#' @title Plot FastQC GC\% stats
#' @description This function plots the \code{GC\%} of each of the samples. If
#' info regarding the \code{group} each \code{sample} belongs to is also
#' available, then the generated plot will take that into account to colour /
#' facet accordingly.
#' @param \dots The set of \code{fastqc} objects to plot, usually of the
#' form \code{sample_name_1 = obj1}, \code{sample_name_2 = obj2}, etc. See
#' \code{examples}. The names will be used as title for facets.
#' @param interactive logical, default is \code{TRUE}, which returns an
#' \emph{interactive} \code{plotly} plot. If \code{FALSE}, it returns a
#' static \code{ggplot2} plot.
#' @param geom Possible values are \code{"jitter"} (default), \code{"point"}
#' and \code{"bar"}. \code{"jitter"} is only possible for
#' \code{interactive = TRUE}, and is usually the preferred option since it
#' provides the lowest ink ratio, and contains the least amount of clutter.
#' @return The plot object
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("tests/fastqc-sample", package="ggfastqc")
#' obj <- fastqc(sample_info = file.path(path, "annotation.txt"))
#' # interactive = TRUE (plotly)
#' plot_gc_stats(sample = obj) # jitter
#' plot_gc_stats(sample = obj, geom = "point")
#' plot_gc_stats(sample = obj, geom = "bar")
#' # interactive = FALSE (ggplot2)
#' plot_gc_stats(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE) # jitter
#' plot_gc_stats(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE, geom = "point")
#' plot_gc_stats(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE, geom = "bar")
#' @seealso \code{\link{fastqc}} \code{\link{plot_dup_stats}}
#' \code{\link{plot_sequence_quality}} \code{\link{plot_total_sequence_stats}}
#' @export
plot_gc_stats <- function(..., interactive=TRUE,
geom=c("jitter", "point", "bar")) {
ll = list(...)
gc = lapply(ll, function(l) {
stopifnot(inherits(l, "fastqc"))
ans = l[param == "basic_statistics", value]
if (is.null(names(ll)))
setattr(gc, 'names', paste0("fastqc_obj", seq_along(ll)))
gc = rbindlist(gc, idcol=TRUE)
cols = c("sample_name", "group", ".id")
as_factor <- function(x) factor(x, levels=unique(x))
gc[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, as_factor), .SDcols=cols
][, "splits" := findInterval(1:nrow(gc), seq(1, nrow(gc), by = 26L))]
geom = match.arg(geom)
aes = list(
x = if(geom == "jitter") "group" else "sample_name",
y = "percent_gc",
sample_name = "sample_name",
fill = "group"
theme = list(
xlab = if (geom == "jitter") "Groups" else "Sample",
ylab = "GC %",
title = "GC content among samples"
pl = switch(geom,
jitter = fastqc_jitter(gc, aes, theme, interactive),
point = fastqc_point(gc, aes, theme, interactive),
bar = fastqc_bar(gc, aes, theme, interactive)
# no need for stop(). match.arg() check above takes care of it.
#' @title Plot FastQC total sequences stats
#' @description This function plots the total sequences across samples. If
#' info regarding the \code{group} each \code{sample} belongs to is also
#' available, then the generated plot will take that into account to colour /
#' facet accordingly.
#' @param \dots The set of \code{fastqc} objects to plot, usually of the
#' form \code{sample_name_1 = obj1}, \code{sample_name_2 = obj2}, etc. See
#' \code{examples}. The names will be used as title for facets.
#' @param interactive logical, default is \code{TRUE}, which returns an
#' \emph{interactive} \code{plotly} plot. If \code{FALSE}, it returns a
#' static \code{ggplot2} plot.
#' @param geom Possible values are \code{"jitter"} (default), \code{"point"}
#' and \code{"bar"}. \code{"jitter"} is only possible for
#' \code{interactive = TRUE}, and is usually the preferred option since it
#' provides the lowest ink ratio, and contains the least amount of clutter.
