    collapse = TRUE,
    comment = "#>"


The package r Rpackage("genePrioritization") employs a "guilt-by-association" approach to find potential disease-related genes based on their coexpression with reference "seed genes" known to be (directly or indirectly) associated to that disease or phenotype. This is very useful to identify genes of which little was previously known, which can then be further studied in a laboratory.

Analysis method

The analysis starts from a gene expression matrix. Given a list of known disease-related genes, or "seed genes", and a list of potential disease-related genes, or "candidates", the steps are the following:

  1. compute a co-expression list (of all genes, not only seeds and candidates) for each seed gene;
  2. rank all genes in said list, such that higher coexpression corresponds to rank 1;
  3. compute a relative rank k(c, s)/kmax, where kmax is the total number of genes in each co-expression list (all genes but the seed gene s itself);
  4. assign each candidate gene the product of its relative ranks as a total score;
  5. rank the candidates according to increasing score; lower score means higher coexpression.

Higher ranked candidates have a higher coexpression with the set of disease-related genes and could be functionally linked to them, thus sharing a role in the disease.

genePrioritization workflow

Input data

r Rpackage("genePrioritization") can use any gene expression matrix as the input, as long as it has genes on the rows, samples on the columns, and has numerical values. Rows and columns also need to be named accordingly. The matrix can be imported from a file, from a RangedSummarizedExperiment object, or any source. As an example, we will perform a simple analysis on the known Bioconductor package r Biocexptpkg("airway") and use package r Biocannopkg("EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75") to convert between gene IDs and symbols.

First, we attach the packages and load the expression data.



We extract the count matrix. To make the analysis faster, we will use only part of the data: remove genes with expression level 0 across all samples and subset the first 12000 genes.

counts <- assay(airway)
mask <- apply(counts, MARGIN=1, sum)>0
counts <- counts[mask,]
counts <- counts[1:12000,]

Now we select some seed genes for our analysis. We can start from the reference paper from the airway package:

Himes BE, Jiang X, et al., “RNA-Seq Transcriptome Profiling Identifies CRISPLD2 as a Glucocorticoid Responsive Gene that Modulates Cytokine Function in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells.” PLoS One. 2014 Jun 13;9(6):e99625. PMID: 24926665. GEO: GSE52778.

and select some of those those "previously related to steroid responsiveness and inflammation": DUSP1, FKB5, KLF15.

seedNames<- c("DUSP1","FKBP5","KLF15")
seedconv <- select(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75, 

Candidate prioritization and RankedGeneList objects

The analysis is performed by calling the function and requires only one line of code. By not specifying candidates, we are implicitly asking to use all genes in the matrix that are not part of the seed genes as candidates. We can then visualize the results, which are stored in a RankedGeneList object.

gp <- prioritizeCandidates(counts, seedIDs)

The package also provides a summary method to visualize more information about the result.


There are two ways to interact with this object. You can access the slot directly or you can use the accessor functions getResults, getSeed, getCandidates, getRanks and getCoexpression.

The results slot contains the scores for the candidates, sorted according to increasing scores, such that the candidates that come first have higher coexpression with the seed genes set. seed and candidates contain gene names; ranks and coexpression are matrices of the respective values for candidates with respect to seed genes, with rows sorted according to the best candidates.

Let's extract the top 20 candidates and have a look at them.

top20 <- head(getResults(gp),20)

To have some more information, we build a simple dataframe containing gene symbols, gene IDs and scores.

top20conv <- select(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75, 
                    keys= names(top20), 
                    keytype = "GENEID",
columns = c("SYMBOL"))

Some of these genes also appear as upregulated in the quoted study, such as KLF9, NEXN, SPARCL1, CACNB2, CRISPLD2. We choose CRISPLD2 and examine its ranks in the coexpression list for each seed gene.

crispld2_score <- getResults(gp)["ENSG00000103196"]
allranks <- getRanks(gp)

We can do the same for coexpression.

allcoexpr <- getCoexpression(gp)

Seed and candidates used in the analysis can also be accessed.


Negative correlation

From the summary we see that some genes are strongly anti-correlated with the seed genes. We might want to consider downregulation as a relevant relation between a seed and a candidate. To do so, we can repeat the analysis setting the antiCorrelation paramater to TRUE.

gp_anti <- prioritizeCandidates(counts, seedIDs, antiCorrelation=TRUE)
top20.2 <- head(getResults(gp),20)
top20.2conv <- select(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75, 
                        keys= names(top20.2), 
                        keytype = "GENEID",
                        columns = c("SYMBOL"))


The analysis can also be performed step by step with the functions findCoexpression (step 1), rankGenes (step 2), candidateScoring (steps 3-5). The former two will return the full coexpression / rank matrix while the latter returns the same named vector one would get in the results slot of a RankedGeneList object. A constructor for the class is available, so such an object can be built if so desired.

coexpr <- findCoexpression(counts, seedIDs)
ranks <- rankGenes(coexpr)
scores <- candidateScoring(ranks)
myrgl <- RankedGeneList(results = scores, 
                        seed = seedIDs, 
                        candidates = names(scores), 
                        coexpr = coexpr[names(scores),, drop=FALSE], 
                        ranks = ranks[names(scores),, drop=FALSE])

Interaction with RangedSummarizedExperiment

As seen above, you can extract the counts assay from a RSE object to run the analysis. You can also store the RankedGeneList object in the metadata slot.

metadata(airway) <- append(metadata(airway), gp)

Session info {.unnumbered}


palenic/genePrioritization documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 12:16 a.m.