##' These functions implement helper functions for the bandle method
##' @title Compute differential localisation probabilities from ms-based
##' experiments using the bandle method
##' @param params An instance of class `bandleParams`
##' @return returns a named vector of differential localisation probabilities
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 6L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' gpParams <- lapply(tansim$lopitrep, function(x)
##' fitGPmaternPC(x, hyppar = matrix(c(0.5, 1, 100), nrow = 1)))
##' d1 <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control1 <- d1[1:3]
##' treatment1 <- d1[4:6]
##' mcmc1 <- bandle(objectCond1 = control1, objectCond2 = treatment1, gpParams = gpParams,
##' fcol = "markers", numIter = 10L, burnin = 1L, thin = 2L,
##' numChains = 1, BPPARAM = SerialParam(RNGseed = 1))
##' mcmc1 <- bandleProcess(mcmc1)
##' dp <- diffLocalisationProb(mcmc1)
##' @rdname bandle-differentiallocalisation
diffLocalisationProb <- function(params) {
# Must be a valid bandleParams object
stopifnot(is(params, "bandleParams"))
res <- rowSums(1 * (params@chains@chains[[1]]@niche[[1]] - params@chains@chains[[1]]@niche[[2]]) != 0)
res <- res/ncol(params@chains@chains[[1]]@niche[[1]])
##' @title Obtain bootstrap uncertainty estimates for differential localisations
##' probabilities
##' @param params An instance of class `bandleParams`
##' @param top The number of proteins for which to compute bootstrap distributions
##' default is 20.
##' @param Bootsample Number of Bootstramp samples. Default is 5000
##' @param decreasing Starting at proteins most likely to be differentially localised.
##' @return returns a matrix of size Bootsample * top containing bootstrap
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 6L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' gpParams <- lapply(tansim$lopitrep,
##' function(x) fitGPmaternPC(x, hyppar = matrix(c(0.5, 1, 100), nrow = 1)))
##' d1 <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control1 <- d1[1:3]
##' treatment1 <- d1[4:6]
##' mcmc1 <- bandle(objectCond1 = control1, objectCond2 = treatment1, gpParams = gpParams,
##' fcol = "markers", numIter = 10L, burnin = 1L, thin = 2L,
##' numChains = 1, BPPARAM = SerialParam(RNGseed = 1))
##' mcmc1 <- bandleProcess(mcmc1)
##' bdp <- bootstrapdiffLocprob(mcmc1)
##' @rdname bandle-differentiallocalisation
bootstrapdiffLocprob <- function(params,
top = 20,
Bootsample = 5000,
decreasing = TRUE) {
res <- matrix(NA, ncol = Bootsample, nrow = top)
probs <- diffLocalisationProb(params = params)
prBootnames <- names(probs[order(probs, decreasing = decreasing)][seq.int(top)])
rownames(res) <- prBootnames
res <- vapply(seq.int(Bootsample), function(x) {
bootidx <- sample.int(ncol(params@chains@chains[[1]]@niche[[1]]),
replace = TRUE)
out <- rowSums(1 * (params@chains@chains[[1]]@niche[[1]][prBootnames, bootidx] -
params@chains@chains[[1]]@niche[[2]][prBootnames, bootidx] != 0))/length(bootidx)
}, numeric(top)
##' @title Obtain uncertainty estimates on differential localisation directly from binomial distributions,
##' using the Jeffries interval
##' @param params An instance of `bandleParams`
##' @param top The number of proteins for which to sample from the binomial distribution
##' @param nsample how many samples to return from the binomial distribution
##' @param decreasing Starting at protein most likely to be differentially localization
##' @return returns a list containing empirical binomial samples
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 6L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' gpParams <- lapply(tansim$lopitrep,
##' function(x) fitGPmaternPC(x, hyppar = matrix(c(0.5, 1, 100), nrow = 1)))
##' d1 <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control1 <- d1[1:3]
##' treatment1 <- d1[4:6]
##' mcmc1 <- bandle(objectCond1 = control1, objectCond2 = treatment1, gpParams = gpParams,
##' fcol = "markers", numIter = 10L, burnin = 1L, thin = 2L,
##' numChains = 1, BPPARAM = SerialParam(RNGseed = 1))
##' mcmc1 <- bandleProcess(mcmc1)
##' dp <- binomialDiffLocProb(mcmc1)
##' @rdname bandle-differentiallocalisation
binomialDiffLocProb <- function(params,
top = 20,
nsample = 5000,
decreasing = TRUE){
# Must be a valid bandleParams object
stopifnot(is(params, "bandleParams"))
res <- matrix(NA, ncol = nsample, nrow = top)
probs <- diffLocalisationProb(params = params)
prnames <- names(probs[order(probs, decreasing = decreasing)][seq.int(top)])
rownames(res) <- prnames
diff <- rowSums(1 * (params@chains@chains[[1]]@niche[[1]] - params@chains@chains[[1]]@niche[[2]]) != 0)
nT <- ncol(params@chains@chains[[1]]@niche[[1]])
#Jeffrey's samples
res <- t(vapply(diff[prnames],
rbeta(n = nsample,
shape1 = x + 1/2,
shape2 = nT - x + 1/2), numeric(nsample)))
rownames(res) <- prnames
##' The EFDR for a given threshold is equal to the sum over all proteins
##' that exceed that threshold of one minus the posterior probability of
##' differential localisations, divides by the total number of proteins
##' with probabilities of differential localisation greater than that
##' threshold.