#' @return The plot object
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("tests/fastqc-sample", package="ggfastqc")
#' obj <- fastqc(sample_info = file.path(path, "annotation.txt"))
#' # interactive = TRUE (plotly)
#' plot_total_sequence_stats(sample = obj) # geom = "jitter" (default)
#' plot_total_sequence_stats(sample = obj, geom = "point")
#' plot_total_sequence_stats(sample = obj, geom = "bar")
#' # interactive = FALSE (ggplot2)
#' plot_total_sequence_stats(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE) # jitter
#' plot_total_sequence_stats(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE, geom = "point")
#' plot_total_sequence_stats(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE, geom = "bar")
#' @seealso \code{\link{fastqc}} \code{\link{plot_dup_stats}}
#' \code{\link{plot_sequence_quality}} \code{\link{plot_gc_stats}}
#' @export
plot_total_sequence_stats <- function(..., interactive=TRUE,
geom=c("jitter", "point", "bar")) {
ll = list(...)
ts = lapply(ll, function(l) {
stopifnot(inherits(l, "fastqc"))
ans = l[param == "basic_statistics", value]
if (is.null(names(ll)))
setattr(ts, 'names', paste0("fastqc_obj", seq_along(ll)))
ts = rbindlist(ts, idcol=TRUE)
cols = c("sample_name", "group", ".id")
as_factor <- function(x) factor(x, levels=unique(x))
ts[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, as_factor), .SDcols=cols
][, "total_sequences" := total_sequences/1e6L # in million reads
][, "splits" := findInterval(1:nrow(ts), seq(1, nrow(ts), by = 26L))]
geom = match.arg(geom)
aes = list(
x = if(geom == "jitter") "group" else "sample_name",
y = "total_sequences",
sample_name = "sample_name",
fill = "group"
theme = list(
xlab = if (geom == "jitter") "Groups" else "Sample",
ylab = "Sequence count (in million)",
title = "Sequence count among samples"
pl = switch(geom,
jitter = fastqc_jitter(ts, aes, theme, interactive),
point = fastqc_point(ts, aes, theme, interactive),
bar = fastqc_bar(ts, aes, theme, interactive)
#' @title Plot FastQC duplication percent stats
#' @description This function plots the duplication percent across samples. If
#' info regarding the \code{group} each \code{sample} belongs to is also
#' available, then the generated plot will take that into account to colour /
#' facet accordingly.
#' @param \dots The set of \code{fastqc} objects to plot, usually of the
#' form \code{sample_name_1 = obj1}, \code{sample_name_2 = obj2}, etc. See
#' \code{examples}. The names will be used as title for facets.
#' @param interactive logical, default is \code{TRUE}, which returns an
#' \emph{interactive} \code{plotly} plot. If \code{FALSE}, it returns a
#' static \code{ggplot2} plot.
#' @param geom Possible values are \code{"jitter"} (default), \code{"point"}
#' and \code{"bar"}. \code{"jitter"} is only possible for
#' \code{interactive = TRUE}, and is usually the preferred option since it
#' provides the lowest ink ratio, and contains the least amount of clutter.
#' @return The plot object
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("tests/fastqc-sample", package="ggfastqc")
#' obj <- fastqc(sample_info = file.path(path, "annotation.txt"))
#' # interactive = TRUE (plotly)
#' plot_dup_stats(sample = obj) # geom = "jitter" (default)
#' plot_dup_stats(sample = obj, geom = "point")
#' plot_dup_stats(sample = obj, geom = "bar")
#' # interactive = FALSE (ggplot2)
#' plot_dup_stats(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE) # jitter
#' plot_dup_stats(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE, geom = "point")
#' plot_dup_stats(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE, geom = "bar")
#' @seealso \code{\link{fastqc}} \code{\link{plot_total_sequence_stats}}
#' \code{\link{plot_sequence_quality}} \code{\link{plot_gc_stats}}
#' @export
plot_dup_stats <- function(..., interactive=TRUE,
geom=c("jitter", "point", "bar")) {
ll = list(...)
