#' @title Extract features from gtf/gff objects
#' @description Provides functions for further post processing on objects of
#' class \code{gtf} and \code{gff}.
#' @details Extract features based on various criteria (usually intended for
#' obtaining read counts using \code{gcount} for a given \code{bam} file.
#' @param x Input object of class \code{gtf} or \code{gff} which inherits
#' from \code{GRanges}.
#' @param feature A character vector of (usually related) features to extract
#' from. One of \code{"gene_exon"}, \code{"gene"}, \code{"gene_intron"},
#' \code{"exon"}, \code{"intron"}. NB: \code{"exon"} feature must be present
#' in \code{x}.
#' @param type \code{default} just extracts the features and returns it as
#' such.
#' \code{union} merges all overlapping intervals into one. For e.g., with
#' intervals \code{[a,b], [c,d], [e,f]} where \code{c < a < e < d < b < f},
#' the \code{union} is \code{[c, f]}. NB: There may be more than one row per
#' \code{feature}.
#' \code{intersect} returns only the intersecting part. Using the same
#' intervals as before, the intersection is \code{[e,d]}. NB: If there is an
#' intersection, exactly one row is returned, else the \code{feature} is
#' skipped entirely (0-rows).
#' \code{disjoin} splits intervals into non-overlapping pieces. Using
#' the same interval as before, the pieces would be \code{[c,a-1]} and
#' \code{[b+1,f]}. NB: it could result in multiple rows for each a given
#' \code{feature}.
#' \code{longest} retains only the longest interval.
#' \code{shortest} retains only the shortest interval.
#' \code{overlap} is a special case. Of the overlapping intervals, only
#' the shortest interval is retained iff they all have identical \code{start},
#' \code{end}, or both. If not, all overlapping intervals are retained. For
#' e.g., with intervals \code{[a,b], [c,d], [e,f]} where \code{a == c, b == f,
#' d > b,f and e > a,c}, the interval \code{[e,f]} will be retained.
#' @param ignore_strand Logical argument to pass to \code{GRanges} function.
#' Indicates whether \code{strand} should be ignored when constructing
#' \code{GRanges} object or not. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param transcript_id Column name in \code{x} corresponding to transcript
#' id. Default value is \code{"transcript_id"}.
#' @param gene_id Column name in \code{x} corresponding to gene id. Default
#' value is \code{"gene_id"}.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other functions. Ignored at the moment.
#' @aliases extract extract_feature
#' @return An object of class \code{"gene"} when \code{feature} is
#' \code{"gene"}, \code{"gene_exon"} or \code{"gene_intron"}, and of class
#' \code{"exon"} and \code{"intron"} when \code{feature} is \code{"exon"} or
#' \code{"intron"} respectively. They all inherit from \code{GRanges}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_format}} \code{\link{as_granges}}
#' \code{\link{extract}} \code{\link{construct_introns}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("tests", package="gread")
#' gtf_file <- file.path(path, "sample.gtf")
#' gtf <- read_format(gtf_file)
#' # extract exons, combine coordinates of overlapping exons
#' exons <- extract(gtf, feature="exon", type="union")
#' # extract all exons within the gene, but combine overlapping exons
#' exons <- extract(gtf, feature="gene_exon", type="union")
#' ## extract gene span (uses exon coordinates if feature='gene' doesn't exist)
#' genes <- extract(gtf, feature="gene", type="default")
extract <- function(x, feature=c("gene_exon", "gene", "gene_intron", "exon",
"intron"), type=c("default", "union", "disjoin", "intersect", "longest",
"shortest", "overlap"), ignore_strand=FALSE,
transcript_id="transcript_id", gene_id="gene_id", ...) {
feature = match.arg(feature)
splits = unlist(strsplit(feature, "_", fixed=TRUE))
feature = splits[1L]
subfeature = if (is.na(splits[2L])) NULL else splits[2L]
stopifnot(is.gtf(x) || is.gff(x))
x <- as_data_table(x)
stopifnot("feature" %in% names(x),
ignore_strand %in% c(FALSE, TRUE),
transcript_id %in% names(x),
gene_id %in% names(x), nrow(x)>0L)
setattr(x, 'class', c(match.arg(feature), class(x)))
setnames(x, c(transcript_id, gene_id),
c("transcript_id", "gene_id"))
ans = extract_feature(x, unique(x$feature), subfeature,
match.arg(type), ignore_strand, ...)
new(class(ans)[1L], as(setDF(ans), "GRanges"))
# ----- internal functions for extracting specific features ----- #
extract_feature <- function(x, uniq_features, feature, type,
ignore_strand=FALSE, ...) {
extract_feature.default <- function(x, ...) {
stop("No default method implemented.")
extract_feature.gene <- function(x, uniq_features, feature, type,
ignore_strand=FALSE, ...) {
# to pleae R CMD CHECK
if (is.null(feature)) {
if (!"exon" %in% uniq_features)
stop("'exon' must be a feature in input object 'x'.")
