down tables.
#' @param df_up The df_up table
#' @param df_down The df_down table
#' @param df_any The df_any table
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.combine_df <- function(df_up, df_down, df_any){
#Combine df_up and df_down
df_c <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=nrow(df_up), ncol=0))
rownames(df_c) <- rownames(df_up)
df_c$Pathway <- rownames(df_c)
df_c$top <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) mean(df_up[x, 1], df_down[x, 1])))
df_c$max <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) mean(df_up[x, 2], df_down[x, 2])))
df_c$sum <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) mean(df_up[x, 3], df_down[x, 3])))
df_c$times <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) mean(df_up[x, 4], df_down[x, 4])))
df_c$first <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) mean(df_up[x, 5], df_down[x, 5])))
df_c$fair <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) mean(df_up[x, 6], df_down[x, 6])))
df_c$topMin <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) min(df_up[x, 1], df_down[x, 1])))
df_c$maxMax <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) max(df_up[x, 2], df_down[x, 2])))
df_c$sumMax <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) max(df_up[x, 3], df_down[x, 3])))
df_c$timesMax <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) max(df_up[x, 4], df_down[x, 4])))
df_c$firstMin <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) min(df_up[x, 5], df_down[x, 5])))
df_c$fairMax <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(df_up), function(x) max(df_up[x, 6], df_down[x, 6])))
colnames(df_c) <- c("Pathways",
df_c <- cbind(df_c, df_up, df_down, df_any)
#' Export data
#' This function takes the results of the analyses and returns txt files.
#' @param file_in The input file
#' @param df_combined The result of the .combine_cut function
#' @param df_c The result of the .combine_df function
#' @param path_up Up pathways
#' @param path_down Down pathways
#' @param path_any Any pathways
#' @param analysis_name The name to be given to the analysis (Default: "Analysis1").
#' @param results_dir The folder into which results should be saved. A subdirectory
#' called "Heatmaps" will be created inside this folder.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.export_data <- function(file_in, df_combined, df_c, path_up,
path_down, path_any, analysis_name,
# Exporting datasets
f_out <- paste(analysis_name, "Cutoffs.txt", sep="_")
write.table(df_combined, file = file.path(results_dir, "Tables", f_out),
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
f_out <- paste(analysis_name, "PathwayMetrics.txt", sep="_")
write.table(df_c, file = file.path(results_dir, "Tables", f_out),
sep = "\t",row.names = FALSE)
pathways <- as.character(rownames(path_up))
path_up <- cbind(pathways, path_up)
f_out <- paste(analysis_name, "PathwayUp.txt", sep="_")
write.table(path_up, file = file.path(results_dir, "Tables", f_out),
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
pathways <- as.character(rownames(path_down))
path_down <- cbind(pathways, path_down)
f_out <- paste(analysis_name, "PathwayDown.txt", sep="_")
write.table(path_down, file = file.path(results_dir, "Tables", f_out),
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
pathways <- as.character(rownames(path_any))
path_any <- cbind(pathways, path_any)
f_out <- paste(analysis_name, "PathwayAny.txt", sep="_")
write.table(path_any, file = file.path(results_dir, "Tables", f_out),
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
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