dup = lapply(ll, function(l) {
stopifnot(inherits(l, "fastqc"))
ans = l[param == "sequence_duplication_level_percent", value]
if (is.null(names(ll)))
setattr(dup, 'names', paste0("fastqc_obj", seq_along(ll)))
dup = rbindlist(dup, idcol=TRUE)
cols = c("sample_name", "group", ".id")
as_factor <- function(x) factor(x, levels=unique(x))
dup[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, as_factor), .SDcols=cols
][, "splits" := findInterval(1:nrow(dup), seq(1, nrow(dup), by = 26L))]
setnames(dup, "total_duplicate_percentage", "dup_percent")
geom = match.arg(geom)
aes = list(
x = if(geom == "jitter") "group" else "sample_name",
y = "dup_percent",
sample_name = "sample_name",
fill = "group"
theme = list(
xlab = if (geom == "jitter") "Groups" else "Sample",
ylab = "Sequence duplication (in %)",
title = "Sequence duplication among samples"
pl = switch(geom,
jitter = fastqc_jitter(dup, aes, theme, interactive),
point = fastqc_point(dup, aes, theme, interactive),
bar = fastqc_bar(dup, aes, theme, interactive)
#' @title Plot FastQC per base sequence quality
#' @description This function plots the per base sequence quality across
#' samples. If info regarding the \code{group} each \code{sample} belongs to
#' is also available, then the generated plot will take that into account to
#' colour / facet accordingly.
#' @param \dots The set of \code{fastqc} objects to plot, usually of the
#' form \code{sample_name_1 = obj1}, \code{sample_name_2 = obj2}, etc. See
#' \code{examples}. The names will be used as title for facets.
#' @param interactive logical, default is \code{TRUE}, which returns an
#' \emph{interactive} \code{plotly} plot. If \code{FALSE}, it returns a
#' static \code{ggplot2} plot.
#' @param geom Only possible value is \code{"line"}.
#' @return The plot object
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("tests/fastqc-sample", package="ggfastqc")
#' obj <- fastqc(sample_info = file.path(path, "annotation.txt"))
#' # interactive = TRUE (plotly)
#' plot_sequence_quality(sample = obj)
#' # interactive = FALSE (ggplot2)
#' plot_sequence_quality(sample = obj, interactive = FALSE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{fastqc}} \code{\link{plot_dup_stats}}
#' \code{\link{plot_total_sequence_stats}} \code{\link{plot_gc_stats}}
#' @export
plot_sequence_quality <- function(..., interactive=TRUE, geom=c("line")) {
ll = list(...)
seqn = lapply(ll, function(l) {
stopifnot(inherits(l, "fastqc"))
ans = l[param == "per_base_sequence_quality", value]
if (is.null(names(ll)))
setattr(seqn, 'names', paste0("fastqc_obj", seq_along(ll)))
seqn = rbindlist(seqn, idcol=TRUE)
seqn[, "base_int" := as.integer(gsub("_.*$", "", base))]
cols = c("sample_name", "group", ".id", "pair")
as_factor <- function(x) factor(x, levels=unique(x))
seqn[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, as_factor), .SDcols=cols]
val = rep(1:uniqueN(seqn[["sample_name"]]),
seqn[, "splits" := findInterval(val, seq(1, nrow(seqn), by = 26L))]
geom = match.arg(geom)
aes = list(
x = "base_int",
y = "mean",
colour = "pair",
group = "sample_name",
ymax = "`90th_percentile`",
ymin = "`10th_percentile`",
sample_name = "sample_name",
base = "base"
theme = list(
xlab = "# Base",
ylab = "Read quality",
title = "Per base sequence quality"
pl = switch(geom,
line = fastqc_errorbar(seqn, aes, theme, interactive),
## internal geoms -----------------------
fastqc_jitter <- function(dt, aes, theme, interactive=TRUE) {
if (!interactive) {
warn = paste("When geom='jitter', only interactive",
"plots are possible. Setting interactive=TRUE")
if (!requireNamespace("plotly"))
stop("Package 'plotly' is not available.")