construct_transcripts <- function(x) {
x[feature %chin% "exon", .(seqnames=seqnames[1L], start=min(start),
end=max(end), strand=strand[1L], gene_id=gene_id[1L]),
transcripts = construct_transcripts(x)
} else {
cols=c("transcript_id", "seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "gene_id")
.feature = feature
transcripts = x[feature %chin% .feature, cols, with=FALSE]
ans = switch (type,
default = {
genes = transcripts[, .(seqnames=seqnames[1L],
start=min(start), end=max(end), strand=strand[1L],
collapse=";")), by="gene_id"]
union = {
genes = suppressWarnings(reduce_overlaps(transcripts,
by="gene_id", ignore_strand=ignore_strand))
olaps = find_overlaps(genes, transcripts,
olaps[, "transcript_id" :=
olaps = olaps[, .(transcript_id =
paste(unique(transcript_id), collapse=";")),
"transcript_id" := olaps$transcript_id]
disjoin = {
genes = suppressWarnings(disjoin_overlaps(transcripts,
by="gene_id", ignore_strand=ignore_strand))
olaps = find_overlaps(genes, transcripts,
olaps[, "transcript_id" :=
olaps = olaps[, .(transcript_id =
paste(unique(transcript_id), collapse=";")),
"transcript_id" := olaps$transcript_id]
intersect = {
genes = transcripts[, if (max(start) <= min(end))
.(seqnames=seqnames[1L], start=max(start),
end=min(end), strand=strand[1L],
collapse=";")), by="gene_id"]
longest = {
max_len_idx = transcripts[, .I[which.max(end-start+1L
)], by="gene_id"]$V1
genes = transcripts[max_len_idx]
shortest = {
min_len_idx = transcripts[, .I[which.min(end-start+1L
)], by="gene_id"]$V1
genes = transcripts[min_len_idx]
overlap = {
stop("Not yet implemented.")
genes[, "length" := end-start+1L]
olaps = find_overlaps(genes, genes, type="any", select="all",
ignore_strand=FALSE, ignore_redundant=FALSE)
olaps = strictly_nonunique(setorder(olaps), "queryHits")
olaps = olaps[, .(gene_id = paste(genes$gene_id[subjectHits],
collapse=";")), by="queryHits"]
genes[, "overlaps":=gene_id][olaps$queryHits, "overlaps":=olaps$gene_id]
colorder = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "length", "strand",
"transcript_id", "gene_id", "overlaps")
setcolorder(genes, colorder)
extract_feature.exon <- function(x, uniq_features, feature, type,
ignore_strand=FALSE, ...) {
stopifnot("exon" %in% uniq_features)
# to please R CMD CHECK
cols = c("transcript_id", "seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "gene_id")
.feature = if (is.null(feature)) "exon" else feature
exons = x[feature %chin% .feature, cols, with=FALSE]
ans = switch (type,
default = {
# exons are already extracted
union = {
# gets all columns except 'transcript_id'
# warnings are from BiocGenerics..
exons_red = suppressWarnings(reduce_overlaps(exons,
by="gene_id", ignore_strand=ignore_strand))
olaps = find_overlaps(exons_red, exons,
olaps[, "transcript_id" :=
olaps = olaps[, .(transcript_id = paste(unique(
transcript_id), collapse=";")), by="queryHits"]
"transcript_id" := olaps$transcript_id]
exons = exons_red
disjoin = {
exons_red = suppressWarnings(disjoin_overlaps(exons,
by="gene_id", ignore_strand=ignore_strand))
olaps = find_overlaps(exons_red, exons,
olaps[, "transcript_id" :=
olaps = olaps[, .(transcript_id = paste(unique(
transcript_id), collapse=";")), by="queryHits"]
"transcript_id" := olaps$transcript_id]
exons = exons_red
intersect = {
# TODO: could we exclude the filtering step by
# computing overlaps within 'gene_id'?
# should be straightforward with data.
# table::foverlaps, as it can have multiple identifiers
# not sure how to do this with GRangesList object as I
# don't get the same result.
# exons_isect = find_overlaps(exons, exons,
# ignore_strand=ignore_strand)
# exons_isect = exons_isect[exons$gene_id[queryHits]
# == exons$gene_id[subjectHits]]
stop("Not yet implemented.")
longest = {
stop("Not yet implemented.")
shortest = {
stop("Not yet implemented.")
overlap = {
stop("Not yet implemented.")