##' @title Compute the expected False Discovery Rate
##' @param prob A numeric indicating probabilities of differential localisation
##' @param threshold A numeric indicating the probability threshold. The default
##' is 0.90.
##' @return The expected false discovery rate for a given threshold
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 6L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' gpParams <- lapply(tansim$lopitrep, function(x)
##' fitGPmaternPC(x, hyppar = matrix(c(0.5, 1, 100), nrow = 1)))
##' d1 <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control1 <- d1[1:3]
##' treatment1 <- d1[4:6]
##' mcmc1 <- bandle(objectCond1 = control1, objectCond2 = treatment1, gpParams = gpParams,
##' fcol = "markers", numIter = 10L, burnin = 1L, thin = 2L,
##' numChains = 1, BPPARAM = SerialParam(RNGseed = 1))
##' mcmc1 <- bandleProcess(mcmc1)
##' dp <- diffLocalisationProb(mcmc1)
##' EFDR(dp, threshold = 0.5)
##' @rdname bandle-EFDR
EFDR <- function(prob, threshold = 0.90) {
stopifnot("prob must be numeric"=is(prob, "numeric"))
stopifnot("prob must be probabilities"=max(prob) <= 1)
stopifnot("prob must be probabilities"=min(prob) >= 0)
stopifnot("threshold must be numeric"=is(threshold, "numeric"))
stopifnot("threshold must be a single values"=length(threshold) == 1)
.out <- sum((1 - prob) * I(prob > threshold)) / sum(I(prob > threshold))
##' @title Computes Organelle means and variances using markers
##' @param object a instance of class `MSnset`
##' @param fcol a feature column indicating which feature define the markers
##' @return returns a list of means and variances for each
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' meanOrganelle(object = tan2009r1)
##' @rdname bandle-meanOrganelle
meanOrganelle <- function(object, fcol = "markers"){
stopifnot(is(object, "MSnSet"))
M <- V <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)), ncol = ncol(object))
rownames(M) <- rownames(V) <- getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)
for (j in getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)) {
M[j, ] <- colMeans(Biobase::exprs(object)[fData(object)[, fcol] == j,])
V[j, ] <- apply(Biobase::exprs(object)[fData(object)[, fcol] == j,], 2, var)
return(list(M = M, V = V))
##' @title Computes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between Polya-Gamma and
##' Dirichlet priors
##' @param sigma the sigma parameter of the Polya-Gamma prior. A positive-definite
##' symmetric matrix.
##' @param mu the mu parameter of the Polya-Gamma prior. A vector of means
##' @param alpha the alpha (concentration) parameter of the Dirichlet prior
##' @return returns a numeric indicating the KL divergence
##' @md
##' @examples
##' kldirpg(sigma = diag(c(1,1,1)), mu = c(0,0,0), alpha = 1)
##' @rdname bandle-prior
kldirpg <- function(sigma = diag(1,1,1),
mu = c(0,0,0),
alpha = c(1)) {
stopifnot("sigma must be matrix"=is(sigma, "matrix"))
stopifnot("mu must be numeric"=is(mu, "numeric"))
stopifnot("alpha must be numeric"=is(alpha, "numeric"))
stopifnot("dimensions of sigma must match length of mu"=length(mu)==ncol(sigma))
D <- length(mu)
entpg <- -log((2*pi*exp(1))^D)/2 - sum(log(eigen(sigma)$values))/2 # compute determinant from eigenvalues
entdir <- sum(lgamma(alpha)) - lgamma(sum(alpha))
entdirpg_1 <- c(alpha) * (log(1 + exp(-mu)) + exp(mu) * diag(sigma)/(1 + exp(mu))^2)
entdirpg_2 <- c(alpha) * (log(1 + exp(mu)) - exp(mu) * diag(sigma)/(1 + exp(mu))^2)
entdirpgsum_1 <- sum(entdirpg_1)[-D]
entdirpgsum_2 <- sum(seq.int(1, D - 1) * entdirpg_2[2:D])
res <- entpg + entdir + entdirpgsum_1 + entdirpgsum_2
##' @title Compute the KL divergence between two Dirichlet distributions
##' @param alpha The concentration parameter of the first Dirichlet distribution
##' @param beta The concentration parameter of the second Dirichlet distribution
##' @return a numeric indicating the KL divergence
##' @md
##' @examples
##' kldir(c(1,1), c(3,1))
##' @rdname bandle-prior
kldir <- function(alpha, beta) {
stopifnot("alpha must be numeric"=is(alpha, "numeric"))
stopifnot("beta must be numeric"=is(beta, "numeric"))
res <- lgamma(sum(alpha)) - sum(lgamma(alpha)) - lgamma(sum(beta)) + sum(lgamma(beta)) +
sum((alpha - beta) * (digamma(alpha) - digamma(sum(alpha))))
##' @title A function to compute the prior predictive distribution of the
##' Dirichlet prior.