p = ggplot(dt, aes_string(x=aes$x, y=aes$y, sample=aes$sample_name)) +
geom_point(position = position_jitter(), aes_string(fill=aes$fill),
shape=21L, size=4L) +
ylim(0L, 100L) + xlab(theme$xlab) + ylab(theme$ylab) + theme_bw() +
facet_wrap(~ .id, scales="free_y", ncol=1L) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45L, hjust = 1L),
legend.text=element_text(size = 12L),
colour="#333333", size=0.12),
colour="#999999", size=0.06),
legend.position="none") +
plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = c("sample", "y"))
fastqc_point <- function(dt, aes, theme, interactive=TRUE) {
p = ggplot(dt, aes_string(x=aes$x, y=aes$y)) +
geom_point(aes_string(fill=aes$fill), shape=21L, size=4L) +
ylim(0L, 100L) + xlab(theme$xlab) + ylab(theme$ylab) + theme_bw() +
(if (max(dt$splits) == 1L)
facet_wrap(~ .id, scales="free_y", ncol=1L)
else facet_wrap(splits ~ .id, scales="free_x", ncol=1L)) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45L, hjust = 1L),
legend.text=element_text(size = 12L),
colour="#333333", size=0.12),
colour="#999999", size=0.06),
legend.position="bottom") +
if (interactive) {
if (!requireNamespace("plotly"))
stop("Package 'plotly' is not available.")
p = plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = c("x", "y"))
fastqc_bar <- function(dt, aes, theme, interactive=TRUE) {
p = ggplot(dt, aes_string(x=aes$x, y=aes$y)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", aes_string(fill=aes$fill)) +
ylim(0L, 100L) + xlab(theme$xlab) + ylab(theme$ylab) + theme_bw() +
(if (max(dt$splits) == 1L)
facet_wrap(~ .id, scales="free_y", ncol=1L)
else facet_wrap(splits ~ .id, scales="free_x", ncol=1L)) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45L, hjust = 1L),
legend.text=element_text(size = 12L),
colour="#333333", size=0.12),
colour="#999999", size=0.06),
legend.position="bottom") +
if (interactive) {
if (!requireNamespace("plotly"))
stop("Package 'plotly' is not available.")
p = plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = c("x", "y"))
fastqc_errorbar <- function(dt, aes, theme, interactive=TRUE) {
p = ggplot(dt, aes_string(x=aes$x, colour=aes$colour, group=aes$group,
sample_name=aes$sample_name, percentile_10=aes$ymin,
percentile_90=aes$ymax, base=aes$base)) +
geom_point(aes_string(y=aes$y)) +
geom_errorbar(aes_string(ymax=aes$ymax, ymin=aes$ymin))+
geom_line(aes_string(y=aes$y, group=aes$group)) +
(if (max(dt$splits) == 1L)
facet_wrap(~ .id, scales="free_y", ncol=1L)
else facet_wrap(splits ~ .id, scales="free_x", ncol=1L)) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=30L), colour="gray25", linetype="dotted") +
ylim(0, max(dt$mean, na.rm=TRUE)+1L) +
xlab(theme$xlab) + ylab(theme$ylab) + theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45L, hjust = 1L),
legend.text=element_text(size = 12L),
colour="#333333", size=0.12),
colour="#999999", size=0.06)) +
if (interactive) {
if (!requireNamespace("plotly"))
stop("Package 'plotly' is not available.")
# no error bars in plotly yet.. tooltip includes base#,
# 10th and 90th percentile
p = plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip =
c("sample_name", "base", "percentile_10", "percentile_90"))
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