exons[, "length" := end-start+1L]
# # TODO: mark overlapping genes
# olaps = find_overlaps(ans, ans, type="any", select="all",
# ignore_strand=ignore_strand,
# ignore_redundant=FALSE)
# olaps = strictly_nonunique(setorder(olaps), "queryHits")
# olaps = olaps[, .(gene_id = paste(ans$gene_id[subjectHits],
# collapse=",")), by=queryHits]
# ans[, "overlaps" := gene_id][olaps$queryHits, "overlaps" :=
# olaps$gene_id]
colorder = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "length", "strand",
"transcript_id", "gene_id") #, "overlaps")
setcolorder(exons, colorder)
extract_feature.intron <- function(x, uniq_features, feature, type,
ignore_strand=FALSE, ...) {
stopifnot("exon" %in% uniq_features)
# to please R CMD CHECK
cols = c("transcript_id", "seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "gene_id")
.feature = if (is.null(feature)) "intron" else feature
introns = x[feature %chin% .feature, cols, with=FALSE]
if (nrow(introns) == 0L) {
# most likely the object doesn't have introns, so construct them
warning("No introns found in input object. Attempting to construct
introns using construct_introns().")
xx = new(class(x)[2L], as_granges(x))
introns = as_data_table(construct_introns(xx, update=FALSE))
setattr(introns, 'class', data.table::copy(class(x)))
if (nrow(introns) == 0L)
stop("construct_introns() resulted in 0 introns as well.
Nothing to do.")
ans = switch (type,
default = {
# introns are already extracted
union = {
# gets all columns except 'transcript_id'
# warnings are from BiocGenerics..
introns_red = suppressWarnings(reduce_overlaps(introns
, by="gene_id", ignore_strand=ignore_strand))
olaps = find_overlaps(introns_red, introns,
olaps[, "transcript_id" :=
olaps = olaps[, .(transcript_id = paste(unique(
transcript_id), collapse=";")), by="queryHits"]
"transcript_id" := olaps$transcript_id]
introns = introns_red
disjoin = {
introns_red = suppressWarnings(disjoin_overlaps(introns
, by="gene_id", ignore_strand=ignore_strand))
olaps = find_overlaps(introns_red, introns,
olaps[, "transcript_id" :=
olaps = olaps[, .(transcript_id = paste(unique(
transcript_id), collapse=";")), by="queryHits"]
"transcript_id" := olaps$transcript_id]
introns = introns_red
intersect = {
# TODO: could we exclude the filtering step by
# computing overlaps within 'gene_id'?
# should be straightforward with data.
# table::foverlaps, as it can have multiple identifiers
# not sure how to do this with GRangesList object as I
# don't get the same result.
# introns_isect = find_overlaps(introns, introns,
# ignore_strand=ignore_strand)
# introns_isect = introns_isect[introns$gene_id[
# queryHits] == introns$gene_id[subjectHits]]
stop("Not yet implemented.")
longest = {
stop("Not yet implemented.")
shortest = {
stop("Not yet implemented.")
overlap = {
stop("Not yet implemented.")
introns[, "length" := end-start+1L]
# # TODO: mark overlapping genes
# olaps = find_overlaps(ans, ans, type="any", select="all",
# ignore_strand=ignore_strand,
# ignore_redundant=FALSE)
# olaps = strictly_nonunique(setorder(olaps), "queryHits")
# olaps = olaps[, .(gene_id = paste(ans$gene_id[subjectHits],
# collapse=",")), by=queryHits]
# ans[, "overlaps" := gene_id][olaps$queryHits, "overlaps" :=
# olaps$gene_id]
colorder = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "length", "strand",
"transcript_id", "gene_id") #, "overlaps")
setcolorder(introns, colorder)
# ----- Helper functions for extract_features --------------------------------
is.gtf <- function(x) inherits(x, 'gtf')
is.gff <- function(x) inherits(x, 'gff')
is.bed <- function(x) inherits(x, 'bed')
is.bam <- function(x) inherits(x, 'bam')
#' @title Convert gtf/gff/bam/bed S4 objects to data.table and preserve class
#' @description \code{as.data.table} converts the input object to
#' \code{data.table}, but strips away all other classes except
#' \code{data.table} and \code{data.frame}.
#' This internal function is a simple wrapper to \code{as.data.table} but
#' also retains the extra class information of the input object.
#' @param x An object that inherits from \code{GRanges}.
#' @param reset_class logical (default \code{FALSE}). If \code{TRUE}, resets
#' the class to \code{"data.table", "data.frame"}.
#' @aliases as_data_table
#' @return A data.table object with input class preserved.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' setClass("foo", contains="GRanges")
#' x = new("foo", GRanges(letters[1:5], IRanges(1:5, 6:10)))
#' class(x) # [1] "foo"
#' class(gread:::as_data_table(x)) # [1] "foo" "data.table" "data.frame"
#' }
as_data_table <- function(x, reset_class=FALSE) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "GRanges"))
cl = if (identical(class(x), "GRanges") || reset_class) NULL else class(x)
ans = as.data.table(x)
setattr(ans, 'class', c(cl, "data.table", "data.frame"))
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