##' @param object An instance of class `MSnSet`
##' @param fcol Feature column indicating the markers. Default is "markers"
##' @param iter Number of sample to use from prior predictive distribution.
##' Default is 5000
##' @param dirPrior The Dirichlet prior used. If NULL (default) will generate a
##' a default Dirichlet prior. This should be a matrix with the same dimensions
##' as the number of subcellular niches. The diagonal terms correspond
##' to the prior probability of not differentially localising. The (i,j)
##' term corresponds to prior probability of differntially localising between
##' niche i and j.
##' @param q The upper tail value. That is the prior probability of having more
##' than q differential localisations. Default is 15.
##' @return A list contain the prior predictive distribution of
##' differential localisations, the mean number of differential localised proteins
##' and the probability than more than q are differentially localised
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' out <- prior_pred_dir(object = tan2009r1)
##' @rdname bandle-prior
prior_pred_dir <- function(object,
fcol = "markers",
iter = 5000,
dirPrior = NULL,
q = 15) {
stopifnot("object must be of class MSnSet"=is(object, "MSnSet"))
K <- length(getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol))
stopifnot("dirPrior must have dimensions equal to the number of
niches"=dim(dirPrior)==c(K, K))
if (is.null(dirPrior)) {
dirPrior <- diag(rep(1, K)) + matrix(0.05, nrow = K, ncol = K)
priornotAlloc <- vector(length = iter)
nkknown <- table(getMarkers(object, verbose = FALSE, fcol = fcol))[getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)]
for (i in seq.int(iter)) {
concentration <- diag(nkknown) + dirPrior
currentweights <- t(sampleDirichlet(K^2, c(concentration)))
priornotAlloc[i] <- sum(currentweights[1, -c((K + 1) * seq.int(K) - K)])
# average number of differential localisations
meannotAlloc <- mean(priornotAlloc) * nrow(unknownMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol))
# probability of having greater than q
tailnotAlloc <- sum((priornotAlloc * nrow(unknownMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol))) > q)/iter
return(list(priornotAlloc = priornotAlloc,
meannotAlloc = meannotAlloc,
tailnotAlloc = tailnotAlloc))
##' @title A function to compute the prior predictive distribution of the
##' Polya-Gamma prior.
##' @param objectCond1 An instance of class `MSnSet`, usually the control dataset
##' @param objectCond2 An instance of class `MSnSet`, usually the treatment dataset
##' @param fcol The feature column indiating the markers. Default is "markers"
##' @param tau The `tau` parameter of the Polya-Gamma prior. Default is 0.2.
##' @param lambda The `lambda` ridge parameter used for numerical stability.
##' Default is 0.01
##' @param mu_prior The mean of the Polya-Gamma prior. Default is NULL which generates
##' a default Polya-Gamma prior.
##' @param iter Number of sample to use from prior predictive distribution.
##' Default is 10000
##' @param q The upper tail value. That is the prior probability of having more
##' than q differential localisations. Default is 15.
