gread <- function(token) {
gread.default <- function(token) {
stop("No method available for format ", gsub("(.*)_format$",
"", class(token)))
gread.gtf_format <- function(token) {
# to please R CMD CHECK
# rtracklayer::readGFF reads gff v1 'attributes' column as 'group',
# but we want it to be always 'attributes'. Also, it tidies up the
# attributes column by default
rtracklayer_fun <- function() {
ans = setDT(rtracklayer::readGFF(token$file, version = 2L,
columns = rtracklayer::GFFcolnames()))
ans[, (1:3) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols=1:3][]
# remove additional attributes
setattr(ans, 'pragmas', NULL)
setattr(ans, 'attrcol_fmt', NULL)
setattr(ans, 'ncol0', NULL)
setattr(ans, 'ntag', NULL)
setattr(ans, 'raw_data', NULL)
fread_fun <- function() fread(token$file, colClasses = token$types,
showProgress = token$verbose)
read_table_fun <- function() read_table(token$file, sep = "\t",
header = FALSE, comment.char = "#", nrows = -1L, colClasses =
token$types, quote = "")
ans = tryCatch(rtracklayer_fun(), error = function(o) {
if (token$verbose) cat("rtracklayer::readGFF failed to read",
" the gtf file. Reverting to data.table::fread.\n", sep="")
tryCatch(fread_fun(), error = function(o) {
if (token$verbose) cat("data.table::fread failed to read",
" as well. Reverting to base::read.table.\n", sep="")
setnames(ans, head(names(ans), 9L), token$names)
if (is.character(ans[["score"]]))
ans[, "score" := suppressWarnings(as.numeric(score))]
if (is.character(ans[["phase"]]))
ans[, "phase" := suppressWarnings(as.integer(phase))]
setattr(ans, 'class', c("gtf", "data.table", "data.frame"))
gread.gff_format <- function(token) {
# to please R CMD CHECK
# rtracklayer::readGFF reads gff v1 'attributes' column as 'group',
# but we want it to be always 'attributes'. Also, it tidies up the
# attributes column by default
rtracklayer_fun <- function() {
ans = setDT($file, columns =
if (!token$tidy_cols) set(ans, j = tail(names(ans), -9L), value = NULL)
ans[, (1:3) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols=1:3][]
list_cols = which(vapply(ans, is.list, TRUE))
if (length(list_cols)) {
list_paste <- function(x) sapply(x, paste, collapse=",")
# paste all values of list cols together
ans[, (list_cols) := lapply(.SD, list_paste), .SDcols=list_cols]
# drops all extra attributes
fread_fun <- function() fread(token$file, colClasses = token$types,
showProgress = token$verbose)
read_table_fun <- function() read_table(token$file, sep = "\t",
header = FALSE, comment.char = "#", nrows = -1L, colClasses =
token$types, quote = "")
ans = tryCatch(rtracklayer_fun(), error = function(o) {
if (token$verbose) cat("rtracklayer::readGFF failed to read",
" the gtf file. Reverting to data.table::fread.\n", sep="")
tryCatch(fread_fun(), error = function(o) {
if (token$verbose) cat("data.table::fread failed to read",
" as well. Reverting to base::read.table.\n", sep="")
setnames(ans, head(names(ans), 9L), token$names)
if (is.character(ans[["score"]]))
ans[, "score" := suppressWarnings(as.numeric(score))]
if (is.character(ans[["phase"]]))
ans[, "phase" := suppressWarnings(as.integer(phase))]
setattr(ans, 'class', c("gff", "data.table", "data.frame"))
gread.bed_format <- function(token) {
ans = tryCatch(fread(token$file, colClasses = token$types, sep="\t",
showProgress = token$verbose), error = function(o) {
if (token$verbose) cat("data.table::fread failed to read",
" the bed file. Reverting to 'read.table'",
" from base R.\n", sep="")
read_table(token$file, sep = "\t", header = FALSE,
comment.char = "#", nrows = -1L, colClasses =
token$types, quote = "")
# setnames will error if bed file has < 3 cols
setnames(ans, head(token$names, max(3L, ncol(ans))))
# ans[, start := start+1L] # TODO: should we automatically set start+1L?
setattr(ans, 'class', c("bed", "data.table", "data.frame"))
gread.bam_format <- function(token) {
if (token$verbose)
cat("Loading bam file: ",token$file,", please wait...\n", sep="")
what = c("flag")
flags = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE)
if (!length(token$chromosomes)) {
param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what=what, tag=token$tags, flag=flags)
} else {
hdr = Rsamtools::scanBamHeader(token$file)[[1]]$targets
hdr = hdr[names(hdr) %in% token$chromosomes]
if (!all(names(hdr) %in% token$chromosomes)) {
stop("chromosomes [", paste(setdiff(token$chromosomes,
names(hdr)), collapse=", "), "] not found in bam file.")
which = as_granges(data.table(seqnames = names(hdr),
start=1L, end = hdr, strand="*"), ignore_strand=TRUE)
param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what = what, which = which,
tag = token$tags, flag = flags)
# load bam with corresponding param
ans = as_bam(GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(token$file, param=param))
setattr(ans, 'class', c("bam", "data.table", "data.frame"))
# Internal helper functions --------------------------------------------------
read_table <- function(file, ...) {
setDT(read.table(file, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,, ...))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.