#' @title Quick and easy reading of gtf/gff/bed/bam files
#' @description \code{read_gtf}, \code{read_gff}, \code{read_bed} and
#' \code{read_bam} are specific functions corresponding to respective file
#' formats.
#' \code{read_format} is a top-level convenience function that detects and
#' reads automatically from the extension and is sufficient in most cases.
#' @param file Complete path to the input file.
#' @param format Type of annotation. Currently allowed values are
#' \code{"gtf"}, \code{"gff"}, \code{"bed"} and \code{"bam"}. If no input is
#' provided, then it will be guessed from input file's extension.
#' @param filter Filter rows where \code{start/stop} are invalid, and where
#' \code{start > end}. Default (\code{FALSE}) is to not filter, i.e., retain
#' all invalid rows as well.
#' @param chromosomes Argument to \code{read_bam}. If specified only reads
#' from those chromosomes will be loaded.
#' @param tags Additional (optional) tags to load from the bam file. By
#' default, the tags \code{"NM"} and \code{"MD"} are loaded.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, sends useful status messages to the console.
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @aliases read_format read_gtf read_gff read_bed read_bam
#' @return An object of class \code{gtf}, \code{gff}, \code{bed} or \code{bam},
#' corresponding to the input file format, that inherits from \code{GRanges}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{supported_formats}}
#' \code{\link{extract}} \code{\link{construct_introns}}
#' @keywords file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("tests", package="gread")
#' gff_file <- file.path(path, "sample.gff")
#' gtf_file <- file.path(path, "sample.gtf")
#' bed_file <- file.path(path, "sample.bed")
#' bam_file <- file.path(path, "sample.bam")
#' read_format(gff_file) # read gff
#' read_gff(gff_file) # same as above
#' read_format(gtf_file) # read gtf
#' read_gtf(gtf_file) # same as above
#' read_format(bed_file) # read bed
#' read_bed(bed_file) # same as above
#' read_format(bam_file) # read bam
#' read_bam(bam_file) # same as above
#' gtf_filter_file <- file.path(path, "sample_filter.gtf")
#' read_format(gtf_filter_file, filter=TRUE) # filter invalid rows
#' read_gtf(gtf_filter_file, filter=TRUE) # same as above
read_format <- function(file, format=detect_format(file), filter=FALSE,
chromosomes=NULL, tags=c("NM", "MD"), verbose=FALSE) {
if (!file.exists(file))
stop(toupper(format), " file '", file, "' not found.")
types = format_types(format=format)
names = format_names(format=format)
token = tokenise(file, format, filter, chromosomes, tags, verbose,
types=types, names=names)
ans = gread(token)
tidy_cols(ans, verbose=verbose)
if (token$filter && !identical(format, "bam")) {
before = nrow(ans)
# TODO: optimise this subset using internal any in data.table
ans = ans[start <= end] # will take care of NAs as well
after = nrow(ans)
if (token$verbose && before-after)
cat(before-after, " invalid rows filtered. These include rows",
" where start/end coordinates were NA/NaN and ",
" where start > end.\n", sep="")
# Returning 'GRanges' following Herve's feedback
# See https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions/issues/25
new(class(ans)[1L], as(setDF(ans), "GRanges"))
#' @rdname read_format
#' @export
read_gtf <- function(file, filter=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
read_format(file, "gtf", filter, verbose)
#' @rdname read_format
#' @export
read_gff <- function(file, filter=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
read_format(file, "gff", filter, verbose)
#' @rdname read_format
#' @export
read_bed <- function(file, filter=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
read_format(file, "bed", filter, verbose)
#' @rdname read_format
#' @export
read_bam <- function(file, filter=FALSE, chromosomes=NULL,
tags=c("NM", "MD"), verbose=FALSE) {
read_format(file, "bam", filter, chromosomes, tags, verbose)
# Internal helper functions --------------------------------------------------
detect_format <- function(file) {
type = substr(tolower(tools::file_ext(file)), 1L, 3L)
if (!type %in% c("gtf", "gff", "bam", "bed"))
stop("File does not have gtf/gff/bed/bam extension.")
format_types <- function(format) {
chr = "character"
int = "integer"
num = "numeric"
switch(format, gtf=, gff=c(rep(chr, 3L), rep(int, 2L), num, chr, int, chr),
bed=c(chr, rep(int, 2L), rep(chr, 3L), rep(int, 2L),
chr, int, rep(chr, 2L)),
format_names <- function(format) {
switch(format, gtf=c("seqnames", "source", "feature", "start",
"end", "score", "strand", "frame", "attributes"),
gff=c("seqnames", "source", "feature", "start",
"end", "score", "strand", "phase", "attributes"),
# all 15 columns for bed, only first 3 are compulsory
bed=c("seqnames", "start", "end", "name", "score",
"strand", "thickStart", "thickEnd", "itemRgb",
"blockCount", "blockSizes", "blockStarts", "expCount",
"expIds", "expScores"),
bam=c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "cigar",
"qwidth", "width", "njunc", "flag"))
tokenise <- function(file, format, filter, chromosomes,
tags, verbose, ...) {
arglist = as.list(match.call(expand.dots=TRUE))[-1L]
argnames = setdiff(names(arglist), "format")
if (!length(tags)) tags = character(0) # ScanBamParam needs this
tokens = structure(c(list(file, filter, chromosomes, tags, verbose),
list(...)), class=paste(format, "format", sep="_"))
data.table::setattr(tokens, 'names', argnames)
`.` <- function(...) {
stop(".() is only meant for use in `j` argument of
data.table, and is an alias to list()")
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