##' @return A list contain the prior predictive distribution of
##' differential localisations, the mean number of differential localised proteins
##' and the probability than more than q are differentially localised
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 6L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' d1 <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control1 <- d1[1:3]
##' treatment1 <- d1[4:6]
##' out <- prior_pred_pg(objectCond1 = control1[[1]],
##' objectCond2 = treatment1[[1]])
##' @rdname bandle-prior
prior_pred_pg <- function(objectCond1,
fcol = "markers",
tau = 0.2,
lambda = 0.01,
mu_prior = NULL,
iter = 10000,
q = 15) {
stopifnot(is(objectCond1, "MSnSet"))
stopifnot(is(objectCond2, "MSnSet"))
# Expressions from data and important summaries
mydata <- Biobase::exprs(objectCond1)
M <- colMeans(mydata)
V <- cov(mydata)
nkknown <- table(getMarkers(objectCond1, verbose = FALSE, fcol = fcol))[getMarkerClasses(objectCond1, fcol = fcol)]
K <- length(getMarkerClasses(objectCond1, fcol = fcol))
sigma1 <- covOrganelle(object = objectCond1, fcol = fcol)
sigma2 <- covOrganelle(object = objectCond2, fcol = fcol)
w <- rep(1, K^2)
n_vec <- c(diag(nkknown))
kappa <- n_vec - 1/2
sigma_post <- solve(diag(w) + tau * kronecker(solve(t(sigma1) + diag(lambda, K)), solve(t(sigma2) + diag(lambda, K))))
if (is.null(mu_prior)) {
mu_prior <- rep(-9, K^2)
mu_prior[c((K + 1) * seq.int(K) - K)] <- mu_prior[c((K + 1) * seq.int(K) - K)] + 1
mu_post <- sigma_post %*% (kappa + tau * kronecker(solve(t(sigma1) + diag(lambda, K)),
solve(t(sigma2) + diag(lambda, K))) %*% mu_prior)
priornotAllocpg <- vector(length = iter)
for (i in seq.int(iter)) {
phi <- mu_post + chol(sigma_post) %*% rnorm(n = K^2, mean = 0, sd = rep(1, K^2))
currentweights <- rep(0, length(mu_post))
stick <- 1
for (j in seq.int(K^2 - 1)) {
currentweights[j] <- (1/(1 + exp(-phi[j]))) * stick # Stick-breaking construction
stick <- stick - currentweights[j]
currentweights[K^2] <- stick
w <- rcpp_pgdraw(rep(1, K^2), phi)
priornotAllocpg[i] <- sum(currentweights[-c((K + 1) * seq.int(K) - K)])
# average number of differential localisations
meannotAlloc <- mean(priornotAllocpg) * nrow(unknownMSnSet(objectCond1, fcol = fcol))
varnotAlloc <- var(priornotAllocpg)
# probability of having greater than 15
tailnotAlloc <- sum((priornotAllocpg * nrow(unknownMSnSet(objectCond1, fcol = fcol))) > q)/iter
return(list(priornotAllocpg = priornotAllocpg,
meannotAlloc = meannotAlloc,
varnotAlloc = varnotAlloc,
tailnotAlloc = tailnotAlloc))
##' This function is a wrapper function for the \code{gelman.diag} function from
##' the \code{coda} package. It takes a \code{bandleParams} object and
##' calculates the Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostic (otherwise known as
##' the potential scale reduction factor) for all pairwise MCMC chain
##' combinations, together with upper and lower confidence limits.
##' @title Calculate the Gelman and Rubin diagnostic for bandle output
##' @param params An instance of class \code{bandleParams}
##' @return A \code{list} of 2 \code{matrix} \code{array}'s, one for each
##' condition containing the point estimates of the potential scale reduction
##' factor (labelled Point est.) and their upper confidence limits (labelled
##' Upper C.I.).
##' @examples
##' ## Generate some example data
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 4L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' data <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control <- data[1:2]
##' treatment <- data[3:4]
##' ## fit GP params
##' gpParams <- lapply(tansim$lopitrep, function(x)
##' fitGPmaternPC(x, hyppar = matrix(c(0.5, 1, 100), nrow = 1)))
##' ## run bandle
##' res <- bandle(objectCond1 = control,
##' objectCond2 = treatment,
##' gpParams = gpParams,
##' fcol = "markers",
##' numIter = 20L,
##' burnin = 1L,
##' thin = 2L,
##' numChains = 2,
##' BPPARAM = SerialParam(RNGseed = 1),
##' seed = 1)
##' ## Process the results
##' calculateGelman(res)
calculateGelman <- function(params) {
stopifnot("params must be of class bandleParams"=inherits(params, "bandleParams"))
stopifnot("more than 1 chain is required to compute Gelman"=length(params@chains) > 1)
## get number of conditions (default is 2 but add here in case of pkg developemnt to allow more conditions)
n_conds <- length(params@chains@chains[[1]]@outlier)
## initiate list
gelmanStats <- vector("list", n_conds)
## Look over both conditions (n_conds = 2)
for (j in seq(n_conds)) {
## get MCMC outputs
outliers_cond <- lapply(params@chains@chains, function(mc)
coda::mcmc(colSums(1 - mc@outlier[[j]])))
## get combinations
p <- combinations(length(params@chains), 2)
m <- vector("list", nrow(p))
for (i in seq(nrow(p))) {
m[[i]] <- as.vector(p[i, ])
## calculate gelmans
gelmanStats[[j]] <- lapply(m, function(z)
gelman.diag(outliers_cond[z], autoburnin = FALSE)$psrf)
gelmanStats[[j]] <- matrix(unlist(gelmanStats[[j]]), nrow = 2,
dimnames = list(c("Point_Est", "Upper_CI")))
colnames(gelmanStats[[j]]) <- sapply(m, function(x)
paste0("comb_", paste0(x, collapse = "")))
names(gelmanStats) <- paste0("Condition", 1:2)
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