##' Internal sampling function, not for outside use documented for completness
##' @title sample allocations, probabilities and compute loglikilihoods
##' @param loglikelihoods the log likelihoods
##' @param currentweights the current allocations weights
##' @param alloctemp the current protein allocations
##' @param cond the control = 1, treatment = 2
##' @return returns samples for protein allocations, log likelihoods and probabilities
##' @md
##' @rdname bandle-internal
proteinAllocation <- function(loglikelihoods,
cond) {
K <- ncol(currentweights)
loglikelihoods_comb <- Reduce("+", loglikelihoods)
if (cond == 1) {
logconditionalprior <- t(log(currentweights[, alloctemp[[2]]])) # columns given condition 2
} else {
logconditionalprior <- log(currentweights[alloctemp[[1]], ]) # rows given condition 1
conditionalAlloc <- loglikelihoods_comb + logconditionalprior
cc <- apply(conditionalAlloc, 1, max)
conditionalAlloc <- conditionalAlloc - cc # correct for underflow
allocprobtemp <- exp(conditionalAlloc)/rowSums(exp(conditionalAlloc))
#alloctemp <- apply(allocprobtemp, 1, function(x) sample.int(n = K, size = 1, replace = F, prob = x))
alloctemp <- sampleAlloccpp(allocprobtemp)
return(list(alloctemp = alloctemp,
loglikelihoods_comb = loglikelihoods_comb,
allocprobtemp = allocprobtemp))
##' @title computer outlier allocations probabilties
##' @param outlierlikelihood the outlier log likelihoods
##' @param loglikelihoods the log likelihoods
##' @param epsilon the outlier component weight
##' @param alloctemp the current protein allocations
##' @param cond the control = 1, treatment = 2
##' @return returns outlier probabilities
##' @md
##' @rdname bandle-internal
outlierAllocationProbs <- function(outlierlikelihood,
cond) {
subset <- cbind(seq.int(length(alloctemp[[cond]])), alloctemp[[cond]])
outlierlikelihood_comb <- Reduce("+", outlierlikelihood)
allocnotOutprob <- log(1 - epsilon[cond]) + loglikelihoods[subset]
allocOutprob <- log(epsilon[cond]) + outlierlikelihood_comb
return(list(allocnotOutprob = allocnotOutprob, allocOutprob = allocOutprob))
##' @title sample outlier probabilities
##' @param allocoutlierprob the outlier probabilities
##' @return returns outlier allocations
##' @md
##' @rdname bandle-internal
sampleOutlier <- function(allocoutlierprob){
c <- apply(allocoutlierprob , 1, max)
allocoutlierprob <- allocoutlierprob - c # correct for underflow
allocoutlierprob <- exp(allocoutlierprob)/rowSums(exp(allocoutlierprob))
outlier <- sampleOutliercpp(allocoutlierprob) # reversed sample so 2nd entry is prob of 0
# outlier <- apply(allocoutlierprob, 1, function(z){
# sample(x = c(1, 0), 1, prob = z)}
# ) # reversed sample so 2nd entry is prob of 0
##' @title compute organelle covariances
##' @param object An instance of class `MSnSet`
##' @param fcol feature column indicating marker data. Default is "markers"
##' @return returns covariance of organelles using marker proteins
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' covOrganelle(object = tan2009r1)
##' @rdname bandle-internal
covOrganelle <- function(object, fcol = "markers"){
stopifnot("object must be a class of MSnSet"=is(object, "MSnSet"))
M <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)), ncol = ncol(object))
rownames(M) <- getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)
for (j in getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)) {
M[j, ] <- colMeans(Biobase::exprs(object)[fData(object)[, fcol] == j, ])
sigma <- cov(t(M))
##' @title Compute empirical Bayes Polya-Gamma prior
##' @param object_cond1 A list of instance of class `MSnSets` usually control
##' @param object_cond2 A list of instance of class `MSnSets` usually treatment
##' @param K the number of organelle classes
##' @param pgPrior The Polya-Gamma if user provided. Default is NULL to obtain value
##' empirically
##' @param fcol The feature column containing the markers.
##' @return returns the Polya-Gamma prior
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 6L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' d1 <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control1 <- d1[1:3]
##' treatment1 <- d1[4:6]
##' out <- pg_prior(object_cond1 = control1,
##' object_cond2 = treatment1, K = 11)
##' @rdname bandle-internal
pg_prior <- function(object_cond1,
pgPrior = NULL,
fcol = "markers") {
if (is.null(pgPrior)) {
mu_prior <- rep(-7, K^2)
mu_prior[c(K+1 * seq.int(K) - K)] <- mu_prior[c(K+1 * seq.int(K) - K)] + 1
sigma1 <- covOrganelle(object = object_cond1[[1]], fcol = fcol)
sigma2 <- covOrganelle(object = object_cond2[[1]], fcol = fcol)
pgPrior <- list(mu_prior = mu_prior, sigma1 = sigma1, sigma2 = sigma2)
##' @title Sample mixture weights given the polya-gamma prior
##' @param nk_mat The summary matrix of allocations
##' @param pgPrior The Polya-Gamma prior
##' @param w The Polya-Gamma auxiliary variable
##' @param K The number of organelle classes
##' @param tau The empirical bayes parameter for the Polya-Gamma variable.
##' Defaults to 0.2.
##' @return returns A sample of the weights using Polya-Gamma priors.
##' @md
##' @rdname bandle-internal
sample_weights_pg <- function(nk_mat,
tau = 0.2) {
# Polya-Gamma prior
mu_prior <- pgPrior$mu_prior
sigma1 <- pgPrior$sigma1
sigma2 <- pgPrior$sigma2
# Polya-Gamma Sampler
n_vec <- c(nk_mat)
kappa <- n_vec - 1/2
sigma_post <- solve(diag(w) + tau * kronecker(solve(t(sigma1) + diag(0.01, K)), solve(t(sigma2) + diag(0.01, K))))
mu_post <- sigma_post %*% (kappa + tau * kronecker(solve(t(sigma1) + diag(0.01, K)), solve(t(sigma2) + diag(0.01, K))) %*% mu_prior)
phi <- mu_post + chol(sigma_post) %*% rnorm(n = K^2, mean = 0, sd = rep(1, K^2))
#stick breaking construction
currentweights <- rep(0, length(mu_post))
stick <- 1
for (j in seq.int(K^2 - 1)) {
currentweights[j] <- (1/(1 + exp(-phi[j]))) * stick # Stick-breaking construction
stick <- stick - currentweights[j]
currentweights[K^2] <- stick
# Sample Polya-Gamma Variable
w <- rcpp_pgdraw(rep(1, K^2), phi)
return(list(currentweights = currentweights, w = w))
##' @title Sample mixture weights given the Dirichlet prior
##' @param nk_mat The summary matrix of allocations
##' @param dirPrior The Dirichlet prior
##' @return returns A sample of the weights using Dirichlet prior.
##' @md
##' @rdname bandle-internal
sample_weights_dir <- function(nk_mat, dirPrior){
#sample weights from dirichlet by normalising gammas
K <- ncol(nk_mat)
concentration <- dirPrior + nk_mat
currentweights <- t(sampleDirichlet(K^2, c(concentration)))
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